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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9312501 No.9312501 [Reply] [Original]

Whoever is in The Crypto Watch facebook group needs to start FUD’ing LINK like this anon is. Don’t let normans take the fucking golden egg from us. Tell them to buy Mobius, say it’s just a json parser, whatever fud you have is okay.

>> No.9312520

The better FUD is just saying Ethereum/EOS/ADA/BTC can just implement oracles if they need to, imo

>> No.9312551
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>Implying it even needs to be suppressed

>> No.9312557

You had enough time to accumulate.

>> No.9312601
File: 208 KB, 1892x1416, 1525450130620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm screencaping this thread and posting a link in facebook if you try it, link belong to the normies now you had your chance faggots.

>> No.9312611
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May these /biz/ fudders wreck chaos onto the normans. Release the hounds

>> No.9312632

How did you cunts become so completely fucking deluded over this absolute fucking garbage? You should be praying some Normans come and buy your bags

>> No.9312645

>Don’t let normans take the fucking golden egg from us
I understand what you mean, OP, but who the fuck is going to buy it in the end? It's either them, Reddit, or the already wealthy after us.

>> No.9312647

You still think Link is real. you are an idiot.

>> No.9312653

Also mention the XLM-IBM-Central Bank connections to suggest Mobius will have higher end industry adoption.

regardless, the people buying into LINK now will be burned just like /biz/ over the last few months
>this shitcoin does nothing!
>why won't it moon
>im missing out on everything

Singularity is on the advent of adoption and industry users announcing themselves using ChainLink. We can squeeze the normies until then.


XLM-IBM-Central Bank connections suggest Mobius is more likely to succeed at the same thing.
Mobius has a larger team, more communication etc etc

Mention VEN implementing their own oracles as a summer project and that any blockchain can do it

Mention IoTA releasing their own decentralised oracles in a short amount of time too and they ALREADY have CONFIRMED industry partnerships etc etc

>> No.9312669

Institutional money and then we dump on the norman’s at $1000

>> No.9312675

You've had half a year to accumulate. You only have yourself to blame.

>> No.9312693

>trying to turn LINK into another pump and dump shitcoin made of hype
Why do you faggots all have ADHD?

>> No.9312722

why don't you fud it yourself faggot. go comment in there.

>> No.9312725

You have to let go eventually. If you believe in ChainLink you have to realize this is going to happen eventually whether you like it or not.

>> No.9312751

Of course, but I need to buy more and I don't want to compete with a bunch of faggots who have more money than I do and didn't even dtor.

>> No.9312766

You guys are such fucking faggots that you don't realise all the autists that actually snoop this shit are going to leave because
>the newfags just take it to facebook anyway

Chainlink is going to moon eventually- there's literally no fucking point other than minimising /biz/ accumulation that you would spread this shit.

Why not link them to /biz/ instead?

idk what the group is

>> No.9312789

they didnt have to buy in at the end, but letting these normies in when its sub 3$ is just stupid

>> No.9312797


Ya who are these newfags that don't understand you only make it to the moon if normies start buying your shit. christ this board is retarded.

>> No.9312807

>trying to make money huh? bet you didn't know chainlink is a coin that eternally goes sideways and never communicates with the public. unlike tron or ven that go 100x in a few months. stay cucked normie.

>> No.9312811

you've had your time. it's been 6 months, shit or get off the pot dude

>> No.9312814

YES, get on the fud boys. Reviving this shit because it's potent. It scared biz when it first appeared, normies stand no chance



>> No.9312824

Not with Chainlink you fucking spastic.
Crypto's biggest roadblock is adoption.
ChainLink is gearing up to be an industry standard coin that most normies won't even need to own to interact with. Normies buying ChainLink is irrelevant to ChainLink's success.

>> No.9312834


Then why don't you just start buying up the sell orders up to $3.

>> No.9312838

fuck off you stupid cunt your ruining for the anons who have being in since the ICO and held, you've have more than enough time to accumulate poor fag

>> No.9312848

Because organic singularity is on the advent of adoption. Bringing in the influx of normies only prices in future valuation earlier than necessary.

What don't you get about this?

>> No.9312857

And how much time did you exactly have? Since february it's dipped to .30 and below twice. You could have bought at sub .20 last year.

