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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 77 KB, 604x694, 1509140350757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9318365 No.9318365 [Reply] [Original]

I had my fake blockfolio open at a bar and it got me laid.

What the fuck.

>> No.9318384

And that's a bad /biz/ - Business and Finance decision because...?

>> No.9318402

It's not.

I'm just shocked it worked

>> No.9318413

You're shocked a woman would bang you because she thought you were rich? Oh innocent anon

>> No.9318447

>tfw when you get robbed and killed trying to get laid

>> No.9318487

>try to explain that it was a larp to criminals
>after they kidnap you

>> No.9318501

show us the blockfolio so that we too may have bob and vagene

>> No.9318547
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>> No.9318572

No story? Come on anon do it for us virgins.

>> No.9318605

Greentext now

>> No.9318670


>> No.9318744

I tried that this weekend, but it didn't work out..
Sperged out and shilled chainlink to some random girl lol. She didn't believe me when i told her i was a future millionaire

>> No.9318766

I did this except I shilled bnb and then I started explaining who cz was and how I was going to be just like him. Didn't get laid

>> No.9318784

>b-but it'll be worth 1k eoy!

>> No.9318908

You have to show her you're a millionaire right now you retard. How would you react if your best friend told you 5 years ago that he is a future millionaire because he had 200 bitcoin? I guess you'd react differently if he told you about his 200btc right now.

>> No.9318971

I was too drunk to care either way. Next time i'll make a fakefolio and try my luck

>> No.9319018
File: 13 KB, 428x343, 255EA9ED-9BE6-42C2-A5C4-18DA14FD94EA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve got a similar one

>spends lots of time trading at work
>coworkers call me Wall Street
>always laugh and downplay my portafolio most don’t even know what crypto is
>people assume I trade hundreds of thousands since “Muh stock market”
>always laugh and down play it saying I’m trading pennies
>hot chick in the office says he boyfriend trades crypto and she knows how to do it
>ask me if I do it
>I always wanted to hit on this girl but rarely get a chance to talk with her (didn’t even know she has a boyfriend)
>uh yeah she seems super into says her boyfriend has over 10k into crypto
>smirk (I only got 50k but idk why I acted all smug)
>”how Lot have you been trading crypto anon”
>I bought eth at 16 dollars.
>her jaw drops
>looks at me impressed like star struck
>wow you must be a millionaire
>laugh it off she insist I show her around in crypto talk about different shitcoins for a while she insist we go for coffee after work
>she is genuinely interested in crypto and my shitcoin rants
>I’ve talked too much I can’t show her I’m only worth 50k
>she is asking if I have lots of eth, asks about my telegram groups
>too embarrassed to tell her it’s just need 4chN groups and pnd
>tell her is an investor group.
>remember my fake blockfolio
>shows 600 eth and 12btc among other shitcoins
>it’s either that or 50k
>fuck it
>show her my fake and tell her I’m actually quite big in a crypto investing group, what they call a whale
>she takes train to her apartment
>begs me to give her a ride to her sisters house because she has to pick up her blow dryer or some shit
>says she will make it worth it
>as soon as we walk in she starts passionately kissing me
>bang the shit out of her
>drop her at the station she goes home

She smiles at me at work and tries to do small talk but I sort of stay away cuz she has a boyfriend and ehhh, I’m not worth 6million lmao can’t fool this hoe, I’ll have to quit my job kek.

>> No.9319085

Anon quit your job and run your own business. You'll make just as much - if not more - have more time after you're earning comfortably, and everyone will think you're larger than you are.

>> No.9319140
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Good. Now message her boyfriend and tell him how you slept with her but didn’t know she had boyfriend and you’re sorry. Any woman dumb enough to cheat on her boyfriend with a someone who showed their meme blockfolio portfolio deserves it.

>> No.9319144

nice larp faget

>> No.9319150


The absolute state of women

>> No.9319152

Good to know for later, but how do I prove to the boyfriend I didn't know, how how I even found out he exists?

>> No.9319162

I’m a cargo operator en an airline, I can find another job, warehouse and shit but no idea what business I could start.
Shitcoins are my last hope, might do plumbing trade, looks juicy.

Either way I might fuck that girl again before ghosting, if I get nudes I’ll being em here

>> No.9319184


>> No.9319189

I don’t know the guy, better avoid the trouble, he might try to kick my ass or bring unwanted drama.

>> No.9319278

Tfw you only have $700 in crypto and most of it is in ADA trannychain

>> No.9319296
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>I started explaining who cz was and how I was going to be just like him

>> No.9319307
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I legit got laid by some slut who was already flirting with me in my college class by putting that I owned 232.29 btc in my blockfolio and just covered the app.

