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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 361 KB, 2336x880, Screen Shot 2018-05-07 at 5.49.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9309167 No.9309167 [Reply] [Original]

How many days before holochain passes chainlink? 1 or 2?

>> No.9309237

holy shit he's not memeing

>> No.9309284

wait, wtf

>> No.9309321

just getting started

>> No.9309324


>> No.9309333

are you kidding? this piece of shit had an ICO at $100m mcap?
this'll dump like nothings ever dumped before

>> No.9309338


gonna be fun watching it pass all the others once idex starts trading again

load up boys

>> No.9309340
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tfw ez x5 growth potential from here, still so undervalued when you look at the shitcoins its surrounded with

>> No.9309345

Why are they on shitty exchanges?

This could be a decent pnd

>> No.9309346


>> No.9309350

>he is still waiting for IDEX to come back up and not trading on the other markets

>> No.9309366

>link marines finally realizing that they are about to be BTFO by a week old token

>> No.9309367

Why do you say that? This is the most modern coin out there, they have a developer that is not only handicap, but also a feminist

>> No.9309369

Do my bags need to be 26m instead of 34m now? What's the vesting on those other 40m tokens?

>> No.9309370

dw getting on huobi this week.

>> No.9309385

Whyyyy are people so dumb here. No research... just FUD.

ICO was 22 million. By the time CMC started recording the stats it was already 4x ICO

Not to mention the team released the ICO very cheap as to NOT be greedy. Most of that greed was absorbed by those who got below 100-150 gwei.

>> No.9309388

It’s 40B btw

I thought I read that the whole supply was circulating not sure if there is new info or if cmc got it wrong

>> No.9309392
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Strap in gentlemen, not even the boomer fud can touch this

>> No.9309406

They can barely stay on the Top 100 of CMC. They aren't even competition.

Sergey has nothing on Art Brock.

>> No.9309407
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>> No.9309449

Eh, I'm not feeling it.

I don't doubt at least a 2x, but I don't trust the exchange.

>> No.9309452

>holochain on map
>below link


>> No.9309455

> implying I dont own both

>> No.9309465
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>> No.9309467

Pissed STINKER about to get BTFO

>> No.9309471

Even adding to Etherdelta officially should pump this thing, which will happen since they list practically every token.

>> No.9309490

>one week old coin

your IQ is above link's rank though congrats

>> No.9309497

I think they got it wrong.

Those funds aren't locked according to a roastie from their telegram. She wasn't a core member though so maybe that is wrong and they are vested.

>> No.9309504

When lambo sirs

>> No.9309525
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tfw you realise Satoshi was a boomer

>> No.9309838

holochain is mass manipulation they have printed a godlike amount of coins they only need a few ghost million to move it an increment to get into the top 100 so normies can see it and buy in. its basically on no exchanges cause it doesnt follow certain rules and guidelines = SCAM.

>> No.9309861

>its basically on no exchanges cause it doesnt follow certain rules and guidelines
this is literally only like a week old

>> No.9309866

Where they get millions? Wash trading themselves using the icofunds to create false volume ( notice how the volume is practically the same everyday), i congratulate holo seriously for being organised enough to do this

>> No.9309910

got proof, pranjeet rakesh?

>> No.9309958
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>> No.9309960
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it already passed LINK. LINK fags BTFO

>> No.9309971

Fuck it I am buying more

>> No.9309981
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>> No.9310008

The proof is in the pudding, all the unnecessary shilling which came all at the same time which points to organised groups and marketing scheme similar to shareblue using biz memes overdone to the point where they are stagnant, everyone on this thread is not even biz regulars but a mockery anyone with an iq of 80+ can discern this and anyone stupid enough to put money into holo (on like 1 exchange lmao) deserves to lose their money

>> No.9310021

Go die faggot, we found the next best protocol and people were nice enough to shill it here when it was at 60m market cap and now we can all ride it to 6b

>> No.9310029


>> No.9310048

> muh meme conspiracy

>> No.9310050

I have to agree with this guy without commenting the project, lots of organized shilling was at play.

>> No.9310074

i relentlessly shilled this because i wanted people to make it on this board. people who have been constantly burned by pajeet scams. if you couldn't tell by the quality of the shill posts that it was excited nerds trying to get you to dyor and not pajeets then i don't know what to say tbqh enjoi being poor

>> No.9310101


>> No.9310116

>best protocol and people were nice enough to shill it here when it was at 60m

Not gonna argue with you because you are a paid shill, but take the market cap quantity in line with daily volume and compare it to chainlink its blatant wash trading 101, the real market cap of holo would be around 20 million as they are being wash traded right now with shit daily volume and the large market cap makes them easily move into the top 100. They cannot do it forever within only 2 weeks you will see they will drop out or go down in rank without FOMO. Chainlink volumes compared to market cap is genuine. This just a post so the autists on this board arent being swayed into buying a scam enjoy buying your holoports at cost price (500$ usd) to create a "decentralised" centralised network retard.

