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9322396 No.9322396 [Reply] [Original]

-no insider trading
-lone wolf investing

knew about holo since august 2017 by searching underground articles about non blockchain cryptocurrency projects, completely amazed by how retarded the market is

>> No.9322447

proof or you are a larping faggot

>> No.9322479

also, still have a substantial amount invested in constellation labs, which has very high demand, was one of the first to join their telegram chat , i don't know why i spontaneously find all the gems before anyone else without even trying, gotta have something to do with great intuition on what to look for and knowing how to use google

>> No.9322494

give me ur eth address, i'll send u a penny from one of my whale wallets

>> No.9322500


Your main exchange?

>> No.9322573 [DELETED] 

pls and thanks, sir 0x469e14100805a2c23b638fbfcbb861fbbf5bbc8e

>> No.9322669

voila, AMA

>> No.9322719

Your ID is HOm

Are you a HOmo?

>> No.9322726

I'm pretty new in crypto and trying to start with 2k$. Any advice, op? Thank you

>> No.9322747

Holy fuck I’ll suck your D for the next call

>> No.9322787

What is the next coin to 100X?

I'll suck your dick as well

>> No.9322799

holy fuckkkkk, speechless lol. would have been nice to get a full ETH but ill take your next call too if you got one :P

>> No.9322805

What are your next plans?

What are you doing now that you've made enough to retire?

How much did you have before you made that much?

Anyone know about your crypto gains?

>> No.9322825


What the hell did you pick OP?

>> No.9322837

KEK - I love biz sometimes. Nice going OP. Gz on the gains.

>> No.9322847

hey whale anon, you know we have a discord for all the biz whales and neets right?


>> No.9322865
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tfw u will never make it

>> No.9322912

Care to share your research methods op ?

>> No.9322937
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>> No.9322939

you made 2500x in under one year? How in the actual fuck dude
t. 50x since Nov 2013

>> No.9322945

“Would’ve been nice to get a full eth”
Fuck you homeless pajeet beggar

>> No.9322958

Thoughts on Orchid Protocol?

>> No.9322968

also what is your cock size? Gotta know correlation of penis size to crypto gains

>> No.9322969

oh please, spare me your bullshit. Were on an anonymous image board, where I've seen a whale give some random dude a full BTC before. you saying you wouldn't take that if you could?

Were all fucking anons here, I have no shame. So yes, if this whale was willing to spare an ETH (which he obviously can) id gladly take it

>> No.9322996

Bump. I hope OP will notice me.

>> No.9323009 [DELETED] 
File: 631 KB, 1300x975, sir blease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I see a millionaire I feel the immense overwhelming urge to put my hands up in the air and beg

I'm never going to make it guys, I think I might have some Indian blood in me I will get it checked later this year.


>> No.9323012

also congrats and nice job realizing how fucking retarded the crypto "investors" are. My biggest failures are not buying absolute shitcoins like ripple, tron etc when they were worth pennies because I thought
>who the hell would actually be stupid enough to buy this fucking worthless crap
...turns out normies are A LOT more stupid than I ever thought

>> No.9323042
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op pls teach us ur ways

>> No.9323046
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also for fucks sake i lost my 5k investment by 2x leveraging OMG on bitfinex, then it flashcrashed to 1$ or somethign for a second


>> No.9323074

Where did the 360+ eth come from ?

>> No.9323075
File: 122 KB, 568x433, 1523216035452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this may sound a bit rude, but what's exactly the proof that OP's loaded?

>> No.9323088

no proof yet he is going to send it soon to >>9323009

>> No.9323089

who's this cutie

>> No.9323096

>>9322396 I can send you my 2D-waifu folder for 1 Eth email me l6e_6aauiadzbe0a@byom.de

>> No.9323107

Probably not, it has been done many times with crypto before. But if you can do that with stocks it's different story.

>> No.9323109

there's no proof, he is a larping faggot. Sending some filthy pajeet 0.01 eth doesn't make you a millionaire

>> No.9323142

see we are on the same level he first need to send a million to>>9323009 then we know he is millionaire then I will send back and we all ask him which coin to invest in next

>> No.9323150

Nevermind, he's a milly, check token balances on sending account.

>> No.9323158

Scan his wallet then

>> No.9323165

What part of NO BEGGING don't you understand?

>> No.9323178

it does make if the address contains 2MM lol
except something seems off, look at the other addresses, there are some with over 10MM

>> No.9323182

>t. retarded brainlet

but seriously op we know you are lieing. HOLO was pumped by many groups.

>> No.9323186

No character, sad.

>> No.9323197
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literal retards here

>> No.9323207

Check the transaction. There is a wallet with over 2MM in HOT

>> No.9323219

>op never comes back

Anyway constellation looks pretty cool thanks 4 the shill

>> No.9323232

You should be ashamed you beggar.

>> No.9323250

like this one
wtf is this? are you actually a 10MM+ whale or did you just decide to send 365 eth to some random address

>> No.9323253

the whole part, englisch never my first language

>> No.9323259

don't diversify and don't hodl, that's about it, go all in your favorite, than u go all out and hop on the next oppertunity. i turned 2k into 70k in 20 days by 4 oppertunities while the total market cap hadn't even doubled. people should leave their stock market dogma's at the stock market, the reason why you diversify in the stock market and diversify even more in penny stocks is because you're not sure if the market will appreciate the product, which all depends on fundamentals, cryptocurrencies go x100 while very little has changed in terms of fundamentals or adoption, it's all hype and make believe, so you buy coins that have lot's of hype potential, and sell it when the ledditors are finally in on it. It's not as if your coins can go bankrupt, and if you don't diversify you won't buy a scam coin either. i only started diversifying as liquidity became an issue. there is absolutely no way you can have an edge on market movement if you're diversified, i had such an edge insane edge on the iota market back in the summer of 2017, not only did the coin moon the biggest out of all the top 20 coins, i actually tripled my iota stack during the bullrun itself by daytrading/scalping https://i.imgur.com/RQG0a42.png.. i've been standing behind this philosophy since day one, i did my own thinking when i began crypto trading and it's just what made the most sense to me.
also, it's all about market cap, people don't get this enough, heres a story: back when i was a shrimp (july 2017) i invested all my holdings in a absolute shitcoin lead by only one developer named carson klock (google him you'll laugh). but when it gets put on coinmarketcap with a market cap of 7k, it was an absolute no brainer in my eyes, no downside whatsoever, so i quickly sniped it and made some great gains. i don't understand why shrimps even bother holding onto tron, vechain, cardano, ontology, stellar, neo, etc etc, like what do you expect to get out of it?

