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9311968 No.9311968 [Reply] [Original]


>100m Total supply, 61m circulating supply
>sub 5m market cap
>Working product you can download, v2.0 releasing soon with AI machine learning technology
>Next-Generation shopping\discovery app with an engaging curated experience
>You earn wys tokens while viewing items in the app
>Token used in app to allow you to profit off your data profile
>Blockchain used as a security layer to allow users to build a secure data profile
>Project has won the Netexplo award for best innovation and came to the Semi finals in the Tokyo Slush 2018.

The blockchain in conjunction with your individual data profile is used as a escrow service to allow retailers\advertisers to put out highly direct advertising campaigns (offering tokens\rewards and discounts for participating shoppers) towards users that have a higher rate of purchase with certain data profiles.

App users with a favourable data profile can then volunteer to allow limited access to their data in exchange for the rewards, creating a new matchmaking system between shopper and retailer called "advertising by consent".

Advertising by consent makes for a much more efficient system then current advertising practices, which spends trillions of dollars every year on advertising that relies on the "right time, right place" rule.

Zucker and facebook all over the news for fishing your data to profits in the tune of billions of dollars, Wysker winning awards for flipping the current data paradigm, the writing is on the wall, Wysker will be huge.

Currently listed on Radar Relay and ForkDelta, but will be listed on the new exchanges Next Exchange and Nebula Exchange. More exchanges to be announced later. Expect a lot of people to buy it when the new exchange listings goes live.

>> No.9311985

what were the sales conversions from the pilots with retailers?

>> No.9311991

>Hidden gem
>Shilled here 24/7 with absolutely zero price movement

Nobody wants your bags pajeet, fuck off with these threads

>> No.9312027
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We gun be reeech

>> No.9312054
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>one thread a day for the last couple of days.
Hmmm. You'll see 24/7 shilling soon enough and by then you will have to FOMO in at 10x

>> No.9312057
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thanks for bumping the tread friends

>> No.9312196
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What was the conversion rate from your pilot with a 'woman'?

>> No.9312446
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Don't miss the train, anon.

>> No.9312899

Tradable on Nebula today from 8 am UTC!

>> No.9313055


It’s already up 4.5x since pre-sale. Just the beginning.

>> No.9313926
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Sweet dubs. Kek likes wysker.

>> No.9314063
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Wys is the comfiest hold in my portfolio

Solid fundamentals

>> No.9314066

cool coin, cool app, cool videos, all around very cool, don't see any reason why the coin should appreciate at any significant rate

>> No.9314093

Where can I buy this token?

>> No.9314102

So this is kind of like BAT but an APP? Seems interesting

>> No.9314113
File: 39 KB, 249x211, 8BC265ED-CB85-4B86-858B-3704975BDD68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rare poo
>all reviews on the Play Store made by sweating bagholders who bought into the ICO

Can you fuck off already, Tobias? Nobody needs or wants to use your shitty app even after you slapped an ERC-20 shittoken on it.

>> No.9314189

i buy anything you fud <3 it's been a good strat so far, love you

>> No.9314210

tokens get used for discounts so they actually hold value in some sense, also advertizers need to buy them

I bought about 1k WYS with my rags, Im gonna see what comes, I like the app the most but alot of people yell "evil capitalism"

forkdelta, if its up

>> No.9314261


>> No.9314412
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Like no one uses instagram, pinterest or wants to discover products online. Fucking brainlet mentality to not even see a potential for gains from a 3m cap coin with a 2.0 dropping very soon. You've gotta be delusional to not at least see this as a 5-10x when the new version drops.

>> No.9314653


This was shilled once before a while back, organic shilling just started this week.

You have to be a retard to NOT jump on a coin sub 2m market cap that is beginning to shill itself naturally.

Invest or not, regardless you should keep an eye on this and see how this plays out. You might learn to ride without training wheels.

>> No.9314685

>please buy my ICO bags
fuck off natural pajeet

>> No.9314739

You dont have to be upset

>> No.9314758


I love when people get mad at people giving them solid advice.

You’re not gonna make it faggot.

>> No.9315169
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It's called FUD. The butthurt screams accumulation. The amount of shit house ICOs that get a free pass here, while a legit value proposition gets all these hostile good samaritans defending bizraelies from getting "scammed by pajeets".

>> No.9315282

This is gonna be easy a 10x. There are only 60Mio WYS coins out there and it was sold at 0.0000625 eth at ico. So as soon as trading takes up speed on nebula it will hit 0.0006. The app is very nice and the developers are working on version 2.0.

>> No.9315396

Nebula.exchange is now live with listed Wys/eth paring.

>> No.9315697

This is a easy 1000x

>> No.9315891


Thanks anon. Heard of this one already. Gonna give it a try.

>> No.9315974

god, could you please stop shilling this shitcoin day for day? They totally fucked up their ico, nobody will buy your bags.

