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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9296692 No.9296692[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which one do you choose?

>> No.9296696

And why?

>> No.9296704


>> No.9296711

E because everyone will choose D and make her a roastie

>> No.9296716

They are all roasties douche

>> No.9296719

D and E look like they would JUST me really hard in a divorce

B and F look jewish

probably A

>> No.9296727
File: 802 KB, 1469x2104, 1518948017486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not your personal oracle, but definitely D. She has those determined eyes. I bet she is great in bed

>> No.9296728

>/biz/ - Business & Finance
so obviously b

>> No.9296732

this is a high school dance so all are most likely still virgins

>> No.9296736
File: 77 KB, 640x819, 1414257634625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd sniff all her feet first but I think D's feet smell the best

>> No.9296744

>high shcool dance
>mostlikely still virgins
>we all know what kind of student you were at that time

>> No.9296745

F ... I will be her slave

>> No.9296747
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>this fucking bluepilled

>> No.9296760
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pic related is your future, prepare

>> No.9296764

A and C are going to get fat. B looks like a kike. F is ugly. I'll go with D, I like the shape of her upper lip.

>> No.9296777

D is getting the D

>> No.9296805
File: 151 KB, 682x1024, 1525241456257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>C is best looking girl
>"going to get fat"
>everybody chooses D
>tfw pic related

>> No.9296819
File: 74 KB, 500x500, 1525125185884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>choosing white roasties over asian goddess

>> No.9296848

DESU "E" looks like the most stable long term partner

>> No.9296860

>Wanting incestoids as the mother of your children

>> No.9296867

I wish you would not hit on any cuties, but I have to tell you this:

>> No.9296880

Why only 1? Im rich.

>> No.9296902

A okay. Perhaps too argumentative
B is probably unhappy and insecure.
C is uglyslut
D is attractiveslut
E looks fairly intelligent and reserved, and is attractive
F is a jew and too tall.

>> No.9296915

We have a winner.


>> No.9296926

>F is a jew and too tall.
what's it like being a 5'6 manlet?

>> No.9296932


>> No.9296936

I'm judging from the people in the background that D is about 5'11 in heels and F is 6'1

I'm 6'2, and I'd prefer my girlfriend to not be close to eye level with me when she's wearing heels.

>> No.9296938
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>tfw my plan goes well and I get the only attractive chick
>C is an ugly sloot
Yeah right go for E.

>> No.9296943
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>> No.9296997

Friendly reminder anyone who doesn't choose D or E is an insecure manlet.

>> No.9297010
File: 6 KB, 207x243, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E looks like the bossy type and a waifu material
which is exactly my type therefore I'll go with D

>> No.9297017

A all day. C is also quite charming.

>> No.9297022

ok I'll fuck D for some time and that's all
I think guys in the US and most of the Europe are far better-looking than your girls
where do you think it's from? Seems like poor girls from village far in Siberia to me


>> No.9297030

A has biggest chest, so probably her. None are that great.

>> No.9297045

most people are ugly

>> No.9297347

>A - caring until you take one wrong turn, then she'll turn into insufferable bitch
>B - grateful for dick, will swallow and be your fucktoy
>C - caring and honest, good pick long-term
>D - skirt so short she can't sit down without her ass popping out, won't be as good of a lay as she might look because her shallow persona is only surpassed by shallowness of her cunt, also won't take it up the ass and will be disgusted by any bodily fluids, especially yours. Will JUST you in the end.
>E - superbitch face on, will always be on the lookout to branch-swing, having the thought at the back of hear head that she actually did you a favor when she settled for you. Will JUST you all the same like D, but this one will also fuck Tyrone and Jamal on the reg before doing so.
>F - would actually be the best pick by far, only downside being the jew nose

>> No.9297367

Want 2 strangle D

>> No.9297383

This is so accurate its not even funny.

>> No.9297471

A, easy.

She has my ideal female face, pale skin, and looks sweeter than the others (meaning she's taken fewer dicks, if any). I get the impression that I could form a meaningful bond with her while having a minimal chance of her turning into a turbocunt.

>> No.9297504

>Seems like poor girls from village far in Siberia
wrong, i'm pretty certain these are highschool girls living in the good o' amerisharts. if i had to guess, midwest, virginia or atlanta georgia.

D is definitely the hottest, the "queenbee" leader of the group. i would go for A or C, as they seem more easy-going. C is the one showing cleavage. F is clearly the nicest "smart girl" of the group. E is the 2nd in command, 2nd hottest.

D is the only girl who looks slavic in this group.

>> No.9297590


>> No.9297600

A and D look good, but D seems a bit scary, while A seems sweet. So I'd pick A.

t. gay guy

>> No.9297605


D would be an entitled cunt with daddy issues who probably fucks niggers.

B,C and F are pretty average.

E id take after A

>> No.9297608
File: 231 KB, 511x488, Angel_Raiden0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D, just because it seems like the hardest one to get in bed. All except for E look like the chicks I fuck off tinder.

>> No.9297665

Hot girls fuck less guys because they can be picky and only choose 10/10 Chad's who will eat them out often in relationships. It's the average-pretty ones that are the biggest sluts.

>> No.9297673

She looks like a fucking bug

>> No.9297937

The only one I'd consider, if I was in the mood, is D. The others have subhuman expressions and most of them are skinnyfat. Except for E, but I don't like her expression.

>> No.9297946

What would you say to her? "D"

>> No.9298022
File: 14 KB, 216x233, mutt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mutt calling pepo bugs

>> No.9298039

Best face

>> No.9298493

E or F in case i decide to go undercover and fight em from within

>> No.9298547

A cuz she's the cutest

>> No.9298565

and she has the best body.
the other ones are just stick figures

>> No.9298589

>That angel

You shall die.

>> No.9298598

> wh*te women

>> No.9298605


>> No.9298617

E all day

>> No.9298620

Yes she does

>> No.9298639

>D is the prettiest one
You should still go for her, not for C. I'll kms with C honestly.