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File: 12 KB, 253x229, 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9293583 No.9293583 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, the weekend passed pretty quick eh wagie? Hope you got all your chores done today and are getting ready for bed now. Need to be full of energy tomorrow for a productive day. Who knows, maybe you'll even impress your boss and get that 1.25% raise you've been dreaming of ;)

>> No.9293681

Doubt it boomers fucked us royally in terms of reasonable pay and are still shitting up the job market working for peanuts because they are just stupid brainlets

>> No.9293697
File: 44 KB, 409x409, 1524999272345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it that time of the week again? oh dear, the wagies will be getting up early tomorrow to beat the traffic since mr shekelsbergstein asked them to come in 30 minutes early

>> No.9293728

I wirk for the gubment, maxed out salary cap, literally cannot get a raise, but its okay as i plan to quit later this year and cash out my sweet sweet crypto gains.

>> No.9293795
File: 8 KB, 185x273, 1495332104177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw australian where wagies are already working hard for their weekly pittance so they can keep living paycheck to paycheck
>mfw crypto NEET

>> No.9293860
File: 200 KB, 620x387, comfty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh... Hey wagies, didn't notice you for a moment there. Your boring and uneventful presence doesn't even stir me from my thoughts, good thing I had to check biz to see how my NEET bucks have grown over the past 2 years before I put in a 9 hour PUBG session. This is a tough year for us NEETs. I would HATE to have just gotten into crypto recently and be chasing moon missions only to get dumped on.

>> No.9293901

Biz never fails to run these threads up into the 100's, day after day. Good thinking OP.

>> No.9293942

Is that some sarcasm filled with hate I sense? Come on wagie, don't get ragie

>> No.9293962

sup, wage bitch?

>> No.9293965
File: 768 KB, 841x630, 1525078174256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would HATE to have just gotten into crypto recently and be chasing moon missions only to get dumped on.

>> No.9293979

i just love my work, maybe i get a raise in the next years if i work hard

>> No.9294045

Can't wait to go to work tomorrow to work for my BASED boss, Jamal. He voted for Trump and says he will give me a raise if I work an extra 60 hours during the week.

>> No.9294088

100 hour work week that sounds fun and i used to complain about a 70 hour week.

>> No.9294098

Watch one of these wagie bashers get a serious illness or injury and lose all their money because they don't have any health insurance

>> No.9294106

Huh, good thing I'm a brit and it's a bank holiday or this might have got me.

>> No.9294108

With zero income they automatically qualify for medicaid ( or medicade or however you spell it).

>> No.9294132

>being american
>being an american wagie

laughing real hard here boys

>> No.9294133

tfw own my company, doing strategy consulting projects for clients, can go to "work" whenever I want, mostly off-site work too.

ez $250k per yr, feels good mang

>> No.9294139

mush mush wagies only 10 more miles to go

>> No.9294166

I work from home @ 9am. I wake up @ 5:30. Eat breakfast. Go for a run. Practice programming. Practice problem solving on LeetCode. Then Skype with my boss @ 9 to see what needs to be done. I'm left alone for the rest of the week to finish my tasks. I contact him when I'm stuck.

This weekend I went to a blockchain startup meetup. Met many like minded people. Connected. And made some friends.

I'm pretty fucking happy about the life I built for myself even if you consider me a "wage-cuck". Appearently if I love being productive I'm considered a "wage-cuck" to all those lazy unproductive golden-spon-up-their-ass faggots.

Grow the fuck up.

>> No.9294265
File: 48 KB, 253x229, 1496758372867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soaking in this glorious wagie rage, i particularly liked that fantasy story you wrote. back to it though bucko, the big man needs those reports done by 5pm.

>> No.9294287
File: 26 KB, 480x480, 1508192804256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now now wagie dont go all ragie on us

>> No.9294311

just worked 6 days in a row now back for another 5. it sucks being a slave

marx and lenin were right

>> No.9294324


>> No.9294636
File: 8 KB, 269x201, 1523502183927.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's okay anon, society will always require slaves. thank you for your service.