>> No.9310137

I wish I knew where they hired shills. :(

I’m just a poor nerd who is buying coins. I got in at 44 gwei and told all my biz friends about it

>> No.9310151
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imagine being this retarded and taking the time to type this out

>> No.9310181

Can someone tell me wtf this coin does? Their website made no sense to my retarded ass

>> No.9310250


Here biz if you want a job shilling for holo just ask the director for marketing she offers around 10usd a day for neets. Thank me later.

>> No.9310273


God fucking damn it you clowns, why were you FUDDING IT FUCK

>> No.9310285

Lol at the idiots who think Holo is actually paying shills to post on the business subforum of an anime image board that has maybe 3000 active users.

It's just a bunch of excited nerds you idiots.

>> No.9310295


This guy loves conspiracy theories

>> No.9310311

Yeah basically it's a huge torrenting peer network that hosts the internet.

But not only does it serve websites and files it can also do computation, but not shitty expensive ethereum computation, powerful computation.

>> No.9310342


Its not a conspiracy if people are attacking you for pointing out a scam while not even blatantly fudding a project. But seriously i invite anyone to ask the marketing director for a job, she will point you to a discord and you get payed to shill.

>> No.9310351

you raise some seemingly legit points, why do you think it will drop in 2 weeks? I see it on the uptrend already

>> No.9310367

>But seriously i invite anyone to ask the marketing director for a job, she will point you to a discord and you get payed to shill.
how much?

>> No.9310406

And you also get paid for hosting. And the hosting occurs with the spare processing power of your computer that you're not using when it's idle and you can choose what price you want to charge for it and when you want to host.

Basically, instead of having to access Twitter only through Twitter's centralized server, you can access Twitter through a decentralized network of computers. Or Facebook, or Google, or whatever.

>> No.9310420

Easy its being wash traded on one exchange, CMC takes the average of all exchanges for its ranking HOLO has 180 billion tokens even if you trade 100$ worth and bump it up 2% it'll take the market capitalisation times 180 billion. Very easy to do and its illegal in normal trading but with crypto they can do it cause no regulations.

>> No.9310422

Where are you getting this? Do you have any proof of this? If so, post it.

>> No.9310426


>> No.9310435

>Easy its being wash traded on one exchange
which one? IDEX has been down so that's not the case.

>> No.9310446

D Y O R. I was told that on the very first Holo shill post I read at 40 gwei.

I was here getting called names for 3 days shilling it. Almost every post I kept yelling at people telling them to just go research. But since it was 5x ICO at the time, I was just trying to unload my bags apparently. Bags which I had just gotten at 100 gwei. How the fuck am I unload bags that I just FOMO'ed into. Fucking biztard logic.

Especially when you see something brand new and TONS of people are shilling out of nowhere. At least then anon, you should maybe consider to do the diligence.

>> No.9310452

Hotbit. It has been working fine. I don't trust them with more then a few k at a time but it seems to be fine

>> No.9310476

i wonder why with a 100b circulating supply

*inserts brainlet pic*

>> No.9310492

Yep just make sure you withdraw off Hotbit as soon as you can. They just had withdrawals disabled but everything seems ok right now.

>> No.9310500

did someone just pump link to prove this screencap wrong? wtf

>> No.9310511

CMC is ranked by market cap...

>> No.9310515

Artoshi Brockamoto

>> No.9310519

We are about to break that wall and start mooning again

>> No.9310551

Is this bait? This is like saying Justin sun didn't get greedy because the ico price was like 40 sats
Look at the fucking supply you retard

>> No.9310556


CMC was told the correct number but they chose to ignore the facts, probably because they've been loading up on HOLO in the week it took them to update the market cap and made it look artificially low so the mob will think it has even more "room to grow"

>> No.9310600

If it's a torrent network, doesn't it have centralization in the form of torrent trackers?

>> No.9310636

the market cap is the price x circulating supply....

>> No.9310645
File: 132 KB, 1091x725, SCAMLOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wash traded on a shit no name exchange, hotbit just look up the reviews for hotbit. Literally takes fucking 1 minute of your time. General rule of thumb if it aint on binance your funds arent safe. oh btw dat 0$ on idex MUH HOLOCHAIN PLZ FOMO INTO HOLOCHAIN ITZ BETTER THAN CHAINLINK.

