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9298817 No.9298817[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ethereum wallet, was dicking around on wireshark and google developer tools and after about 2-3 weeks of fucking around with IDEX with GET requests I found this.


>> No.9298855

You don't

>> No.9298919

why not

>> No.9299000

are we just looking at your wallet here?

>> No.9299122

>Ethereum wallet, was dicking around on wireshark and google developer tools and after about 2-3 weeks of fucking around with IDEX with GET requests I found this.

infosec anon here - what did u find? (i know pretty much zero about crypto)

>> No.9299124

Check the address :) on the ethereum blockchain

>> No.9299143

just give up, you have no clue how any of these works

>> No.9299219

this is the idex master wallet lmao

>> No.9299230
File: 91 KB, 1078x710, 75F11E1C-1E30-480F-B095-2342393FA3B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>public key looked like mine for a sex

Doood fuckkkk dont gimme a heart attack also IDEX is fucked

>> No.9299276

Indeed. I put the private key into MEW but it needs a password. The wallet password in the screenshot starts with U2. Seems to be encrypted possibly. Whoever helps me out will get a berry berry nice amount

>> No.9299316

how long is the password?

>> No.9299373

use john the ripper to extract hash from priv key, then crack using hashcat

>> No.9299379

Im on my phone right now i am probably going to post another thread when i am back from work. Ill post another screenshot showing a bit more

>> No.9299387

Give me your eth address in case this works if it does ill make your year

>> No.9299418


its me ur brother

>> No.9299422

I would like to say when actively viewing the account the private key changes every 10-30 seconds or so.

>> No.9299432

ill send money to that address if you are able to give any suggestions to decrypt the wallet password string

>> No.9299466

Have you tried just writing "password" or "admin" or "nakamoto". Remarkable how stupid people are

>> No.9299485

Ill keep that in mind, if the passphrase is one of the three words you said then ill send u moneys. Post your eth address

>> No.9299491

https://crackstation.net/ could be worth a shot if whoever made the password is stupid, just a rainbow table but could be worth a shot, otherwise buy a bunch of GPU's and do the hashcat method the other guy recommended

>> No.9299499

I got a couple of GTX 1080s, good enough?

>> No.9299524

in theory no, but if the password is short you could get lucky. cracking hashes is mostly just luck and time if you're going in blind.

>> No.9299527

Reported to FBI

>> No.9299528

This must be fake. How the fuck could they accidentally leak something like this

>> No.9299542

if someone does have a reliable way of cracking those hashes they could be making a lot more than whats in that wallet ;)

>> No.9299572


>> No.9299588


I can help you without taking profits, once you extract the hash, if you hand it over to me and I manage to crack it I only get the password that cracked it, and not the actual private key (you can read about it here - https://stealthsploit.com/2017/06/12/ethereum-wallet-cracking/))

I will use 4 gtx 1080ti which allows me to crack about 1000 times faster than you probably, I also have contacts in the cracking business who will help me but I need to be sure I'm not wasting my time..

hmu on xmpp - john00xx@xmpp.jp

download "pidgin" if you don't have xmpp

>> No.9299592
File: 111 KB, 640x480, 3211396764_4bd6fb6bb3_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like what? Their wallet address is public info. He has nothing else.

>> No.9299601

Ill screenshot your post and add you later once im home from work later tonight

>> No.9299614

Cool, I can also prove to you I'm not a skid, if you aren't one..

>> No.9299619

Lmao i have the private fucking key. I censored it for obvious reasons. MEW recognizes it but the passphrase for the wallet is encrypted

>> No.9299622

>private key
>wallet password

>> No.9299639

Private key is long as fuck too. Most keys ive seen are like 3x shorter

>> No.9299643

this. password=password put Trump into the white house.

>> No.9299659


You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.9299673
File: 34 KB, 852x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, noobler. I'm sure you are like 19 or 22 or something but you don't have shit. Information is shit without context. So the GET has their address in it? So? Notice how it says wallet is null. For all you know that's your encrypted wallet password for your account. Occam's razor dummy.

>> No.9299677

this doesnt make sense to me. how does a pk have a password

>> No.9299697

Please do not take me for an idiot, i must admit i am not the best in the area of hashing/cryptography.

I obviously compared the values of my addresses private key when i requested it from the server and they were all completely different(and shorter) values

>> No.9299699

Here you go. There is probably a list on the 1000 most common passwords out there also. gl

>> No.9299733
File: 60 KB, 950x534, 2014%2F09%2F30%2F41%2FComputer_Ki.cbd93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you encrypt your key using the encryption method they use and then compare them oh wait of course not cause you dont know that hurr durr

>> No.9299747

anyways here you go op. just get lucky with hashcat or spend rest of your life attempting to compute it



>> No.9299765

Are you dense? Listen ive been awake for 20 hours fucking with it. When inject/request the address to the server it will return the key. As long as the address has been used on IDEX. My wallet is in metamask. Notice how the screenshot specifies it isnt a metamask wallet?

>> No.9299806

Whether you make it or not, use me or not, and pay me or not, be sure that if you do take the funds, the process you go through to launder them is -
open MEW on TOR > exchange ETH to XMR using Shapeshift > Exchange the XMR to BTC using Shapeshift using a different TOR route

>> No.9299823

btw I'm >>9299614

just using my phone now

>> No.9299835

I really appreciate this information. Im using a US VPN paid with bitcoin from another wallet i got access to. Ill be sure to remember you for sure

>> No.9299851

Don't solely rely on VPN you have to use TOR on top of it.. there is a good article regarding this by @thegrugq but I spare you the reading

>> No.9299859

Oh i understand that part im just saying right now i have been using VPNs

>> No.9299927

Im order to prevent some asshole from trying to impersonate me over chat i will make another thread later titled “private key adventures” with an additional screenshot to prove its me i will then add you right after i post that so compare the timestamps of me adding you and the time when the thread was posted. I should add you a minute before the thread gets put up