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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 22 KB, 410x421, 5B60DA45-66D4-4717-BC19-D8C6F16F892B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9325365 No.9325365 [Reply] [Original]


We are fucked up

rip salesforce and hyperledger partnership


>> No.9325388

the fud is getting shittier and growing in volume
i need to buy

>> No.9325405

Reading comprehension?

>> No.9325425
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>> No.9325440

Massive fail for chainlink!

>> No.9325442

OP saw the word oracle gave up.

>> No.9325450
File: 166 KB, 800x800, 1007966_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this retarded

>> No.9325457



>> No.9325466

You fucking retard they're using chainlink.

>> No.9325496
File: 57 KB, 750x1000, 0DEC934B-440F-4425-BBA3-56F5CA7AE806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you fucking retard?


>> No.9325585


>> No.9325798

this is the opposite of fud. You realize hyperledger (open source) will use the (open source) decentralized oracle chainlink.

Also, later today I will show some evidence that IOTA has actually used chainlink in the past and will most likely be included in their upcoming Q product. Stay tuned.

>> No.9325818

nice larp faggot

absolute state of linkies

>> No.9325820

>retards who bought into chainlink meme

>> No.9325852

How can anyone be this fuckin dumb? (you)

>> No.9325860


>> No.9325875

same here

>> No.9325915
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>> No.9325921
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The article is incredibly bullish for ChainLink, and the timing of this all is very interesting considering the SmartContract team bumped up Ropsten to May 4 deadline

>> No.9325954

33k LINK enough for 7 figures EOY?

>> No.9325990

Most important part of that article is right here and it totally explains why there has been talk that main net must be up and running by September 1st. The Dreamforce conference begins September 17th.

"Salesforce.com Inc. Chief Executive Officer Marc Benioff said in March that his company wants to unveil a blockchain product by its annual Dreamforce conference this fall."

>> No.9326057

It should be, but link should also be a top 25 coin right now.

>> No.9326069

I'll be back tonight w/ story time.

>> No.9326097
File: 37 KB, 560x407, 39F231D6-BE68-4AF1-9F36-C14E73C62B05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’ll be waiting

>> No.9326117

work at Oracle, not using LINK

>> No.9326126
File: 30 KB, 455x644, C48B3B66-EDCC-4867-B6AB-F55B285D4305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to it anon, use this as your OP pic so we know

>> No.9326129

I also don’t wanna any non /biz/lets to get a piece of this at current price. They are unworthy.

>> No.9326144

no they are not you fucking idoit

>> No.9326168

Sweet. All these oracles popping out and Link will be first out of the gate.

>> No.9326178

You cryptofags really think you need tokens and crypto to use blockchain? The corporations are just going to own their own nodes and run it all themselves out of China and India with some pajeets getting paid next to nothing in fiat to run it.

>> No.9326232

>linkies are so desperate that they have to lie when the verifiable sources are RIGHT IN THE OP

>> No.9326233

>using should in this market
>using should at all
you should know how pointless these speculations are

>> No.9326237
File: 811 KB, 1019x2649, oracle-fact-sheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't have anything to do with decentralized oracles or smart contracts, so how does this affect Chainlink?

>> No.9326269


>> No.9326292
File: 292 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah... you don't even know the name of it.

Oracle Flexcube uses ChainLink. Peep the architecture. What do you think their blockchain agnostic adaptor is??

>> No.9326301

Holy shiet

>> No.9326323

A company called Oracle, which happens to have a business totally aside from actual blockchain oracles, is creating a blockchain product. It literally has nothing to do with Chainlink nor products alike

>> No.9326343

is this a lie?

Why the hell is LINK not $5 by now? Are whales fucking us over?

>> No.9326364

Sure give some random street shitters absolute control of data that involves several millions of dollars in transactions

>> No.9326379

It's called the Singularity for a reason, Rebecca.