>> No.9295530
File: 182 KB, 866x635, 1525561542469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebodies gotta write the code for my shitcoins. Thanks for taking one for the team wagie.

>> No.9295571

lol holy fuck this is top tier bantz

>> No.9295607

We all don't have the luxury of not working. That's just how it is. If you do have that luxury, then coming here to simply gloat about it is not very flattering towards you. Just sayin.

>> No.9295644


fucking brutal lol
>t. wagecuck

>> No.9296403

America is such a third world shit hole

>> No.9296477

>drive to work in your mid-range car and personalised plate financed by debt to impress other wagies in the traffic jam
>forced to play office politics all day and associate with normie brainlets that prevent you from actually being productive for Mr Shekelberg
>get paid the bare minimum while Mr Shekelberg rinses all the profit you've produced in dividends he uses to send his kids to the best schools to be your kids boss in the future
>spend all your meagre wage on massive mortgage financed by Mr Shekelbergs cousin
>literally never be in a net positive equity position in your entire life

And the wagie cycle continues

>> No.9296487

>strawman for replies
No, she left you because you're a faggot.

>> No.9296531

imagine being so upset about your life choices you feel the need to justify yourself online
wagecuck cope is sadder than stinky linkie delusion

>> No.9296652

I have a friend who literally checks the BTC price 24/7 and hardly sleeps because of it. When our group of friends hang out he is always on his phone autistically checking the BTC price for his shorts. I'm not a wagecuck but is this what you mean with day trading instead of waging? Because they seem pretty damn familiar.

>> No.9297055

Fuck off pathetic meets no one wants to hear from you basement dwelling overgrown hamsters. Have some respect I'm working to support a sick wife and our 2 kids what have you accomplished fucking nothing you shit stains produce nothing and only mooch and take you are vermin

>> No.9297116

breath in, breath out. breath in, breath out. it will all be ok wagie. you only have another 4 days to go before your 2 day break

>> No.9297239

Fucker I work weekends. I am a man. Men provide no matter the cost

>> No.9297276

>our 2 kids

Are you sure they arent her 2 kids mr ragie wagie?

>> No.9297317

>Cuck fantasy projection

>> No.9297341

He's egging you on and you literally have EGG in your id

>> No.9297377

I would feel sick with myself if I was a neet, fucking leech

>> No.9297572

NEET life doesn't imply welfare, my harebrained wagecuck friend
wagecucks are actually more parasitical than NEETs
>consumes gas to get to work, bad for the environment
>gets drunk and does drugs to cope with shitty life
>buys pointless consumerist trinkets with planned obsolescence to justify wasting their life wagecucking
everything a wagecuck does is a net negative for society
whereas NEETs could literally live in self-sustaining communes, in harmony with nature and wagie's gf

>> No.9297601

i would feel hatred and disgust too, if i were a wagecuck trapped in an endless rat race. sleep tight wagie, tomorrow you have to do it all over again!

>> No.9297760

>marx and lenin were right
No they are wrong
That's the point of these threads
Free markets means you don't have to work

>> No.9297775

Health care is better in a free market
It's a million times cheaper in a free market

>> No.9297787

How do you live then? How do you have a house, a computer, food?

>> No.9297792

Everything about this is wrong

>> No.9297802

It's central banks fault

>> No.9297865

Youre going to regret "cashing out". Bitcoin is money, you fool.

>> No.9297921

Shouldnt have had kids in the first place
Shouldn't have gotten a woman with shite dna
Got to look for fit and sturdy women, strong legs, never sick. If shell incubate your minions she better pack some punch.

>> No.9297925

Oh boy. Cant you see youre being played? "Men provide and im a man hurr"

>> No.9298012

>fantasy story
>anything positive about being NEET

you're adorable, failure

>> No.9298129
File: 26 KB, 500x280, Tony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw officechad at international company
>foreign cuties everywhere, constant eyecandy
>friends with everyone
>great terms with all the managers
>smash my work easily, get all the praise and bonuses
>shitpost and trading on binance right now on the company dollar
Feels good mayne.bmp

>> No.9298140

Holy fuck, this is golden thread. So many wagecucks are trying to justify their wagecucking. Just quit your job, do yourself a favor.

