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File: 35 KB, 275x247, burning-bank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9281785 No.9281785 [Reply] [Original]

"The deflationary aspects of a free market avalanche of investment capital into cryptocurrencies is terrifying, especially for a world that is drowning in debt represented by existing national currencies.

Here's the frightening scenario : you owe several hundred thousand dollars or yen or euro on your mortgage and other debt. Your employer is pretty hip and they start paying you in this new cryptocurrency because they see the currency rising so they have transferred all the company's cash assets including payroll into a cryptocurrency. They hope the transfer will lead to increased bottom line earnings for the company, since the cryptocurrency keeps rising and that means the company may enjoy a currency arbitrage profit as their former currency not in crypto keeps rising and providing profits.

For you, the new payments in crypto are great, because by the time you finish paying your bills each month your paycheck has risen in value...so its like getting a bonus with every paycheck ! What's even better, you easily transfer enough cryptocurrency each month into dollars because the mortgage servicer who you sends your mortgage to specified in the mortgage agreement that your payments will be in dollars. So too did the credit card companies. So you translate some of your crypto paycheck into dollars and pay your debt bills.

Here's where it gets interesting...

The mortgage servicer and the credit card banks receive your dollars as planned. But like you, they are having to start transacting more business in cryptocurrency as the world marches toward the brave new world, and so the dollars they are being paid by you to settle your debts with them are becoming less and less powerful in terms of how much cryptocurrency those dollars can buy. In real buying power terms, the banks you owe money to start losing buying power when they have to translate dollars they are paid into cryptocurrency, and that is causing the banks to suffer loses to its overall earnings.

>> No.9281802

When banks start losing money, they become more cautious and lend less money. There will be the constant losses doe to currency translation from dollars to crypto, along with risk managers in the banks cautioning not to make new loans in crypto because the more the crypto rises in value against existing currencies, the more likely will there be a correction in crypto value that means the crypto collected on the new loans will be worth less than the crypto lent.

When banks reduce their appetites for making loans, economies slow down and suffer. The gain that indebted consumers made from the cryptocurrency translation resulted in offsetting losses for banks. Since there are a lot fewer banks than borrowers, the gains for each individual borrower are a lot smaller than the huge losses that the banks will take in receiving loan payments in a currency that is in free fall because of the supply-demand equation for the more favored crypto. What you then have is a mortgage crisis like in 2007, magnified several times over. In the mortgage crisis, individuals received small benefits by living in homes without paying mortgages, while banks and holders of mortgage backed security liabilities died a death of a million slashes as they absorbed all of the defaults. This time it will be far far far worse.

What makes this scenario even more catastrophic is that in order to stay in business, the banks will need massive capital infusions from governments, just like last time. But since governments cannot mine cryptocurrency like they could print currency, whatever infusions of liquidity they make to the banks to save them will simply serve to push the value of cryptocurrencies higher, causing this entire process to multiply to the point of runaway reaction. Cryptocurrency mining procedures are just too small and difficult and time consuming to be useful in a liquidity starved world.

>> No.9281805


Poe’s law

>> No.9281821

The solution, of course, is to pull the cryptocurrency plug once the problem appears. But as we see time and again in financial crises, by the time the problem appears its way too late to take corrective action that would avert a catastrophe.

So that's where the world unwittingly is going, and because governments have lost so much trust in their constituencies, and also because they have shown an incredible set of blind eyes to work on fixing problems, this deflationary firestorm will occur and destroy the world's financial system. There is a huge amount of money to be made on all of this, just think about who gets hurt if the major banks really fail and the governments are unable to save them. Bank stocks, industrial stocks, home builders, home furnishers...basically everyone. This is the one scenario in which the stock market could not even be saved by the government printing press...what an interesting idea !

