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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9325181 No.9325181 [Reply] [Original]

what was /biz/ like during the january crash?

>> No.9325188

or whenever it was

>> No.9325197

how new are you?

>> No.9325202

Holy shit. Is there video of this? Did she survive?

And op. It was basically like it is now but not as populated

>> No.9325215
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>> No.9325218

pink wojaks as far as the eye can see

>> No.9325225

also get 4chan X

>> No.9325240

lmao Imagine JUST NOW getting into crypto and coming to /biz/. After all this time you just now decide that now is the time.

>> No.9325241


>> No.9325249
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was away for a while to clear my head. got sick of crypto sold right before everything crashed.

>> No.9325267

lol nice. biz is funny can't imagine how crazy it was during the crash

>> No.9325276

I 'member when this was made

>> No.9325294

a ton of denial

>> No.9325312

I distinctly recall people posting their 300% losses and claiming they don't even give no shits.

>> No.9325321

Here you go newfren

>> No.9325326

>what was /biz/ like during the january crash?
fuck off newfag

>> No.9325328

this. lots of "this happens every january newfags" and then a painfully slow february in which it finally sunk in that we were all fucked. my buddy spent like 100K in february on a bunch of shit thinking he was buying the dip and then got JUST'd as it continued to plummet further and further

>> No.9325335

Pretty much it was like always making fun of everyone's coins that was tanking.. bragging about how they were the genius that sold 2 hours before the first red candle. ETC ETC.

>> No.9325338


>> No.9325383


>> No.9325423

Plenty of pink wojaks but just as many clif high threads for each green candle (13k BTC in late February BTW).

>> No.9325447


>> No.9325473


>> No.9325582

People were still optimistic, the true despair didn't kick in until late March and early April. I wouldn't be surprised if some posters legit committed suicide.

>> No.9325636


>> No.9325808
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very special. you could really tell how many people were treating cypto like a lottery ticket. the amount of retards that don't even know what they are buying is still amazing to this day


>> No.9325857

That ending.

>> No.9326038

stick for a while and you'll see. pro tip, this place is fun when markets to up, it gets a lot funnier when everything is going down the shitter.

>> No.9326162

It was the pinkest catalog I've seen in my entire life

>> No.9326184

i took the month of march off

>> No.9326236

It was fuckin hilarious
>no one is going to come into this if its going down
at first i thought larps, but fuck me they had some tension.
this basically >>9325808

>> No.9326296

Holy fucking shit. That thread. My sides.

>> No.9326646

Seriously. That stupid meme leads you into a trap and then it goes down 50% and everyone’s all just ‘it’s just wave 2 of the Elliot memes, wave 3 coming soon.’ This why I quit all my signal groups and make all my decisions by myself. Don’t even look at other peoples signals.

The worst part is during the week of the fake CNBC korean news it didn’t even seem like people cared that 20%-30% of everything just got wiped out that week. It really was complacency and ‘we just need to cool off’

>> No.9326665
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>> No.9326846


>> No.9326907

I bought the dip every week until April because I was sure that it had finally bottomed out

>> No.9327256

I think a lot of people killed themselves during that time. Good keks.

>> No.9327388
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>> No.9327490
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mfw i see my post screencapped for all eternity

it was his "that's toxic" reply that had me laughing

>> No.9327667
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>adamantium support at 13K

>> No.9327698

simple yet best description

>> No.9327758

>goes up 0.001%

>> No.9327956
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>bitcoin will never be less than 20K again

>> No.9328019
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>Newfag, leave us old December Joiners alone.