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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9287520 No.9287520 [Reply] [Original]

What do normies wagies mean when they say "I need money for muh bills"? Do they mean stuff like a cable bill or water bill? Wageslaves of biz, what are your "bills"? How much of your income is taken away by these "bills"?

>> No.9287541

Do you honestly not know what bills are? Are you this fucking autistic?

>> No.9287549

sorry anon, a bill just came up

>> No.9287582
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Water and property taxes are generally included in rent.

Renter's insurance and cable bills could also be part of someone's budget.

>> No.9287632

This is sad, do people really waste their money on all of this stuff every single month? Who is stupid enough to buy a gym membership?

>> No.9287635

Cell phone
Student loans
Other loans
Streaming services

>> No.9287652
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Hi anon

>> No.9287656

I'm saving 65% of my income; I don't need to care about any expense that's double-digits.

Plus gymthots.

>> No.9287668

wagies are just dumb, you don't need to pay any bills, just live with your mom

>> No.9287671

>$400 food
holy shit do you eat filet mignon every single day or something how can you rack up $400 a month in food costs
>$960 mortgage & rent
jesus christ

>> No.9287675
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$650 rent
$250 student loans
$15 internet
$20 electricity in summer, $60 In winter
$130 bank loan
no car, no tv, no health insurance.


>> No.9287692

Rent, Phone, Utilities, Cable/Streaming Services, Internet, Insurance, Loans

>> No.9287713
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also my monthly bills
>$350 rent
>$150 food
>$10 internet
>$5 mobile phone
i get $800 a month in neet salary to cover my expenses, electricity and water is included in my rental apartment
the remainder goes mostly to crypto
its like people dont know about torrenting and budgeting anymore

>> No.9287716

>$15 internet
I pay $80

>> No.9287718

If you actually spend time there ~$120 is fine. Assuming it includes classes, sauna/steam room access and other perks. That shit will legitimately extend your life if you use it regularly.

>> No.9287728

>gym membership
what's bad about this?

>> No.9287731
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>extend your life

>> No.9287743
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>holy shit do you eat filet mignon every single day or something how can you rack up $400 a month in food costs
High metabolism and I like to indulge at Costco.

>$960 mortgage & rent
I can't stand roommates. Check Padmapper for 1 bedrooms in any medium-COL city.

>> No.9287753

i pay $20 per month and go 4 time a week
you dont need all that other shit, seriously..

>> No.9287761

$600 mortgage
$55 phone, net and mobile package
$150 average gas and electricity
$30 Water
$30 Home insurance
$50 Car insurance
$10 Car tax
$190 local council taxes

I'm a britbong so that should all be in pounds but I'm typing on a foreign keyboard in a far off land so am reappropriating the colonial currency.

>> No.9287762

T. Disgusting fat fuck

>> No.9287768

Guess it's expected if you live in the U.S in a non major city
Mostly a waste of money.
>Cell phone
Expected, but most normies get a new phone every 1 or 2 years which is stupid.
Biggest waste of money, why don't people just live with family members?
>Student loans
Another easily avoidable mistake, it's very easy to go to college debt free, or with an extremely low amount of debt. Most normies just want to live away in a dorm so they can party in an out of state school and never apply for scholarships or financial aid.
>Other loans
Easily avoidable if you don't spend more than you make.
>Streaming services
This one is really stupid, you can find 99% of tv shows, movies, anime ect completely free online.

>> No.9287790

I'm 6'1" 180 lbs. Also why do people think if you don't go to a gym you're fat? I can workout at my home, I have a weight set, a pool, and can go for a run if I wanted to.

>> No.9287808

Living with mommy after 20 is called failing at life.
Also, loans are better than paying cash because you get to leverage the money on investments

>> No.9287810

Waste of money, plus gyms are disgusting and smell bad. You can just buy weights and workout at home for much cheaper.

>> No.9287812

No we want to know what frivolous wasteful shit normies spend their money on

>> No.9287819

eat beans, onions, rice, potatoes
dont live in the city
rent can usually be halved if you just move 30min further out

>> No.9287823

>acting like you're superior because you're a fat neet that lives in your parents basement with no friends and faps to hentai all day
kys as soon as possible

>> No.9287827

Either fat, skinny or soft. All equally bad

>> No.9287863

Muh bills
>rent 500
>utilities 150
>cell phone 80
>car insurance 130
>car 200
>food varies, usually 300 or 400
>other random expenses like gas for the car, oil changes, maintenance, clothes, gov license renewals
Luckily have a decent enough wagekek position that lets me pay this stuff off and toss some into crypto

>> No.9287876

I used to sleep on the hardwood floor in college because I was too cheap to buy a mattress. Don't worry about me, anon, I am judicious in my extravagance.

