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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9320106 No.9320106 [Reply] [Original]

Adsense Earnings Thread

Where are my fellow adsense bros

>> No.9320141


>> No.9320148

What kind of website do you run?/ how do you get traffic? Ive considered doing a site to maybe make a couple hundred bucks a month but I have no clue where to start. Any tips for a beginner?

>> No.9320153

what kinds site you run?

>> No.9320181

An URL Shortener, those things spread themselves.

>> No.9320228

Care to give more of a rundown without revealing your methods? What kind of urls do you shorten? Brainlet here but im getting kicked out soon and im trying to get an online income together in the next few months. Have plenty of capital to invest. Please divulge what you can

>> No.9320277


Just displaying ads in the transition phase or hijacking the destinations?

>> No.9320443

that is lot of traffic, congratulations

I run small website with 2500 visitors per day earns $250 - $400 month from adsense, but I have lot of botnet traffic.(this is common in my industry vertical)

I spent so much time coding tools trying to block that traffic but it is literally impossible since they have millions residental ips and it seems that whole team of people are babysitting it

>> No.9320474
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I made an URL Shortener specifically targetted at Youtubers. It allows content creators to lock their links using our site so that users visiting their link have to subscribe to their respective channels before getting access to the target url (a download link for example)

Keep in mind I had a very competent backend dev on my side. We put our site together in 7 days. I was responsible for the frontend (html, css, js) and he did the database and php stuff.
We didn't use any templates whatsoever and build our site from scratch.

Then I took over the advertisment part by simply messaging various 10-20k youtubers and telling them about our site, they started using it, gained a ton of subscribers, recommended it to their fellow youtubers and our service slowly started to gain popularity among more and more youtubers.

This isn't really something you set up with no experience. I'm barely 18 myself but started doing web development 2 years ago so I had some plan atleast and I'm saving the money I'm earning for travelling after school.

The web is the future, learn web development if you wanna retire early. It is so easy to make money out there its not even funny, you just need the required skillset.

>> No.9320571

I don't have access to the destinations, they use mega or other file upload sites for that.

We just put our 3 ads in the transition page which is kept minimalistic.

I wish I had that kind of EPC lol, I'd be a millionare by now.

>> No.9321273

I did this in 2007 and earned a good $2500 a month (while still in school). Then after half a year, they blocked the related site for ads because it was redirecting to a Simpsons episode....

Also I'm pretty sure in those days pure redirectors got blocked (no content). Maybe that changed.

You may want to try a Youtube to Mp3 converter next, they get massive amounts of traffic. Try to find music videos on unofficial channels with 20 million+ views and again get in contact with the channel owners. Also do competition research with Google & similarweb.com.

Important: Those "autopilot"-projects are nice, just make sure to not depend on a single one. Google can downrank you any time and suddenly you are from 100k users a day to 5k users a day. Also use different Google account for Analytics (or use different trackers). I once got 3 sites downranked because they all were linked to same Google account....

>> No.9321428

uhm, I dont do seo pal

>> No.9321429
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It's not much but it's a nice side hustle

>> No.9321465

Yes I had the mp3 converter in mind. Goal would be to rank good for obvious search terms.

>> No.9321602
File: 141 KB, 1466x642, Screen Shot 2018-05-08 at 11.21.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine!

No one believes it when I show them. This is the first time I am doing it on 4chan.

I don't make that much money now...

Because I was a fool and wanted to chase a bigger goal.

Have to agree though...

This money changed my life.

Never had to look for a job and took a break for a couple of years because I am a pajeet.

And I don't need much to survive.

Always been frugal because of my parents.

Invested all these money into real estate and tripled my investment.

By the time I graduated, I was half a millionaire (still am).

So yeah, ask me anything, and I will answer all your questions here.

As you can see from the screenshot, I was able to generate quite a lot of traffic and I was popular enough to be invited by Google every year.

But with years, I was bored. Quit all this and did nothing - though I still get checks every month even now.

Been quite a journey.

>> No.9321702

Mind posting your website OP?

>> No.9321731

tech tutorials or something?
I think you're every pajeet's dream, to make money online without having to do "low caste physical labor".
Man, your culture is fucked lol. 'Gratz on the adsense money tho

>> No.9321763


How'd you manage it?

