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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 74 KB, 1100x628, island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9335664 No.9335664 [Reply] [Original]

So I was thinking about what to do when I "make" it. In a few years I'll have more than enough to buy an island in the south pacific, make it comfy, buy a servant family to maintain the island and everything. They're surprisingly cheap, the one I found is only about $450,000 for ~20 acres.

What does /biz/ think of this plan?

pic related is the island I found

>> No.9335694

A servant family that's black right?

Also...wtf you going to do when a cyclone destroys your island?

>> No.9335697

Good luck with no infrastructure, dealing with and hostile wildlife, insect colonies and a lack of internet or a decent docking port.

Buying an island is a poor mans badly thought out dream. In reality it's shit

>> No.9335698

to build a house and everything it needs on an island is crazy expensive, fuck the ilsand price

>> No.9335732

Do it anon. Fucking bitches and running around naked like it’s 1256 ad is the shizznit

>> No.9335736

This is my dream too. You should sign up for privateislands.com magazine and check out what they've got for sale near Canada maybe. You have any plans for self sustainability? Off the grid, farming etc? I'm thinking of starting an off shore shrimp farm too. Proper eatin shrimps

>> No.9335832
File: 88 KB, 720x820, 1513979878237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Building infrastructure and taming the wilds would be a lovely postscript to success with shitcoins. Land anywhere would be awesome. Bees chickens cows and lab grown meats not to mention brewing beer and distilling spirits and making cheese. Fucking awesome.

>> No.9335933

>A servant family that's black right?
any race is fine, it would actually be nicer to not have a servant family actually. More peaceful and serene if I'm there by myself.

Thanks for the heads up anon. As for the wildlife aspect, it's only 20 acres so there won't be anything large, and as for the insect colonies, there isn't much vegetation so that won't be a huge problem - no more so than living somewhere like Australia.
>lack of internet
I'd have satellite internet, which offers better service than most cable ISPs in the world, so that's not a problem.
>decent docking port
Buying a boat for transportation and building a docking port would be the priority. Wouldn't be hard to build one even by myself with wood.

>to build a house and everything it needs on an island is crazy expensive, fuck the ilsand price
Won't be a problem, I'll have plenty left over to build a comfy wooden house.

>near Canada
I prefer the idea of south pacific. Nice weather, blue skies, clear blue water, isolated, tropical.

>You have any plans for self sustainability
I'll set up enough solar panels for energy (won't need much, just for lighting and charging electronics), if it's possible I'll look into buying a desalination machine for water. I'm a fish-eating vegetarian so I'll probably set aside part of the island to growing crops - won't need much for that since animals require a load more space and I'll try learning how to fish efficiently (i.e. not having to sit for hours with a rod to catch something).

Shrimp farming sounds awesome too.

>> No.9336031

You aren't going to have success with shitcoins; you are going to lose your Bitcoin with shitcoins, then kill yourself.

>> No.9336152

>fish-eating vegetarian


>> No.9336180

Unless you got solar/wind panels/batteries or a food/water/power source, you have no hope of electricity without frequent trips to the mainland for fuel and your Wi-fi is non-existent

>> No.9336231
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, 1521047223284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is global warming
I hope its worth it when you, your house and your shitty island are under sea level.

>> No.9336235

>reddit spacing
go back faggot

>> No.9336259

I will have solar panels, batteries, food, water etc. I will also have satellite internet which is better than most terrestrial ISPs.


>> No.9336337
File: 499 KB, 750x734, 1525854408133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big will your harem be?

>> No.9336596

>every year is hottest on record
>100 year storms happening every year
Can't wait for nature to fuck you hard. Just remember you could have bought a lake and some nice stable land in Canada but you wanted to be a coconut brained fag.

>> No.9337064

>implying there have never been warm periods in history
fuck off back to r*ddit you newfag nigger millenial.

>> No.9337233


Fuck off you autist. Nobody wants to live in cold fucking Canada.

Global Warming is real goys. Be good goys and spread the word.

>> No.9337276

Also, check out PENisland . com

It's a high end contracting group that buys small islands in the Pacific and builds sustainable houses. Pretty cool stuff.

>> No.9337349

Rising sea levels... Bad investment.

>> No.9337415
File: 24 KB, 543x443, 1512827097801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying a private island just to spend all day around niggers anyway

>> No.9337647

Global warming is real.
>Canada warming
>pacific islands underwater

>> No.9337697

I didn't even say it was man-made, just that it is happening. Even Exxon knows it's happening. Ppm of co2 has been rising dramatically. Sea levels are rising dramatically. You're going to argue that's not happening? Just a Jewish conspiracy? If we cant trust a consensus from people who's job it is to research this shit, who do we trust? Conspiracy forums and Alex Jones? Genuinely curious, cure me of my ignorance please.

>> No.9337795

>penisland .com
not falling for that again!

>> No.9337954

No one's saying it's a Jewish conspiracy or to trust Alex Jones. As someone with a background in Geology, I've read more than far msot people regarding this topic and I'm not convinced in the slightest. You can keep spreading this shit about how the scientists all support this, but it's complete garbage. If you've ever even set foot in a university geology department you'd know it's not as simple as "hurr durr everyone agrees with global warming".

So again, please fuck off back to r*ddit and go be a know-it-all faggot there.

Almost got me there!

>> No.9338041

Agree. it’s just going to turn out to be like the acid rain scare of the 90s or whenever that was

>> No.9338097

you're going to be bored as fuck after the first 2-3 months, and in a medical emergency you will be genuinely fucked

>> No.9338117

>No one's saying it's a Jewish conspiracy
See >>9337233

Everyone I've met who works in science-related fields (education or otherwise) says sea levels and ppm co2 in the atmosphere are rising at an abnormal rate. If that is incorrect, please share any relevant information you seem to have access to that I don't.
Not a know it all, I'm open to you being right, just need some evidence.

>> No.9338146

growing coral might be fun
I reckon you will be modelling your island after Depp/DiCaprio's?
Might want a deep-sea fishing boat

>> No.9338157

What if i'm up in btc even if it's just a bit trading shitcoins, is that better than just holding btc?

>> No.9338177

>I'm not a climate scientist but let me give you my opinion on a climate topic

Also 4chan poster

>> No.9338219

Land might be cheap but you have to import everything which is really expensive. You need to think about the costs that come with living in such a place not the initial acquisition costs.

>> No.9338242

There are delivery teams that specialise in that field to keep you supplied.
Cheaper than full-time staff

>> No.9338403

>As for the wildlife aspect, it's only 20 acres so there won't be anything large

>be you, made it in crypto, ready to finally start living the life you feel you deserve
>bought island, it's your responsibility to get yourself there, check it out and clean it up
>walking around on your 20 acres
>hear an elephant
wat do anon?

>> No.9338472

This may seem like a joke but here in India sometimes rivers sink old lands and sprout new lands . If that old land belonged to someone he goes from rich to poor. Ganges is infamous for that

>> No.9338513


>> No.9338523

pretty sure a herd of elephants would strip all the vegetation off the island.

>> No.9338536

You'll KYS from being so bored and lonely. Nothing to do, nobody to talk to, nowhere to go. Then there's the risks of rising sea level, tsunami, hurricane, etc.

>> No.9338694
File: 110 KB, 657x539, r (476).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd have satellite internet, which offers better service than most cable ISPs in the world

>> No.9339116

>a few years
anon... this ponzi has a few months left in it at best