>> No.9287877
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>cell phone 80
how the hell

>> No.9287884

What If I don't have enough space in my house for the equipment? And I would need a squat rack and a lot of weights, it's not that cheap.

>> No.9287914

>$150 food
Enjoy dying in your fourties.

>> No.9287939

Owe 30,000 (3 years so far)
Make 2500 a month after taxes (2 years now)
Roughly 1500 a month in expenses (rent/insurance/food/bullshit) included

How the fuck do I still owe 30,000? Its like I haven't made a dent in it at all...

How do other normies budget themselves proper lol...

>> No.9287961

It was more, lol
Phone bill includes unlimited LTE data, text and all that plus part of it is for a new Galaxy phone, got the S8 for 17/month
Needed a new phone the old one lasted 4 years

>> No.9287977

dont you have internet at home?

>> No.9287988

Groceries: $600
Utilities: $200
Rent: $750
School: $600
Car: $250

These are the basics everything else are subscriptions, entertainment, savings, etc

Also I eat 4kcal a day so thats why my food is so high

>> No.9288013

By not being a fucking retard. If your fixed expenses are 1500 and your income is 2500 you put away 500 in your saving account (or put it under your mattress) as soon as money comes in.
Also, don`t pay for non-critical investments with your primary savings. Instead set away a fixed amount of your still aviable income for it.

>> No.9288030

Are you well compensated for your job, relative to the area? Any promotions or lateral career moves you can take to increase your income?

List out your actual bills and anons like >>9287819 will be more than qualified to critique your spendthrift ways.

Also do you understand what interest is? If so, what's the dollar amount in interest on your debt, per month?

>> No.9288040

>living with mommy after 20 is called failing at life.

Lol do normalfags believe this? I'll happily live with my parents after my 20s, I will be able to retire early and be comfy while you're stuck wagecucking, with a mortgage and tons of other debt. Also by living at home it's possible to save 100% of any after tax income or investment profit you make. Anyone living at home will be much much more wealthy compared to someone that moved out at 20. Looks like you fell for the moving out meme.

>> No.9288197

Nice projection faggot

>> No.9288208

Fucking retard

>> No.9288251

>$15 internet
>$20 electricity in summer, $60 In winter
The fuck kind of shithole do you live in?

>> No.9288260

>$350 rent
>$150 food
>$10 internet
>$5 mobile phone
The fuck? I knew a lot of /biz/ were third worlders but god damn.

>> No.9288355

>Mostly a waste of money.
Until you need it.
>Biggest waste of money, why don't people just live with family members?
It is not generally acceptable for adults to live with their parents in the western world. Doing so WILL hinder your business ventures most of the time because of this. Not saying I agree with this premise but that's simply how it works.
>>Student loans
>Another easily avoidable mistake, it's very easy to go to college debt free, or with an extremely low amount of debt. Most normies just want to live away in a dorm so they can party in an out of state school and never apply for scholarships or financial aid.
Sadly, a conflict of interest exists here. The schools are supposed to improve your life by teaching you things but are incentivized to withhold certain, and often-times, pertinent information regarding your financial well-being. To know that you can avoid student loans requires someone, generally, to have taught you that there are other ways. It can't be expected for a high school age individual to research things for themselves as no school teaches critical thinking ahead of this point. This is why we have to rely on parents or better, almost rouge-like teachers, to show these students the alternative methods.

>> No.9288376

Cars, androids, rent, internet, student loans? pffff hahahaha fucking normies. Real patricians like myself spend money buying videogames, anime, and waifu pillows. I spent my moms money on BTC I know what I'm talking about, I'm basically an economist at this point.

>> No.9288387

fucking moran, i live in a 1st world country
100/100 for $10 via landlord, i also get a few tv channels for free
cell plan includes
>unlimited calls
>unlimited texts
>1gb data

>> No.9288404

So long as you have roughly 4500 in savings you should be putting that extra 1000 a month into your debt. Any other thing you're doing with it is retarded.

>> No.9288420

landlord offers 10/10 internet for free
100 upgrade for $10
and 1000 upgrade for $30
i spare the expense of 100 because i want to keep my buffer on animebytes and oppaitime

>> No.9288422

I would assume he does but he probably leaves his house to go outside. People do do that you know?