>> No.9323278


its a private sale address shhh

>> No.9323279

Good advice but proof of meme consesus model? is this a fuck joke?

>> No.9323311

Fucking hell thats a successful moonshot.

>> No.9323313

where did u find these shitcoins with high turnover potential, op?

>> No.9323325

ahh makes sense, well good job anon! very impressive

>> No.9323338
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>> No.9323361

do you think the era for crazy gains in crypto is passed? or is there still a chance if you've got a good strategy?

>> No.9323364

So you're a compulsive gambler who's been lucky so far.

>> No.9323376

Good job op but are you not going to get raped with crypto to crypto taxes while trading som much?

>> No.9323396

thoughts on ELEC? Im a shrimp and thats currently my "all in" coin. in since ICO. though technically not "all" more like 50%

>> No.9323409

>implying it was hard to get rich before 2017 in crypto????
>Go all in on coins with 0 volume??

>> No.9323434

I started with $100 last February, at $250k now. I share your thoughts about the shitcoins. If I could think like a dumbass it would have helped me a lot

>> No.9323450

>implying it is not risky to go all in on a random shitcoin with no volume
>implying anyone knew this market would go full retard giving multi-billion dollar valuations to coins that are literally worthless, produce no cash flow, and have no reason to be valued over 0
so no it was not as easy as newfags make it sound

>> No.9323453


>> No.9323483

Thank you. I was tempted to follow this kind of strategy and will now.

>> No.9323504
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>> No.9323530

OP, what do you think about ORI? It fit has low MC as i can see and pretty active team. Worth to risk?

>> No.9323535

i turned 2k into 5k in june's bear market.
i bought the presale and sold a bit too early, no point hodling it now
this is the part that i give a dogmatic answer to, like i said ", i don't know why i spontaneously find all the gems before anyone else without even trying, gotta have something to do with great intuition on what to look for and knowing how to use google". you have to be a hipster, in high school i wore all the cool clothing brands and listened to all the cool music before the rest, crypto is kinda the same. markets change, what is sexy 10 months ago isn't sexy now. there aren't specific things i look for in discovering gems, i just scroll around and absord information and can make great conclusions with given information. like some people aren't very smart, i shilled holochain to someone and he didn't invest because they didn't do vesting, when a team has been working on a project for 10 years only to raise 20m in an ico, do you really care if they are vested or not? people don't know what they should put their weight into

(for future reference i hereby prove that the initials of my name are A.D.)

>> No.9323554

>this is the part that i give a dogmatic answer to
this is the part that i can't give a dogmatic answer to*

>> No.9323563

when you go all out do you tether up or just jump right into the next moon mission? my worry is that i exit a coin then get JUST'd by a dip in the entire market. how do i avoid this? are you just lucky that you caught the biggest bullrun?

>> No.9323567

I'd like to know your opinion on ORI too

>> No.9323569

that is actually still really impressive from such a low investment
>If I could think like a dumbass it would have helped me a lot
yeah so true, bought Tron for $200 and sold the next day after researching it and coming to the conclusion it is shit. It would have be worth like 50k today

>> No.9323573

ty OP

>> No.9323587

would you still get into holochain now? how much do you think it has left in the tank?

>> No.9323589

> i bought the presale and sold a bit too early, no point hodling it now


>> No.9323626

Why so much lamdem, op?

>> No.9323632

pretty interesting stuff op, I'm just a bit confused what you actually did to research; you used Google, ok, but how did you actually get into HOLO for instance? Was your source bitcointalk, reddit, or just cryptonews websites? Where should we look for hidden gems?

>> No.9323661

Does it really matter? Statistically you are going to get JUST'd sooner or later by going all in anyway chasing losses. Unless you can afford to put a few thousand into a micro cap and leave it for months you are probably going to undo any gains you get with trading. OP was just lucky or rich enough not to worry about his initial investment

>> No.9323672
File: 63 KB, 793x786, 6C776FA1-4B8F-4995-8CE1-0DD60EA72F0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw you will never prove an anonymous mongolian basket weaving imageboard that you’re a millionaire

>> No.9323690

>bought into the préstale and sold a bit too early, no point in holding it now

This is how I know this is a larp, it contradicts all the advice you have been giving lol

>> No.9323698

that's my thinking too. i turned 300 bucks into 9K back in late december/early january. then i lost damn near all of it in the crash because i was a newfag who fell for the hodl meme

>> No.9323723

>what me next plans
idk lol
>wut do now retire
start a new religion and save western civilization
>how much did you have before you made that much?
1.5k euro, was a parents basement dweller, put all my networth into crypto and crypto still acounts for 95% of my networth lol, gotta lawyer up first nomsayin
>anyone know about your crypto gains?
yeah my friends

>> No.9323727

I plan to be invested in EOS and make use of the technology. Being at least a small time dapp developer ect. Will I be justed for trying to do this?

>> No.9323736

god dammit just reading that shit triggers me so much. i remember thinking "i'll be way over $100K by june." what a fucking cocktease this has been

>> No.9323740

I have $5k in crypto. What should I go all in on?

>> No.9323778

>start a new religion and save western civilization
OP is Synth confirmed

All in SKY

>> No.9323780

What's your next ICO to watch?
Are you gonna keep adding to your holo stack and when do you plan on selling it?

>> No.9323800

MOTHERFUCKKA!!! How much time u in the crypto? For a ubernewbie like me it's so fucking hard to surround myself with all that crypto information and understand it + there are alot of scam projects around and uggh... is it possible right now to quickly catch the gem or I need lot of time to understand all damn things about crypto? And did you have some experience in trading when you've been a shrimp?