>> No.9298186

“Men are slaves, men should work 7 days a week while their wife’s chill out at home fucking Jamal” ~The biggest Cuck of them all

>> No.9298192

we believe you

>> No.9298199

So how do you live then? How do you have a house, food, a computer?

>> No.9298207

The future is no jobs ever!!!

>> No.9298252

>not leeching off your parents

Are you some kind of orphan?

>> No.9298263

>crypto board
did you get lost on the way to /r9k/ or something?

>> No.9298276

I wish I was a wagecuck on this weekend. I fucking lost all my gains I got this month plus some extra. Fucking hell, 7 days are wasted on nothing.

>> No.9298281

They accumulate good boy points from their mommies to make purchases of course.

>> No.9298307

I'm asking you, personally, how you have a house, food, a computer without working. Fucking mong.

A lot of people's parents don't put up with that shit when you pass a certain age. So not everybody has that luxury. If you do have that luxury, and you're here to gloat about it, then what does that say about you as a person?

>> No.9298342

I have it for free.

>> No.9298347

OK, how?

>> No.9298374

Well, like, I don't pay for it.

>> No.9298429

What's the matter Cat got your tongue? It's not a hard question. It is important tho if you're gonna come here and make a big deal about being an alleged "neet".

>> No.9298459

You are just stupid wagecuck. What kind of an answer do you want? Do you want me to tell you how to get a free, let's say, food? Nope, no tips for the brainlet.

>> No.9298492

No, I want to know how you, personally, get food, a house, a computer etc. You know what, it's fine if you don't want to tell me.

>> No.9298502

Little piece of garbage. Hope you will shit with your dick in The future

>> No.9298515


>> No.9298518

>crypto board
did you get dropped on the head often as a kid? do i really need to spell it out for you?

>> No.9298530

Regardless, I mean assuming you're even an actual neet at all, then you must have some kind of lucky break, or situation, or luxury that many people don't have. And you're here to gloat about that. Think about that. It doesn't really inspire me to want to be in your shoes, I'll tell you that.

>> No.9298533

I pulled a 5 day sickie I regret nothing.

>> No.9298539

Is it so difficult to just answer? How do you, personally live without working?

>> No.9298549

>tfw 1.5 hour commute both ways
>walk to train station, catch train for 40 minutes, 10 minute tram ride.
>8.5 hours of debt collection
>catch tram to train station, catch train for 40 minutes, catch Uber home because don't have licence and don't want to get jumped by niggers
>get home and enjoy my 4 hours of free time which involves cooking and cleaning
>sleep and repeat

I live paycheck to paycheck because I blow all my money on fucking weed.

>> No.9298552

lmao butblasted

>> No.9298579

ahahahaha I imagine over 1000 wegelurkers monitoring this thread now for answers. Don't tell them guys.

>> No.9298606

I'm not someone who thinks there is some kind of moral reason to work, but a lot of people just have to work to get by. That's how it is. So I get that 90% of the people in this thread aren't even real neets, and this is just a particularly obnoxious form of trolling. I get that. But for those real neets here, I want to know what your situation is that you are fortunate enough to not have to work. It seems to be a rather difficult question to answer for some reason...

>> No.9298619

Don't smoke weed and live closer to work you fucking degenerate.

>> No.9298628

I invested in crypto... Third time I tell you that.
Your weird obsession with individuals over ideas is unironically the reason why you're destined to be a wagecuck, and cope through attributing success to external factors like "luck" and other nonsense. Head to r/personalfinance, that's as good as it gets for your kind.

>> No.9298659

Ok half the people here are talking about just living with their parents, so it's not really obvious is it. So you made it in crypto allegedly, and now you're here to gloat about it? That's what you're all about now? I mean ok, I guess.