>> No.9312859

I don't care about normies. Already perfected my stack with 100k. You had 6 months to do it too. If we moon, we moon.

>> No.9312873

We don’t want Norman’s in yet because it will cause a failed moon launch. They’re going to cause too much hype, drive the price up, everyone’s gonna know about it; then, their weak Norman hands are going to cause it to dump - and by the time the REAL moon mission is set to launch, Norman’s are “over it.” Not only that, they’re ruining the accumulation phase for us (all time before Mainnet is accumulation)

>> No.9312879

>LARPING as an ICO anon
fuck off I bet you came to /biz/ during the January hype.

Anybody holding significant amounts of LINK back then was well aware the ETA on price stabilisation would be 2020-2022.

Shilling earlier isn't going to increase that 2020-2022 price, it'll just make it more expensive until then

>Nice, an anon fed me information to make a great investment, now let me fuck this up for the other anons on this board
t. You

>> No.9312925

why would somebody larp as an ico holder? i've been in since the ico and i wish tryhard losers like you would just hurry up and kill yourself

screencapping your autism and sending it to normies, just because your a cunt

>> No.9312939

You faggots are worse than Judas

>> No.9312962

>I had 6 months to buy this once in a lifetime opportunity, even as low as 15 cents or 1000 sats. I neglected this opportunity because of reasons. Now I want everyone else to not be rich before myself.
This is you.

>> No.9312967

autism like this makes me hope link fails

>> No.9312974

Calm your tits. Link will be back to 0.40 - 0.50 by friday. Cap this. If you're not selling now you're definitely NOT going to make it.

Use the profits to buy a little quanstamp.

>> No.9312976

Guys, do you realize most of you come from reddit and facebook ?
Face it, biz has become the most norman board on earth.
It's so sad to watch

>> No.9312989

Life’s not fair, cunt.

You want more money? Buy and hold longer.

>> No.9312995

Press T to thank Scott.


>> No.9313003

>Hmm, I bought in so i'm going to decide an arbitrary deadline!
This is you.

There's budding newfags on /biz/ that you could shill to and help, but instead you argue in favour of normies on facebook.

You faggots only want to shill this to them for the reputation and credit of being
>that anon that predicted the next bitcoin!
Fucking pathetic.

>> No.9313007

aha mate I was block 78 so STFU also I probably hold more LINK than anyone in this thread R E A L T A L K nignog

>> No.9313012


>> No.9313020


Only decent argument. Problem is, we may see some actual progress by major companies on the test net soon. When that happens, all bets are off and this board no longer becomes LINK central.

>> No.9313023

Butthurt nigger

>> No.9313027

less bitching and more fud brainstorming. come on boys, you should all be done accumulating fud after all the months of nolinker autism

>> No.9313030

and if your fudding to keep link down this late in the game you ain't gunna make
it son fud or no FUD now get out the way bitch and let the big boys enjoy the normie show

>> No.9313036

Seriously, if you fucks cant even fud normies after 6 months of intense psyops then there is no hope for you.
They havent even heard the ICO disaster fud!

>> No.9313047

i dont know why you guys are worrying, it will be back to 30 cents before mainnet anyway, and normies arent going to buy anytime this year

>> No.9313066

I don't get it. /pol/ and memes about Trump made you no money, so you come to /biz/ because you realised it's actually productive, then you continue being useless faggots?

LINK isn't due to make it until 2020 you fuckwit. Mainnet launch will see price singularity, but smart contracts won't see mainstream adoption until atleast 2020.

You ADHD faggots wanting a moon NOW are pathetic. Literally no patience.
I've got a LINK stack already so i'll make it, but i'm in the camp of
>My stack is never enough
so i'm fucking annoyed at you /pol/ shitlords deciding that being anti-biz is the new counter-culture

>> No.9313080
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>so i'm fucking annoyed at you /pol/ shitlords deciding that being anti-biz is the new counter-culture

>> No.9313100

>unironically thinking autism is an insult on 4chan

It's almost as bad as unironically wanting to be a chad

>> No.9313116


>> No.9313122
File: 55 KB, 496x314, ehh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you all retarded? no fid in this group

>> No.9313128

I want to agree with you but you're such a raging homo that I want LINK to pump to high but not lambo prices right away, just to spite you.

