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9286531 No.9286531 [Reply] [Original]

is credit score a meme?

>> No.9286588

no its probably the single most important thing in regards to your finances. everything is run on credit, your car loan, your mortgage, healthcare bills, education, business loans, etc. trust me, a bad credit score will make your life a living hell and you'll pay for it dearly through interest or just the inability to even get loans.

im assuming youre like 18 and have never needed to take out a loan or have been in a situation where your credit score actually impacts you.

dont be an idiot, if theres one thing you dont want to be fuck up in your life. its your credit score.

>> No.9286619

so if i dont want to take it a loan then it wont matter?

>> No.9286653

it's important for loaning money or renting/leasing assets. I have a score of 825 and it has smoothed out some difficult negotiations in the past. You can always negotiate better interest rates with a high score as well.

>> No.9286677

It comes in to play if you want to rent/lease property. Good score means you're probably a decent tenant.

>> No.9286713
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Own up to your mistakes and pay your bills OP. Learn to make a proper budget and you wont run out of money.

>> No.9286716

(Uneducated) people on here will tell you that debt is evil Jew conspiracy to keep the white man down. I’m reality it just deprecates the smart people from idiots, donald trump balled the fuck out with a fuck ton of debt to boot. The average person just uses loans/credit cards to buy stupid shit that doesn’t have any ROI. If you are buying things that bring in income with debt, you are creating cash flow and then at the end of the day still have a material object that is worth money.

>> No.9286728

(Uneducated) people on here will tell you that debt is evil Jew conspiracy to keep the white man down. In reality it just seperates the smart people from idiots, donald trump balled the fuck out with a fuck ton of debt . The average person just uses loans/credit cards to buy stupid shit that doesn’t have any ROI. If you are buying things that bring in income with debt (tools of different trades for instance), you are creating cash flow and then at the end of the day still have a material object that is worth money. Also you are going to write off any our haseyou made as well.

>> No.9286733

Credit score is important if you're poor
Once you have enough wealth, it doesn't mean anything

>> No.9286742

31 year old boomer here

buy everything cash. credit is for poor people

>> No.9286743

>you should take on debt for things you can't afford
fuck off kike

>> No.9286746

Tell that to trump.

>> No.9286749

I understand why building credit is useful in the current credit system, but if you have proof of employment, and existing assets, nonexistent credit shouldnt prevent you from getting a loan. Credit system is retarded in those cases.

>> No.9286759 [DELETED] 

15 year old boomer here. debt isn't real and neither are our eyes. buy whatever you want and an hero when it catches up.

>> No.9286764

dude how do you think youre going to buy a car or get a house? you need to take out loans. not even that but if you get a healthcare bill that you cant immediately pay. when you get into the real world, your credit score is your financial health. even if you want to rent an apartment, a bad credit score will give you trouble finding a decent place to live. if you have a bad credit score it means youre financially irresponsible. no one wants to loan out or rely on for rent to a person with a shit credit score and if they do, they'll give you massive interest in order to compensate for the extra risk.

>> No.9286780

youre a fucking idiot and have obviously never been in the real world. HURR DURR DEBT IS BAD GUISE. shut the fuck up NEET. this thread shows how fucking dumb most of you are.

>> No.9286795
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Do you think trump bought this with cash? Hell no. That’s an all gold penthouse in nyc btw.

>> No.9286809

Going into debt willingly is stupid. Don't buy thing's you can't afford. Not only will you creditscore be find in that case so you can pass any checks for apartments etc, But you wont have to worry about jack.

>> No.9286829


> living in a country where a rental agreement is signed based on some third parties assessment of how good you with having debt

yeah fuck that for a laugh

i started renting the moment i touched down in SEA after leaving australia, and I've never ever had anything to do with credit scores. I pay $350 USD/month including leccy for nice apartment that would cost upwards of 1000/month back in australia, and would come with all the nanny state headaches to boot. Keep it.

Its a very simple arrangement with my landlord, I dont have rent, i get kicked out. If i dont want to leave of my own volition, the police will assist me. Where the fuck do jews need to be involved in this equation?

>> No.9286843
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What is the best place to check my credit report for free? Should I use those sites that I see in TV commercials?

>> No.9286852

Oh and btw every citizen of the USA is inherently responsible for 20trillion debt. Get over it burgers.

>> No.9286878

so stupid. just because you go into debt doesnt mean you cant pay it back. theres nothing wrong with having to take out a loan to pay for a car, or a house, or an education, that you can pay back later.

what you shouldnt do is take out massive loans that you dont have the means to pay back. like going to a private college, getting a sports car, or buying a fucking 3rd story mcmansion on your 50k salary.

its hilarious, you guys have literally never been in the real world or had to deal with finances. this thread absolutely proves most of you guys are NEETs, uneducated, or poorfags.

thats not how the world works. good luck out there with a horrible credit score. oh and for the faggots that argue "oh well if you have a good wage and assets as collateral you shouldnt have trouble finding a loan". you know who has a good wage and assets? people that are financially literate. do you know what financially literate people have? they have good credit because theyre financially literate. you dont become wealthy with a shit credit, because youre not stupid enough to let your credit tank unless its extreme circumstances.

>> No.9286900

Yeah I'm sure there are no headaches there in the third world. Everything is just simple and easy.

>> No.9286912

just because youre a poorfag that doesnt deal with credit doesnt mean its not important. your anecdotal evidence doesnt mean that credit isn't important, fucktard.

have fun with your shit credit if you're in america. enjoy paying 20% interest on that car loan. have fun even attempting to get a mortgage. you most likely will never own a house with garbage credit.

>> No.9286927

Im 18. How do i get into credit stuff?