>> No.9298686

Wagecuck checking in after a 10 hr shift working for sheckleberger.

I hate u Neets so much. Just kys already.

>> No.9298720

Yes, but do you know what really fucked it up for us?


>> No.9298809
File: 3.96 MB, 287x240, 6574353534545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My crypto investments have done so well that I now make ~$9k/month, conservatively, with my masternodes. I dont have to, thus I do not, wagecuck.

About to turn 30, get my own place, and start my own crypto-consulting business.

If crypto continues on its parabolic ascent I won't have to wagecuck ever again.

>> No.9298877

Should I get a license as well sir

>> No.9298902
File: 595 KB, 1000x518, 1517484464432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just woke up. It's 3pm here.
Sure feels good to be an independent individual without any obligations.

>> No.9298914

you're getting weirder and weirder
correcting a wagecuck who calls out NEETs for being leeches when the wagecuck lifestyle is obviously more parasitic has nothing to do with "gloating"
it's not gloating to talk about fucking his gf either, everyone knows wagie gfs are easy

>> No.9298976

Why do I get the feeling that half this thread is just one bored NEET talking to his own sockpuppet?

>> No.9299014
File: 353 KB, 2048x1447, xOasShD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you're a wagie. Wagies are naturally stupid.

>> No.9299033

and how do you live without working? How do you have a house, food, a computer?

>> No.9299052
File: 210 KB, 1280x809, tumblr_o233oyn8Bw1v0pigno1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you're stuck in the (((working hard))) mindset. Which is a wagecuck.

You realize you're considered a resource? Like a natural resource? That's how these companies view you. Thats why they have a (((Human Resources))) department.

Wagecucking is a race to the bottom. What kind of man sells his time to another for the lowest price? It wouldnt be so bad if the job market wasnt so watered down. The job market is akin to putting your profile up on a dating website. The value of everyone is lowered because there are so many people out there willing to work for jack shit. In part thanks to Feminism.

Don't be a wagecuck. Your time is valuable.

>> No.9299055

>Tfw bank holiday Monday in bongland.
>Tfw working but literally zero customers in and relaxing on the balcony is encouraged.
> tfw getting literal free money for browsing and posting on 4chan at work and the boss and I are chatting about normie shows in the interim.

Dunno man seems pretty good for working on what is essentially a weekend day.

>> No.9299088

Either they made it in crypto or they live with a wagie who pays their way.

>> No.9299098

I live in a country where the taxpayers, the wagecucks, finance NEET lifestyles.

What a bunch of retards lmao.

>> No.9299133

Nice bantz

>> No.9299135

Or also welfare, as you can see. So there are a variety of situations people could be in that lets them live like a neet. My point is that not everyone has those options, so like why make this thread? What's the point of this shit except to get attention I guess?

>> No.9299139

Neets live with parents, so lol

>> No.9299162

To make themselves feel better. Somehow wagies have a boring and miserable existence that could be improved by sitting at home and playing PUBG for 9 hours a day.

>> No.9299170

Oh I know it. Sadly, if I retire now I could only live off like $1,000/mo. Gotta wagecuck a few more years.

Keep preaching the NEET liberation gospel though.

>> No.9299171

I get the feeling that the most obnoxious ones are not even over the age of emancipation. So they're still teenagers living at home of course, but they fancy themselves to be neets.

>> No.9299173

NEETs are so pathetic. You should visit their board (/r9k/) and see how miserable they all truly are.

>> No.9299187

Isn't that selection bias? The happy ones would be dicking around on /a/, /tv/, and the like.

>> No.9299203

The happy ones aren't on 4chan.

>> No.9299209

Hey I'm not someone who thinks there's some moral need to work. It's just like, people gotta work for a living, that's how it it is. So if you don't have to then... be grateful or something? Not shitty to everyone I mean what kind of person makes these threads? That's what I ask myself.