>> No.9326419
File: 18 KB, 370x394, thomas unconfirming chaincode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thomas says that there are many other projects with a very similar technology, that doesn't imply they are collaborating in any way :(

>> No.9326474

Thats unironically whats gonna happen to crypto next. Big player software corp will come out like "oh btw, we made this ready to use blockchain, rent/license for fixed fee, no punks running nodes nor owning tokens. no volatility" and then all the "muh use case" chains gonna die.

>> No.9326487

I'm not even surprised you're a 4th world beaner spewing disinformation to continue "accumulating". You deserve every botfly that inhabits your forehead.

>> No.9326496
File: 273 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm taking a leap but it's my belief given the timeline that Sergey has been working on this, nobody is anywhere close to finishing a task/tech such as this. Sure the golang doesn't mean anything but in reading up on flexcube, you'll see Oracle (the company) even talks about collaboration and combining different solutions from different progress focused partners.
The current trend in big data is partnership, not acquisition or direct competition.
All signs point to these late enterprise companies utilizing ChainLink in their neatly wrapped enterprise solutions, without THEIR customers necessarily knowing that they're using it.

But cmon. You get to monetize your data. This isn't gonna take off?

>> No.9326519

I'm a top 200 Link holder faggot, I'm actually sharing my actual concerns and my understanding of the situation. Spreading fake and over excited shills is even worse than those P&D street shitters spreading fud

>> No.9326533

This is dumb fud, but it raises an interesting point.

Why exactly would any company that decided they didn't want to use a public blockchain so they use hyperledger then turn around and use a public oracle network, i.e., chainlink? Hyperledger themselves said chainlink isn't appropriate for permissioned blockchains.

>> No.9326556

You're a top 200 street shitter in Mumbai, no doubt. Focus on sharing your curry recipes and not shitting on your sandals. You fucking little monkey.

>> No.9326557

imagine being this retarded

>> No.9326568

I completely agree, I just want to be cautious


>> No.9326585

As must caution as is necessary when shitting on the street during Elephant Season?

>> No.9326599

I work at Oracle. It's probably the worst blockchain attempt by any of the large IT companies I've seen. It's argument is that it just werks.

>> No.9326601

Sell LINK now. LINK will be unable to counter the talented team of developers, powerful professional marketing team that Oracle has in their arsenal. Oracle also has vast knowledge and experience about the business world, unlike Sergey who is just a philosophy grad. Combine these three weapons, talented team of developers, powerful marketing team and vast knowledge and experience about business world, Sergey does not stand a chance against Oracle. Sell LINK buy Oracle for the next lambo moon mission.

>> No.9326625

because if you need a permissioned blockchain you don't really need a blockchain.

>> No.9326628


>> No.9326654

I wouldn't say that. There's no such thing as degrees of being censorship resistant, you either are or you aren't, but if you don't care about that, then there is value in each level of decentralization.

>> No.9326666

It would make more sense for hyperledger companies to use a permissioned version of chainlink.

>> No.9326693

i have to respect your digits

>> No.9326739

He's talking about the programming language go, brainlet

>> No.9326754

someone confirm whether this would be good or bad

>> No.9326788

>I don't want to imply that projects with a similar tech stack have anything to do with the work we're doing, because THERE ARE MANY THAT FOLLOW THE SAME PATTERN
He is making a generic statement retard, not speaking exclusively about Golang. Also he replied that when asked about recent Hyperledger's whitepaper and the 'chaincode' similarities

>> No.9326816


sure they can do that if they want to maintain a slower DB but track state. for the most part they will just continue to use SQL/noSQL DBs rather than blockchain for most things. Centralized blockchains defeat the main purpose of crypto though which is censorship resistance through decentralization and the trustleness that allows. For companies internal uses this is fine but you can't run dAPPS or have a currency on a centralized blockchain. The future of crypto isn't in enterprise use anyways; that is just a meme. Crypto won't derive value from use in legacy systems it will prove its worth in the new systems and tech that emerges.