>> No.9286934

actually I bought my house and car in cash and have never taken out any student loans. I use credits cards purely as a convenience and haven't paid a single cent of interest in my entire life

keep filling mr shekelstein's pockets while you stay poor and in ever increasing debt for the rest of your life though

>> No.9286955

This board is so fucking stupid sometimes. Everyone is a certified LARP. You didn’t buy anything stfu sweetie

>> No.9286959

The debt/credit driven cycle is not sustainable and will crumble soon enough.
T. Actual risk analyst at a major bank

>> No.9286981

this. for next my next car or house i'll just write a check.

>> No.9286984

>if you use credit too much your credit rating goes down
>even if you pay before due date
>if you check your credit, rating goes down
>paying off a loan decreases credit score

>> No.9286988

lmfao youre so cringe. you think that information is exclusive to analysts or something? youre not some prophet with divine insight. i love how you pointed out 2 + 2 = 4 and then added in a "btw im a mathematician with a PhD working at a top tier analytics firm" like shut the fuck up.

>> No.9287008

youre so fucking retarded. just because i care about my credit score and have taken out loans in my life doesnt mean im poor. yeah taking out that 20k to pay for a BS in computer science that landed me a 90k software engineering job was such a bad choice. if i didnt take out a loan to pay for school id be working at walmart as a cashier for 10/hr. dont be so naive.

>> No.9287028

Just broke 700 credit score this month.

I hate the US and the way it's going. Considering taking out student loans and a bunch of other loans then leaving the country. I don't want to return and want to relinquish my citizenship.

>> No.9287043

Its like a score of your likelihood to pay them interest every month without too much deviation. Which is why using it too much is suspicious, paying it off before due date can be suspicious, closing an account is suspicious, checking your credit is seen as suspicious. Its your good goy score of being predictable.

>> No.9287056

Just apply for a credit card at your bank. Buy something small with it, pay it off immediately. Repeat only once a month/or year.

>> No.9287081

Could’ve been a welder and had no loans. You’d be making $500k easy

>> No.9287106

>apply for a credit card
got it.

>> No.9287147

My perfect creditscore, car and house would beg to differ that my way is just as correct as any other.

>> No.9287579

>tfw 27 years old and have never been in debt in my life.
>don't even have a credit score.

>> No.9287947

It's not. Working and investing is only half the battle.

It still matters. You'll be missing out on benefits. For example, if you get a travel credit card, you'll earn frequent flyer miles simply by spending as you usually do (instead of using a debit card). These travel credit cards may also give you additional perks such as free access to lounges.
Using only a debit card is stupidity at its finest. There's no reason not to use a credit card when given the option. If you're going to have to spend, at least make spending work for you.

>> No.9288050
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Holy fuck this

>736 score

Already gives me problems since it seems like 740 is a standard for home financing.

>> No.9288102

"owning" a house that if you don't pay taxes on every year the government takes away from you

>> No.9288169

Being anti-loan is like taking the SAT high and drunk so you don't get nervous

>> No.9288215
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Do not listen to this absolute cuck

Do not be a financial fucking idiot, the most profitable and logical solution to spending is to buy something OUTRIGHT which means you pay in full. No one ever seems to calculate the interest in loans for cars or house but youll see that you end up paying 10-50% ontop of what the cost would of been to pay in full.

it's very fucking simple
>if you dont have the money to pay for something in full
>you cant afford it

theres people working construction jobs getting paid 25k a year and somehow managed to squeeze a £400 monthly bill onto their debit card for their new 2018 mercedes

People go broke trying to look rich, they spend all their money on depreciating assets as if they have hundreds of thousands in the band.

>> No.9288253
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BANK* :@

>> No.9288670

>donald trump balled the fuck out with a fuck ton of debt to boot


>Trump made a bold bet on Atlantic City when he opened a third casino there -- the colossal Taj Mahal -- in April 1990. Even riskier: He financed the project with $675 million in junk bonds at a 14% interest rate. Within months Trump was struggling to make the massive bond payments as Atlantic City floundered.
>In stepped Ross, then head of Rothschild Inc’s bankruptcy advising team, to represent bondholders, who were pondering forcing the casino into involuntary bankruptcy and ousting Trump. Ross reportedly saw crowds pressed against Trump’s limo windows to get a peek at the mogul, and realized the value of Trump’s celebrity.

Yea nigga we on dat donald blumpf shit.
Y'all got any more of dem rothschild loans?

>> No.9288687
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Get 8 credit cards. Thank me later

>> No.9288894

Bought it rothschild loans

>> No.9289195

Imagine being this good of a goy.

>> No.9289264

Credit score only matters if you're a debt cuck. If you just pay your bills without missing payments you will have like an 800 score after 7 years. You need 740 to get a mortgage with no points. That is literally the only thing credit will ever matter for.

>> No.9290036

lol, what a nigger rich boomer

>> No.9290149

>(((credit score)))

>> No.9291273

>be american
>get good boy points for shouldering debt
I really do not understand this.

>> No.9291314

Take out a massive loan and overpay for a car so you can raise your good goyim score and take out a massive loan to overpay for a house and become the best goyim one day

>> No.9291371

You don't get GBP for shouldering debt. You get GBP by repaying the debt.

>> No.9291463


Except that wrecks your credit. Why do so many people think taking on debt helps their credit score? Credit score is not "good boy" points, its not an incentive reward. It is a shit list for debt cucks. There really is no "good" credit.

If you have any credit account for a few years and never borrow so much money you actually can't make installment payments, you will have like an 800 credit score. Its hilarious how people think its some sort of accomplishment not to be buried in debt to the point of insolvency.

>> No.9291606

>if you dont have the money to pay for something in full
>you cant afford it

Pretty much this. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't take the loan, just depends what you can earn on the money.

>> No.9292291

How about I don't get any debt in the first place?