So from an investment standpoint, the growing wave into cryptocurrency will provide the investment opportunity of a lifetime. Its the perfect storm...it combines the seemingly universal dislike of government intervention to prop up highly overvalued stock markets so the rich get richer while the working person cannot get a decent raise, with the also seemingly universal desire to keep the internet free and beyond the clutches of government regulation. It gets rid of these dastardly Central Banks that have done nothing to help anyone but that same wealthy one percent that benefits from zero percent interest rates, and individuals love the perceived strength that a currency freed from government entanglement means to a free world. Everyone sees the nirvana, but hardly anyone understands the devastation that deflation has on a world so over-leveraged on debt.

>> No.9281840

Interestingly, the winnings from this deflation have nothing to do with whether you decide to put a few thousand dollars into Bitcoin so you can look cool to your kids and co-workers. No, the profits in this one will be in the old school avenues, assets denominated in the old currencies that crypto is looking to replace. Imagine shorting Goldman's stock and actually seeing it drop and stay down. Or seeing Berkshire Hathaway put that old man who has been a beneficiary of his time sink into oblivion and turn the old wizard into an old fool.

The most interesting times in the financial world occur when the world moves from one age to another. Think of agrarian to industrial, industrial to government/military, and now government/military to information age. At all of these interfaces, the seams were sharp enough to cause a terrible rip in the fabric of the world economy, and winter came in the form of global depressions to wipe away the old leaves and dead wood. Cryptocurrency will be the death knell of the government/military age, because it takes government out of controlling the money. There will be a new money with millions of new overseers and a free market that replaces the dominance of small cabals of government bureaucrats who dictate the terms of commerce in the world.

That seam is going to be greater than most in the past, because of the magnitude of what is being replaced and the terribly ripe condition that exists to be replaced. The interface will be epic, the transition states along the way will be horrific. Remember what Brad Pitt cautioned in The Big Short :"...for every one point rise in the unemployment rate, 40,000 people die". That relationship will rise when this nightmare takes hold.

>> No.9281850

It’s so interesting how a development led by young people - the advent and expansionary use of cryptocurrency - still will be subject to the old rules of society. The axiom "may you live in interesting times" - originally intended to be a cautionary advisory - along with the caution to "be careful what you wish for as it might come true" both ring in my ears as I contemplate how cryptocurrency will be the bleach that washes away the excesses of a dying age in favor of the birth of a new one.

Economic depressions are magnificent social colonics, as they wash away all of the filth that accumulated in the prior age. Every bad thing that you saw on display in the lead up and psot script of the financial crisis is about to be gutted and burned. Yet the world will enter its new economic age hamstrung by the pains of paying a severe penance for its foolishness of the age it is putting to rest. The best thing about economic depressions is that the greatest transfers of wealth - usually from the haves to the have nots - occur in these times.

So if you really believe that cryptocurrency is here to stay and the next big thing of the future, then take precautions now and get yourself in position to be one of these beneficiaries of the transferring wealth. Have your plan ready, you will know when its time to execute. Fortunately for the foolishness of the Gods of the old world, they have put up the prices of assets so high that you will have plenty of time to get onboard when the train starts heading down the mountainside.

Enjoy the ride !"


>> No.9281874

isnt it the banks problem though? if the cryptos go up pay off the mortgage and fuck the bank. I would rather not deal with banks at all but at this time i am forced. the day when i can use crypto in whatever form and not rely on fiat cant come soon enough.

>> No.9281887

Yeah, alright John Lennon.
->Just sold 100k

>> No.9281912

>doom and gloom articles on a click bait page
Bought 100K

>> No.9281938

Nice blog post anon but the banks could easily buy up 90% of the worlds bitcoin right now if they wanted so I don't think they are getting left behind any time soon.

>> No.9281942

>isnt it the banks problem though?

No, it is every wagecuck's problem

>> No.9281980


Their business isn't about buying assets, it's about creating assets out of thin air. It's like saying King Midas 'well you no longer have the golden touch, but you'll still be rich'.