>> No.9323815

just for you: go allin METRONOME ICO

thank me in 1 year when you are rich as fuck

>> No.9323816

I know what I want to ask, in what exchanges have you found your best plays?

>> No.9323858

looks shit mate

>> No.9323871

i was intrigued into iota, and this incentivized me to search for other non blockchain distributed ledger technologies and topologies, and thats how i found the article "Beyond Blockchain: Simple Scalable Cryptocurrencies". funny thing is i was only into crypto for a month when i discovered articles of arthur brock. i really don't understand why not more people take the same steps as i do i don't even spend my days searching for cryptos and reading through whitepapers

unironically 7"

>> No.9323889

OP are you the Anon who also has TAU? If so I really appreciate your leads. I'm the Anon who asked you about trying to denormify lol.

>> No.9323926

omg, /biz/tards are gonna lose so much money by following this ''strategy''..., gl guys

>> No.9323953

looks shit? haha just look at the team. nobrainer that this willl be top20 EOY

>> No.9323961

To elaborate on this, I almost doubled my portfolio in the past week or so thanks to you. Glad I saw your thread right before HOT trading went live on Idex. Thank you.

>> No.9323971


sup brah, were all gonna make it brah

>> No.9323972

Do you move your ever growing stack in and out of exchanges when you decide to switch between crpytos or just keep what you have at the exchange?

If you move it, Ledger or Trezor?

Also, outside of biz and plebbit, where do you source info from?

>> No.9323990

Is HOT still worth buying?

>> No.9323992

Also, congrats on your success!

>> No.9324065
File: 282 KB, 655x527, pepereading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So OP got rich by buying shitcoins during the greatest bull run crypto has seen yet. Although a bit deservingly since he did put in the research.

The problem with this kind of strategy now is that projects are actually finishing their developments. The market is constantly maturing. I don't see the point risking on shitcoins to moon if you have like $10k atm. Better to put it in VEN, LINK, AMB or some other serious big projects that are still atm speculative, but will soon launch and have partnerships which will accelerate adoption. You can also trade these cryptos, so if you are left bagholding, at least you are holding something good.

I remember in January I saw DBC getting shilled, bought it and within a week I think I sold for 4x gains. It was literally that easy.

>> No.9324087

Can you do a quick sum up? I glanced at their website and I don't really understand what it's about, especially the "long lasting crypto-currency" part.
Also, how to enter the token sale? It looks like it will be an auction, will that not prevent shrimps like me from entering it?

It looks very very hyped, and they have Don Tapscott as advisor which is a very good thing because he declines almost every offer, so far he had only accepted to be an advisor to Icon and Jibrel Network.

>> No.9324094
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OP i have about 32 milly hot will i make it?

>> No.9324099

>I don't see the point risking on shitcoins to moon if you have like $10k atm.
>Better to put it in VEN, LINK, AMB

>> No.9324158
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I finally found the post, OP reminded me of this lad.

>> No.9324168

Imagine how much money the average /biz/nessman is going to lose following this strategy lmao

>> No.9324169

supersave and flexible cryptocurrency. they can switch between different blockchains.

ico is auction. the price at the beginning is ultrahigh to be sure that its not soldout to whales. as times goes by the price for a token will drop more and more as long as its soldout. you decide what youre ready to pay for a token.

>> No.9324211

Thanks for the tip anon, do I have time to do a little bit of research about it in the following days before the ICO starts? I didn't manage to find any date other than "end of march".

>> No.9324222

Tell us your picks then faggot

>> No.9324239

Good job op, I’ve turned 2500 into about 1 mil in almost exactly 1 year. Obviously you were more successful but with last years run people act like this didn’t happen to thousands last year. Went in with 0 trading knowledge and literally just read and invested in reddit and biz most shilled coins that actually looked decent. Timed the top perfectly a few times so obviously got lucky in that regard but still outside of January this year there wasn’t many major crashes to any decent coins. I expect this year to be the same once the bull starts

>> No.9324267

i actually didn't make lots of returns during the bull mania of nov/dec/jan 2017/18. i thought about putting crypto aside and focusing on studies so i sold iota at 1 dollar while it kept mooning to 5dollar, my mates had to console me with "fortunes are made my buying low and selling to early". i didn't predict this market to moon all the way to 800b and i made most of my returns before and after that bull market. i still managed to turn my 250k into 1.5m by january by buying into oyster pearl at a market cap of 1.4m and lamden at ico (both where shilled on biz)

>market constantly maturing
the market was more mature before bull mania of late 2017. but now that the normies are here, it's indeed only going to mature.

>> No.9324273

so you got lucky twice or three times which is totally not unusual. Even I can go to rulette table and double my money 3-4 times without dropping jaws.

>> No.9324287

they will announce the ICO date 10 days before ICO on the official Socialmedia channels. i think it will be by EOM. do your research and take your time.

>> No.9324304
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>> No.9324311

OP, why would you want to be famous for being rich? You'll end up surrounding yourself with parasites for the rest of your life.

>> No.9324312


Thoughts on Cardstack? What other upcoming projects are you looking at?

>> No.9324324

in roulette you can make big gains or loos it all. in Crypto you can make big gains or loos maybe half of your invest. ive never lost more than 30-40% on anything i have invested. its super easy to make money in cryptoland.

>> No.9324353

But what about the rule "do the opposite of what /biz says"? I heard something about it..

>> No.9324367 [DELETED] 
File: 397 KB, 453x604, 1521301471018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont fucking believe you. I couldnt even reach one fucking BTC in 5 months. Yeah I fomod in at the start of bear market and whatever but I refuse to belive you made 2k into 1,5m without the golden bullrun. thats not possible. you are larping hard or the luckiest bastard in the world. 1,5m would change anyones life and you act like its no biggie.


show me that wealth you motherfucker. >>9322494

if this shit is possible and I cant do it I will open my wrists.

>> No.9324371

Impressive dude. All my projects so far have been biz shills. I invest only in biz shilled coins because i want my millionaire status to be creditet to biz once i make it just for the lulz

>> No.9324376

This, OP. Stay lowkey.

