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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 400x400, Hooolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9285936 No.9285936 [Reply] [Original]

The amount of FUD around this token is absolutely unreal. Why are you non holders so insecure about it? If it were truly a pile of shit, what would you care if anyone who held it got dumped on? Personally I hold some and the pictures of the team dont mean a shit to me negatively. Biz is so quick to pounce on fucking anything.

I bet the majority of you fudding this shit are life long linkies sitting in the .50c range for the past 3 months. Fucking gas yourselves.

>> No.9285943

>that boomercoin again
fucking sage

>> No.9285956

Because I only made 40% in req and link over all this time and this 5xs in a week

>> No.9285972

>boomercoin scam

>> No.9285982

literal scam

>> No.9285988

Goddddd just stop
Can we ban all holo threads pls?
Enough is enough pajeets

>> No.9285994

It literally gets 10x the shill posts than it gets fud and you're calling the fud "unreal". If you fuckos would just leave and stop shilling your garbage then people wouldn't care to tell you to fuck off. You understand how that works, right? If the token had any potential everyone would be agreeing with you instead of telling you to kys. Think about that.

>> No.9286008

Believe it or not, constant shilling tends to annoy people retard. I dumped by bags after 10x because I know how counterproductive your pajeet shilling is. Thanks for helping me empty my bags though!

>> No.9286015

Its not fucking unreal its very proportional to the amount of shilling going from you faggots trying to dump your metaphysical new age hippie bags on everyone here. HOLO fags are the biggest indicator of the reddit stank pouring into this shit hole.

>> No.9286042





>> No.9286046

>that 10 years old boomer coin who is bought by 30 years old dumb boomers

>> No.9286061

And your proof is what?

Honestly, I wouldnt mind that. But its quite frustrating to see the negativity around it as well. No other coin gets as much hate as this besides uniroinically, LINK, which, lets be honest, fuck that coin.

>> No.9286074

Nothing personel kid. Its just too expesive too fast

>> No.9286075

> have to resort to ad-hominem attacks against creators because they can’t find holes anywhere else in the project

>> No.9286081

fuck me still shilling this, you literally make 10 threads a day

it did a 10x, take your money and be fucking grateful, what more do you want?

is the fact that the team has 0 interest in being listed on an exchange not slightly worrying to you? until main net, well that's 6 months away.

but the biggest worry of all should be the fact that every reddit threat has been slapped down = the normies are not lapping this up

without some big corporate partnership in the works where is the news to be able to shill with? without news it's glorified p2p hosting. And the team have no interest in hype

am I right or am I right

>> No.9286097

* with that in mind I sold between 7x and 10x

>> No.9286116


well there are plenty of projects without holes which have failed to take off

take Factom, pretty much the most legit crypto out there with Fortune 100 clients, and what happened to that...

>> No.9286137

It's pronounced 'korbo'

>> No.9286142

Lol do you guys get paid for that or are you just saints helping us deluded bagholders out?

>> No.9286148

I'm sorry, where are you getting your info from on exchange listings? Because I'm pretty sure no one knows that shit you moron.

>> No.9286154

>but the biggest worry of all should be the fact that every reddit threat has been slapped down = the normies are not lapping this up

brainlet.. for ADA.TRX it took 3-5 months for normies and flebbits to realize and pump it. hot just out of the gate. once it in decent exchange, it will be 3-5 bill mcap. screencap this and come back in AUG

>> No.9286173

Wrong, they're interested in listing on exchanges, they get paid in holo fuel for their past wages, and even said in reddit they will get listed on exchanges and be working with them.

They just need their legal team to give them a go.

>> No.9286175

because you fags constantly flood the board with threads about it even though its the most cringe fucking joke of project of all time

>> No.9286199

How. Shill me more useful/efficient projects

>> No.9286201


the team said it numerous times during the ICO in the telegram

>> No.9286214


yes brainlet, which is after the token swap for holo fuel in 6 MONTHS TIME

that is when they get the green light from their legal team, this has been stated on numerous occasion during the ICO on the telegram

>> No.9286229

they never said that

>> No.9286241

>being a boomer not understading this is not your typical boomer blockchain

How to spot the FUD boomer

>> No.9286242

> 10 years since inception
> code dev started in 2016
> Extremely active github & code reviewed - https://cryptobriefing.com/holochain-code-review-and-distributed-computing-thoughts/
> 5000 new telegram members in the last 7 days
> over $1 mill usd investment by 2 eth genesis wallets. one holding over $18 million since Ether ICO
> Rumoured Huiobi listing (3rd largest exchange in the world)
> Meetups at Mozilla HQ for months with CTO (Mozilla/Netflix co-founder) praising Holo
> ex-AOL founder on team (Jean-Francois Noubel (JF)) see Ted Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuZgkL5BEBk [Embed]
> 2000+ Heloport servers sold & nearly sold out. see
> main net months away
> Hashgraph team regularly converse with Holo team (search in both telegrams to confirm this from admins). HG is valuing itself at $2B+
> Holo is 100,000x more efficient than Ether - https://github.com/holochain/benchmarks
> Token price is at ATH
> You can run 100 apps on a rapberry PI right now, try that with Ethereum, it's impossible. See team talk about this: https://youtu.be/wP7f76h-3gU?t=20m
> dapps can be created RIGHT now on the alpha. Their chatroom is full of devs working on new dapps

This is actually an amazing project, there's just a lot of people who are butthurt that they missed out on a x10. This happens with every coin that takes off.

>> No.9286264


yes. they. did.

you understand why they cannot approach exchanges? Because of SEC regs

the exact same problem which affects Factom and their inability to approach exchanges until their M3 launched

if you want to play by the rules in the US and ensure you don't get fucked in the future you CANNOT approach exchanges to list a token you have created i.e. HOT

you CAN approach exchanges when the system is decentralised....i.e. when Holo Fuel exists

>> No.9286302

Not true, team member said they'll get their Holo Tokens listed on exchanges like normal when the legal team says they can.