It's not the fucking same

>> No.9282170

I just hope i'll live long enough to see this happening

>> No.9282226
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saved. Thenks fren I can sleep comfy now

>> No.9282258

Governments will just ban crypto lol

> Thinking they will let banks and themselves fail

>> No.9282265

>Your employer is pretty hip and they start paying you in this new cryptocurrency
>They hope the transfer will lead to increased bottom line earnings for the company, since the cryptocurrency keeps rising and that means the company may enjoy a currency arbitrage profit as their former currency not in crypto keeps rising and providing profits
The real nightmare of capitalism is that some literal retard got paid for this fanfic piece of bullshit

>> No.9282344


Some governments will take advantage of crypto to attract wealthy people and investments, there wouldn't be tax havens otherwise.

Yeah it's a total fantasy that companies will want to create their own cryptocurrencies and create billions of dollars out of thin air for themselves..

>> No.9282538


No it sounds like the banks problem. Fuck the banks. Isnt this our engame anyway?

>> No.9282736
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>> No.9282750
File: 47 KB, 480x362, 8F618EE1-C468-46BB-9EF5-2D99A200E11C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IOTA is going to be our Abraham Lincoln

>> No.9282762
File: 1.08 MB, 3840x2160, E35F197D-FE4D-4B6A-91E2-2BEE81C71228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IOTA is going to change this... remind me in 5 years

>> No.9282789

Not a bad article. The depression following a switch to currency will just be the bill that we have to pay for hundreds of years of malinvestment due to fiduciary currencies and inflation.

Take out loans and buy crypto and gold while you can.

>> No.9282899

Aprior reasoning, gtfo.

>> No.9282925

yfw crypto brings back free banking

>> No.9282976

I literally fell asleep while reading this and dreamt that OCN was a graffiti crew..

But this was a good read, thanks for posting

>> No.9283039

At this stage of the game and people still think governments are magic.
They can't ban crypto. They're fucked. It's mathematics, you can do it with computers and networks and that's all you need. You would have better luck banning the jpeg format.
If they could ban it, those of us who are here primarily to kill them wouldn't be here at all.

>> No.9283050

they can ban businesses from accepting it, ban all exchanges, etc.

>> No.9283092

Old City Niggers

>> No.9283164
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1509543507679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>banks could easily buy up 90% of the worlds bitcoin right now if they wanted

>> No.9283168


The world is global if one place bans Crypto then all that wealth moves somewhere else as we've seen with Binance moving to Malta.

Plus with Cryptos it's even easier to just hope on a plan and move to some place that is crypto friendly.

It's a lose/lose situation for goverment and the banks. If they don't try and hinder Crypto then they become irrelevant If they do try and Hinder the adoption of Crypto then they lose out to governments that are Crypto friendly.

>> No.9283174

Look into what happened to gold livres in France when trading in them was punishable by death in an effort to prop up their fiat currency.
You can't threaten people to force them not to do what if they don't do they're going to suffer worse than your threats anyway. And that episode was in a currency where it was far harder to transact in stealth. Crypto is designed to transact in stealth.
It is here to kill the state. It is here to accomplish the ancap vision, and that is what it is going to do and the governments of the world can do nothing about it except pretend to have power they don't and die, or accept the new order and work within their new limits and potentially survive in a radically altered form.

>> No.9283215


They cpuld try but in doing so. They'd have to debase their currency so much that it wouldn't be worth it.

>> No.9283238

I am into crypto for precisely this reason.

>> No.9283335

I agree with your post, but I would like to play devil's advocate.
What if
>>governments won't call the ban on crypto a " ban " but a "protection " and thus assure that the rich are the only ones that are able to buy crypto and they will do it now?
Look at ICO's rules in the US-> I live in the US, I have a double citizenship, yet still I can't participate in ICO''s( unless I'm stupid and just don't know a roundabout)
Look at SEC threatening to write off ETH as a security (that's not going to happen now, but I see it as a movement in the " protection " direction)
And then look at the normies and people on this board screaming
>>we need regulations
>>enter the IRS and their retarded ambiguous tax code
That tax code is nothing but a test of how many people will actually fall for it. How many people will think it's ok.
They know how many people a year usually claim crypto tax, if after 2017 that number increases significantly then they know it's working.