>> No.9316130

bag if big

>> No.9316193
File: 21 KB, 186x250, EF585985-E96B-4AAE-86EB-45D58F9EB3B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mad that you missed it? Well you can still jump in. Successfully released App with 500k products in stock, 17 man-strong Dev-Team developing Version 2.0 right now, MC ridiculously low at max. 5 Mio, total supply at 102 Mio. with 60 Mio. allocated during ICO, unique tokenomics dedicated to disrupt mobile shopping. You‘re one step away from making it or you just stay a jealous poor faggot.

>> No.9316212

Are 4k enough to make it? Where can i accumulate?

>> No.9316277


Maybe there’s room for accumulation as price should reach 1$/Wys easily but above remains to be seen. Most volume is on Forkdelta currently but new CEX Nebula.exchange just opened their gates with several high quality tokens like BNT, CAN and also WYS.

>> No.9316361

Not full on made it but comfy. Just consider this thing takes off and you've got a preloaded account with 50-100k that you can spend on anything this app can scrape and present. It's a great investment because you won't actually have to cash out to buy shit with your stash.

>> No.9316429

I made my DYOR and it looks too good to be true. Leaves me with the questions: Why fucked up ICO? Why small telegram? Why dead reddit? Why no iOs? Why no CEX?

>> No.9316488

why shill it when you can't even buy it now after ICO?

>> No.9316495

reminds me a bit of CFD desu

>> No.9316548

what are the sales conversions for the products listed on the app compared to traditional retail apps or sites?

>> No.9316571


>> No.9316576


Honestly don’t know as I‘m no Team-member. Recommend to ask in the telegram-group.

>> No.9316601

Your that shping pajeet who always rambles on about sales conversions

>> No.9316632


There is a cex with Nebula and Next.exchange to follow. ICO was struck by parity hack so they had to start new. That hampered their ICO-marketing and they decided to spend no money on it. So no marketing -> no hype. But things change now as Wysker 2.0 and iOs-release are coming closer.

>> No.9316647

if they aren't stating conversion statistics or numbers from a pilot program with retailers then it's a piece of shit. those are the only numbers that matter.

you are aware that another project aimed at disrupting retail performed two 30 day pilots with major retailers and boosted sales conversions to 22% with additional revenue of over 14 million dollars. this other project is VC backed and raised over 42 million in the ICO during the worst market crypto has ever seen. this same project won multiple awards including the same ICO award that Ethereum won. this same project has partnerships with major retailers and brands before launch. shytsker can't compete. keep your shit coin, i'll stick with an actual normie magnet coin. shytsker will have people trying to watch ads and swipe bullshit at rapid speed to earn a token that will be worthless.

>> No.9316650

Is that data usually available to the public within weeks of an alpha being launched?

>> No.9316658

why would you think shping? absolute trash coin you faggot. do you know anything about retail or marketing? sales conversions are the only thing that matters. it's funny when a shit skin tries to accuse others of being one of his own. desperate. that 18 year old boomer cope

>> No.9316666

should have been released during pilot programs. what are you retarded?

>> No.9316693

You seem upset.

>> No.9316729

nope, not holding this bag so i'm cool. i just love the 18 year old boomer threads.

>> No.9316777


Which project?

>> No.9316810

I'm not holding it either, but you're expending a lot of energy demanding "sales conversions" data from a brand new app. Did they do pilot programs? I don't fucking know, I'm not a bagholder. Why don't you tell us?

>> No.9316815

I don't think your coping very well senpai

>> No.9316841
File: 27 KB, 538x501, photo_2018-04-24_07-31-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your trips mean i must reveal the name
Shopin. vastly superior team, superior idea, working product, team from Priceline, major investment before ICO, pilots with Bed Bath and Beyond and Ermenegildo Zegna, better in every way.

>> No.9316851

your cope is showing.

>> No.9316858

Whyyyyy do you need to put shopping on a blockchain? Seriosuly why?

>> No.9316883

>Working product you can download
oh. so there's no reason for it to pump then.

>> No.9316916


Wysker has a totally different approach than shopin. It’s about Discovery shopping for products you didn’t know that you want them. Shopin is just amazon on blockchain. Great project but different approach.

>> No.9316966
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hahahaha you fucking shitskin, I called you out for being that annoying shopin pajeet


Stay mad my brown friend

Shopin is the poor man wysker, half your team is literally pajeet sirs

I dont see shpin winning awards just scammy ceos

>> No.9316976

Shopin incorporates 20% discovery items into the profile. the machine learning adapts to the products that you like. if you x out products that you don't like the AI will learn and prevent them from being displayed. much more efficient. do more research, it's a much better approach.

>> No.9316991

Did you fucking read the OP or are you simple?

>> No.9316999

that guy built the infrastructure for a 100 billion dollar company. he's trying so hard to be white that he bleached his skin. stay poor. those pajeets are the backbone of the largest travel company in the world. your fud is based on your hatred for your own race. cope

>> No.9317007

and you said shping you faggot. cope

>> No.9317041



>> No.9317065



>> No.9317067

>he's trying so hard to be white that he bleached his skin.
>stay poor.
>those pajeets are the backbone of the largest travel company in the world.
>your fud is based on your hatred for your own race.

