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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9290222 No.9290222 [Reply] [Original]

Current state is depressing af. The only ones left are traders ready to cash out, scammers/shills, and delusional pollyannas hodling bags all the way down the toilet bowl. Memes like store of value get absolutely BTFO by prominent figures. Interest from institutional investors has waned with the price, volume, and negative publicity. Whatever tech is actually functional right now has no legit use case. Current state is no more than a MLM scheme.

Please no "FUD hurr durr he's not accumulating" deflection.

>> No.9290234

Link mainnet is still TK. I will make it. Will you anon?

>> No.9290251

hurr what are cycles?

>> No.9290258

A new and trustless internet is being built as we speak and you're not entertained enough?

>> No.9290291
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1 good thing: idiots like you are leaving or on their way out.

>> No.9290317


You got trips on a "business" anime board

>> No.9290339

Or a plateau?

Source? I can't tell if you're a dev or a parrot.

>FUD, nocoiner, etc.

>> No.9290396
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>> No.9290397

Biz is unironically garbage now.
I know that's a meme but its gotten so bad, literally 90% aggressive unpleasant pageets "buy my fucking shitcoin you fucking faggot stay poor I called NEO but you didn't listen CHAD CEO THE REAL BITCOIN this is the next 100x fuck you are you too GAY to BUY MY BAGS!?".
There aren't even pink wojacks anymore everyone's too busy shilling to shitpost.
Once the LINKies leave I will leave too, like the Elves at the end of LOTR.

>> No.9290434
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kek au contraire, I already made it

>> No.9290500

So what? Please stop deflecting. You're being useless.

>> No.9290518
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bear market is almost over.

>> No.9290657
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Not until i say so Newfag

No... i'm unironically tired of Bears and don't rock my fake trips code anymore. I've been bullish for a while now, but so far not impressed besides on 1 or 2 occassions.

>> No.9290672

There's no economy. It's not a bear market. It's a short term pump & dump alternating between BTC and alts to create large green % and sucker in greater fools.

>> No.9290722

dapps and the potential they bring. Otherwise this is nothing more than a cesspool tax dodging casino.

>> No.9290732
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That's definitely the problem at the moment. There is no real incentive to use any crypto. We're all just trading amongst ourselves and a few newcomers. Absolutely a greater fool market right now. Without a real reason to motivate real transactions on any block chain, it's dead in the water, all of it.

>> No.9290744


>all internet money is a pyramid scheme

you sound like my 70 year old dad in 2011

>> No.9290758

Despair is the time to buy :)

>> No.9290763

I think asset backed tokens will give more incentive to the market. Tokens like moria may help drive that into a new direction

>> No.9290816
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>> No.9290869

9 years, and the only "dapp" is BTC's store of value meme.

Please add substance if you actually have insights. We don't need anymore pretentious content-free one liners.

>> No.9290888

subtle shill, but seriously what is the necessity for a specialized asset token? there's already a massive oversupply of useless shitcoins. The only real way to motivate spending in the crypto economy is to have real value traded in the form of goods and services. How do we create real incentives for that?

>> No.9290902

Sounds like another pointless utility token.

>> No.9290915
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>ancom spends the money funding leftist books, antifascist organizations, and feeding homeless people.

>> No.9290971

As much as everyone hates on bitcoin, it's the only actual crypto that's accepted for real world assets, goods, and services. Nobody invested in shitcoins wants to accept that because their perceived 'wealth' and investment is worthless if the real world only cares about BTC.

>> No.9291076

I see this everywhere in crypto, effortless one line retorts giving an air of "haha I'm right you're wrong because I know a secret that you don't." It's a sham.

>> No.9291118

Do some fucking research for once faggot. You want me to shill you something? Fuck off. NEM puts your hissy fit to rest.

>> No.9291169

See you're not looking at big picture. You're looking at people are going to get a 20% return, annually. If you've got an extra 100k as an investor, why not put it into something like that.

You're thinking about the next 100x moon coin, and I think if we see more tokens like moria it could open up more money due to stability.