These are all small steps, all testing the waters and seeing how much of a sheep's herd US population is.
China already knows how to deal with their people.
Then we have BTC futures, BTC margin trading.
It's all a part of a bigger picture.
So to be honest, the "ban " on crypto can occur, more than that: they are already trying.
And they might suceed if people will let them. And my, very pessimistic opinion is, that people will let them.
That doesn't mean a complete crypto death. Possibly crypto will split into 2 markets: the approved and "good" market and the big bad " black crypto market" where prices will go back to pre 2017 levels.

>> No.9283350

this is gonna be the tipping point.

People have to start using crypto for payments, exchanging value between eachother for services they provide, paying for stuff in stores etc. Right now it is hindered by the stupid "taxable event" rules, you cannot even freely spend your crypto because due to volatility the government claims a chunk of each transaction in tax whenever the crypto you're about to spend has risen in value since you bought it.

Either people will have to stop obeying that rule or the governments will have to change the law.

Not using fiat and letting it collapse is 1 step, but showing a middle finger to the gov kikes and not paying those ridiculous taxes every time you want to do something with your money is another step. Then there is a debate how will the new order look like, no taxes at all? some volantarily paid taxes?

>> No.9283668

Op I believe in your idea.
think about it, there is only going to ever be 21 million bitcoin ever....ever. but the us currently has a debt of 20 tillion dollars, but its never ever actually going to get paid off, we will just take out more debt to finance the loans. Now luckily most debt is in the hands of other americans, so it's it like a war would occur over it. Now at the same time, by keeping that level of national debt, combined with student loans .
there is no way we can have a currency that doesn't inflate like absolute fuck, a dollar today has the same purchasing power as 5 cents back in 1920

>> No.9283735

Well this is a good argument for why the US is fucked, but not at all any kind of argument as to why states at large or in general will make it out with their skins.
I will however cede that yes indeed, the US is fucked. I thank my lucky stars every day that I was not born a burger.

>> No.9283806
File: 774 KB, 2111x3262, pGYXHJh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, all as planned. Fuck (((them))) and their fractional reserve banking schemes. Also fuck Lightning.

>> No.9283828

The whole advanced world is going to get justed this century.

>Think of agrarian to industrial, industrial to government/military, and now government/military to information age. At all of these interfaces, the seams were sharp enough to cause a terrible rip in the fabric of the world economy, and winter came in the form of global depressions to wipe away the old leaves and dead wood. Cryptocurrency will be the death knell of the government/military age, because it takes government out of controlling the money.

This is important. The key feature of the 20th century has been state control over the economy - Nazism, Soviet Socialism, Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, the New Deal, and others, all follow the same basic idea of state control over the economy, to say nothing of how many corporations are unofficial arms of the State.

Actually, the US is the least fucked of any country. We will be energy self-sufficient by 2022 or so, and aren't facing a demographic crisis. Eurowhores were so busy slutting it up that they forgot to have kids, now they're importing Muslims to try to get enough consumers to avoid economic collapse. it won't work though, and it doesn't solve the problem of needing to pay for Der Boomer. China has the same problem. Once the US stops policing shipping lanes it is over for Europe. The US has a lot of debt but who is going to come collect it? Kek. Most of it is owed to Der Boomer anyway.

>> No.9283903
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Good read, gives all of us who wish to live in interesting times some hope.

It does allow for some interesting dynamics though. If on one hand no entity can simply create btc out of thin air, on the other just anyone can create a new crypto. It's a free market for unlimited currencies. Will we all have to learn to pay close attention to currencies or risk holding bags? Will investment bankers simply live off of pumping and dumping coins? How strong will governments be when they can't enforce proper taxing or inflating? Don't these risk getting overtaken by stronger autocracies who remained in control like China?
Interesting times indeed...

