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File: 276 KB, 1944x2243, BoxOfKittens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9301734 No.9301734 [Reply] [Original]

Did you know that Wysker has a treasure hunt going down right now for 100k WYS. One wallet, one winner.

Did you know that WYS has 102m total tokens. Do you think 1 dollar is a difficult price to achieve with such a low total cap?

You can win 100k USD, by solving a puzzle.


More info here:


>> No.9301863

Also there's some sort of morse code thing in the top left corner of this Wysker ad, you might need that:


>> No.9301909

I'm more interested in gold that I can microwave

>> No.9301959

So like, any gold that fits into a microwave? Bet you could buy that for $100k. Just gotta figure out that puzzle first.

>> No.9302145

nice...is the code on one of the billboards in the second video?

>> No.9302229

I don't rightly know. There's a big Wysker ad in the middle of the 2nd video, it has a morse code type thingie in the top left corner. Might be a part of the puzzle.

>> No.9302235

scam ico

>> No.9302332



There are some hints in the Wysker News Channel on telegram

>> No.9302405

Seems legit to me. What makes you think it is a scam?

>> No.9302469

Btw. tomorrow 8 am UTC Wys is gonna be tradable on Nebula.Exchange!


>> No.9302678

This is like capitalist gooning.

>> No.9302687
File: 36 KB, 351x329, fullsizeoutput_23af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already cracked half the private key

>> No.9302696



>> No.9302732


Which parts did you find?

>> No.9302921
File: 49 KB, 636x426, fullsizeoutput_20bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as if i would give that away

>> No.9302963


Thought I could try ;-)

>> No.9303003

because it's a piece of shit that will not be adopted by retailers. you're an absolute pajeet shill and you're here everyday shilling this bag of shytsker. find a loo you fucken shit skin

>> No.9303088

Can we halt new coins and let the ones we have do something. No wonder bitcoin's dominance is dying which I don't mind anyways.

>> No.9303116

>because it's a piece of shit that will not be adopted by retailers

What do you mean when you say that retailers will not adopt it? There's already plenty of products in the app, and more are added every day. Do you think the retailers who's products are already in the app do not want free advertising opportunities?

Also I am 100% white and so is this token. Literally, check out their team page. It's a legit business by a legit western company in a legit western country based on a legit western idea of capitalism at it's zenith.

>> No.9303351

don't listen to the meanie head mister Wysker-shill-kun. He just mad he panic sold his HOTties at 70 vitaliks

>> No.9303374


There are already a ton of retailers listed in the app. Just take a look yourself bitch.

>> No.9303422

>listed in the app
show me their wallet holdings. show me how many shytsker you have earned for you ADHD shopping.

>> No.9303493


DYOR and download the app. There you’ll see.

>> No.9303617

>show me their wallet holdings

You want me to show you the wallet holdings of retailers? The ad platform isn't live yet.

>show me how many shytsker you have earned for you ADHD shopping.

In-app Wyskers will come from the advertisements you consent to watch. The gamification that poops out fragments of a coin when you swipe is only really there to keep the normies hooked to the WYS IV.

>> No.9303712

>listed retailers
>lots of products
>not live
>just pajeets holding this shytsker
lel! watch this ad and get a coin goy! sounds like some far fetched bullshit where you think people will waste away their time to earn fragments of a shit coin that are worth next to nothing. you are the normie because you think this is a good idea. sorry pajeet. it's shit

>> No.9303845

App is live. App has products. App has retailers. Ad platform is not live.

Brainlet, these are two separate things.

>sounds like some far fetched bullshit where you think people will waste away their time to earn fragments of a shit coin that are worth next to nothing.

As I just said, in the post you're replying to, the gamification is just gonna add to the addiction. People won't zoom through products for WYS tokens, they'll zoom through products because they're consumption-crack addicts. People love this type of window browsing, let's find something to buy kind of experience.

One thing is for sure, you are not the normie, because you have clearly never interacted with normies at all if you think they won't be stuck in this day in and day out.

>> No.9303882

Great job anon! You've now narrowed down the search space to a mere 1.2x10^24 private keys. That's assuming you know exactly where in the key each of your answers lie.
This competition is beyond retarded

>> No.9303908

>people love this because i said so
it's a piece of shit! how many products have you purchased? how many shytsker have you earned? what was the sales conversion for retailers during the pilot? some numbers pajeet

>> No.9304063

>it's a piece of shit! how many products have you purchased?

If I tell you 0, if I tell you 1, if I tell you 100, what difference does it make? How does my personal experience define the value of this product? I am not a 20 something C-cup having Starbucks drinking shopaholic, but there's hundreds of millions of them out there.

> how many shytsker have you earned?

Are you dim? Did I not just tell you why that does not matter yet?

>what was the sales conversion for retailers during the pilot?

Ask Wysker.


>> No.9304113

>i don't use it but someone will
>i'm not part of the target market but i know all about their habits
>ask shytsker
you are shytsker. you obviously work for them or you're a paid shill from bangledesh
no answers. perfect. you're a pathetic shill with a heavy bag.

>> No.9304130

I honestly hope this app triggers an epileptic seizure and they get sued for millions.

>> No.9304207
File: 21 KB, 512x288, AEFCBCF7-DD5E-4093-848E-0B4EC5C11308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Thanks for the bump. Now go back to google/facebook/amazon where you can give away your data for free

>> No.9304371

>you are shytsker. you obviously work for them or you're a paid shill from bangledesh


>>i don't use it but someone will

I have used it, I have it on my phone right now.

>>i'm not part of the target market but i know all about their habits

What is this, socialjustice.com? I have to be a part of a group or else I couldn't possibly understand it?