>> No.9326854

>Oracle *THE COMPANY* will be making a blockchain product.
>OMG you guys have you ever heard of Oracle?!?! They have to be doing the same thing as Chainlink!!
You fucking brainlet fuck. Having worked with Oracle products for two decades... way before blockchain was even a thing... I can assure you anything they make is going to be overpriced hot garbage. Also it won’t affect Chainlink at all. AT ALL. Because guess what.. it’s just the name of a company, just like Chainlink doesn’t manufacture fences. Also you are a cocksucking nigger faggot.

>> No.9326861
File: 185 KB, 399x405, 625373452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weak fud

>> No.9326898

do you seriously believe this ? reason i ask is because im neck deep in link. i feel bad thinking about the possibility of it failing.

>> No.9326909

This. kek

>> No.9326943
File: 194 KB, 1367x281, in 3 years ull make it with eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know is not the same, but it's kinda reassuring to know that a lot of people who actually made it in the end, had similar doubts

>> No.9326961
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>> No.9326989
File: 35 KB, 1321x189, eth_ will never 100$.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.9326990

holy fuck I bet that guy killed himself

>> No.9327014


Can you please explain the value in lesser levels of decentralization below censorship resistance?

You mean just some security features it provides for protecting data or something?

>> No.9327037

work at Link, not using Oracle

>> No.9327044

It uses hyperledger you mong

>> No.9327129

Link is now officially Digibyte teir

Fucking May 2017 all over again

>> No.9327252

i can confirm this

>> No.9327292

Work at nintendo, I'm your dad

>> No.9327420


>> No.9327462

Appreciate it anon /biz/ looks after its own. That’s why we need the singularity. So we can huehue at noLinkers

>> No.9327573

i also work for big red, what hub u in

>> No.9327941

kys, obvious shill is obvious

>> No.9327994
File: 422 KB, 602x465, mysttrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your dysentery, kuldeep.

>> No.9328015

He was just a larper

>> No.9328082
File: 114 KB, 748x348, 1518048665168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if there was a permissioned version of chainlink... that used chainlink, and was worked on by the chainlink team before... imagine if something like Bletchey Cryplets existed.

>> No.9328228

Damnit link is such a piece of shit.

>> No.9328361

How to get invited to their slack channel? Would love to learn the different legal implications links will be hitting and how the core team and its followers are looking ahea.

>> No.9328396

message rory via "contact email" from smartcontrat (I don't remember it right now) or PM theroryshow via reddit asking about it and giving an email adress

>> No.9328422

Thank you, anon

>> No.9328432



>> No.9328440

STFU we dont need more /biz/tards on slack

>> No.9328469

I actually found the email adress you should ask support@smartcontract.com
everyone there browses /biz/

>> No.9328470

>when you're literally too dumb to interpret a slightly technical comment
stay the fuck you absolute sheep you don't deserve any gains from link

>> No.9328477

More like BOOMERberg am I right?

>> No.9328480


boy you know it's just a great language for writing parallelizable code right. Go is basically the official language to write crypto projects in.

>> No.9328504

doesn't mean everyone here is on slack ye dumb cunt. we literally don't need more /biz/tards going over to harass rory and thomas

>> No.9328567

Doesn't matter. I've been in the slack forever, it's a graveyard of shit we already know. Nothing useful. Pivotal tracker is the only useful tool the team shares

>> No.9328590

Fucking fuck. I got 40 FUCKING Thousand dollars in this FUCK. What the fuck. My wife's son won't get a college education now. No really I'm wtf do I do

>> No.9328660

I invested in link instead of paying my father in law credit card debt because I promised my gf It would have mooned by now. WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO NOW?
My girlfriend is gonna be nagging me until I give her the money

>> No.9328736
File: 60 KB, 1322x662, Screen Shot 2018-05-07 at 6.43.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


daily reminder that 60% of /biz/ isn't finished accumulating and this is shameless fud

>> No.9328752
File: 411 KB, 750x1293, 04A83703-0274-4EC9-8C0C-93C6A7836B0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have no self control their slack makes it incredibly hard not to shitpoat pic related.