>> No.9283919

It should be happening soon. We're long overdue for a recession and at this point it'll be the first one in which crypto exists and is also relatively mainstream. Whether or not that'll be the "big one" remains to be seen.

>> No.9283951

Right, and Europe is maybe even more fucked than the US, but although I'm ethnically European, I wasn't born there and don't live there permanently either, so once again, that's not my problem.
> The US has a lot of debt but who is going to come collect it? Kek. Most of it is owed to Der Boomer anyway.
But that's why the US will be fucked. Best case scenario they get to retreat into isolationism, lose out on everything they're owed, lose the benefit they maintained for decades keeping the sea lanes open for global trade and having the petrodollar which was basically a license to print money at the expense of every other country in the world.
They've grown fat and stupid on the excesses of a uniquely bizarre time, and as a consequence most of them are completely useless, and those few who actually aren't are mostly ground down by an entrenched system *designed* to suppress their natural abilities and chances of success so that the existing hierarchy, largely filled with cretinous fuckwits who flourish almost purely because of their political gladhandling and social connections might continue to undeservedly flourish.
All the rest of the world may well have to do is just back away and watch it destroy itself over a few decades, through infighting over absurd marxist ideas and the associated cultural sabotage, the massive demographic problems it has, etc. The simple fact is, it *wants* to tear itself apart, and the very few who might be capable of preventing that from happening on their own merits and creating a better future have absolutely zero motivation to buy into the system that has kept them down all their lives.

>> No.9284001

Sounds like a scared Jew made this thread

>> No.9284031

Won’t someone think of the poor banks?!!

Get fucked.

>> No.9284035

>inb4 crypto hostile governments invade crypto friendly governments

The kikes were able to pull it off over the petrodollar, but desu I don't think they can play the same game with crypto.

>> No.9284073

>Best case scenario they get to retreat into isolationism
that's a win for us though. the only reason the Liberal International Order was even invented was to encircle the USSR, Der Boomers who run the US have apparently not gotten the memo about the USSR collapsing in 1991. They are still obsessed with Russia, a total shithole, as we can see today.

>lose the benefit they maintained for decades keeping the sea lanes open for global trade
it's mostly a loss for us because we pay for most of our allies' military defense, outsource our industry to them to build them up, and use our navy to do the policing. US is the least integrated into the global economy of all major economies. The only reason China is even a major power is us giving them an export market so we could use them as a counterweight to Russia.

>having the petrodollar which was basically a license to print money at the expense of every other country in the world.
This is the most retarded conspiracy ever. Oil is like 5% of USD volume per day. This whole idea was created by some dipshit on a Peak Oil forum who thought every currency had to be backed by a commodity and then pushed by literal Russian shills who are insecure about their irrelevance, as Russians have always been. By this logic how does any currency not from an oil exporter have any value at all? How does the Japanese Yen have any value, for example?

The mass money-printing overwhelmingly benefits US allies because we use it to finance their military protection and trading routes, that way they can afford to pay for endless welfare programs for Mohammed and Der Boomer.

>that whole last paragraph
I can't wait until we stop policing global trade kek, every Euro is going to get justed to a level not considered possible. Just wait until you become net food importers and we aren't policing shipping lanes or paying your military bills.

>> No.9284074

>if after 2017 that number increases significantly
I'm afraid it probably has. Especially with Cuckbase.

>> No.9284157
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Any article that is along the lines of “this will happen which will cause this which will cause this which will cause this which will cause this which will cause this” is bullshit.