>> No.9324382 [DELETED] 

Sir pls only have 3k link , started with 1k

Anything would be appreciated,
just another lone wolf


>> No.9324387

fuck off beggar

>> No.9324411

how you see his monei

>> No.9324420

Ok, again thanks for the tip, good advices are hard to come by these days on biz

>> No.9324431

>luckiest bastard in the world
he is extremely lucky, that level of gains is nowhere near normal

>> No.9324453

you are welcome. i know biz is full of shit most of the time but sometimes you find a real gem between all this paid shills.

>> No.9324455

He send 0,01eth to this guy. Check the tokens on the adress it was sent from. Etherscan.io

>> No.9324471

I was banned about 4 dayz for posting similar shit, but then was a joke from my side.. so gl

>> No.9324480

well done OP, congrats on making it.
find this a bit confusing though, basically if you're small you should invest in shitcoins for the moonmissions but what they don't rocket? you're either left holding or you sell in hope of making it with something else

>> No.9324483

>listened to cool music before the rest
I have news for you the average music listener is like having the average IQ: just because you found a band before it was spoon fed to someone on the radio doesn't make it good - it just means your a researcher with normie taste.

>> No.9324485

They guys begging in this thread are you for real find a job at mcdonalds

>> No.9324493

people were already calling me extremely lucky when i told them i turned 2k into 70k back in september. guess i'm gonna keep lucking till the day i die than

>> No.9324522

Will look into this too thanks bro.

>> No.9324552

I have a teory that the more money you have, the safer you play. Not because you neccessery want to, but because people are scared of loseing all the gains.

How true is this?

>> No.9324557

luck is bullshit. people that do the work and deserve it, get it. whatever "it" happens to be.

>> No.9324565

Who cares about normal gains ? Are you there for that ?

>> No.9324570 [DELETED] 
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Can you send me some ETH so I can buy some HOT, my holo brother?


>> No.9324579

I don't mean you are not skilled or hardworking, but you also had a shit ton of luck m8, I also got really "lucky" when I got into the omg ICO

>> No.9324621

I started in early November and made 3k into 40k now so I absolutely believe you. I am however too afraif of putting all the eggs in one basket to have the real gains.
Also there are quite a few hidden gems that i never find before it's too late.. Holo is one of them. I did however manage to buy at 33 Gwei so that's better than nothing. But I yet again gambled too little with only a few eth

>> No.9324626

this, they didn't bet their savings on a low mc shitcoin did they?

>> No.9324644

Can you give me a quick history lesson, without going too detailed. Maybe what your biggest gains were? Thanks

>> No.9324645

Are you putting in these grammatical/spelling errors on purpose?
And will you shill some coins you're eyeing now?

>> No.9324669

How do I look for the right coin?

>> No.9324711

Haha yeah, I more so leaned on reddit because that’s the normie board and all the dumb money flowed into those shilled projects more than biz

Also just putting it out there Link is a shitcoin

>> No.9324745

How do I get started?
Any hope for someone who hasn't started at all?

>> No.9324777

THIS IS A SHITCOIN. NOTHING LIKE WHAT OP HAS BOUGHT. Are you kidding me? Look into Constellation Labs those fuckers are legitimate pioneers.

>> No.9324788

How are you gonna get out of HOT with that big of a stack? Even with peak hype the daily volume is still quite low.

>> No.9324800

thing is, when i bought oyster & holochain, i was euphoric when i made the investment, i wasn't even euphoric during the bullrun, as if i knew for certainty that these investments would pull a x10 before the moon mission even started, so when it finally started to moon i didn't even feel it. i shilled a couple of friends into buying holochain and they weren't nearly as euphoric as i was when we made the the investment, only now they're all euphoric and thankful. this is a big difference between me and my friends/other investors.

>> No.9324814

Just lurk everywhere. We all knew nothing about crypto when we started, there is no guide to it. It's basically just about doing your own research.
Always keep in mind that everyone wants to make money, and people who shill their coins are rarely doing it out of generosity (you'll have to learn how to differentiate the genuine guys from the shills).

>> No.9324820

Are you going to continue holding HOT?

>> No.9324823

>Constellation Labs
how the fuck do i invest in this

>> No.9324834
File: 152 KB, 1000x1607, 1525461614917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is called living in the moment, anon, and is the first step in becoming a world player and mover. Now will you answer my question, will I make it with 32 million HOT?

>> No.9324851

This looks like an ADA clone

>> No.9324853

What are some of the ways you find coins to invest in?

Do you think it's too late to buy HOLO?

>> No.9324860

Anthony Bourdain was in debt until he was in his 40's and became a millionaire in a short time. It happens to some people. Don't act like your whole life is luck just because you got lucky in shitcoins. By your own admission you lived in your mom's basement.

>> No.9324873

Check out their Telegram group. Private sale is over. They said they are announcing something like a public sale this week. Also thank OP because he put me on HOT/TAU/Constellation a week and a half ago.

>> No.9324887

I've been lurking for a little bit and I don't feel like I'm figuring out what to do, only what coins are being shilled. I don't even know if it's too late to get in on the shilled coins
Are there any coins right now that are being shilled for that are legit? Holochain, chain link, eos...?

>> No.9324890

oyster isnt done mooning yet

>> No.9324896

Metronome or Constellation?

>> No.9324900 [DELETED] 

wanna help out a genuine poorfag?


>> No.9324902
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x975, today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has '$2.5 million' in holo
>couldn't cash out without bringing it to 0 permemently
Good luck divesting any time soon. I mean I am buying holo, but I'm not so stupid as to own more of any one asset than the market could absorb.

>> No.9324918

If he made a 1 billion holo wall on hotbit right now at 200 it would be down in a couple weeks max.

>> No.9324926

This tells me you're level-headed, present, and aware. You're certain because you've figured out an approach that WORKS. I'm impressed, anon - I wish you nothing but future success.

>> No.9324929

Kill yourself disgusting beggar. Zero self-respect.

>> No.9324940
File: 598 KB, 808x805, vsw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Private sale is over.
ty mate, how much are they selling and for what? is it still worth it?

>> No.9324958 [DELETED] 

Congrats, seriously.