>sees me looking at phone in group, nosy slut looks
>omg u broke as fuck, is that ur bank acct
>no that's how many btc I have
>lol whats a bitcoin?
>20 seconds later
>her face implodes
>walking away after class, playing it cool like it was nothing
>H-hey anon, wanna study together, lets get starbucks
>buy drinks for us and she asks if I wanna study at her appt after 20 mins
>9pm, balls deep in pussy


>> No.9319333

the fuck?

>> No.9319341

This is me but I am all in BTC fuck you altcoin feggits

>> No.9319359

did you type out those numbers

>> No.9319361
File: 155 KB, 500x492, 1511530183735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to go back

>> No.9319376

>they don't know how to deny a (You)

>> No.9319401


>> No.9319463

>I’m not going to give that guy a you
>let me type this long ass number instead

>> No.9319480


>> No.9319491

>virginity is safe

>> No.9319546

Here is your (you)

>> No.9319562

>let me type this long ass number instead
>American education

>> No.9319607

top kek

>> No.9319622

Fuck it just made a larpfolio gonna try and fool some dumb hoes

>> No.9319647


You dumbass. That one was just for good measure. Don’t be stupid next time.

>> No.9319658
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Good job retard, she stored the nut juice in a discreet contraption inside her nails, went to the clinic and she's now pregnant with your child and you'll get sent to prison unless you give her your private key. Virgins keep winning sex haverers keep losing.

>> No.9319665

Why dont you just trade your way up by all inning the swings?

>> No.9319673

keked pretty hard at this, it's pretty amazing how so little words can carry so many different messages at the same time

>> No.9319679

This pisses me off so much (not you anon), the fact that all you need to do to get laid is just PRETEND to have money and they will suddenly start slobbering all over your knob. Fuck I'm depressed now, well I am pretty autistic so I guess it makes sense I'm a virgin at 21. Fuck it maybe I'll try this sometime.

>> No.9319686

Hoping this is a true story and not a complete larp. You go, anon

>> No.9319741

I have Asperger's and I was a virgin until a few months before I turned 21. The first time I had sex was with some chick I made at a party, I got drunk and just went for it and talked to a random girl that was alone, it was a lot easier than I think it'd be. Sex is over-rated, having a meaningful and loving relationship is 100x better and actually worth pursuing.
You'll get there, don't put too much pressure on your shoulders about it, having sex is not a big deal.

>> No.9319773


hey newfriends you can click the little number and delete the little arrows and type an @ it doesn't take that long

the absolute state

>> No.9319974

It's all on you to get laid. It's not as hard you think. Literally put yourself out there, the more you put yourself out there, the more lottery tickets you have at getting laid, but your chance of winning the lottery is 1 in 8, not bad odds.

I didn't get laid until I was 18 and it really wasn't a big deal.

Also protip, don't be misogynistic, cynical or hateful towards women. Treat them like you would a guy, people in general are shitty, not just women. The only reason I call this slut a slut is because she had a boyfriend, but she was flirting with me the entire semester and all it took was her to believe I was rich for her to give away her pussy.

Even if you are clinically diagnosed with autism, there are PLENTY of people with autism that have gotten laid. Now if you're anti-social, that's a different story. You literally need to socialize somewhat to even have a chance of getting laid.

With all that being said, 90% of women today are shitty. It's not their fault, social media and feminism has taught them to be this way. Show that you are confident and know what you want and you'll already have a head start over a lot of guys. Also pains me to say, but people are shallow, not even the opposite sex, everyone. People want to hang with good looking people, good looking people are instantly perceived as successful or cool. So go hit the gym or walk around the block.

>> No.9320029

Sage this fake ass larp thread

>> No.9320071


goddam newfags

>> No.9320098

Nice larp

>> No.9320150
File: 500 KB, 2100x1790, whips out blockfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is gold.

>> No.9320501

This guy knows whats good.

>> No.9320594

>that feel when when

>> No.9321043
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>she fell for the six million

>> No.9321111

Holy shit this newfag

>> No.9321168

@9318365 (OP)


>> No.9321215
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>> No.9321231

Include me in the inevitable reddit post

>> No.9321275
File: 96 KB, 556x430, 1460396539510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it wasn't your blockfolio, it was your genetics and overall looks

fucking normiefag

if she really only wanted about your money she would try to be your girlfriend or something, and not just jump on you for a quick pounding

delusional privileged piece of nigger anus, go fucking kill yourself or go back to /fit/ and brag there

>> No.9321290


>> No.9321315

Biz is a chad board