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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9315204 No.9315204 [Reply] [Original]

every week put £100 in every heavily shilled 'coin of the week' and hodl for 3 years.

>> No.9315218
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Already on it friendo. Had to sell my JNT though to make room for the HOTties

>> No.9315221

How many BTC did you start with?

>> No.9315234

If you do have the patience, you're going to make it, Special Agent Cooper.

>> No.9315267

Hard to tell an exact BTC amount since I've been putting fiat in weekly or bi-weekly since January. But if I were to use BTC current price it would be around .29 BTC.

Some months (especially January) were rougher than others

>> No.9315269

Not a bad strategy

>> No.9315341

What if the coin I want to buy hasn't been shilled here yet?

>> No.9315359
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nice work, are you starting to see some gains already, or is it to early to expect?

Just go with your gut, if you have shilled yourself into it then I don't see why not. So long as you're not buying from the top, that is.

>> No.9315367
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we're all gonna to make it, son. we're all gonna make it.

>> No.9315405
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another tip that has worked for me: just fucking delete your blockfolio. if you're not interested in day-trading then just write down your holdings (and where you put them) on paper, keep it somewhat safe (doesn't really matter), and check in every sunday or something. If you're worried about your coin mooning and missing the ATH, download an app called 'Crypto Pro' and set an alarm for when your coin hits $X. It's better than using the Blockfolio alarms because you can set it to the fiat value rather than the fluctuating price of BTC/ETH

>> No.9315655

Yeah, slowly but surely. My later buys have been better than the early ones. Buying in January and feb left me with some bags that still haven't quite recovered, but some of the recent ones have had decent returns already