>> No.9286303
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>> No.9286320

Discord group, they'll go away once IDEX opens again.

>> No.9286424


>> No.9286447

If you are still holding this garbage you deserve massive losses. Good job buying in early. Take profits and fuck off

Don't keep making threads shilling it like it's going to be 100x any time soon .
This coin got insane early hype. That's it, muh decentralized internet

>> No.9286481

Yes, in 6 months.

>> No.9286546

You belong with your friends on r/buttcoin
This amount of cope is hilarious. Stop being so butthurt that people are making money while you're holding onto stagnant coins.

>> No.9286568

The holo fuel itself is centralized, holo fuel isn't needed for application other than holo on holochain.

The holo fuel will be in very little demand once there's many applications out on holochain and Holo application can't compete.

>> No.9286641


HOLO coin holders are the same brainlets as confido holders.

>> No.9286669

Remember when Antshares had FUD threads daily last year? And ETH before that?

This is the most hate I've seen on /biz since those two. Massive buy signal.

>> No.9286753

I was going to sell until I saw the FUD threads. Makes me think this will keep going once IDEX comes back.

>> No.9286810 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 505x760, A7E4791E-6880-4110-BB88-E67CC318FD82-1188-000001ADEE0513C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting Holo in a Holo thread.

>> No.9287068


>> No.9287207

Yeah it makes you want to hold thats for sure something big is upon us when you see people trying so hard to get us to sell

>> No.9287320


fucking kek no one is trying to get anyone to sell

people are contributing facts i.e. it is highly unlikely the team will get exchange listings for 6 months, not to say exchanges won't list without their approval, but sure as hell doesn't look like the team is going to bother

you do as you please, I'm out between 7x and 10x, but there is nothing wrong with sharing the facts, not all sunshine and rainbows

>> No.9287333

The thing is it attracted volume on IDEX. It just needs one reputable exchange (or for IDEX to come back)

>> No.9287336

someone post the pic of the team

>> No.9287382

Yeah, /biz is just full of people "contributing facts" with no ulterior motives.

Creating memes and saying it's going to dump fall into fact contributing as well, I suppose?

>> No.9287404

I dont really believe you sorry

>> No.9287458

How can you even take this FUD seriously? HOT has been going up every single day when IDEX was live, then IDEX stops working and the only exchange with any volume doesn't even allow withdrawal, and the price still holds around ATH.

There's huge buy pressure, and before IDEX died, huge buy orders were going through every 10 minutes.

It's obvious that the buy pressure is pretty insane and when IDEX comes back online OR it gets listed on an exchange that allows withdrawal, this is going to go up in price dramatically.

This IDEX situation is a great opportunity for anyone trying to catch this before it starts pumping again, research the coin, read the whitepapers, check the github and the mattermost, and decide for yourself what you think this is worth

>> No.9287487

Everyone on biz has enough money to buy some. Buy $100 worth and hold til the month of mainnet.

>> No.9287504

This, unironically

>> No.9287519

Yes, I'm inclined to think they want people to dump on shitbit so they can buy cheap

>> No.9287589
File: 37 KB, 720x778, Hoger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hogers trade with foodstamps

>> No.9287615


>> No.9288398

Genocide all holofags.

>> No.9289162

but who was hotbit, chinks do what they want, and chinks are leading the exchanges

>> No.9289164

this desu

>> No.9289772
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>> No.9289852

lmfao, yeah, this is the team that's gonna revolutionize crypto

>> No.9289875
File: 85 KB, 750x562, mahalo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rofl yea these are the hippie cunts that are going to change the world

>> No.9289890

>predominantly male compared
tell me more about your stablecoin

>> No.9289909


True, this is a good way to size up an investment

>> No.9289935
File: 74 KB, 1533x496, ETHFUD2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9289940

at this point nearly 90% of the speculation in crypto is based on the teams
most of you don't even have a concept of the purpose of these projects

>> No.9289965

Hippies did change the world though.

>> No.9290019

by being high and fucking eachothers gfs

>> No.9290069

That's the fucking Microsoft team. I don't think you understood the post you're replying to.

>> No.9290102

state of holochainers

>> No.9290459

WHat is the Holochain contract address so I can see the tokens on metamask?

>> No.9290465


>> No.9290480

When Idex :/ got two more eth today to spend

75% HOT
25% MAN?

>> No.9290485

thank (You)

>> No.9290504
File: 248 KB, 960x715, FHY2NOd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The team is fucking nuts apparently. Like real new age zealots. Exactly the kind of nuts i want on my team....unwavering and dedicated no matter what...made me buy more

>> No.9290515

This is the portfolio equivalent of a trap

>> No.9290523


>> No.9290524

I also own HOT. Shit is gonna moon who cares if the team is in a cult?

>> No.9290592

I went 30x last year on eth/eos

Good tech and partnerships don’t lie

>> No.9290607


I was referring to the 75% HOT 25% MAN ratio. But I didn't do my joke good

>> No.9290644

You did it fine, other dude is just dim.

>> No.9291103

I'm literally just at my computer getting tired of seeing this stupid project anywhere. No Discord, you losers are fucking laughable.

>> No.9291248

Oh yeah HOLO is a woman bit of a trans person haha yeah bros why wasn’t my mind there /b/ is still cool haha

>> No.9291297

HAHAHA >>9291248 still doesn't get the joke

>> No.9292100

Nice joke, just bought 100k

>> No.9293008


>> No.9293022

This thread was about to be pruned but I saved it you're welcome biz