I was an early adopter to everything all my life (30 year old now) I would have invested in crypto, but I was too busy gambling and lost all my savings and also few years of my life. Now I have a family now and quited all the bullshit, but I have some debts and have nothing to invest in crypto as well.. would like a fresh start. you literally could change my life and my families (2 children and a beautiful wife) . 7 eth would help me pay my taxes and debts and 7 more with a good investment advice, would make me a phoenix. think of me as an investment, a shitcoin, which could moon or could die.. but if I make it, I will give 10x you back OP. also I would pray every morning and evening for you and your family until I make if I even do.


>> No.9324976

Holochain is legit and I think it will reach multi-billion in market cap. Chainlink I'm pretty sure is a fucking 4chan meme. Even if it's legit they will ruin it. Look at this shit:


>> No.9324991


Very intriguing and well done buddy.

Sorry if it's an obvious question but where exactly do you look to find projects like Ines you mentioned? only thing that comes to my mind is bitcointalk. Any other examples?
... help us out buddy.

Wish you well

>> No.9324992

OP might be the richest basement dweller of all time. Thats something to be proud about man, you fucking (bigtime)made it from your moms basement as the first person in history. Impressive work my man.

>> No.9324994
File: 387 KB, 680x708, ah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check out their Telegram group.

>> No.9324995

Holochain has some of the worst fundamentals I've ever seen in a while. i've read their whitepaper and they have no clue what they are doing. I wouldn't consider that to be a good long term investment, it's over hyped. I wouldn't get in right now that's for sure.
If you want a low mcap coin with big potential I'd put money into Origami Network.

ChainLINK is very legit, it's become a meme because it is one of the biggest moonshots there is, but it's risky. They are trying to solve the problem that is holding back crypto atm, and if they succeed they will bring to crypto the same kind of innovation that Ethereum did back in the days. I own some linkies and I'm not selling them anytime soon.

EOS has shit fundamentals and it's purely driven by hype, it's a poorly designed blockchain that is prone to many types of attacks, it's never going to kill Ethereum. EOS should have been released a year ago if they wanted to replace Ethereum, now Ethereum is implementing solutions that will make EOS irrelevant.

Aioin, Icon and Wanchain are all relatively safe bets (relative because nothing is really safe in this space).
JNT has good potential. Skycoin is the non-shit version of Holochain but the CEO is a n absolute sperglord.

I'm not good in judging what is going to go up based on hype or not, some pump and dumps, scams and shitcoins with more design flaws that a human is able to count make it to the top 10 while projects with perfect fundamentals remain unknown for months.

>> No.9325004

Don't beg here you fuck up. Lucky your ass isn't reported and b&

>> No.9325027

what's your next call? Do you see any undervalued projects right now that will skyrocket?

>> No.9325029


>> No.9325038

Should I buy now?

>> No.9325051

So you got lucky then...

>> No.9325105


Is that the constellation presale? Also what are the chances of them executing? Infinite transactions per second on a smart contract DAG sounds kind of nice but anyone can promise crazy shit.

>> No.9325126

>that 30 year old boomer who begs for crypto

>> No.9325155

Best call for next moonshot? Alrdy went for holo ico with my 5k, now 50k, should i stsy with holo or buy smth else? Also started a couple of weeks ago, and somehow i feel ya

>> No.9325165

Constellation is a completely new architecture of blockchain, if it can even be called a blockchain. Cardano is only worth so much because of Hoskinson.

>> No.9325170

Im pretty sure this aint real. On the very very off chance it is, nice work.

>> No.9325193

so now that you have our attention, will you tell biz where to put the money?

>> No.9325194

They are building a decentralized network to develop DApps on, generally for social media purposes. They made a fucking decentralized Twitter as proof of concept. How dense do you have to be to not know what they're doing?

>> No.9325229

That doesn't mean EOS can't damage the ETH market though. The amount of ETH they hold is mind boggling it makes me want to puke. And nothing is stopping them from dumping their stack.

>> No.9325245

You're talking about Holochain right? Their network isn't functional and if they do what they describe in their whitepaper it's gonna get absolutely ass raped by any person that took computer science 101 in college.

>> No.9325248

He really did. "going all in on your favorite" every time is horrible advice from a risk management perspective. For every lucky one there are more losers, what if your favorite was confido or any of the other exit scam shitcoins

>> No.9325251

You really think Origami is worth to risk? Thinking about going all in ( i have only few k).

>> No.9325270

Its not a completely new architecture, its a DAG.

A newer DAG, sure, but still a DAG.

>> No.9325296

There were some really big buys at around 0.001. Some around 10k, after Idex went down.
The best things in favor of ORI are low supply ( around 4mil) and mcap (under 4 mil).

>> No.9325297

Holo was never 33 Gwei... you've dropped a decimal place. ICO price was 227 Gwei, you must have got it at 330. A Gwei is a billionth (0.000000001) of an ETH.

>> No.9325301

Stop posting sneaky

>> No.9325311

Correct, sadly I'm pretty sure they will act like scumbags and marketsell their ETH for EOS at some point.

>> No.9325313
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>> No.9325356

If you're ready to lose these few thousands then maybe. It's a very solid project and the mcap is very small for what it is. But I'm not sure about anything, when pump and dump vaporwave craps like TRON manage to get billions in mcap and Justin Sun's followers suck his dick because he dumped his tokens on them.

>> No.9325386

ONLY people who do diversification bought Confido. sure your portofolio is more volatile than a diversified portofolio, but much more volatile to the upside than the downside.

not gonna give you beggers a single penny while me mum works 2 jobs minimum wage

>> No.9325399

Also constellation is marketing wank with no substance. It's just another DAG sacrificing security for scale. It'll probably still pump because it's slick but I don't feel comfortable buying something I know is bullshit to sell to bagholders who don't know better.

>> No.9325409
File: 36 KB, 601x237, Screenshot 2018-05-08 at 5.46.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like there will be a public sale. Pic related.

>> No.9325441

are you also british? what are taxes on this shit like?

>> No.9325458

>not gonna give you beggers a single penny while me mum works 2 jobs minimum wage

Fair enough. I like your point about hipsters that you posted earlier, gives me hope. I've always felt like I've been good at scoping things out before others are into them - everybody here probably has a little bit of that mentality in them since we're into crypto.

