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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 101 KB, 981x737, podborka-12012018-063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9313225 No.9313225 [Reply] [Original]

>Purchase RV/Motorhome/Camper for cheap on craigslist and optionally Solar Panels
>Drive up to and live in national forest
>Farm Shrimp (See: >>9306554)

Never wagecuck or slave away to kikes again. Free electric, housing, and water, provided that you parked next to a lake and have a water pump, which most RV's do. If not, you could always just drive down to a pubic water station and fill up there. You could also eat the shrimp, or sell them to buy food and gas.

>> No.9313246

too cramped

>> No.9313259

kys If that's what you're worried about

>> No.9313269

I like the Idea about the freedom and not to ne a slave of capitalism anymore

>> No.9313275

>live in national forest
Rangers aren't going to just let you live in the park.

>> No.9313291

They will when they see my quality shrimps at low prices, faggot

>> No.9313308


>> No.9313355

i see a shower, but no toilet in that RV

>> No.9313368
File: 31 KB, 645x729, 1510734186997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro. stomp the drain noob

>> No.9313412 [DELETED] 

>Government-enabled kikery =/= Capitalism

Yes but they'd let us """camp""" there.

>> No.9313432

Government-enabled kikery =/= Capitalism

Yes but they'd let us """camp""" there.

>> No.9313459

What the fuck would you do all day? Sounds boring once you're in the park long enough.

>> No.9313534

As long as you got your battle station and internet, what more could you need?

>> No.9313630

How would I have good internet to download and upload huge files and many of them?

I would have to keep stocking up on electricity on my desktop which is a pain.

Not enough space for my stuff to fit in there.

I would have to get a driving licence.

Nah I stay in my house

>> No.9313681

Go with modded van, ignore the hipstery shit and just google van life. Some really good ideas/plans about how to make it work. Looks cozy as hell too.

>> No.9313698
File: 91 KB, 1456x688, J967hAlg8UOQBsMaCumHCQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys shouldn't mess around. Some dumb ass will do this....

>> No.9313754

yea man i'm looking to do this soon, been looking for the right van to build out.

>> No.9313789

Behind the door I'm sure. Most rv's combine shower and toilet.

>> No.9313867
File: 73 KB, 720x960, shadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most common objection everybody have to live in a mobile home
hey buddy, YOU should kys

>> No.9313877

>Government-enabled kikery =/= Capitalism

read this:

>> No.9313883

also that truck is way too wide, looks like you could fit three driver's seats with ease

>> No.9313889

Goldbug no coiner detected

>> No.9313890


>> No.9313896

You do drugs dumbass

>> No.9313897

nah I have a lot in crypto

>> No.9313910

also watch the fucking video

>> No.9313911

Park it at walmart or at a 24 hr gym.

>> No.9313933

>Farm Shrimp (See: >>9306554 →)
poorfag noshrimpers step your game up

>> No.9313939

>Cuckvan you cant even stand up in.

No thanks.

>> No.9313966
File: 152 KB, 958x784, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right, it's super wide and super short

>> No.9314022
File: 209 KB, 500x357, E6F1D0BD-96C4-418C-A000-06DE74D0A99F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is tonight’s /biz/ shill topic? Fuck off with your shrimps you faggot

>> No.9314480
File: 180 KB, 876x453, sad-shrimper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it. Shrimping is too heartbreaking. >>9313981

>> No.9314560

How much are used RV's? These hipster fags are asking 100k for their shitty vans.

>> No.9314732

>shitposting from my neet mobile in a walmart parking lot

>> No.9314755

>bump around for hours on end between destinations
>tiny, cramped, dark and musty interior
>literally storing your shit next to you
>come out to enjoy "open space," it's the same couple of forests, mountains, and lakes everywhere. You're stuck in the continental US.
>constant threat of toppling your vehicle

>> No.9314801

you can stay in one spot for weeks or months, and do most of your living outside and away from any nogs

>> No.9314833


>> No.9314966

You can stay on blm land for two weeks free then just move your RV 50 ft and reset another two weeks. Most of the west of usa is blm and public owned, the point is they dont want you permanently settled in public lands so you have to move

>> No.9315096

Just take a couple of thousands of dollars (that you already made on crypto) and get a cheap plot. Then get your RV there. Easy.

>> No.9315452


Why it hard when it can be so much more comfy?

> Live in Europe
> Wellfare - no-job
> Government housing
> Car / RV to travel around with
(Literal NEET cancer)

You retain the option to gtfo when shit gets though and be a regular NEET for some time.
And your fucking house can't be stolen. I don't want to be a homeless NEET.

