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File: 868 KB, 734x737, LIFE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9297616 No.9297616 [Reply] [Original]

Really makes you think...

>> No.9297631

Not really

>> No.9297635

>being a manlet in the current year

>> No.9297643

fart in my mouth, faggot

>> No.9297652

What really made me think is what kind of country arrests niggers on top of cash money or/and books

>> No.9297662

The best kind

>> No.9297684

Top fucking kek. Who makes these absolute braindead pictures? Hurr the man with money couldn't have split his stacks and stand on it. Hurr he can't pull up on the window edge. Hurr looking outside is a synonym of happiness.

Fucking hate this piece of shit creativity so bad I just want to stomp the artist in the fucking face and use a table spoon to get his eyeballs out and will then slowly put toxic mold into his eyeballs whilst I pull his teeth one for one. Fucking garbage drawing trying to make a point which isn't even correct or realistic. Really makes me mad. And I just know this has been retweeted or liked thousands of time because people are that retarded.

>> No.9297699

I understand; normies will see it in their blue pill fantasy that money is evil, wage cucking is noble, so they buy into this mess.

>> No.9297710

maybe you just don't get the message of this wonderful piece art?

>> No.9297718

can we be friends? i like you

>> No.9297773

>What really made me think is what kind of country arrests niggers on top of cash money or/and books
yes, tell yourself that being rich would worsen your life

>> No.9297824

If all this dip does is stare at a wall he deserves not being able to see out the window

>> No.9297830

life is like living in a house designed by a brainlet architect?

fuck off and sage

>> No.9297856
File: 1.52 MB, 570x933, boomerpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9297873


>> No.9297874

its a shit metaphor because the author just arbitrarily made the guy standing only on cash taller

>> No.9297895

I like you too

>> No.9297909

so brave

>> No.9297914


>> No.9298029
File: 511 KB, 734x737, life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really makes you stink

>> No.9298046 [DELETED] 

when did it hit you that cryptobud is a hack

>> No.9298051

fuck normies

>> No.9298061

when did it hit you that cryptobud is a hack

>> No.9298066

Couldn't have put it better myself

>> No.9298180

The best kind of countries have no niggers

>> No.9298334
File: 67 KB, 413x395, 1513542728700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Great job anon.

>> No.9298511

my fucking sides

>> No.9298527

now this is actually funny

>> No.9298537

top fucking kek

>> No.9298560

Unironically these images are created by ((( them ))) to incept ideas (or lack there of) into the boomer generation via the social media. Some other retards also fall for these. Notably a portion of the millennials and even more so generation X.

>> No.9298643


>> No.9298652

we need more of those threads. they may start out as bait but this makes them great again

>> No.9298664

I hope I never get it

>> No.9298679

Lmfao nearly shit myself, top lel

>> No.9298691

you are retarded

>> No.9298708

Holy shit 30 year old boomers can't keep getting away with it!

>> No.9298727

The Eternal Boomer strikes again

>> No.9298734

You're right man.

>> No.9298745

Fucking architects can't even design a window vertically

>> No.9299228


>> No.9299250

Is this extra elaborate bait?

You could be more chill and get the easy message: being dumb with money amounts to nothing, while smarter ppl can easily outperform richfags with fewer opportunities.

>> No.9299257

top kek

>> No.9299323

autistic but correct

>> No.9299480

You're just as much a faggot as the people who create these images

>> No.9300220

biz unironically has the best memes

>> No.9300448

you, anon, won the internet for today

>> No.9300475

money and knowledge will give you the best outlook on life is what the picture is saying