Literal shills or braindead deluded autists that WILL lose their money. You have been warned.

>> No.9310650

It uses the same technology to distribute and shard the data (DHT) but its not exactly the same.

>> No.9310680

I'm moving us up let's go

>> No.9310700

Yeah that's all the babble on the website. It explains the nodes and how they avoid that.

>> No.9310715


This guy has so much fucking HOT

>> No.9310725

Just use RadarRelay. It's decentralized, you'll be fine.

>> No.9310786


>> No.9310813

Which is an interesting idea but the token itself has no value because the team is committed to making the price of "fuel" stable and low once it comes out.

>> No.9310819

>Wash traded

hahahaha what the fuck are you blabbering about. jesus christ. go take your medicine.

>> No.9310857

The price will remain stable for the price it takes to host, but the rewards for hosting will go up because the token that's exchanged for fuel is traded on the open market. The fuel will also be able to be used as a currency on the network, so the price could appreciate if that aspect of the project grew legs.

>> No.9310890

Everyone who is on the fence about Holo should definitely read that post.

>> No.9310910

not true. as the number of hosts grows, that mass of their computing power stabilizes valuation. Hosts set their own prices for their computing power which will tend toward stability when averaged across a large ecosystem of servers. Because Fuel also incentivizes participation, it brings along the infrastructure and resources needed to sustain itself. As more hosts come online and share computing power, the network becomes more valuable, giving the fuel more purchasing power in relation to the service they are designed to support.

>> No.9310911

stable doesn't equal low dumbass
they just don't want it to be volatile so it can actually be useful as a currency, unlike bitcoin. but it can be stable at a high price

>> No.9310930

which is why we can easily see it being .10c EOY

>> No.9310965

Higher in my opinion. I think it will eventually flip ETH, probably more quickly than it took ETH to climb that high considering how mature the crypto tech space is at this point.

>> No.9310970

WHAT other markets

>> No.9311041


This really was a fantastic read

>> No.9311052

this whole medium site is insane

>> No.9311065

> flip ETH

lmfao. So what, literally anyone threat owns HOT right now will be a millionaire in the future. You're telling me that pajeets on this board will be fucking billionaires because of this shit? Youre pretty deluded if you think this coin is even breaking 1$

>> No.9311073

even an official listing on etherdelta/forkdelta would be significant. nexo just did 800k in volume yesterday. hot would triple that.

>> No.9311090

Everything that gets listed on etherdelta gets dumped on hard

>> No.9311124

Why hasn't it already dumped then? It's already on radarrelay, hotbit and other sites that are working just fine. I feel like people would've dumped and taken the ETH if they were really bent on dumping.

>> No.9311169
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>> No.9311484

Put the HOT contract into ForkDelta and trade there. Fuck IDEX. They lost it.

>> No.9311512

The ICO just ended like a week ago. This is the real deal anon. Still another easy 5-10x from here. It's new. It's different. And volume post ICO doesn't happen like this anymore.

>> No.9311571

What other boomer coins are there? None. This has big money written all over it once the boomers in their 50 year old, 30k VW busses decide they need to diversify into crypto. Imbrace the boomers. They have all the money.

>> No.9311601

Dude. It's already on there. Go to Other in the coins section and put in the contract address for HOT.

>> No.9311667

This is the 2nd cheapest coin on CMC right now that's on the frontpage (sort by lowest price), it's even cheaper than DOGE coin. During Jan bullrun, normies surged "Dentacoin" marketcap from $160m to $2.2 BILLION, DOGE from $150M to $1.95 billion and TRON TRX from $280m to $16.7 billion. Why? because those three were the cheapest coin on the first page of CMC. Normie logic: Buy the cheapest coin you can buy.

There'll be a massive normie surge in the next bullrun that will surge HOLO from its current marketcap to $3-4 billion, simply due to the fact it has much more going for it than a Dentistry blockchain or a "meme" coin. By then there will be thousands of Holo nodes & partnerships from corporate companies.


>> No.9311676

Nah. Satoshi was definitely a gen x.

>> No.9311757

can confirm this. my normie friend asked me about Dogecoin and holachain today. I was gobsmacked he knew about holo.. went to look at CMC and behold Holo is on the frontpage with second cheapest coin price. there was no way this guy surfs 4chan to have picked up on the holo memes.

>> No.9311805

This is what is hilarious about the state of \biz right now. Faggots looking for "the next ETH, NEO or BTC", then they don't even look anything up when it's put in front of their face for days.