>> No.9299224

You're reading way too far into this.

>> No.9299249

I just like disrupting these threads cause their such shit.

>> No.9299298
File: 27 KB, 399x385, 1432156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread has gone quiet now because every burger is in bed getting a good nights sleep after shitposting their fantasy of not being a wagiekek

>> No.9299313

It's 10 am on the east coast. Most wagies are at work right now.

>> No.9299349

Isn't that exactly what all the NEETs making these threads are doing though?

>> No.9299386

im not a wagie!

>> No.9299429
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>> No.9299629


Yeah, same (consulting and contracting). I just outsource everything myself. These days I send the odd email to clients and schedule the staff. Oh, wages too haha, suckers. I'm honestly a lazy, worthless, no talent piece of shit, but I get all the rewards. Life is good. Used part of my shitcoin gains to finance things initially, Holy fuck being rich is just life on easy mode.


Kek, hey proud wagie. You know who pays you? Someone like me who isn't a wagie. You're just a living tool, you make me money while I enjoy life. You code monkeys are hilarious, you have all the skills to make it big, but are such weak faggots you insist on letting other people take the gains.

Stay poor wagie.

>> No.9299642
File: 37 KB, 600x400, 1514731714893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA has got to be one of the wagecuckiest nations on the planet. Our wagecucks are good little goys. Monday - Friday, 8am to 6pm usually. We work almost just as hard as the insane Japanese. Might as well just call it slavery. I guess some people just find comfort in being a slave. This is American work culture, every morning I can step outside and take a short walk to the highway and watch the recession of cars as people rage-commute to work. Like good little goys.

At least in Europe you guys take a break and work culture isnt as intense. Over here in Goymerica, the good little sheep really pride themselves in licking kike boots.

>> No.9299703


If you're at the point, it doesn't even matter. Get other forms of mostly passive income like stocks or a bunch of affliliate websites (pay people to get em up) etc. On top of your consulting that'll be fine. Well done anon.

>> No.9299722

Yeah technically wagecucking from home isn't shit tier, its low tier. One step above shit tier. But a wagie is a wagie, you're depending on someone giving you your little paycheck at the end of the day.

But American wagecucking is definitely the worst, you are expected to work pretty much 8-6 with a 30min lunch break if you are lucky. Especially if you work in a work heavy city like NYC, LA, SF, etc. Lol boy take a travel up to NYC and the people there look half dead LMAO. Good little goys. So happy to be a crypto trader full time.

>> No.9299739
File: 61 KB, 1024x783, 9565069177_9c56ef3f55_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw forex trader/crypto investor ubermensch

>> No.9299836
File: 121 KB, 1024x576, Brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do y think they got from their parents of course lol. Both neet and wagecucking are just the same shit. Y guys literally has no ideal what to do in your life except for shitposting on biz, asking your parents money to buys shitcoins and cover your lost in most of your stupid trade or becoming a slave for money.

>> No.9299875
File: 15 KB, 192x184, B55A9959-8595-4DBD-9CD3-5373BB153C8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can hear wagecucks starting their cars and heading to work while I fall asleep in my huge comfy bed
>when I wake up I can listen to tired wagecucks coming home
>made 3k in a trade over night inbetween pubg loadingscreens

>> No.9299914

nice man. Crypto is god mode. I literally can open up my crypto wallets and watch my MN's print money. It's fucking amazing.

>> No.9300121


Except I'm not getting wages - my employees are. By your logic anon, a billionaire who plays golf all day is still a wagie while his minions handle everything. I don't think that's quite how the chart works kek

>> No.9300224

THIS. You should only ever cash out during obvious bubbles like December. People tethering up now because muh 3k BTC are just gamblers trying to predict the course of the greatest monetary revolution since gold.

