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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 105 KB, 1926x1926, funfair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9299118 No.9299118 [Reply] [Original]

>Not owning any FUN right now
What are you doing anon?

>> No.9299156

forget it anon. most of them here are for a quick overnight buck cause frustration of not getting a decent blowjob ever. Fun is a gold mine. enough said

>> No.9299234

10k FUNlet reportin.

Will I make it?

>> No.9299296

Holding 75k i bought at ATH

>> No.9299980
File: 187 KB, 1954x1718, Screen Shot 2018-05-07 at 10.43.31 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9300160

I wish I knew... Holding only like 500 pieces...

>> No.9300166

I just sold all my Fun
>Had to lock in dem gainz

>> No.9300278

it seems quite plausible that you may regret that within the next few weeks, anon. Jez San is already talking about going live with an operator before beta concludes if all goes well

>> No.9300316
File: 21 KB, 500x376, 1511445460545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fun moves up for the first time in fucking months

>> No.9300364

it's moving up significantly in a red market, and if you search the archives you'll see that people have been posting all along

>> No.9300370
File: 203 KB, 349x491, FkjxNfT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry kiddo no fun allowed here

>> No.9300407

I might jump back in, depending on the market.
I am not a gambling man.

>> No.9300436

what'd you buy at?

>> No.9300450
File: 37 KB, 640x427, 1515452210018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bagholder reporting in
figuratively don't give a damn what the price does

>> No.9300471
File: 33 KB, 1280x720, cZ2NnPN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

272K. Didn't buy the ATH like most of biz probably did.

>> No.9300504

I bought ath it still hurts

>> No.9300521

Anyone who bought any alt coin between January and March and didn't sell the peak probably got burned hard. Virtually every alt lost 75% of its value during that time.

>> No.9300579

Bought 20,000 with the FOMO train back in 12 Apr

>> No.9300619
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>> No.9300653

...is this a real rock formation?

>> No.9300802

FUN is done! sell sell sell!

oh wait, it's in the accumulation zone and will hit 900 sats by the end of June at the latest

>> No.9300863
File: 19 KB, 328x268, Screen Shot 2018-05-07 at 11.47.45 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh

>> No.9301028

Na mate, we will pivot between 570 and 610 for rest of week until BTC goes into positives again.

Also it will spike to as low as 540 and as high as 650.

It was doing this earlier but on smaller scale, and now the volume is pumped it will get more erratic.

>> No.9301063
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I'm right there with ya brother

>> No.9301348

I hope you are right, anon

>> No.9301409
File: 381 KB, 800x670, 1525673846169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling good FunBros, when we hitting 10 cents

>> No.9301663

Some guy sold 128k on binance, price went down quickly lmao
I hope for 17 cents

>> No.9301683

That amount and greater have been moving consistently for the last 8 hours

>> No.9301725


I followed you from the other thread you filthy nigger


Raqesh here is pumping his piece of shit fag token.

>not on my watch bub

>> No.9301753

the ride doesn't stoppppp

>> No.9301765

can you elaborate on why it's a "shit fag token"?

>> No.9301800

he's a fucking faggot Linkie

This is without question one of the best fucking coins out there. Solid project, solid team and even a braindead nigger like the faggot above you can see the utility of a gambling coin.

>> No.9302039

Fucking link is just as equally shitty as this. Whoever thinks this piece of shit is going anywhere doesn't not exist in reality.

>solid project
>solid team

That's what every soft in the head shill says about their project.

Just be honest, its a shit idea and your bags are too heavy to get rid of at a loss.

>> No.9302127

you're going to fomo in eventually.

>> No.9302239

You're out of your fucking mind Rajesh.

>> No.9302274
File: 307 KB, 600x887, thisisfine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why must /biz/ always remind me of my heaviest bags

>> No.9302458


That's all you fucking have?

My ancestors were on the fucking Mayflower you little cuck Hungarian faggot. I'm as white as they come.

But keep up with your Slavic trash bullshit.

We're mooning again btw, the only fucking green for the last 24 hours.

>> No.9302486

How's the shitting situation at the call center? Are you still scamming old ladies pretending to be the IRS or are you with microsoft now?

>> No.9302524

Iam out of this shit since last year. Nice tech, but other coins performed so much better.

>> No.9302535

$1 by EOY

>> No.9302635
File: 603 KB, 899x681, IMG_0735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUN just got a fiat pairing less than a week ago. Casinos must feel comfortable buying in now that they don't have to obtain bitcoin first.

>> No.9302677

wow good job fighting the good fight, you sure proved a point (?)


>> No.9302693

>FUN just got a fiat pairing less than a week ago. Casinos must feel comfortable buying in now that they don't have to obtain bitcoin first.
Also 10% of the 24h volume is USDT which is pretty ebin

>> No.9302729


>> No.9302749


>> No.9302831

s-stop anon

>> No.9302904

>tfw have only 121k FUN and need it to reach 0.09 to break even

I want to kill myself every day.

Lesson learned, never EVER fomo in kids. It aint worth it.

>> No.9302935

What did you pay in sats? You didn’t buy with fiat, dumbo

>> No.9303224

Why is FUN moving up?
Soon 450 again.

>> No.9303232
File: 332 KB, 2692x1152, Screen Shot 2018-05-07 at 2.29.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh you sweet summer child

>> No.9303235

I bought in at 540 before the big dip and sold at 560 due to nerves. Just a quick trade but I got out way too early

>> No.9303266

What will your reaction be if it reaches ~700 sats in the short term? Will you sit it out?

>> No.9303404

>I want to kill myself every day.

Don't fuck it up in June, friend

>> No.9303460

Bought in already

>> No.9303482

godspeed, we might make it, lad

>> No.9304017


observe and laugh