>> No.9315822

If only it was that easy, lol. Most national parks severely restrict when and where RVs can park, and you need a reservation for most of them - and most of them are booked up for quite a while. And, they have strict rules on when you can run a genny, and most of them don't have electrical hookup. You're also not going to be allowed to use a pump on a national park's lake. The Rangers will be so far up your ass over that, you'll taste their hats. You also can't use the lakes and streams to wash in.
You'll also need to pay for gas, registration, and insurance, and stays at RV parks with sewage dumping.
The reality of RVs is, they're not really built to be lived in full time. They're not usually very well built, either, and if you're going to be in any kind of extreme weather, like snow, heat, or heavy rains, you'll need to upgrade the RV. Then there's maintenance, and upkeep, tires are pricey and they don't last long.
BTW, even with a genny, you're not going to run pumps and heaters for fish tanks very long, without running the engine all day and night, which isn't allowed, or running a portable genny all day and night, which also isn;'t allowed. You don't have enough room for the kind of solar panels you'd need to run everything off of, and the kind you'd need are expensive and not design to be on a moving vehicle.
You can't eat the shrimp that people are talking about raising, stupid.
You'll also probably have pretty shit internet up in the parks, too. They don't allow many towers inside the parks. Not to mention they're not very secure, they're actually pretty hazardous when it comes to fire, and they're not exactly safe on the roads - and you'll be driving regularly to stock up on gas, food, and potable water.
Everyone thinks living in an RV is fun, and easy, and it's neither, past about a week.
Just living period takes a lot of compromises and a certain kind of person, which most of the neets here aren't.

>> No.9315869

Most of the RV spots in national parks are reserved months in advance, in some cases for the more popular places, the entire season. Oh, that's the other thing - some parks shut down when it comes to camping certain parts of the year. You can't just show up in an RV and park somewhere, they only allow camping in vehicles in specific spots, and there aren't that many of them. A lot of them, you may not be able to get more than a couple of days in a row at.

>> No.9315893

Let's all kos, fuck it

>> No.9315919

Understand there's a difference between a national park, and the national forest, and then BLM land.

>> No.9315975

Tiny Home fags already learned that it's not that easy, or practical, or even safe. You can do that if the state/county the land is in is zoned for it, is one consideration. Even if it is allowed, then you have to consider: getting food, gas, supplies, and being on your own in the middle of nowhere, where there may or may not be locals who like to rip off rich retirees and hipsters in RVs and Tiny Homes living out in the woods with no guns, no security, and no cops. You better be good at first aid, too, because if you're far out enough, there's literally nobody that's going to come get you - and if you do get a ranger or country cop to send an EMT rig or chopper out to get you when you cut your leg open falling through a deadfall, you're going to get hit with a bill for all of it. Someone broke into your RV and took your shit? Oh well. The county sheriffs and rangers have better things to do than look for your laptop. Your RV is on fire because you fell asleep with your grill still going? Oh well. Your dog got mauled by a bear? Better shoot it and put it out of it's misery. Oh, you don't have a dog, in bear country? Have fun, bear food. That scratching in the middle of the night? The bears smell your food. They want it. How secure is your aluminum walled RV? How good are you at shooting your shotgun in the pitch black night, at a dark furred 600 lb eating machine? What? No shotgun? Oh, the local methheads are gonna LOVE you. And all your stuff.
And then when your $10k Craigslist special breaks down 20 miles down a dirt road in a national park, with no cell service...well, have fun towing it out, because we all know most of you have never done more under the hood of car than stare at the engine in confusion.
There are RV communities, of people who actually live in RVs, they have blogs and YouTube channels. The lifers stick together, and travel in packs, for sheer security in numbers. It's a fun weekend, but as a lifestyle...it kind of sucks, really.

>> No.9315989

Do neets want to do bounty programs?;I know a place that wants help

>> No.9315993

When it comes to the realities of RV living, not really.

I was *this* close to trying it a couple iof years ago. I did all teh research. I had the RV picked out, an upgraded Chinook that was retrofitted for snow country. I did the math. I have most of the skills to pull it off, but in the end, it's not really the freedom most people think it is. State and Federal land have extremely strict rules, and you don't want to fuck with park rangers.

You can neckbeard all you want, it's 4chan, it's expected, but I know more about actually doing this than you, I guarantee it. When I ran the numbers, I wasn't really saving any money at all, doing it right. Doing it wrong would mean leaving anything close to "comfort" in the rear-view mirror.

>> No.9316038

are you 12 or is this copy pasta?

>> No.9316206

Black bears are not grizzly bears you urbanite.

>> No.9316230

Worse, he's probably a boomer. Literally all of his arguments are subjective scenarios that can easily be avoided.