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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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928467 No.928467 [Reply] [Original]

How do you plan out your (busy) day?

One day at the time?
Long term, short term?
What rules do you have?

>> No.928722

>todo list with due dates
>schedule however the fuck I feel otherwise

>> No.928730


I've trained my boss to act as my secretary. He books everything and puts the schedule into my calendar. We meet weekly to discuss and set granular long term goals which he then defines more concretely as the project progresses.

>> No.928828

Not even a priority list?

>> No.928830


I make to do lists occasionally, but I usually map long term goals around my work shifts or during my work shifts because I do a lot of sitting on my ass.

>> No.928866

It's extremely difficult. I usually wake up after a short 9 hour sleep, masturbate early to get a nice start on the day. Then I go back to sleep for a couple hours. I then watch youtube videos on my computer for around 3 hours, this is one of the most strenuous parts of my day as I have to consistently find funny/entertaining videos. Following this, I masturbate.

Then, having put in a hard morning's work I go to burger king and get a triple whopper and a couple of the 1 dollar burgers on the side. I gorge myself while watching last night's daily show and old shark tank episodes. Laughing at the idiots who come in not understanding real business.

After another brief nap where I usually watch a tv show season or two, I get into the meat of my work. I play videogames hard, for hours. I usually do this until 2-3 in the morning when I am forced to go out and buy another meal to regain my strength.

Then I do it all again. I am definitely far more focused on my long term goals but I recognize I can only achieve them by building each individual day around achieving them. I relentlessly schedule my hard day around progress towards those long term goals. My only rule is to ensure that I operate at 100% capability by always getting minimum 12 hours of sleep, anything less is inexcusable.

>> No.928895

Where do you see yourself in 5 years anon? In some sort of guild management position or an executive moderator of an anime reddit sub?

>> No.928920

I've posted similar advice on reddit and was both gilded and compared to Patrick Bateman.

The night before work, I conclude the day by preparing a sandwich or leftovers, and I prep the coffee pot to kick off in the morning. I prepare my outfit and hang it up in the bathroom.

I skim the day's notes from work and sketch up a few answers or tasks.

Then I watch tv, read comics or play solitaire. I try to avoid 4chan because of the potential for flamewars, but if I do visit I visit blue boards. I avoid Facebook.

I have an alarm that wakes me up at 5:30. Its purpose is preliminary alarm, not the final alarm.

I have a second alarm that goes off at 5:45. Now I get out of bed. I don't make excuses, I get out of bed.

I could have set the coffee pot to go off by itself, its smart enough to do this, but I prefer the incentive of making it myself. I pour a small glass of Metamucil. I hate the stuff but it guarantees rapid, painless poops on a regular schedule.

I take my shower and shave, and I get dressed.

I open my work laptop and respond to any urgent problems. Troubleshooting a failed SQL night job, quick responses to nervous executives preparing for their own meetings, maybe a follow up to a lower tier worker that I promised I'd "get back to when I have a minute"

I do this while eating a very light breakfast like a small muffin or toast or granola. Carbs are good here.

I review the meetings I have scheduled for the day, and I review any presentations I'm making that day.

I pull out meat to thaw, I pour the remaining coffee into my thermos, I pack up my lunch and laptop, and I head to work.

I prefer to pack my own lunch not just because its frugal but because it tastes better than fast food and it saves me so much time. Lunch is 30-60 minutes, and I prefer to take this free time to relax, rather than sit in traffic.

I pack my own coffee for the same reasons. Its cheaper than Starbucks, its better than the shitty office coffee, and its just a few feet away.

>> No.928922

That was my original goal but lately I feel underpreciated in my guild and feel like we could be doing things better.

Lately, I've been considering branching off and launching my own guild. It's risky, I know and will require considerable investment but I've put in a lot of research and really think I can compete.

Ideally I'm either offered the co position or treasurer or I walk and start my own successful guild.

I'm already moderator of several anime subs, hard work pays off and you get out what you put in my friend.

>> No.928926

my weeks/months are planned around sprints. and promises.

TFS is a great utility for tracking tasks and progress, but its a bit insufficient in terms of notes. So I use a big whiteboard in my cube to keep track of what I'm working on, caveats, people who want to be kept in the loop, potential value adds to a project I'm completing, and quick base hits that aren't necessarily in the sprint but that can be quickly finished with little effort.

I also use this to keep a generic, high level summary of what colleagues and lower tier developers are working on so I can offer assistance and give brief answers on behalf of someone else if they're out.

for annual planning I use an ongoing Word document that I keep in a personal folder.

this is where I also keep goals such as, learning a new software language or platform, off hour trainings and seminars to attend, and books to read.

I excel at work because I'm the primary breadwinner for a family I love and who relies on me. So I have to approach the family with just as much enthusiasm and order.

I use my gmail to schedule calendar alerts - nights out with friends, school functions, relatives birthday parties, etc. I keep notes in these.

