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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 15 KB, 164x211, ipsxlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9298394 No.9298394 [Reply] [Original]

We are taking off. This is your LAST chance to get IPSX this cheap.

Hold it for a year and you'll x100 your money.

>> No.9298410
File: 548 KB, 547x482, kirbyipsx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, the OP pic is yfw you've got less than 1 Million IPSX.

Pic related is yfw you've got more than 1 Million IPSX.

>> No.9298417

Just sold recently.

Couldn't really find a reason why I'd let a bunch of criminals use my IP just to get some weird coins. Also the team doesn't have a single programmer.

>> No.9298489

Weak ass fud.

Read the linkedin profiles of the team, there are programmers.

When are you finished with accumulating so you can stop fudding?

>> No.9298522


Check yourself. No programmers. Don't care though, sold at peak. Get fucked.

>> No.9298545


Data Engineer & Senior JAVA/PHP Developer
- Developed complex distributed Java web crawlers with shared APIs and databases, as well as intuitive dynamic graphical interfaces that allow our clients to interact with our solutions seamlessly.

- Designed and implemented a vast array of REST APIs that interact with large datasets through the use of highly optimized SQL and NoSQL queries, providing the desired XML/JSON responses to our customers with very low latencies.

- Personally drafted the algorithmic solutions provided to our largest customers, specifically highlighting and documenting the most efficient techniques for tackling each task, and coordinating their integration to production with our development team.

- Researched and implemented large-scale data parsers and algorithms using technologies such as XPath, Regular Expressions and Dynamic CSS selectors. As part of our eRanker offering, translated many of these techniques into SEO factor extractors and tailored parsers that created informative SEO reports to our clients.

- Created a scrapy-cluster service with an associated REST API that provides an interface through which data mining jobs can be submitted, and results can be downloaded and visualized in real-time.

- Responsible for overseeing our company's GIT, SVN, and other source code repositories and documentation.

- Implemented public WordPress plugins that allow companies to easily get SEO reports allowing them to readily obtain actionable insights from their day-to-day activities.

>> No.9299045

You're missing the point. There is utility in securing a large volume of IPs from across the globe for corporate clients. Data mining and other related efforts have a distinct need for availability of IPs with a variety of targeted geographic locations, which is something IPSX is looking to facilitate. This is why they are opening offices up internationally at a rapid pace.

If you think all this coin does is give criminals an easier way to perform malicious actions you deserve to miss out on the inevitable 50-100x returns once the corporate demand is realized. You sold the top of the very bottom, congrats on that, seriously.

>> No.9299078

use an online wallet then

>> No.9299260

Finally they started marketing their project. The amount of recently joined chinks in telegram is ridiculous considering that team started their chinese compaign just today.

>> No.9299999

we need more memes if we want people to buy this

>> No.9300158

The amount of chinks joining the telegram is astounding and the Chinese marketing just started today, buy now or stay poor

>> No.9300468
File: 9 KB, 247x204, thosedigits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking check'd. Kek has spoken. More memes are mandated.

>> No.9300909

This will easily x5 in upcoming 2 months

>> No.9301790
File: 32 KB, 192x171, Kirby_Inhale_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone make a meme where Kirby is absorbing sell walls.

>> No.9301825

I'll get on that after work today. I made the pic in the second post in this thread, glad someone picked it up. I will not let those quint gets down. Kek will be pleased.

>> No.9301854

op here, thanks mr. memer.

>> No.9302077


>> No.9302262

IDEX being down is currently keeping ipsx price down. Bibox has high withdrawal fees and shit prices if you're selling, but for buying a lot of cheap coins it does a fine job. As soon as this thing reaches any solid exchange, the price is going to reflect its quality.

>> No.9302263



>> No.9302319

buying 500k because of quints

>> No.9302324
File: 38 KB, 200x202, 1525676110147.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually falling for ANOTHER gypsy scam

>> No.9302395

Price is already low fren, if you want to FUD for a better entry you're going to have to do better than that.