>> No.9311873
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is this elaborate satire or are you guys really this bad at your shill jobs?

just fuck off already

>> No.9311941

yeah...what gave it away, the OFFICIAL HOLO MEDIUM that was linked, mongoloid? nice detective work

>> No.9311946

Holy fuck anon. Great read. They really don't give a fuck about money. They know they will make it down the road or most of them were doing it for "fun" anyway.

>> No.9311964

i know but an official listing so ppl dont have to manually add the contract address. normies dont know how to do that.

>> No.9311993

If you look into the holo devs are the genesis wallets that invested too, they are multi multi millionaires.

>> No.9312005

I have several million HOT like the rest of us, but Jesus man. Don't start shit like that. Holochain has zero chance of flipping ETH. Ever. Seriously.

>> No.9312019

I wouldn't put it at 0 desu, I give HOLO a 5% chance of overtaking and a 25% chance at hitting 15b mc.

>> No.9312094

Just trying to get my biz bros as rich as I am. Believe it or not. HOT speaks for itself. You can get in now and just ride it to 300 in a couple days. Easy 30% and the volume is there to actually do this with 50 ETH or more. Show me another coin that will do this faggot. 300 within two days. Cap it.

>> No.9312109

single fukking undervalued coin out there in whole crypto now. look for example WAN, literal eth fork, no tech behind it. look trx shit github...fuccking every coin is overvalued than holo except top 4 or may be top 5. if market is rational it would have been in top 10 by now. but it will eventually in few months.

>> No.9312121

Wherre do I buy this?

>> No.9312129


i jsut sold all my eth for holo after watching this video. holy shit guys. anyone who holds holo is going to make it big. jesus fucking christ. watch that video

>> No.9312214

>it's recovering already
>the morning wheelchair feminist FUD has already dissipated
>just put in 2 ETH

trusting you fat fuckers

>> No.9312289
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I spent 14k on Spice and Wolf merch this last week. I feel compelled to match that for my waifus coin.

>> No.9312394

Is coin gecko the only place to buy this? I'm gonna drop about 20 ETH on it.

>> No.9312527


>> No.9312545


I'm in, let's go, homos

I can't believe I almost let the fudsters FUD me out of this


>> No.9312556

We are headed to the top.

I own a good good piece of the pie and it's off the market and that feels good. I've never been able to control this much of a coin before.

>> No.9312658
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Very nice my fellow 2D aficionado

>> No.9312703

Holo has a developer hackathon on May 25th in Texas. Something big will be announced to the prospective/aspiring holochain developers there. There will be a massive pump up until that event. Buy now.

>> No.9312966

If I can figure out how to get HOTBIT to work that is. First time on this exchange.

>> No.9312986

>Holo has a developer hackathon on May 25th in Texas. Something big will be announced to the prospective/aspiring holochain developers there. There will be a massive pump up until that event. Buy now.

you dont need to shill holo nigga. lets their work speak. stop shit posting rakesh. if you want go to discord , dont make holo is pajeet coin

>> No.9312993

its a pretty easy and fast exchange to use anon.

>> No.9313038

I'm just retarded. I lurked for a while but just got in the game on ETH last month and I had been storing shit on coinbase till I got a wallet. I will figure it out, most likely.

>> No.9313065

ForkDelta. Go to coins and in other put in the contract address.

>> No.9313082

When you don't have hype, you get a LINK situation, with a price that won't fucking move even when ropsten launches. People like you who are against hyping up projects are fucking retarded. You don't want a coin that isn't marketed, and simply lets it's work speak for itself? Invest in PRL. Mainnet is about to launch and the price hasn't moved for months.

>> No.9313110

why's the cofounder wearing eyeliner? why is everyone associated with this project some kind of homosexual communist feminist freak?

>> No.9313143

brainlet, hype is needed for shitcoins like link. but not for holo. who did the hype , literally none, it reached top 100. it has potential to reach to top 20 with out tweeting from team. yea from top 20 to top 10 or top 5, it needs some hype. but we dont need to hype it until it got in decent exchange

>> No.9313162

>why's the cofounder wearing eyeliner? why is everyone associated with this project some kind of homosexual communist feminist freak?

why vitalik look autistic, why sergey look hippiee and odd. those are the ones they make great product. dont look at their faces, look at holo github. you know its real deal

>> No.9313171
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Some coins got to top 100 doesnt mean it isnt a shitcoins. Bitconnect were there too lol.