You apparently made lots off of Oyster. What are your thoughts on BAT?

>> No.9325480

You let your mum work 2 jobs with 5mil net worth.. No more comments

>> No.9325506

Give your mom some holo faggot

>> No.9325530

It’s a larp dude, I just don’t even see the point of making this thread in the first place. “Idk how I do it” “just go all in”

>> No.9325541

He mentioned talking to lawyers/accountants or something further up presumably hes about to take some money out. I know once I hit like 10x less than him I bought a large house and let my mum retire. She persued a hobby with her new free time and has a small business now as an artist selling locally.

>> No.9325570

My questions are:

>Do you have any tech background?
Obviously a tech background helps making decisions about crypto.

>What your research consists about?
I saw you said you don't spend that much time researching so I'm wondering what you look for, when you look for it, etc before making a final decision.

>> No.9325573

I may be a begger, but at least I will be the first one to answer your question. Cash out a mil, then you can go public and you would become famous, can get to some TV shows, Gelli g your story ans shilling crypto even more. Good luck with that. My advice price 7eth. 2nd advice. Please, please cash out like 5 annual salaries of your mother and let her live a life, give her a rest. All your money could go back to couple of thousands again and you would hate yourself for it, especially for your mother sake.. Also she could accompany you to TV shows and be proud of what a great son you are. Just think how this would shill crypto and make your investments even bigger. Especially if ladbible and other hype shit catch your story. Good luck.

>> No.9325603

you streetshitter gaining publicity is the most retarded thing a whale can do

>> No.9325615

op is larping, dont tire yourself. others already exposed this fag

>> No.9325642

What the fuck? You have millions and you haven't even cashed out enough so your mum doesn't have to work? Seriously mate?

You're letting her work two min wage jobs when the only reason you have this fortune is because she let you live in her basement. Fuck right off with that.

>> No.9325669

>Skycoin is the non-shit version of Holochain

Nice bait.

>> No.9325706

Can you tell me where you scroll around? What website do you use for finding coins?

Also what website do you frequent in relation to crypto, reading it and whatnot?

>> No.9325710

Dyor, I'm not going to spoonfeed you, I've done mine. If you have just a tiny bit a tech background there is 0 chances that you can disagree with this.

>> No.9325730

>I'm not good in judging what is going to go up based on hype or not, some pump and dumps, scams and shitcoins with more design

According to OP, it's ALL about hype.

>> No.9325743

Yeah you have more tech background than the CEO of firefox?


>> No.9325756

am i a sick fuck if i say i'd bang that thing from behind as long as it doesn't turn around?

>> No.9325762

CFO* whatever

>> No.9325770

Fine, but it was still luck. Most the coins you chose are still pretty shit and only an absolute madman would go all in them. But extreme high risk - extreme high reward. You got the reward, the next guy taking your advice might get completely rekt.

>> No.9325791

Alright guys. I suddenly got the feeling that I should visit /biz/ after months because something good will happen.

I have 150 bucks on Kraken.

Where do I even start? Buy BTC so I can use it to buy other coins?

>> No.9325794

OP already sent 0.01 ETH to one of the first anons from a $2.5 million wallet. Read.

>> No.9325796

i turned 700 into a little under 30k in my first week lol
got spoiled by that. can you elaborate on these underground articles and how you did your research?

>> No.9325819

OP found HOT by google Acyclic Graphs and Non-Blockchain Cryptocurrencies.

>> No.9325950

correct, couple months ago i put 100k on my bank to pay off my fathers debt and got the banks asking where it came from etc, anyway not gonna discuss family business with u plebs any further. a investors net worth is also different. in 10 months i've only burned 5k ( a coat and a vacation)

>> No.9325959

They keep saying in the telegram that they aren't doing a ICO/Public sale


>> No.9325973

No presale, but probably an airdrop or some other event.

>> No.9325989

I meant no public sale*

>> No.9326085

Paid off daddy's debt and went on vacation but didn't help your mom out? kys faggot

>> No.9326094

You might be right. that would suck, but TGE is end of this month so it'll be trading soon.

>> No.9326127

Honestly, it sounds to me like you've been using a bad strategy and just been very lucky. Going all in on some shitcoin based on your "feeling" is an awful strategy (unless you're a psychic). Diversifying is certainly a better idea than not for anyone investing relevant money.

>ur just jelly!! kys kys
Of course I would have liked to be as rich as OP. However it doesn't change my thoughts on this investing strategy. It's very bad unless you're very certain on what you're buying. And for that I think you need to be very skilled with the tech or have inside info.

>> No.9326141
File: 42 KB, 800x450, st.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CEO says they are going to have a "six-month program that will build the community and distribute the tokens to access the testnet and our community portal"

Whatever the fuck that means

>> No.9326239

Not real dude, prob an exchange account

>> No.9326264


>would i get famous if i get public about tuning 2k usd into 5m usd in less than a year?

It could land you some random job/networking
It would get you laid a lot much easier
It would be FOMO news for normies to entertain the idea of investing.
A great feeling of success and showing everyone that you made it?
Everyone knowing you have a lot of money will make your life easier and earn you respect for sure.


Just don't get kidnapped and murdered.
Also fake people and beggars

>> No.9326272

>It's very bad unless you're very certain on what you're buying.

thats exactly what i'm doing, holo is the most sincere ico since 2013, going all in holo at ico is a better investment strategy than holding 10 chink coins but you do you who buys every coin halfway moon and sells every coin halfway crash, i still need to make money out of someone right . not gonna explain this strategy i hope i incentived smart people who thought about doing this to actually do this,

>> No.9326283 [DELETED] 

another non-believer here


>> No.9326317

is holo still worth going in on?

>> No.9326345

You are so fucking salty about this dude making it, even if it was just luck.

>> No.9326353

curious to hear OPs opinion on this too, but I am in since ICO, up more than 10x because I also bought ETH low when I entered the ICO, and have only cashed out 10% to pay off my student loans. The rest I'm holding for another several X that I think is coming...

