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9308950 No.9308950 [Reply] [Original]

>Bill Gates FUD
>Warren Buffet FUD
>’buying crypto is infanticide’ FUD from that one Boomer
>fake SEC hearing rumor spreads everywhere

Ok, what’s the deal here? Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are who most normies see as the picture of wealth. Did these guys get an order from on top to FUD crypto? Perhaps for an accumulation?

>> No.9308959

Mind you all of this happened in under 48 hours.

>> No.9309027

Of course, i mean if buffet kept it subtle with one or two handoff comments about bitcoin but he just kept having to hammer it and get invited onto a show to talk about it then yeah then its a rabid directed attack.

>> No.9309030

They need people (boomers) who invest to purchase their own stocks, not crypto.

>> No.9309034
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15 minutes in the real world has passed but for my DMT-expanded consciousness an eternity has transpired, the only time of suitable length to ponder every single outcome and and every possible possibility.

I have determined the best possible course of action is to go short on btc, all in, 100x, i don't suggest sleeping on this one

>> No.9309063

They have to want the price to go down. I remember this happening before around 10.5k with mt gox dumping news 3 months after the fact, binance "hack" and some other bullshit gov document that meant nothing. Price dumped all the way back to 6k.

>> No.9309080

It means buy now if you want to be the new-new rich.

>> No.9309093

several banks are preparing to offer products based on crypto so investors can trade them with the "comfort" of a established institution.
>sudden FUD about crypto danger

expect banks to offer you btc "options" in the near future
you dont need to buy btc yourself if you can just give your money + a small bonus to them to buy them for you.

>> No.9309101

going all in 100x short thanks

>> No.9309292


This. If the younger generations don't feed their system when they're already outnumbered by the old they will be up shit creek.

>> No.9309800

I get The feeling a lot of young people are buying crypto. Anyone here in college, are your peers aware of/buying crypto?

>> No.9309894

I feel bad for buffet. People used to adore him. Then he got on the wrong side of bitcoin. I think he genuinely a good person, but he will die soon and be remembered as the guy said the technology that will bring the upcoming global financial renaissance was equivalent to ripping brains out of infants.

Also, bill gates is just pissed as fuck hes not the richest dude anymore and all the kids talk about bezos and don't know who the fuck gates it. I think that's what pisses gates off is that when bitcoin hits $1,000,000 the winklevoss chads will be richer than him too.

>> No.9309902

Options would be amazing for retail traders. It'd be stupid easy to make absurd amounts of money betting on crashes with little downside.

>> No.9309927

Be greedy when others are fearful

>> No.9309937

do as i say, not as i do

skin in the game

>> No.9309943
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>Bill Gates FUD
“The Internet? We are not interested in it.” – Bill Gates, 1993

>> No.9309953

EVERYONE is aware of crypto. I do know a decent amount of people who also own crypto.

>> No.9309992

>Gates and buffet taking orders from the "top"

What exactly do you consider the top?

>> No.9310005

The freshly harvested baby brains thing was Charlie Munger jus sayin

>> No.9310018

About 30% of my peers know that Bitcoin is some sort of digital money. This percentage is mostly guys I think I've met only like 2 girls who knew what crypto was. On top of that they don't actually understand the technology behind it or the implications of the blockchain. I've convinced a few of my friends to look into crypto and stuff but they're so short term they get bored of holding something for more than two months so they end up just selling it and forgetting about it. Honestly, there is so much space to grow. A lot of people on biz overestimate how much normies actually know about crypto.

>> No.9310223


Yeah, I guess most people have heard about cryptos or at least bitcoin by now but still a surprisingly small number of people actually bought any. I guess buying them is still too weird.


>> No.9310269

"I would consider 24M the upper bound number on the number of bitcoin users worldwide"

If that's true we're still pretty fucking early.

>> No.9310299
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they're fudding it. They want IN on it.

Either that or they were forced to answer the question and just said some bullshit