>> No.9313565

Appreciate it, almost pulled it off, but Coinbase claims that I'm not allowed to transfer funds. I bought like 10 ETH earlier and it has yet to clear, but I had 30 clear literally a week ago. Guess its support ticket time, I fucking hope I can get in by tmr.

>> No.9313599

There was a ton of hype around Holo on /biz/ when IDEX was up you fucking dolt. Is this you FUD faggots' new angle? "Just ignore this coin and stop talking about it; stop telling people about how good it is. Nobody needs to know about it for it to go up!"

>> No.9314336
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lads should I not be keeping my HOT stack on IDEX? Should I transfer it it to MetaMask?

>> No.9314636
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below link?

>> No.9314695

Can you believe the amount of shit tier fudding on this over the last few days by some discord groups... please tell me no one buys this fud and actually listens to them... it must have the opposite effect here and make people actually buy.

>> No.9314743

fucking kek still shilling this

you're all expecting another bull run to pump this sky high......

ok so where is the money going to come from to do that? you realise 2017's run was a unique event not to be repeated

or you think all those people who were burnt in january are going to come back for round 2

and with that, I'm out just now from ICO, maybe it pulls a 2x from here, or maybe it doesn't

>> No.9314805

If you're trading you would leave it on, but I wouldn't trust my coins on the DEX for the exact reason you are in now. Hence, in the wallet as soon as I buy it. Wait for a real exchange to trade it.

>> No.9314807

The situation is pretty unique right now actually. IDEX is the only truly trusted exchange that's listing HOT for now, and HOT had around 5MM$ volume there before IDEX died.

Price kept increasing on IDEX before it died, and anyone who was looking at the buys and sells then knows there where big buys going through very regularly, then IDEX dies.

Does the buy pressure disappear? Pretty safe to assume it doesn't, so there are still a lot of people waiting for IDEX to come back to buy.

Holders had every chance to sell on hotbit, and the price corrected a bit, and now keeps going up again so => the FUD that this is a PnD is dead, buy pressure is still there, and there is honestly a chance that this is the evolution of blockchain since its pretty much new tech (we don't know, but it can be, and that's enough to buy a few Holo just in case).

No one said it's going to 20B$ in a week or as soon as IDEX comes back online, but it's safe to assume that the initial bull run was interrupted and Holo is now a safer investment than it was 3 days ago when it was being shilled/fudded hard on biz

>> No.9314818

>not trading on the other markets
Why move it out when you should be holding anyways.

>> No.9314849

This is starting to look like getting in on ETH in the early days.

>> No.9314892

Honestly this. It seemed like people actually discussing new tech, which is exciting for this board because usually it is just pajeet shilling.
A new protocol is a big deal.

>> No.9314936
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in my bones and in my dreams i feel that this is the new protocol

>> No.9315044

It's gonna be a long hodl for me, so should I just grab a Nano S and chuck it on there? Never used third party wallets before so this is new to me. usually just keep my shit on exchanges like a dumbfuck.

>> No.9315084

ETH market cap is about 300x holo's market cap. So you would have to be one rich pajeet right now to be a billionaire if it were to topple ethereum

>> No.9315085


>> No.9315094

Unironically this.

>> No.9315324

Funny that this was part of the failed FUD campaign yet is actually a positive.

>> No.9315376

Is it fuck

>> No.9315486

it actually is anon, think of how normie-friendly that makes holo. $1 EOY

>> No.9315556

I'd much rather a turbo autist than some fat, fake tranny.

>> No.9315612

I've watched the video from the team regarding the POA protocol. If anyone can confirm the genesis wallet investment. Then I am in.

>> No.9315688


I believe Matt Schutte may be the investor that people are referencing, but I am not sure. I timestamped the part of the video here where he talks about the Holo Tokens and how he invested in Etherium. It's only a minute or two from my time stamp.

Either way. Amazing project and I am super excited to see what the future holds.

>> No.9315791

HitBTC next exchange before the month ends

>> No.9315804

>Youre pretty deluded if you think this coin is even breaking 1$
With the amount of HOT out there if it goes to 1$ wouldn't it be the biggest thing in crypto?
It's not going to break 1$ but even if it goes to 50c a whole lot of people here can retire already.

>> No.9315884

How much of my LINK meme bags should I sell to get in on HOT?

>> No.9315944

but why did they ban me from the discord for talking about feminism and transgenders

>> No.9315959

So everyone saw how a high supply, low sat shitcoin like Bytecoin pumped right (almost exact same supply as HOT)? If Holo do a good job getting their message out there things could get interesting..

>> No.9316104

So what, that's a penny maybe? 177bil tokens

>> No.9316112

All of it. Why would you hold a shitcoin?