>> No.9288442

oh yeah and totally stream a bunch of full hd movies and shit for 15 minutes before running out of battery on the phone
if you need more than 1gb data plan for the mobile phone you are a norman

>> No.9288469

Goddamn you fuckers are cheap. Must be living in utter shitholes or renting a room like a manchild.

>> No.9288477

You open up your favourite text editor and start writing down what you spend your money on. Then you cut back on those until you're in a position where your debt will be gone in whatever time you're comfortable with it.

>> No.9288514


>> No.9288521

Chrome alone uses more than 2gb a month just checking various news sites/apps and looking into certain threads here everyday. Do you never leave your house or something?

>> No.9288546

Living in boston
>1800 rent
>515 Jaguar payment
>100 Dry Cleaning
>1000 Food
>250 Country Club
>100 Amazon/netflix/spotify/audible

Being wealthy aint easy

>> No.9288589

mortgage/insurance for house: $1750/m
property tax: $500/m
internet: $60/m for 1Gbps
no cable
car paid off
car insurance: $120
gas: $20-250 in winter
electricity: $100
groceries: $500

>> No.9288604

This is normal in Europe, what shithole do (((you))) live in, anon? Let me guess, a burger, sorry to redpill you anon, but your country is nowhere near to be (((the))) land of (((free))) >_<

>> No.9288607

>¥65000 Rent
>¥50000 Health/Income Tax/Retirement fund
>¥15000 Power
>¥10000 Phone
>¥5000 Internet
>¥6000 Home Gas
>¥5000 Water
>¥6000 Car insurance
>¥15000 Gas
>¥40000 Groceries

¥217000 that's is absolute mandatory for me to pay.
That is $2000 for basic ass living, which of course you ended up spending more than that.

So for any anon out there dreaming about living in Japan, yes it's nice, but be prepared to pay out the ass for it.

>> No.9288615

>Things cost less and that is the absolute standard of living
Wew lad

>> No.9288618

of course i do and no it doesnt
web browsing uses like what, 50mb an hour?
thats more than an hour a day on the phone browsing the web, it sounds unrealistic at best that anyone would do that

>> No.9288630

Do you really pay $500 a MONTH for property tax?
WTF do you own to pay that much?

>> No.9288654

NEET here
>mobile internet $3 per month
>weekly McDonald's $40 per month

I have $3000 in savings I am set for life

>> No.9288672

>thinks he's wealthy.
>rents and has a car payment.


>> No.9288680

Are you *this* retarded?

>> No.9288708


A house... Its 1.3% property tax, pretty low actually compared to some areas.

>> No.9288714

650 rent? Do you have 8 roomates

>> No.9288715

And to all the people paying 10s of dollars on internet just get PAYG and only browse 4chan with images turned off will save you $$$ like me

>> No.9288749
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OP check it


>> No.9288769

21M living with fiancee 21F and her sister 21F

My May budget (may is a short month for me with 4 fridays instead of five)

May Budget
Est Net income - 1039

Rent - 260
Insurance - 89
Phone - 40
Food - 150
Gas - 100

>> No.9288782

What happens when your parents die?

>> No.9288788

Never owned a house, didn't know you had to pay that much for month.

So basically you have to pay rent anyway?
What's the point of owning a house?

I'd rather have the money invested in something and pay rent. Jesus.

>> No.9288817

>What's the point of owning a house

>> No.9288819

not a wageslave but also not a neet so I know about bills.

electric, gas, internet, phone bills. it's honestly not much, a few hundred a month, but I understand how some poor people feel like it's a lot.

>> No.9288827

I'll live with my brother

>> No.9288834


Rent on 3 bedrooms is $4,000/m in my town. So, no, I'm not sweating a 1.3% property tax on my 4 bedroom house when overall I'm paying like 2/3 the cost of renting it.

>> No.9288833

do you not have electricity, gas, internet, and a cell phone? or do your parents pay for that?

>> No.9288846

>Groceries: $600
either you have a wife+kids or you're a fat mother fucker. i spend ~$250 a month on groceries and eat well. I know how to cook though.

>> No.9288853

So you've never had a job?

>> No.9288865

Is 250 a month for a single guy considered frugal?

>> No.9288874

I do chores like clean my room and empty the dishwasher which is how I earned $3000 from my parents

>> No.9288912


That's low if you make 3 meals almost every day, its less than $3/meal. Its not low if you eat out a lot including lunches.