>> No.9313146

would like, but dont know the group

>> No.9313149

you are never ever going to 'make it'

imagine being so self hating you LIKE being dysfunctionally autistic and lament anyone who wants to ascend. you should just kill yourself right now and bring the supply down. you'll end up killing yourself anyway

nice cope

>> No.9313165

1. listen here kiddo, you wanna hope your LARPing as an A U T I S M O because this is getting unbelievable, It almost reeks of DELPHI tier-faggotry

2. stop mentioning /pol/ we are here to make money you dumb nigger-faggot

3. LINK is going to moon before it get implemented because smart money will find it and bet on speculation, when this will happen who the fuck knows but why try and stop it? I simple cannot even believe I am explaining this simple shit to a brainlet who didnt have the sense to get on LINK which has being /ourcoin/ for 6 months who then goes around declaring biz is full of shitlords

>> No.9313177

Try this: still an ERC223 token, after all, kek.

>> No.9313203

>t. 105er who thinks being a numale makes him a normie
Normies dont want you

>> No.9313241
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tfw the entire part of the story where normies fomo in at a higher price is now dead because some mook with horrid grammar shilled it to Trayvon, Cleetus, and Stacy on facebook

>“Get in Marine!”
“I’m a brigadier General, I’m taking all the marines to Lamboland!”
“Oh, it’s real alright.”
“The noLinkers are killing themselves.”
“Old money and old buildings cannot support The Fourth Industrial Revolution.”
“Back off noLINKer! You had your chance!”
“Your phone can’t handle the singularity.”
“Take no one with you,”
“Where we’re going, she’s a 1/10.”
“Fuck off! We’re not selling,”
“You can’t be tempted.”
“The few. The proud. The LINK marines.”


>> No.9313242
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I come from /pol/ and /diy/.

>> No.9313243
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>> No.9313244

>you are never ever going to 'make it'
thinking this is an insult. The absolute fucking state of newfags on /biz/. It's like you don't even know this is an ANONYMOUS BOARD

Being an anon on 4chan makes you the lowest common denominator. It's why 4chan anons used to fight over who was the biggest virgin autistic wizard. Not because they wanted to be that person but when everyone is the lowest common denominator, the actual autists can drop their nuggets without feeling threatened by the normies obsessed with validation.

It was literally the first internet safe space because everyone wore a fucking mask.

2. Don't lie. /pol/ faggots are here to make memes and shit up the board. Go check out any thread from a year ago and you'll see the fucking difference.

3. So why do anons take it upon themselves to speed that timeline up? Do they want the recognition from their normie facebook friends? fucking pathetic lmfao because this shows you faggots have nothing else in your life to be proud of

>> No.9313270

coming from /pol/ doesn't make you a shitlord.

Posting on /biz/ as though you're posting on /pol/ does

>> No.9313289
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>/pol/ faggots shit up baord

>> No.9313309

just revealed you to the normies on facebook. i hope you die poor

>> No.9313321

You just revealed yourself as a degenerate

>> No.9313323

>I hope Stacey fucks me
the absolute state of /nubiz/

You ruined the fucking story

>> No.9313324

>why do anons take it upon themsves to speed that timeline up?
well buddy, some of us want to make money then spend it, im officially done with this "4chan is my gender" shit

4. >kys

>> No.9313327

>implying you think it’s coordinated FUD while he’s just saying the truth

>> No.9313339

There's thousands of other shitcoins that pump and dump. Why do it with LINK?

>> No.9313352
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>> No.9313356
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We’ll know we’ve made it once Murdoch Murdoch does an episode on us/link and Murdoch Chan takes a ride to the moon with a /biz/raeli in a lambo spaceship.

>> No.9313383

fuck off with that Delphi shit

>> No.9313451
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fuck off delphi

>> No.9313854

you nigger autism has always been an insult on 4chan. imagine striving to be a hip autist

>> No.9313935
File: 321 KB, 1242x1242, 2E725B2D-771E-43B5-A701-EBAEE2A8F37C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just spread json fud ffs. I am not done.

>> No.9314000

>>9312653 somebody, refute this