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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 107 KB, 637x635, warren buffet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9316226 No.9316226 [Reply] [Original]

This is how exponential growth works

>> No.9316236

How can I short his net worth bubble?

>> No.9316239

stop shilling the biggest fud butthole

>> No.9316270

invert that graph and you get a male's erection strength

>> No.9316286

You cant.

Even in 2008, Rothchilds wealth grew by 7%. Rich people know how to hedgh and lower risk.

Even when almost everybody is loosing money, really rich people are still makeing money.

>> No.9316326
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>he had the equivalent of $70k as a 14 year old
His net worth isn't nearly as impressive when you take into account he was born with a silver spoon up his ass.

>> No.9316344

I'm pretty sure this graph is inflation adjusted.

>> No.9316348

Alot of people are born with silver spoon. Even bigger spoons then he got. Not many can do what he did.

>> No.9316398

Yeah that's unfortunately the truth

>> No.9316399

soros is way more impressive even though i dislike him since he's a globalist jew

buffet is a boring 'muh hold xd' boomer, the kind that got rich by buying some btc in 2011 and never making any trades

soros is the brass ball motherfucker dumping all his btc to ETH early on

soros literally broke the bank of england

what did buffet do that was ever even close to that

>> No.9316412

thats cause they run the satanic pedo cabal and have "insurance files" on everyone.

>> No.9316651
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>> No.9316664


>> No.9316668


>Men's erections peak at 14 y.o.


>> No.9316682

It will be more brutal than that. Death is the real singularity.

>> No.9316684

>inb4 some crypto neckbeard trillionaire acquires BRK

>> No.9316711

how did he do 20k to 140k in his twenties?

>> No.9316714
File: 1.13 MB, 1120x1600, 1491468892922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoshi will be richer than all of these goons combined when Bitcoin becomes world currency.

>> No.9316747

it's not that they hedge risk, they have so much money that when they sell the whole market feels it and others start selling aswell, then when they buy back in the whole market feels it aswell and others start buying, and the domino effect goes on and on like that,

>> No.9316755

Yes great, an unknown man with unkown intentions becomes the richest man the world has ever known. Wow, that sounds jolly.

>> No.9316788

>Be 26
>Have networth of 70k

I think I am on the right track.

>> No.9316857

Lol mate I'm 21 and have 85k at my name and I'm in a shithole from south America . I feel soooooo far from /makingit/ that I'm not sure what are your standards about wealth accumulation, for me you must have 10M if you want to consider yourself as a truly millionaire if you don't, keep pushing....

>> No.9316901

maybe 85k bolivares
unless you live in fucking Uruguay 85k should make you into a rich man in a large part of South America

>> No.9317008

I wouldn’t of been surprised if Hillary won that they would be accumulating ~$1 trillion per year in interest by the end of her term. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to think they collect 7-10% per year on the trillion the they are worth.

>> No.9317032

I'm at 1/3th of Warren at my age. I'm fine with this if the trend continues

>> No.9317223

>34m down to 19m
he's /one of us/

>> No.9317264

unironically murder him

>> No.9317319

Grandmas bonds don’t count when you’re 16 faggot.

>> No.9317365

It's bubble! Going to pop soon.

>> No.9317388

The trend isn't going to continue you fucking idiot. The dollar is going to implode. The market is going to crash upwards of 90% since its only gone up because of criminally suppressed interest rates and cheap money.

If you want to make it buy some gold and silver before gold is revalued one night very soon multiple times of what it is now to purge all the debt from the system

>> No.9317544

$1M when he was 30 that is like today equivalent of $30M

>> No.9317751

>If you want to make it buy some gold and silver before gold is revalued one night very soon multiple times of what it is now to purge all the debt from the system
niggas been saying that for 30 years.

>> No.9318052

>be 26
>paid off home, 90k in bank, 320k in crypto (euros)

nah m8, step up

>> No.9318128

>only 90k and 300k in crypto
Paying off your trailer doesn’t count you poorfag im 22 and have over 1 million, don’t tell others to step up when you’re still a peasant.

>> No.9318251
File: 9 KB, 234x215, 372732156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> that 20 year old boomer that practices sipping champagne with energy drinks

>> No.9318266

I was a billionaire at 5, you're fucking garbage.

>> No.9318308

>dollar devalues
>suddenly appear richer
>actually poorer
Thanks america

>> No.9318426


When Buffett was 17, he told a friend about an idea with massive potential.

"'I bought this old pinball machine for $25 and we can have a partnership,'" Buffett says in Schroeder's retelling. His friend's side of the deal was to fix it up. Buffett, meanwhile, took care of making the pitch to barbers to let them put the machines in the waiting area in exchange for half the profits.

He claimed to be a representative of the nonexistent "Mr. Wilson's Coin Operated Machine Company."

The idea was a huge success, bringing in $4 in its first night and thrilling the barber. After a week, Buffett walked away with $25 and reinvested it into another machine. He continued until there were seven or eight "Mr. Wilson's machines" making him money around town.