>> No.9288920

lets say you got $5000
half of it are taxes, so you got $2500 left
rent, gas, heating and electricity: $500 so you got $2000 left
$10k car all costs included: $400/month so you got $1600 left
health insurance: $400 so you got $1200 left
phone, internet, netflix, spotify, newspaper and media subscriptions: $100 so you got $1100 left
lunch and food you eat while wagecucking: $200 so you got $900 left
food, clothing: $400 so you got $500 left
clubs, dinners irregular expenses: $200 so you got $200 left
yearly $2400 vacation you need to rest from your wagecuckery: $200 so you have nothing left

>> No.9288925

Holy shit I knew some pretty privileged people lurked this board but this is on another level. Kill yourself you are worthless to society.

>> No.9288926

3 meals every day is a meme humans live more naturally on 1

>> No.9288979

How long have you been a neet? Also why not work part time? Since you have no obligations your savings will accumulate very quickly.

>> No.9288993

Being frugal is worthless?

>> No.9289010

Most of my meals are oatmeal, eggs, chicken, yogurt, berries and broccoli. I spend about 240 a month, never eat out.

>> No.9289026

I'm assuming your brother has family of his own, would he be okay with you sponging off him?

>> No.9289051

What is your net worth anon... are you a child or do you have people running your finances and stealing from you.

>> No.9289061

Dunno haven't asked him but he's only 8 years old so I'm just going to suck up to him so he loves me

I live in the countryside there are no jobs nearby and again I have no car

>> No.9289065

lmao good weights cost like 10 years of gym membership

>> No.9289068

>Dunno haven't asked him but he's only 8 years old so I'm just going to suck up to him so he loves me
...how old are you?

>> No.9289073

Gas, Water, Electric, Cable/internet

Comes out to like $180 a month.

>> No.9289080

23 there's an age gap because we were both happy accidents

>> No.9289081

Basically fuck all. I make enough money and live frugally enough that I literally don't worry about money on a month-to-month basis.

Normies mostly spend their money on stupid shit like feminist dance therapy degrees and financing brand new shitbox cars.

I know a roastie who makes as much as me ($75k) but still seems to be living paycheck to paycheck with no savings whatsoever.

>> No.9289092

If I was making 75k I would be living like a king, what do normies spend money on?

>> No.9289094

Like I said im a gym fag so im eating 5 meals a day plus going out with friends since im a teenager
no kids or gf just live w my mom

>> No.9289112

Oh yeah rent 680$ for a studio in a good neighborhood in a major city.

My insurance is full coverage state employee benefits.

>> No.9289113

my bills:

mortgage insurance
car insurance
AAA membership

but i'm a 31 year old cord cutter.

>> No.9289115

>¥50000 Health/Income Tax/Retirement fund

won't you get that back when you leave the country?

>> No.9289166
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The exact thread you realized /biz/ are a bunch of LARPing children.

>> No.9289167

She seems to drink a huge amount at bars and clubs every weekend, she bought a brand new i30 for some fucking reason and she goes on multiple international holidays every year. She just came back from a week in Japan, which would have cost her thousands in flights alone.
And yet these fuckers all think it's a waste of money how I live by myself.

>> No.9289252

>student loans
poor bastard, they got you

>> No.9289263
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I could rent my own studio in the neighborhood I live in now but I have a roommate so I can pay $240 a month to keep my car parked in a garage. Not about to be moving my car 3-4 times a week like some fucking autist.

>> No.9289274

Not everyone can just "live with their parents bro" fuck off

>> No.9289292


>> No.9289315

Some, not all.

>> No.9289325

Exactly. I got fucked over big time by my dad. The kikes at the bank took our house away and I was forced to grow up pretty fast or be a hopeless NEET. In the long run I think it made me stronger but at the same time I get annoyed when my friends who can live with their parents are taking nice vacations and stuff.

>> No.9289349

>And yet these fuckers all think it's a waste of money how I live by myself.
...I don't follow, they think it's a waste of money to live alone?

>> No.9289417

What city?

>> No.9289425
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itt:fags who never paid rent
was paying 1k to my rents @ 19

>> No.9289440

>fell for the moving out meme

>> No.9289445

'rents* as in my parents

>> No.9289452

Yeah, they spend all of their money on frivolous stuff but kid themselves into thinking that the $100 a week they save by living in a shoebox with five other normies is worth it.

>> No.9289470

A cheap, non-gentrified neighborhood right outside nyc.

>> No.9289494

Fucking boomers

>> No.9289514

I know huh, I don't understand what kind of parents would charge their own child for rent.

>> No.9289519

27 here
Can confirm , it sucks
I've been on my own several times but currently at home and working 2 wagecuck jobs

Yea I get to eat whatever the fuck I want and buy pc parts and shit with spare cash
But something feels off inside , I'm getting older and the feeling of needing my own place is getting stronger and stronger.