My wife and I plan out dinners for the week on Friday evenings and/or Saturdays. She's an enthusiastic coupon clipper and likes to coordinate our meals with our potential savings. We also plan meals for the week so we don't do the "what do you want for dinner, I dunno what do you want, now its late, lets eat out" thing.

Beef roasts are usually on Saturday or Sunday, as these take a while to make.

Stroganoff is usually on Monday, using the leftover roast.

Other meals are pork roasts, pulled pork (or chicken) sandwiches, meatloaf, baked chicken, ratatouille, beans & rice, quiche, lots of bbq'ed food (chops, steaks, chicken breasts). Lots of pasta of course.

Good meals keep you healthy, and eating in offers more free time.

>> No.928927

By getting into these habits, I find myself better equipped to respond to emergencies and new opportunities.

By eating in more than eating out, and by planning my tasks, I end up with way more free time .. my life is scheduled, and I execute rather than react.

So when an emergency or an opportunity comes up, I have the luxury of reacting to it without creating some awful chain reaction of my personal and professional life.

I didn't used to be this organized. I picked up these habits only after discovering that when I did plan ahead, I was less stressed and impressed my bosses more.

>> No.928961

Holy shit. Can you do a thousand crunches yet?

>> No.928971

no I'm actually getting a little pudgy down there.

I used to run but now I've got a 4 year old and a 2 month old. suddenly I'm growing man tits.

I need to figure out how to squeeze exercise into the daily or at least weekly routine.

>> No.928978

Every sunday evening I write out a weekly plan. The 5 most urgent/important things that need to be done that week are put on the top in their own little list, before splitting my plan up into sections, one for each day of the week. There I write anything else that I need to get done, and when it needs to be done. It's pretty simple stuff tbh.

Also worth noting is that after every christmas I write a list of 5 goals that I have for the upcoming year. For every goal I also write down at least one sacrifice I'm gonna have to make to reach that goal. For 2015 they are as follows:

>Get accepted to the country's best applied physics program (completed)
>Get perfect grades both in last semester of senior high school and first semester of uni (former part completed, latter part is work in progress)
>Build and launch 5 apps, make at least 1$ (completed)
>Cut down to 10% bodyfat and reach 1/2/3/4 plate OHP/bench/squat/deadlift (almost completed)
>lose virginity (not completed ;_;)

>no TV/vidya/4chan/fucking around before I'm completely done with any and all schoolwork
>cancel my subscription to netflix and sell all my gaming shit (not that I was a huge gamer by any means)
>spend at least 1 hour every weekday and 8-10 hours during the weekend on app development
>lift 3 days a week, and be in a 500-800 kcal deficit every day until 10% body fat is achieved
>talk to at least 10 people every day, and 1 of them has to be a complete stranger

For anyone wondering, I'm 18 y/o

>> No.929016


>> No.929056

woah, almost 1/2/3/4 and still virgo?

>> No.929088

>woman we are going on date tonight. This means several things, our goal is to have a romantic time and fall in love instantly and perhaps have coitus.
>in order to do this we will take several steps. First we will meet at nicest reastaurant, you will wear nicest dress, I will rent tuxedo. We will spend 15 minutes in humorous banter before eating and then 45 minutes after dinner in emotionally saturated conversation by candlelight.
>I will pay for the dinner as recommended, at 0100 we will rendezvous at GPS coordinates -7.53, 2.54 on provided blanket material beneath radioactive starlight
>in order for date success we will have to sacrifice several things, you must not watch any tv or go on facebook at all that day
>I will sacrifice my mandatory post scheduling self-meeting and reduce the number of apps created this week in my goal by 1
>through these sacrifices we shall achieve perfect romantic success

>> No.929091

I have a calendar in my room and post very important dates, for example tests or projects, or work related meetings

And then i add as i go on

For example this semester i have an exam next Thursday, and this week, i have written down to study a ceryain chapter a day, reading the book, looking at notes, just researching stuff. I have four classes so far some tests land on the same day and i do the same system

I try not to write down every little thing because it gets to overwhelming and it just seems like a waste of time

>> No.929109

nice post
don't you have a "hey I have got $40 from my grandma how can I turn it into $1M in 5 hours?" - thread to make?

>> No.929140

>best applied physics program (completed)

kek. But a word of advice, grad school is what matters.

>> No.929144

I'd really like a better priority list. The app I use only has the ability to "star" something. Kind of shitty but it has other stuff I like I have so much stuff already in it that it feels like it'd be a waste of time to copy everything

got any better todo systems?

>> No.929145


I kek'd sensibly.


you're gonna have to start considering fucking hookers, because women don't fit into that schedule.

on the same note, while it's definitely important to get ahead, I suggest you take it a little easier and have some more fun while you're young.

>> No.929211

>>lose virginity (not completed ;_;)
M8, you've gotta keep you goals attainable.

>> No.929213

>woah, almost 1/2/3/4 and still virgo?

>> No.929287
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>lose virginity (not completed ;_;)
4chinz in a nutshell