So he made it the same way crypto makes it, risky ventures and lies about the "team." These old fucks always forget the details of how they got where they were and shit on those that do the same things.

>> No.9318449

That's because it's unnecessary. If you're already rich and never have to work, why do anything?

>> No.9318502

The virgin Buffett value investor vs the chad Soros macroeconomic speculator

>> No.9318504

Because kids. Until you have kids you are selfcentered and egoistic. Once you get kids, suddenly you sre no longer center of the universe and see the big picture.

Get some kids mate.

>> No.9318562
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You get all your money when you are sick old and about to die. What the fuck is the point

>> No.9318601

Having kids requires splitting half of your wealth with a roastie. No thanks. Also, what's wrong with being self centered? You only have a short time on this planet, so you might as well enjoy all of it.

>> No.9318708


>> No.9318801

Lol my mother is Uruguay? Is Uruguay Boujee South America now?

>> No.9318803

>age coordinate has no consistancy between years
>the last jump is the highest of 11 years

>> No.9318837

140k @ 26?
Bullshit. He had a house worth 100K, plus something on top of that. With inflation that's like 600K in todays money

>> No.9318863

Move to a country that is not collectively retarded. The US is basically third world by now.

>> No.9318872
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I think that's what ends getting me, if he had a good scheme and had the balls to risk on it and then he kept moving onto different schemes, then he's obviously done great. But I don't want to even hear a hint that things are being done thinking about helping anybody but himself. It's the same hustle everywhere, give people what they want or have been told they want or may want later and if it actually helps them or if they need it, that's secondary.

I agree on that one even if he's not very friendly to my interests. Soros doesn't care much about risking on things that may end backfiring on him, because he aims for really big prizes. So if he fails here and there and there, once he gets a win he's beyond covered for the next 20 fuckups. He also does the pretending to be doing things to help the world, but that's part of his game and he uses that as a weapon when he needs it and he's decidedly effective at it. But Buffet strikes me mostly as a very dry person.

>> No.9318899

well done anon

>> No.9318900


Your mother is a country? I'm Ron Burgundy?

>> No.9318996

Do you have an example where he uses it as a weapon?

>> No.9319033

THIS. The system is broken man.

>> No.9319084

Yes, short that fqggot !

>> No.9319181
File: 197 KB, 1840x1227, Winona-Ryder-and-Johnny-Depp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So past 69 years buffet has has annualized rate of return about 23% or something.

Dow jones total return is 11.4% since 1949 (inflation adjusted 7.4). That would have made you only 8 million dollars.

>> No.9319416

I'm doing an effort lately to leave /pol/ in /pol/. But I'm thinking about something like colour revolutions. This is on a normie site like wikipedia on the rose revolution:
> These institutions were the cradle of democratization, notably the Soros Foundation ... all the NGOs which gravitate around the Soros Foundation undeniably carried the revolution. However, one cannot end one’s analysis with the revolution and one clearly sees that, afterwards, the Soros Foundation and the NGOs were integrated into power.
>Salomé Zourabichvili, Herodote (magazine of the French Institute for Geopolitics), April, 2008
Then wikipedia immediately starts talking about conspiracy theories. It can't be denied either that he was doing things to the markets while that was happening. The use of power to get money and money to get power can get a bit cyclical IMO. I think we can use that as an example of how it can be used even if I'm not detailing the full trail because I don't have access to it and because I'm too lazy to try to convince you.

>> No.9319524

if the dollar implodes wont his net worth go to infinity dollars?

>> No.9319543

Divide it to match a figure you think is reasonable and divide his current net worth by the same number.

>> No.9319548

Funny. According to this chart im doing better than warren buffet.
24 and 100k here started with nothing

>> No.9319828


>> No.9319891

Ukraine, BLM

>> No.9320105

How does he profit from that?

>> No.9320132


>> No.9320164

>5k age 14

>> No.9321024
File: 1.91 MB, 400x225, Inferno+cop_a28afb_5521817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously where the did he get that money? When I was working a job since I was 13 and never amassed that amount of money. The most I had was 3k and used that for a car.

>> No.9321235


this graph ignores how 5K was like having 100k today when he was 16

>> No.9321569

I spend a lot of time here and I see you posting this constantly. I think you may be mentally ill. Seek help.

>> No.9321597


>> No.9321603

old man buffett was the beneficiary of retarded money printing which blew up asset prices, especially stocks

luck box boomer

>> No.9321636

>tfw on par with wb for my age


>> No.9321669


nobody cares that you got 5k working a summer job, mikey.

>> No.9321688
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>> No.9321700


He will fund political instability while shorting the currency, i.e. pay some retards to set cop cars on fire then make huge profits from the dip

>> No.9321715


I'm 26

I have no idea how I could 10x in the next 6 years tho

>> No.9321926

Which exchange lets me short a person's soul?