Plus how am I suppose to fuck a roastie when I live with rents

>> No.9289522

Physical fitness is one of the things that improves your mental well being and test levels
It is easily attainable relative to the other life-fulfilling goals and indirectly helps in reaching those.

>> No.9289536

>he fell for the roastie meme

>> No.9289559

Thats what your overlords want you to believe, good goy.
Multi-generational homes were quite standard before the dystopian society.
Rotschilds and Rockefellers all live with their parents as a one big family ;) failing at life together

>> No.9289565

If you’re still leeching off of your parents in your 20s you didn’t make it and never will

>> No.9289579

My relatives are so fucked up that they offer to let me live with them for free but they're so psychotic that it just isn't worth it.

>> No.9289583

Exactly this, multi-generational households allow pooling of resources, but "they" don't want that.

>> No.9289597


>> No.9289607

>not loved by parents cope

>> No.9289615
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ehh I can really see the point, but to an extent.

>> No.9289683

Subscriptions( Netflix,gym)
Insurance (health,home, vehicle)
Toiletries and hygienic items

That's it I think

>> No.9289725

>socal cost of living

>> No.9289726


Ends up being 40-60% of my total income

>> No.9289735
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forgot pic

>> No.9289894

>but "they" don't want that

>writing "they" instead of (((they)))

The US has always had an individualistic culture. Leaving the home at 18 is a rite of passage. But sure, go on believing that it's a grand Jewish conspiracy, and stay poor while you're at it.

>> No.9290143


My dad is a literal tweaker and drove me out of home with the drugs and behavior that follow I moved out as soon as possible at 18. 4 Years later im engaged and had my first child and we're relatively stable. Would have been nice to ease into the "real world" instead of getting kicked in the balls because my parents are irresponsible but what are you gonna do.

>> No.9290145

Australian prices, enjoy (and I live quite frugally):
> $1,440 rent (studio apartment)
> $100 electricity
> $400 food (all home-cooked from supermarket)
> $105 phone (9GB, includes handset repayments)
> $40 transport (work is close enough to walk, except when lazy)
> $0 car (it's cheaper to rent one every weekend of the year than own one)
rest of it goes to travel and crypto
fortunately, I earn $140k

>> No.9290173

that sounds depressing as fuck.

I pay 120 AUD a week for my villa in Bali that I share with my girlfriend. That includes electricity, wifi, cable and water.

Why the fuck would you live in the west?

>> No.9290195

>My dad is a literal tweaker and drove me out of home with the drugs and behavior that follow I moved out as soon as possible at 18. 4 Years later im engaged and had my first child and we're relatively stable. Would have been nice to ease into the "real world" instead of getting kicked in the balls because my parents are irresponsible but what are you gonna do.

or you could have not fallen for the trap of cucking yourself to the system by getting married and having a child. What's next on the agenda, a mortgage? Fuck me why is it that the majority of people so fucking retarded.

You realise what you've done? At the age of 22 you are now trapped into working every single day of your life until you retire?

>> No.9290341

700 rent
300 food
80 phone
40 internet
40 gym
15 health insurance
400 transportation

RIP bc canada

>> No.9290364


It's not bad imo

I live comfy and save ~50%

>> No.9290432

Vancouver Canada

>1,750 /month studio apartment
>100 utilities
>600-700 food (includes eating out)
>60 phone plan
>400 for vehicle
>500 entertainment
>200 for misc
>Save about 2500 into usual $ saving methods

Not sure what else I'm missing

>> No.9290621
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Am I the only one here that their parents charge rent?
>$420 a month rent
>$208 car insurance
>$55 phone bill
>$79 health insurance
>$50 every two weeks on gas

>> No.9290640

Living with parents =/= Living off parents

>> No.9290696

655 rent
40 phone
70 internet
60 car insurance
250 weed
600 investing
i make about 1600 a month

>> No.9290926

just fyi anon, sauna is very bad for males. so if you care about your sex life, get away from it.

>> No.9290980

I spend 60 bucks a month on a 24 hour gym membership because keeping gym equipment in my home requires excessive space for what I would want and I can also go to the gym at 2 in the morning and not have to deal with the gym rat normies.

I swear this board would never even change their cumrag if they thought it would make them an extra .001 BTC

>> No.9290984

4MM a month for my house
200MM for the parties and bills
1MM on clothes
1000000000MM ya mam

>> No.9291109
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