>> No.9326362

It's been shilled so fucking hard here it makes me doubt it. This whole thread seems like a subtle holo shill desu

>> No.9326367

I'll have to re-read these posts again later. Thanks OP it is difficult to break away from the crowd's mindset

>> No.9326402

I was thinking the exact same thing. Might be a bit paranoid tho

>> No.9326423

exactly what I was thinking after OP's last post, the psyops are real

inb4 his eth address is tied to one of the boomers on the holoteam

>> No.9326432

anyone who scores higher than 140 on ravens progressive matrices will agree with my strategy. if you scored higher than 140 on ravens progressive matrices and believe in diversification, hit me up

>> No.9326463

all those fat loser boomers on the holoteam are laughing their asses off right now

>> No.9326485

what currency do you store your money in? like what cryptocurrency? some fluctuate so much you could have big losses surely.

>> No.9326490

Diversification is for those that didn't do their homework.

Answer me though, is this constellation's wallet?


Thay said 32k eth raised and it matches the wallet.

>> No.9326547

Ravens progressive matrices caps out around 130, so that's a pretty useless metric. There are tests better designed for the higher IQ range. Also online tests generally are about as reliable as bernie madoff.
For the record, I score 140+ on those same bullshit poorly calibrated online tests, and I consider your strategy to be compulsive gambling, on which you have been lucky so far.

>> No.9326672

you're high IQ, wanna exchange contacts?

>> No.9326706

after this i'll sage the thread

>> No.9326707

you ruined this whole shilll with this one post

lol i gotta hand it holoshills though, you are really stepping it up

>> No.9326724

level with us, you're the wheelchair feminist aren't you?

I knew the sec the holoteam figured out they were the nazi hacker 4chan's newest flavor of the week they would pump n dump this shit just to spite the patriarchy

>> No.9326732

How do you avoid hodling coins if you go in on new stuff so early?

What kind of timeline are you looking at with each coin, like at what point in the coins life cycle are you buying and how long are you hodling? How do you know when your coin is a bust and to move on?

Begging for help here.

>> No.9326773

Creative holo shill 8/10. Too bad holo is literally shit fresh off the streets of Bangalore. Anyone who is holding holo and doesn’t know it’s a scam and just making quick gains is a fucking retard and I can’t wait for the pink wojaks when you get dumped on.

>> No.9326809

damn, these shill threads are getting good.
got to be really careful

>> No.9326814

It is pretty smart though, now everyone is going to want to go all in holo so they can be like this mythical 2500x investor

>> No.9326821


Hi i have a couple of questions:

I currently have about 10k usd saved up and 3.3k of that is in crypto.

After reading all of your answers, do you feel that hitting 10m in crypto (mainly small cap /ico investing, avoiding bigger coins) by 2022-2025 is a possibility?

Do you sell when a coin of yours gets listed on an exchange and then rebuy after a few hours or days?

Do you sell after big news and rebuy?

What is your best advice for ICO investing? Especially in a market like now.

Where will bitcoin bottom at in your opinion (controversial question guys so dont have a go at OP)

Thanks very much.

>> No.9326831

btfo bag holders, jesus christ how many paid shills are here

>> No.9326835

Also when did you start investing? I saw eth years ago (2015) but had no money since I was studying to get into uni

>> No.9326984

Good thread. Makes you think

Do you read Polymath or something like this? - https://polymatharchives.blogspot.com/2015/01/the-inappropriately-excluded.html?m=1
Can you share something worth to acknowledge besides crypto?

>> No.9327016

Lol dude I doubt he is who he claims he is, look how fucking weird this whole thread is.
Who would even start a thread like this??? “Should I go public about all the money I made with this coin?” That just so happens to be everywhere?

Come on dude, don’t tell me you don’t see it.
Now he is asking to exchange contacts with ANONYMOUS people online?
Or I might just be fucking salty, Jesus.

>> No.9327042
File: 1 KB, 300x46, 1495431506884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his wallet

>> No.9327499
File: 46 KB, 480x297, oY73F7H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Basing someones IQ simply by the fact that they agree with you.

I have a lot of experience in sports trading and poker, and I have stumbled across the occasional "fish on heater" who after some success believe that they have solved the game. This is exactly what's happening to OP

>> No.9327539
File: 74 KB, 1606x532, r5XmzlU[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't fall in love with the coin man, just have a market cap in target, look at the surrounding market caps, and ask yourself, what marketcap fits this coin better? when a coin has an appropriate relative market cap, doesn't matter how much you love the coin and the team, it becomes a useless coin investment wise. this is also why the notion of high cap coins being more safe is bullshit, that's just another dogma from the stock market. in august 2017 i did a poll on a fb normie group """IOTA is the only cryptocurrency that isn't a blockchain (its distributed ledger technology is called a directed acyclic graph). Did you know about this before?""" even as a top 10 coin, only 1/15 were aware on how IOTA was a radically different distributed ledger technology from all the other cryptocurrencies at that time, this got me excited because what i got from it is that IOTA still had lot's of unrealized hype potential, couple months later this knowledge began spreading like wildfire and the cryptoherd arrived. people really move in herds, no one knows or talks about it for months while it's the information is already there, and than suddenly, in a span of a couple of weeks, knows about it.

me putting my whole net worth in ethereum the begining of june 2017 was at the same time my first investment ever

>by 2022-2025
yes, i do think we'll have a very long but slow bear market for the couple of years with ups and downs, surely still money to be made if you're not a hodler or diversifier but instead have lots of edge on the market movement which i used to have when i just started, being a whale with bad liquidity made me lazy, i can't sell and buy as easily even when i'm already diversified. because of this i stopped tracking the graphs and people behavior in the same way i used to. when you combine hype/moon/fundamental investing with scalping/daytrading, you'll have the ultimate edge.

>> No.9327550

This. I only see “intuition” and anecdotal arguments, which are more or less just luck. It’s skill only if you can quantify your strategy so that others who follow your strategy can obtain similar results.

>> No.9327574

You think IOTA is still worth to invest?

>> No.9327580

>and than suddenly, in a span of a couple of weeks, everyone knows about it.

>> No.9327586

yeah, I'm sure you sold 5m worth of holo on this thicc, functioning order books

>> No.9327622

>like what do you expect to get out of it

Not dumped on.