>> No.9321784



Mostly tech, yes.

But then I had several websites on the side "for fun" - as I always knew how to drive traffic organically.

Until Google fucked me over.

> I think you're every pajeet's dream

They jealous.

> Man, your culture is fucked lol.

I agree. Gotta move out of this shit country once and for all... need more money now.

Hence I am back.

>> No.9321811


Hate to say but pure passion.

Money wasn't the goal.

Writing was.

And I wrote every day - and then got other writer's to write.

Slowly I had build a virtual team - which collapsed later as the editor passed away.

Then I left it to run on its own.

All it takes, initially, is pure discipline. Once you make your first $100 a day, you can do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.9322164

why do indians always use shit like "..." its so annoying holy shit.

anyway, nice traffic

>> No.9322209



Well, I picked up from an American.

But most Indians do it because they can't form a single thought.

So they have to drag it like this......

It annoys me if it is more than three dots.

I used to correct my friends.

Not anymore.

>> No.9322211

kek Im one of those guys that used to buy ad space on link shortners like ad.fly and iframe it out of ur redirect and to my landing page

>> No.9322309


so yeah, whats the secret?

>> No.9322361


Hard work.

>> No.9322383


>> No.9322387


yeah but thats dumb

what else

>> No.9322466


I was obsessed.

Growing up, and never having much, made me seek money.

I saved every penny possible.

In school, I didn't have fun while all the other guys and girls enjoyed their time.

I was a smart kid with no money.

And the drive in me - the hunger - to make money was extreme to the point that I worked 16 hours a day.

English is my fourth language.

Yet I learned it because it was necessary.

I didn't know how to write.

Yet I picked up books and practiced because it was necessary.

I didn't know blogging.

I learned because it was necessary.

Nothing in my life was a chose. It was all necessary - things I had to do to get to where I want.

Today's gen is fucked. And I hate to tell this.

Because we seek convenience first and hard work later. Which is good for you if you can work hard.

That's how I see life right now - if you can work harder than the dude next to you, you will get more in life.

>> No.9322485

Forgive the typo...

1 am here.

Night /biz/

>> No.9322513

luck, probably.
I had quite some luck with my site aswell

>> No.9322818

I use adnauseum to purposely falsify clicks on ads and fuck people like you up. In the last month of using it, I've cost advertisers just shy of $1500

>> No.9323006

Ahahahaha, Whatever you've been doing, continue please. Because in the last few weeks my ctr has more than doubled.
And since I'm a publisher I couldn't give less shits about Advertisers loosing a few bucks lmao

>> No.9323181

I run a forum with about 850ish unique visitors every day, make about $130 per month. I feel that its too little, but then again google is owned by jews so that figures.

>> No.9323247
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>fuck people like you up
you are so fucking stupid it's not even funny

you are literally making him richer via using AdNauseaum, it's only making a dent in the ADVERTISERS pocket, not his

yes im mad

>> No.9323465

What are your opinions ons brave / BAT

I learned Html/css some java & made a website all so i could donate the user growth pool BAT to myself.

>> No.9323550

Whats with all the fucking reddit spacing

>> No.9324200

OP you'd probably be make 5x that if you made the exact same site 5 years ago. Adsense has gone to shit earnings wise. Still nice to get that kind of money on auto pilot, though

>> No.9324593

Need some advice fellow /biz/.

Let's say I'm exceptionally talented at writing/creating content that people want to read/see/consume.


I have NO fucking clue whatsoever about the tech shit / how to turn the clicks/viewers into profits.

What is the easiest way for someone tech-illiterate to transpose some of these views into cash?

>> No.9324712

What's your website?

>> No.9324829

partner with a techy autist

>> No.9324836
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Monitoring bread

>> No.9324857

Im doing $1k/mo now, I had very profitable months years ago but those sites all died off so adsense is no longer my main source of online monies.

>> No.9325140


Why do you type like a total faggot and sound like a trashcan motivational speaker?

>> No.9325780

its a fucking indian

>> No.9326052

are there any niches that are untapped?

>> No.9326066

Wouldn't you like to know boi