Your gonna need alot of rope for that cope lad

>> No.9317077
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Kek. Angry shopin shill can't handle the competition. What does shopin do with the data set the machine learns from? Is it your asset?
Have some kittens friend.

>> No.9317090

No one cares about your shitty Wysker alternative. If it was good you wouldnt need to come into every Wys thread to post about it. Disappear.

>> No.9317097

the level of cope is aging you at an incredible rate. you'll be a 19 year old boomer before i finish posting this

C O P E harder, if that's even possible

>> No.9317112

yes, your data is stored on the blockchain. it's your asset.


>> No.9317132


You still didn’t show any sign of understanding. Instead bumping this thread again and again.

Looks like you’re some autistic faggot. Go fuck your shopin-junk and let the big kids play with some real stuff.

>> No.9317150
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>Scammy bitcoin conference awards
>UNESCO NETEXPLO award for innovation

>> No.9317155


Hey friend, where can I download the shopin app? I really want to give it a try

>> No.9317160


Can’t COPE with that: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UQUxRLLItIw

>> No.9317168

>nobody cares
>Tom Gonser DocuSign founder is a VC investor
>42 million raised in the worst crypto market ever
>won multiple ICO awards including CoinAgenda and Miami Blockchain
>partnered with Marvin Traub Associates

yeah nobody cares. the levels of COPE are unprecedented.

>> No.9317182

just finished the ICO 8 days ago. will be released soon. keep your eyes peeled

>> No.9317196

your autistic cope is showing. discovery shopping is part of the platform, it's like you can't read or something. the big kids aren't playing with your shytsker. Hilfiger partnership with Shopin coming soon. stay poor

>> No.9317251


Let‘s see if your hilfiger COPEs with Nike, amazon and Co.

Meanwhile you seem to be much afraid regarding the effort you put inhere.

Btw. with 1 bn tokens in supply you‘re gonna be the one who stays poor in comparison to 100 Mio. Wys.

>> No.9317261

I will try to get atleast 250k of this token

>> No.9317316


Its your autistic cope that keeps my beautiful thread bumped and on the front page where it belongs.

All I have to do is visit the shpin website to know what a cheap pile of shit it is

>> No.9317328

you didn't read the tokenomics did you nigger. the team will be buying the coins from the open market and distributing to the retailers. that means massive gains you pleb. Amazon will not be partnering with any company that lets the consumer control their own data, Nike will be on boarded with Shopin as well. your cope is unbelievable. i'm showing you a superior project and you're telling me i'm afraid. that's some stratospheric cope right there nigger. stay poor with your shytsker.

>> No.9317343

your thread is being decimated nigger. i'm dominating. COPE you 18 year old boomer.

>> No.9317390

>cheap pile of shit
>Tom Gonser VC backed
>partnered with Marvin Traub
>Block One Capital listed on the TSX investment


>> No.9317397

Actually im leaning towards wys now because of your desparation. If your pick was so great you'd stfu and accumulate and let us retards buy wys

>> No.9317431

So good you have to try and scare people away from Wys, the project you think is worse.

Your bags must be filled with that useless coin for you to be this desperate.

>> No.9317435


already did, the ICO just ended.
your COPE is so salty XD
at least you know you're retarded.

>> No.9317447

>try to scare people away

>> No.9317473

You sound like a vechain shill

>muh partnerships

Wysker already has hundreds soon to be thousands of partnership retailers including Amazon

>> No.9317477

You still never said why you care so much about what we do

>> No.9317567

You've been patrolling for Wys threads for 5 days now, posting the same pilot bait question in every one so you can shill your garbage marketplace. Seems pretty desperate to me.

>> No.9317681

no, Amazon will not partner with any company that gives consumer data to the user. their entire business model is consumer data. you're talking out your ass pajeet. that would destroy their competitive advantage.

>> No.9317742

You don't know what your talking about, pajeet, they already have a partnership, go download wysker and see yourself

>> No.9317743

This is nonsense. It only affects data inside the Wys platform, gathered by Wys.

>> No.9317997

Holy shit the co founder of your coin is literally an indian and you're calling us pajeets. I bet your shitty project had an airdrop and gathered up a million pajeet retards who will dump your coin. Never going above 10 cents. Im scared to even look at your telegram, bet its filled with streetshitters worshipping their literal pajeet leader.

>> No.9318100

that pajeet is the chief architect of Priceline. do you know what that is? a 100 billion dollar company. pretty accomplished pajeet. he has more credentials than the entire shytsker team. you're an absolute pleb.
show proof of partnership with amazon. i'll wait

>> No.9318122
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Literally your co founder, and this is real, I couldnt find a more fuddy picture if I tried. Btfo. Go back to wherever you pajeets congregate and shill your streettoilet project there.