>> No.9328915
File: 503 KB, 1082x695, 898C9076-3E65-4A7A-A74A-D939836004D9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anons. No shitposting or harassment to Rory and the gang. for whatever it’s worth, This anon means good.

>> No.9329138
File: 26 KB, 1881x126, 1515637523104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice cap.

>> No.9329184

Wow I actually feel like shit now. I have 45k link or something like that. Fuc...

>> No.9329307

Thanks but I'm in so deep as I mentioned before. Actually just bought another 3k tonight. I have to quit buying link but I truly believe that we need it so idk I feel really stupid because I know I'm being financially responsible but I also know I'll never make it unless I take a mega Hail Mary shot at something. Two sides constantly back and forth it's exhausting. Wish I could find something else to do besides lift weights and work.

>> No.9329523

At the time of this post ETH was worth $3. Feeling better now?

>> No.9329547

>shorting ether in 2016
fucking contrarians lel

>> No.9329558

>Price of crypto is PLUMMETING
>I need to buy!

At least wait for the bottom you brainlet.

>> No.9329624


>> No.9329764

Stop using Crest Whitening Strips to bleach your asshole and you'll feel better.

>> No.9329905

/biz/ is so borderline. link will moon.. just hold your bags and keep posting memes

>> No.9329917

so can we abandon the stupid "$3 in may" larp yet? I doubt we'll even see $1 EOY.

>> No.9329948

This is excellent news for Chainlink

>> No.9329990

Why do that when the whole process will be automated through chainlink?

I-I mean haha link is dead in the water absolute shitcoin etc

>> No.9329993

About to buy some LINK thanks OP

>> No.9329997

Doesn't this kill link

>> No.9330615

Thinking of selling my 75k link

>> No.9330763

Don't pay for your girlfriend's familiy's mistakes

>> No.9330764


sauce plz fren

>> No.9330766

Do it, faggot

>> No.9330823

What is the oracle problem

>> No.9330853

I'm a brainlet, but isn't that competition for link

>> No.9330954

Ask yourself what chainlink does and what kind of data it is supposed to put in the blockchain, and then ask yourself if that is the same function that a blockchain interoperability protocol would serve.

>> No.9330969

If the oracle problem was so severe, a mega corp like IBM would dedicate resources to it...face it, LINK is vaporware.

>> No.9331059
File: 62 KB, 971x632, actual news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just fud, consant bs and fud

no one here even talking about the largest motherfucking crypto conference coming up..

>> No.9331069

Your mom is vaporware

>> No.9331072
File: 22 KB, 480x360, Kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jokes on you brainlets
I sold the top of that pump
But you guys are so deluded
This isn't going past 2-3$ EVER
So trade while you can

>> No.9331100

Take this FUD to facebookies. Their responses would be Fun (no pun intended)

>> No.9331134

Silence ranjeet

>> No.9331969


>> No.9332167
File: 2 KB, 125x113, 1472525390156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it will NEVER get above 6 times its current value XD
>sell now before it reaches that value lol

>> No.9332517
File: 16 KB, 200x200, 435643457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chainlink is utter shit. Just buy ECA and get rich. Chainlink is a pejeet scam lol.

>> No.9333114
File: 143 KB, 1663x839, consensus2018tickets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this so fucking expansive?

>> No.9333173

Wow interoperability proticols completely btfo link. Aion will use bridges to collect api's

>> No.9334007
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 9E46BBD1-0004-446C-970B-B2AEF34B048E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9334107

Interesting that this page has been taken down but the little chat icon is still on the bottom and you can message Thomas and Rory. Looks like someone is working on the front end, and it's probably not too terribly long until they start rolling out the new logo and rebrand. Odd that they'd show it and confirm it once then wait so long to do anything else.


>> No.9334252

They’re targeting businesses (expense accounts) not neets. Never had a corporate card?

>> No.9334269

I messaged Rory in there and told him if I was a chick I'd have his baby