>> No.9284162
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> They are still obsessed with Russia, a total shithole, as we can see today.
Since it's one of the last non-Asian nations not surrendering wholesale to their ideological dogma, that's hardly surprising. Shithole though it may be, it is at least their shithole, with their rules, something that may well not be the case for your shithole in the not too distant future.
> it's mostly a loss for us because we pay for most of our allies' military defense
So I suppose you assume the British empire is glad to be relieved of the burden of its navy and relegated to its present status as a laughing stock soon to be consumed by hordes of immigrants seeking handouts? Because you're in much the same situation without your naval dominance.
> This is the most retarded conspiracy ever
Absolutely, don't know what I was saying, pic definitely not related, the fact the Saudi agreement coincided directly with the Nixon shock and the death of Bretton woods is absolutely positively just a (((cohencidence))).
Are you jewish, by any chance?
> Yeah it's going to suck, but it makes me sad to think about. Still! Euros will have it worse! Their misery is my consolation.
You really are jewish, right?

>> No.9284171

>aren't facing a demographic crisis
Dude, that's just not true.

>> No.9284237

>causing the banks to suffer loses to its overall earnings
thats the idea. fuck the jew banks and the usa

>> No.9284288

Let's put it this way: we did the replacement migration scam better than the Euros. We will still get justed. Just less bad than the EU.

>> No.9284336

We're much further along in it. 56% isn't a fucking meme. Whites will be a minority in the US within the next 10-15 years. Trump hasn't done shit. The only hope for the white man is crypto and opting out of the system where they can. Because as it stands now basically the entire tax burden is on whites to pay for invaders and their families, plus the niggers that have always been here.

>> No.9284345
File: 76 KB, 523x929, 198a36b16abc3a2ed4e3505b99f62844a70afa8207413357b0e4433604184dc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so where can I short the fuck out of JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and BOA?

>> No.9284356

Honest question, why does that make you happy? What benefit to you is it if the EU ends up reaping what seems likely given their migrant situation? Why do you hate them? I'm not US or EU so this doesn't make sense to me. About the only place I hate on the face of the planet is the middle east.

>> No.9284378

For what reason would you "hate" the middle east? That just shows me you're misinformed? do you just hate muslims?

>> No.9284419

>Since it's one of the last non-Asian nations not surrendering wholesale to their ideological dogma, that's hardly surprising. Shithole though it may be, it is at least their shithole, with their rules, something that may well not be the case for your shithole in the not too distant future.
>he takes ideology seriously as a guiding factor in foreign policy

>So I suppose you assume the British empire is glad to be relieved of the burden of its navy and relegated to its present status as a laughing stock soon to be consumed by hordes of immigrants seeking handouts?
They seem to be enjoying their new Islamic and African friends desu, I saw British PMs literally arguing that wanting EU migration was racist as opposed to taking Nigerians and Pakistanis from former colonies.

>Absolutely, don't know what I was saying, pic definitely not related, the fact the Saudi agreement coincided directly with the Nixon shock and the death of Bretton woods is absolutely positively just a (((cohencidence))).
Are you jewish, by any chance?
We (and Britain) created Saudi Arabia to guarantee energy security by controlling the Persian Gulf not to prop up our currency kek. Now that we no longer need to guarantee our energy security there is no longer any point in propping up Saudi Arabia.
>the largest economy in the world is printing money to pay to protect the shipping lanes we use to send our products to them to grow our economies. Scam!

>The only hope for the white man is crypto and opting out of the system where they can.
Pretty much. The big problem we will have is that our entitlement spending will get out of control due to funds being spent on Der Boomer and on Jamal/Pedro. No one dares to cut them because they would get voted out. The best thing to do is to take your money out of the bank and buy crypto. Main saving grace of the US is that we are self-sufficient in food/energy.

I'm just salty at them chiding us as racists for years now.

>> No.9284450

I hate their ideology, it's a death cult that has basically preyed on the world for centuries, nothing about their present aggression is at all new. It could be argued that our intervention in their affairs has "kicked the hornet's nest", sure, but looking at the broad sweep of history from the barbary pirates to the conquering of iran and everything else that absolute fucking disaster of a parasitic death cult has ever inflicted on the world, I honestly can't say for certain we wouldn't be better off just cratering the entire area. Muslims are just useful idiots, it's Islam that is the real problem.
And can't say I'd be too concerned if Israel suffered at the same time given their central banking racket and meddling over the past n centuries, either.