>> No.9300233
File: 76 KB, 960x960, 1522642072443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another wonderful day at home. How you wagies holding up? Been in your shoes a year ago

>> No.9300384

wasnt talking to you bro, was talking to the wagie working from home

>> No.9300602

Being a uni student is still pretty good. I only have 6 hours this last semester and don't totally hate what I'm studying. Its like being a neet except you have shit to study. I'm aiming to become a rich neet with a side-business to keep me busy a few times a year though

>> No.9300611

>be me.
>taking a break at work because I feel like it.
>see thread full of neets trying to pretend like they're not miserable.
>decide to call them out because I'm bored.

How does it feel to know that you're just a lonely neet and all the money in the world won't change that?

>> No.9300680

i'd love to stay and chat but it looks like your 5 minute lunch break is over. and btw jim called in sick today so unfortunately you will have to stay back until 6pm

>> No.9300738
File: 174 KB, 1931x1855, 1c8gn7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uni is a scam for the masses. You're paying exponential amounts of money for you to learn things that you can learn online. The only exception is STEM and Law. But overall its a huge fucking scam.

You are better off going into the trades or into sales straight out of high school.

>> No.9300839
File: 496 KB, 500x455, 1522419443597.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only exception is STEM and Law.

Both are top of unemployment statistics. These are absolutely not exceptions quite the opposite.

>> No.9300870

Well I mean in terms of actual learning. Like you cant self teach yourself STEM and Law from purely online sources.

I think STEM is frequently counted as one of the more employable degrees.

>> No.9300893

I disagree. You can learn math, physics, chemistry, biology and cs by yourself and extremely well. I'm graduating soon and I learnt a lot of content by myself with internet.

>> No.9300946

>Live on neetbux.
>Make fun of wagies.
>Live at home forever.
>tfw no girlfriend
>Mom dies, can't make my own tendies.
>Die from isolation and self neglect.

>> No.9300951
File: 544 KB, 2048x1152, 20180507_085409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well considering I'm getting paid $90+/hr while broswing /biz/, drinking coffee, and making trades, nothing really to complain about. The best part about being a good backup admin is that once youve got things dialed in, you actually work only a few hours a week. Pretty comfy desu. Enjoy you lr job at McDonald's when your parents kick you out of the house lol

>> No.9300989
File: 39 KB, 381x353, 1525633335353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop making fun of me! Get a job you useless parasites

>> No.9300990

is there a normie's guy to crypto somewhere?

>i live off crypto every month

does it pay dividens, or do you cash out a small amount every month?

>> No.9301607
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>> No.9301670
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dont read this if susceptible to heart attacks

>> No.9301703

>3rd world monitors

>> No.9301708

>sys admin
>uses IE

>> No.9301832
File: 10 KB, 240x240, EpcxcoIn_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

invest in american companies and let them do the hard work =)

>> No.9301840

Lol what? I don't choose which monitors my employer purchases.

>ignores other browsers on task bar
Have to use IE for in-house applications. Don't judge me because our app devs are dinosaurs.

>> No.9301867

>9 hour PUBG session
Sounds awful. I'm retiring and thinking of keeping horses so I have to wake up and shovel their shit, take them out etc. This way I don't have to play PUBG for 9 hours.

>> No.9301980

literally me

>> No.9302169

what are some passive income schemes that are neet approved?

>> No.9302205

how the fuck do you make 9k a month?
how much was your initial investment?

>> No.9302250

NEETS i need advice. For the first time in my life i'm becoming a NEET in 2 days.

Which traps should i avoid?

>> No.9302283


Stick to a sleep schedule, try to get out of the house for at least 30 mins - an hour a day.

>> No.9302286

Its a scam, but its a scam that corporations and businesses buy into where a degree is a necessary but insufficient

>> No.9302366
File: 25 KB, 394x458, 1514151274584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God tier is where freedom truly lies.
You will never be happy while working for other people.

