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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 111 KB, 631x587, shrimpjak1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9319653 No.9319653 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not seeing any shrimp threads, so I guess this is a shrimp thread. Anyone got any resources for starting shirmping?

>> No.9319668

what is shrimping? im new on biz so redpill me

>> No.9319689

shrimp keeping for profit

>> No.9319703

why shrimps? do they make the most profit or are they just easy to hold?

>> No.9319722
File: 32 KB, 381x353, 1525188387824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leeches are the new thing, keep up with the times boomer scum

>> No.9319756

i find it difficult to keep up with demand because of red lobster

>> No.9319820

He doesn't know.

>> No.9319838

Get some and find out, noshrimp scum

>> No.9319897

so... no tips?

>> No.9319898

how? do you keep them in a aquarium? I cant imagine that you make money out of it then since the electricity bill and the food for the shrimps is probably higher. A pond on the other hand is realy expensive if well done and also drains a lot of time. Also I cant imagine holding shrimps in a pond here since climate is to cold here (germany)

>> No.9319918

so shrimp is the new crypto?

>> No.9319983

Can you do butt stuff with shrimps?

>> No.9319984
File: 348 KB, 829x633, 1525728096142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm building a P2P decentralized shrimp exchange right now...it has forum features so shrimp/aquarium enthusiasts can poast, use the livechat, and also there's a tube section for people to share videos. it's basically like facebook + buttrex/ebay + youtube, except on a decentralized blockchain.

a very smart "how to make money online get rich guru" guy taught me that in a gold rush, sell pickaxes. that's why i'm not going to farm shrimp, i'm just building the technology to make it easier for shrimp exchange and discussion.

p.s. don't steal my idea, i've already started before you. first mover, bitch.

>> No.9319991

You hardly feed them and electricity doesn't go well with water. They sell for a massive price.

>> No.9319997

newfriend leave
anyone done dyor on the best breed to accumulate?

>> No.9319998

notice how many times this anon says the word CAN'T...this is why he's poor. negative mindset.

>> No.9320004

electricity for light and filter pumps you retard

>> No.9320022

fuck you give me your shrimp secrets

>> No.9320032

Oh yeah sorry forgot about the $3 a month for an led strip and air pump

>> No.9320045 [DELETED] 

you put the shrimp babies in the water and they literally print money

>> No.9320050

shhhh delete

>> No.9320069

how many shrimps you need to make some good bux?

>> No.9320072


>> No.9320092

16% profit per pound sign me up doood.

>> No.9320100

depende on how much you can sell them for and how many you can regularly harvest i guess
my calculations say ill net at best $1k a month for literally no work

>> No.9320104

sounds good so i just make a pound and drop some shrimps in?

>> No.9320130

if it is so easy how come they are so expansive and no one else do it?

>> No.9320170

Shrimp are for suckers, you will loose it investment on shrimp, stay away from shirmp its too risky especially if you live in Texas it's more risky there especially if you live near Dallas then just steer well clear

>> No.9320174

regulations, supply and demand, bubble
i've got quite a big pool of water too

>> No.9320186

Because you have to know about something before you can do it

>> No.9320253
File: 26 KB, 645x729, 268zj7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im out then

>> No.9320414

This level of FUD...

>> No.9320465

I know this is a retarded meme, but I'm legit considering it. Seems comfy. The only issue is that competing with the big factory farms is next to impossible...

Might be worth it if you have a retarded hook for upper-middleclass shitbags and do something like "Organic, non-GMO, ethically raised, grassfed, given beers and massages" or something.

>> No.9320548


>> No.9320616

How is it in anyway retarded?

>> No.9320625

Also salt lake city

>> No.9320661

i started a shrimp farm in my mothers basement, but i couldn't kill them/freeze them because the little shrimpes looked so cute and i got attached to them. i set them free in the ocean.

>> No.9320701
File: 15 KB, 635x542, 1515778824708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still not all in on GSC

>> No.9320722

pokemon gold, silver and crystal?

>> No.9320739

Is this PoS or what?

>> No.9320782

Anyone interested in a shrimp ERC20 token?

I can throw one together if you like.

>> No.9320911

for what purpose?

>> No.9320960

/biz/ should throw a bunch of money at that but on the condition of partial ownership.

>> No.9320976

Sure, fuck it.

>> No.9321038


Shrimp Token will become what paper money used to be to gold, to shrimp.

No longer will exchanges have to be made directly with weighty tanks of shrimp, it's time we revolutionise shrimp farming!

>> No.9321064

but shrimps aren't fungible like gold is

>> No.9321093


Back of Boomer, you can't stop the future

>> No.9321155


>> No.9321172



>> No.9321225

>Raised in captivity where there are no predators and an endless supply of food. Get comfy and never learn how to feed or defend yourself when shit gets real.
>Shit just got real
I got bad news anon..

>> No.9321227


Well ain't that kinda appropriate for your generation? Get a job.