>> No.9327683

I'm currently all in ORI, only 3.5m market cap so I know it'll grow. I'm gonna dump it at 20m market cap and move on to the next low cap gem

>> No.9327753

hi sneaky

>> No.9327797

Just getting back from the gym. You can reach me at biz1234@protonmail.com. Let me know which e-mail address you'll be sending from, so I can verify it's you.

>> No.9327813
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this 100%

>> No.9327851

What is sneaky

>> No.9327861


>> No.9327961

where did you learn about cryptocurrency? or even, about investing and trading?
As a newcomer to the subject, I am extremely eager to suck up as many precious information from valuable players such as yourself (Or at least I am to assume).

Also, are you still studying? If so, will you continue with your newfound wealth?

Hope you reply, might bea few kewstrokes for you, but an invaluable asset for me.

>> No.9327966

How can I get in contact with you?

>> No.9328026

>cryptocurrencies go x100 while very little has changed in terms of fundamentals or adoption, it's all hype and make believe, so you buy coins that have lot's of hype potential, and sell it when the ledditors are finally in on it.
Tfw you know AND you know others know it's a pure greater fools market

>> No.9328033
File: 10 KB, 181x279, ambposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell us your thoughts on AMB. Thanks.

I have 50% AMB, 25% SONM, 25% EOS.
AMB because I want it to go VEN and I like the team and product and new CMO from Versace and it's 100 mcap.
SONM 100 mcap, consensus main sponsor, some cool partnerships coming out.
EOS because I think Bitfinex/Dan will pump this motherfucker up to the moon with their ETH warchest.

>> No.9328062 [DELETED] 

I can confirm OP is not LARPing because I know him through another discussion board for nearly a year now. When I saw the thread title I knew it must have been you, because I've yet to hear of anyone with as absurd of a success story in crypto.

You're insanely intelligent, but you can't discount the role of chance. Not a single coin you've chosen has done poorly.

>> No.9328175

not OP, but anyone who's been into distributed computing and services (even going beyond cryptocurrency) have heard about holochain. They're one of the first groups to propose an alternative to blockchains, I believe even before DAG coins (most which aren't secure). Even if you don't understand the tech you should get in because they're first movers.

Second tip, invest in crypto for the tech, most of these service oriented tokens are bullshit scams with no real use. Only one I can think of that's actually used, and used in scale is Steemit.
Remember that this board is the most active on 4chan so it obviously attracts the lowest common denominator. Just a couple days ago there was a thread with people who didn't even understand basic market mechanics. These brainlets (who think they're not brainlets) are the 60%. And think about all the normies under them. These are the people you're trading with. If you have sense and are actually interested in crypto, beyond the greed, you'll make it.

t. 9,000x past 2 years, 3 figure BTC club

>> No.9328178

Good read. I would have gone balls deep at the earliest stage possible if I'd encountered it, though I'm not entirely convinced Brock is capable of delivering given the sort of fuzzy managerial-class stuff he's willingly involved himself in. Would you buy a bag of Holochain now?
Also congrats OP, truly impressive

>> No.9328225

is holo the only game changer on the market that hasn't mooned yet?

>> No.9328254

codeword: mirin aesthetics

>> No.9328296

>The Look when you are 4 minutes late.

>> No.9328387

The ICO was just last month, and its only on dex exchanges and Hotbit. Even though its already up 30%, I wouldn't be surprised if it were to hit 1 cent in the next couple of months. As for other coins, I don't follow too many projects. The one which is still currently mooning that I'm holding is EOS. Another neat project to follow which is still in development that is somewhat in the same flavor as Holo is the Polkadot Network (headed by ethereum cofounder).

>> No.9328417

I agree with steady downtrend for the next few years. People let their emotions get the better of them and delude themselves into always thinking we are in a bull market.

My plan is to wait till btc looks like it is just too low (i assume probably 2-4k valuation) and then buy NEP5 and low cap ERC tokens.

What market cap do you find is most profitable (e.g. 5m, 20m, 100m) for your proposed method of a mix of fundamental investing and day trading?

Can you take a stab(even if its wrong which it likrly would be) as to where btc bottom is? 3k? 4? Idk i just think based off 2014 (which shares normie sentiment and investor sentiment trends with now) we would hit 180/1100 which comes to about 2-3k bottom.

>> No.9328502

Also you say:
Dont hodl(i get that i missed easy x10 accumulation opportunities, but it is just hard to know when to sell and rebuy)

Dont diversify: this i am not sure about. Can you sell me a bit more on this point please? I dont diversify asset class but within crypto i stick to all ERC20 or all NEP5 tokens at any given time (e.g. now i am all in on QLC DBC TKY and soon NAS) is this bad

>> No.9328629

I've made well over a million myself on crypto, and this is quite similar to how I'd describe my process.

>> No.9328709

this is definitely not the fastest board on 4chan

>> No.9328710

>That Look when

You're early newfag, lurk moar

>> No.9328730

Can confirm OP is not LARPing. Began discussing crypto on another board roughly a year ago.

My greatest blunder was bagholding LINK for 3 months while every shitcoin and its daughter 10x'd last fall. I think I'd be in a similar financial position to you if not for that. Wealth potentiates quickly. But instead I'm behind you by a factor of 10. Honestly, there was a period of time when checking the FM thread was the most frustrating point of my week. Because I knew you'd have 10x'd yet again. And you usually did. I don't think there's a coin you haven't done well on. While the rest of us were pulling our receded hairline out mercilessly watching our shitcoins, you were spending hours researching obscure projects. Some people were blessed with IQ AND conscientiousness...

>> No.9328841

>people think they can replicate OP

Pure luck. The fact he's saying he bought the bottoms and sold the tops perfectly should show it's bullshit. Might as well do the same by just margin trading BTC, plenty of volatility to make millions if you know the future.

>> No.9328963

The point is that you can sell the tops and buy the bottoms at least partially successfully.

OP says he didnt always sell the top and buy the bottom, but its the investment method that counts

>> No.9329163
File: 76 KB, 710x577, pepe bah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hit 1 cent
You think it's going to pass litecoin and be 6th?

>> No.9329163,1 [INTERNAL] 

Damn i never knew how much fun this could be doing it.