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9287033 No.9287033 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>Start buying crypto like a normie on coinbase
>Have 1/3 of my savings in crypto over the next months
>Things go great
>Price explosion in december
>Get cocky at work, think I make it
>Basically work like two days a week now, have tasken 5 weeks off
> Have 20k in crypto at ATH
> crash
> gambling
> fucked up a transaction worth 5k
>now broke as fuck, have 60$ for food for the rest of the month
>mfw all of this is a huge waste of time, makes you a terrible person and you can't sleep due to stress anymore
>mfw i am set back and much worse off than before all this shit started

>> No.9287174

You’re a moron, don’t get cocky when all you have is lunch money.

>> No.9287199
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You're supposed to quit work after making it you dumb wagie.

>> No.9287475

>>mfw all of this is a huge waste of time
You just fucked up frend. Has been great for a lot of us

>> No.9287584

back to work cuck

>> No.9287605

> fucked up a transaction worth 5k

Did..........did you really send something to the wrong address

>> No.9287620
File: 11 KB, 239x211, brainy wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The old saying "A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush" comes to mind....

>> No.9287647

The lesson I have learned.

>> No.9287658

It's not a waste of time and it doesn't make you a terrible person, you just were a terrible person from the start. Getting cocky over 20k? Get real, kid.

>> No.9287662

so you still have 2/3 of your savings left? what happened to the other 2/3 of your savings?

>> No.9287682

>get cocky at work think I've made it
>20k ATH

this is literally the ultimate boomer post.

Please go back to buying lotto tickets.

>> No.9287688
File: 15 KB, 248x189, 1525574829223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean you thought you made it with $20k? What the fuck

>> No.9287701
File: 60 KB, 832x690, pepe dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, he might live in Africa or something where that is a lot of money

>> No.9287722

I'm a 20year old poorfag, could have lived 3 simple years from that money. Not dependend on the job, anyway

>> No.9287766


>getting cocky because youre sitting on $20k

oh boy...

>> No.9287820
File: 99 KB, 680x777, 79a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip me apart. I was a terrible, rude, cocky pos in the last months and obviously have a lot of room to improve as a person. Run me into the ground, humble me, show me what a fool I was. I deserve this.

>> No.9287828

I guess you're not American or live in a 1st world country?

>> No.9287861

I live in a first world country. Poorfag, alone, am accustomed to a humble living. Need no major expenses, rarely buy clothes at all. 20k would have been enough to have my room, food, and be left alone to focus on whatever want

>> No.9287897

Then just get a second job for a year and work hard. You will have $ available in no time. You are young and you can work long hours.

>> No.9288157

>I live at home with mommy

>> No.9288187
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>someone ends up worse than he started off

>> No.9288206
File: 191 KB, 1248x1284, 8fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP that exzact same thing happend to me, what gives?

>> No.9288216

rent is 400$ a month. I can work with that

>> No.9288878

Kek, normans are even more retarded than I thought.

>> No.9288964

20k at ath isn't shit lol
You need MINIMUM of 250k to even consider cutting back on work to part time or taking a vacation or break and see how things play out
A million would be enough to take 2-3 years off and hopefully moon beyond to retirement
You'd need like 3 million to live comfy if you're under 30 and not worry
4% withdrawal rate seems safe and standard, so somewhere around 2 or 3 million lets you live comfy with a bit of luxury and some margin of safety

>> No.9289067
File: 492 KB, 460x345, kaiba.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>start buying crypto like a normie on coinbase
>go all in right away (2k networth lol)
>things go great
>china ico ban happens in Sept
>lost 1/3 value in fiat
>motivated and work even harder at my new job and determined to make back my money and not sell
>dec crash happens just load up what I can afford to lose near the bottom because at this point i'm already rich

>> No.9289413

20 grand is alot and if frugal can allow someone to survive for a while. I'd be pissed, don't listen to these autistic virgins that happened to get into this 2 years ago because they have such severe autism that they found crypto interesting while no one gave a shit. Grats to you guys on that part, but no amount of money will fix your severe lack in social skills and loneliness. Been proven one of the most important aspects to feeling happy , content , and ok with your self is having a connection with others. With out that core element nothing will ever be whole and full inside you. Rekt and end rant

>> No.9289646

dont feel bad my ssd died with my private key in it. then my house got robbed and someone stole my pc with my usb in it. at least i still have my 11k imaginary linkies right?

>> No.9289784

OP, let me ask you this.
What exactly was your goal?
How long did you expect to invest?
Would you have even cashed out by now if crypto didn't crash? I don't think so.

You'd still put money in. But when the prices are cheap you aren't. I don't understand your psychology.

>> No.9289805

Coping latecoiner