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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9304666 No.9304666 [Reply] [Original]

the average /biz/ poster spends hours of their time here yet doesnt even have the most basic understanding of the market

>> No.9304678

Teach us masta

>> No.9304699
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>> No.9304708

How do I learn oh unholy trips

>> No.9304720

You can apply that to almost everyone involved in this shit. I rate /biz/ higher than twitter, reddit and telegram though. You can at least filter here.

>> No.9304727
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Meanwhile at op's room

>> No.9304731

You don't necessarily need to understand the market to make gains. You just need to buy and sell at the right times. Not trying to say the average /biz/ poster does that though

>> No.9304749

Are you really a girl? Send contact info if so. I know how to count Elliott waves ;)

>> No.9304815

im no expert but some of you are seriously slow

the average biztard doesnt even know that when you trade a btc you're trading in satoshis. they think the usd price is all that matters. so if btc rose to a million dollars tomorrow and none of the alts moved their would unironically be biz tards trading their btcs for alts and being suprised they didnt receive a million dollars worth afterwards

it becomes obvious as fuck just how dumb the average biztard is when they try to predict prices of coins without even looking at the total supply. it truly disgusts me how dumb this board is

>> No.9304829
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Anonymous discussion is a toxic environment for financial discussion though. If you are inexperienced in this, plebbit is unironically a fucking better source of information than /biz/, as obvious shilling or deliberately trying to fuck people over can be moderated by the balance of "le upboat XD". If you're advanced enoguh to see through these tactics, /biz/ can have pretty good discussion

>> No.9304882

no idea but check my dubs, also i bet all you faggots dont even smoke crack, plebs

>> No.9304886

Being new =/= doesn't equal being slow, try to keep that in mind. There are some potatoes here, sure, but there are also high migrations of people coming here from other boards looking to make some dosh... especially from the /sig/ on both /pol/ and /fit/

>> No.9305082

I agree, plebbit can be useful for specific coin news. I don't like the main crypto one because I always see the news elsewhere before they upvote it enough.

desu i wish it wasn't necessary to use any of them to stay up to date. i need better news bots.

>> No.9305176

Was up wit dat? You’ll cowards don’t even smoke crack

>> No.9305184
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Yeah I've basically categorized them as
>/Biz/ = Some solid advice on future moon missions mixed with full scale shilling and scams
>reddit = barebones advice that will make you small/conservative, but consistent gains over time

>> No.9305189

Yah, and?

>> No.9305276

Probably true but you can have a 70 IQ and still be smarter than 50% of /biz/.

>> No.9305582

There's a lot of newfags here that think this is a community, which makes them appear as brainlets. I wouldn't say they're brainlets as such, just pretty naive and easy to manipulate. All you have to do is act like you're an expert and start shilling them your bags on the sly like the twitter shitters do.
The smarter newfags will quickly realise everyone here is purely out for themselves, the slower ones will never learn this.