>> No.9291181

>accepted for real world assets, goods, and services.
Yeah, among yuppies and criminals. Venezuela is the perfect market, and even there USD is the preferred SoV. BTC usage is greatly exaggerated imo.

>> No.9291188
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What's happening now is the Cambrian explosion of a radical new technology with far-reaching applications. There are a lot of exciting possibilities, a lot of dead-end applications, and a lot of cash-grab scammers trying to take advantage of the mania.

The mania is warranted, though. Get out of the shitcoin hype cycle that makes up 90% of this board and the other social outlets surrounding the crypto markets, and read some papers/articles from good authors, watch some keynotes and round table discussions from some of the major conferences going on, listen to good podcasts like Epicenter.

Blockchain/DLT/Cryptocurrency is going to change the world, it's already doing so and more and more people are waking up to that fact every day. The news cycle has never been more bullish, there has never been more widespread recognition or more moves towards adoption than 2018.

The internet has been around for decades and it continues to revolutionize our society and daily lives. Blockchain is much newer; at the risk of repeating a meme - zoom out.

>> No.9291324

Thanks, I'll try it. My understanding so far is that almost all existing projects either don't need a publicly traded token or don't need a public blockchain.

>> No.9291545

I went through a phase in my learning where I felt the same. Mostly because there are a lot of great applications of DLT where you don't need either. There will be permissioned blockchains used for enterprise solutions, and generally they won't have publicly traded tokens.

However, a global permissionless distributed ledger is mind-blowingly revolutionary (pending scaling and other technical hurdles that will be solved sooner rather than later), digital tokenization of assets, rights and other types of value will be widespread in the near future and will form the basis for the world's new digital economy, and protocols and dapps with built-in economic incentives powered by a native token will absolutely have a place in the decentralized economy as barriers to entry disappear.

It's also worth noting that if we end up with a fully mature permissionless blockchain platform that can scale indefinitely and store information/carry out transactions without revealing sensitive data (Factom is one example of attempting this), the case for having
a separate, permissioned blockchain becomes significantly weaker.

>> No.9291635

The market went slightly bullish for a minute dumbass. /biz/ was a fucking shillathon throughout the entirety of 2017

>> No.9291674

how fucking stupid are you
in the next 3 months all of the following are going to happen in crypto:
you have to be dead level tard to not be happy right now

>> No.9291692

Crypto is already better than traditional financial systems though. Use XLM, for example. Much faster and cheaper than any other method in existence to transfer money.

What do you expect to happen, overnight adoption? We've come out of like two months of non-stop dumping, after years of growth and adoption, and you think its suddenly all over?

Jesus. Great buy signals all around though, looks like we are at the end of the bubble cycle when the first red candle in some time causes people to be suicidal.

>> No.9291725

this. LINKies are the last good people left on /biz/.

>> No.9291776
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>> No.9291798

You should literally be jumping for joy about this. You can make money trading in an almost completely unrelated market. Instead you're complaining. Room temperature iq confirmed

>> No.9291871
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>unrelated market
>insulting another's iq

>> No.9292012 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't be surprised if BTC starts to relate to equities, when coiners cash out their not-so-disposal house money into fiat in the next recession.

>> No.9292072

I wouldn't be surprised if BTC starts to relate to equities, when coiners cash out their not-so-disposable house money into fiat for the next recession.

>> No.9292103

I bought a 7980XE with bitcoin. Can’t buy a fucking thing with any other coin.

>> No.9292141

>strap in boys

>> No.9292163


>> No.9292219

this anon gets it

>> No.9292372

I'm raking in mad profit. What else could I want?

>> No.9292492

Dat name drop
1 out of 4 projects I'm comfy having more than 5% sitting in

>> No.9292618
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>Once the LINKies leave I will leave too, like the Elves at the end of LOTR.

>> No.9292945

You can buy Holochain right now

Not right now cause IDEX is down but soon you can

>> No.9293863

Leftists deserve free helicopter rides anyway.