>> No.9302632
File: 42 KB, 1280x720, goodone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9302683

>not being a blockchain asset manager

>> No.9302818


>> No.9302826

thanks, going to be hard with a cryptomarket i think though

>> No.9303290

>tfw this thread is still going



>> No.9303787

This anon fucks

>> No.9303794
File: 124 KB, 670x424, 8E43BAB6-9FE1-4FEF-A14A-1CCE9235D345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang in there wagies, only 2 more hours left

>> No.9303803
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you guys

>> No.9303877

>working in debt collection


>> No.9304291

Still lurking. Checked reports from last night's backups. All green all good. Done literally nothing so far today, and that means I'm doing an amazing job. NEETs suffer from inability to realize long term reward. Yes, I busted my ass to get here, but now I'm here and the rest is coasting and reaping the reward of my effort to get here. Same reason applies to why all NEETs are out of shape fatbodies. No discipline, no desire, no ambition, no gains.

>> No.9304603
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Long BCH right now if you want to make it. Liquidation below 0.18 BTC should be safe.

Better put your phone away before your boss catches you.

I'll make something like this for free if I get to the leaderboard.

>> No.9304638

My boss comes to my desk all the time when I'm on the phone. Like he cares. I get the job done. You NEETs don't understand what it means to have value because you're worthless.

>> No.9304813

You're not a cuck for being productive. You're a cuck because another man profits from your work instead of you.

>> No.9304854
File: 41 KB, 480x360, 07806FF9-4F80-4061-979F-45C75C6AA6C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the delusions of the wagie

>> No.9305235

classic boomer cope
you have to paint an elaborate fantasy where the NEET is a fatso to even get through your day
meanwhile, you could be making 7 figures and banging 10/10s for all the NEET cares. he's got something your feeble wagemind cannot comprehend: freedom to use his hours as he sees fit, expanding his mind, pursuing his intellectual interests or fucking wagie's gf

>> No.9305346
File: 1.62 MB, 555x559, 5488126F-A6BB-4845-8C28-3120E927631A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outsourced my job to a pajeet. He does all the work, I get all the credit. FeelsGoodMan

>> No.9305440
File: 67 KB, 634x422, TaylorHill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel to have the mental development of a 10 year old my dear NEETs? Boy you must feel so great once you hit your mid thirties and realize that you wasted your entire youth playing video games and jacking off, that you accomplished absolutely nothing in your life.

>> No.9305704

Lol as you sit there and try to justify your existence. Who's coping here? Just be thankful people who work keep your lazy ass from starving. The nerve of these leeches.

>> No.9305759


Only absolute brainlets cash out.

>> No.9305884

I'm honestly not sure if I'm either crypto investor or doing nothing. Most days it feels like the latter.

>> No.9306172
File: 25 KB, 704x528, 1517017933668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw work at PE fund that doubled this year across 13+ companies.
>tfw this year looks to be same story
>work 2/8 hours of the day, binance and shitpost also.

Tfw just deposited another 3k into crypto because I'm a 'wagie'.

>> No.9306315

Without a doubt. Soon as I get a couple million in crypto I'm starting a crypto venture capital fund in Singapore. I will invest and make money and bang Asian girls all day.

>> No.9306524
File: 36 KB, 226x223, 78F6CB36-BA5B-408D-9846-B9866609982F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats wagie, another hard days work for Mr. Shekelstien!

>> No.9306575
File: 187 KB, 853x1090, 1470577623946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 4 more days to go. Then 2 days rest ;)

>> No.9306661

>1900 A.D. 95% self-employed
>2018 A.D. 2% self-employed

US-fags well and truly under the yoke.

>> No.9306770

>he wasn't born into a rich family

How does it feel knowing your parents birthed you into the slave caste?

>> No.9307048

Yeah, I know it's a scam but I'm not paying back my debt so I don't care. Here in the UK student loans work differently and you can get away with it by moving abroad. It's one of the several perks of being born in Europe instead of USA.
Also, who gives a shit about degrees if you will end up wagecucking for the rest of your life anyway. Some of the richest people either were born rich, had good networking or created something and didn't even need to graduate.
Be it a doctor, plumber or English grad, all of them remain in the rat race . The difference is that one will have a better house than the others but it's all materialistic bullshit in the end