>> No.9284453


Yes, reduction of credit will lead to deflation of USD, but you are ignoring that USD would be massively devalued (inflated) compared to crypto. Once crypto takes over, no one will want to hold / accept USD vs crypto. USD will essentially be a dead currency. There are tons of dead currencies in the world with outstanding debt that will never be repaid, just because debt exist doesn't give a currency value.

Bitcoin will not be loaned. It is a deflationary currency. Almost all crypto is deflationary. Supply is fixed. Fractional reserve banking will never catch on with crypto. The whole point of bitcoin is so that you can be your own bank. Banks will never lend crypto. Banks will cease to exist that is the point. It will no longer be profitable to run a bank, all bankers will have to get jobs doing something actually productive to society.

This is not a bad thing. This is an incredibly good thing. Yes, real estate and stocks will no longer "grow" at the same rate because they will be compared to value of crypto and not an inflationary currency. But the real value of assets don't change. It will be harder to generate wealth by only having wealth to begin with. In the post crypto world you will have to actually be productive to grow wealth. But it will be much easier to grow wealth because you own your own wealth, not the bank.

For 99.9% of people on earth this is a good thing.

>> No.9284481

The world would be a better place if everything in that region from Morocco to Pakistan ceased to exist.

>> No.9284518

You don't understand. There's a reason there's been a huge surge of cryptocurrency interest among the /pol/ crowd. This is the most peaceful alternative to actually revolting, since this is an issue with monetary/financial policy which is where our hook nosed friends seem to spawn much of society's problems.

They either let NEETS go to lamboland or we'll make the Holocaust real this time

>> No.9284536

> I saw British PMs literally arguing that wanting EU migration was racist as opposed to taking Nigerians and Pakistanis from former colonies.
This strikes me as saying "Yes harder fuck me" to a rapist so you can pretend you're not being raped.
> We (and Britain) created Saudi Arabia to guarantee energy security by controlling the Persian Gulf not to prop up our currency kek
Then why so frequently do countries that express a desire to mint a gold currency or trade oil for non USD currencies end up falling victim to (((uprisings)))? You realise this doesn't sound very plausible.
> ow that we no longer need to guarantee our energy security there is no longer any point in propping up Saudi Arabia.
And yet, here you are still, propping up Saudi Arabia, financing sunni terrorist groups in Syria, throwing military hardware at them for the Yemen campaign, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Perhaps your picture of the situation isn't as complete as you like to imply?
> I'm just salty at them chiding us as racists for years now.
That's a fair call, a lot of them sure took the US liberal boomer propaganda and ran with it hard, but let's not forget where that propaganda came from, it's not like it was they who invaded the US over its nationalist movement, and then forcibly imposed internationalism and marxist dogma post hoc.. Getting angry at them for that strikes me as "y u fuckers actually believed our nonsense and tried to implement it omg you're so fucking retarded, why couldn't you be like Japan who just smiled, nodded politely, and then went on doing exactly what they were doing before?"

>> No.9284555

The banks are already balls deep in crypto e.g. Circle buying Poloniex, Banks opening blockchain departments etc.
If you think they're not carving up a big ass chunk of the cake, think again. They'll just do it via proxies and thier MSM friends

>> No.9284561

good point.
in order to co-opt a sub class into your system you need to give them perceived avenues for some of them to "make it". essentially, a lottery.
crypto is as good a lottery as any.

>> No.9284564

>>Shithole though it may be, it is at least their shithole, with their rules, something that may well not be the case for your shithole in the not too distant future.
I wholeheartedly disagree with that sentiment.
US and Russia are more similar if it comes to governmental control than people think, but Russia is in a lot of trouble economically, much more so than the US.
Depopulation is real in both countries but faster in Russia.
The reliance on oil is much stronger in Russia than the US.
The economic freedom...that's a tougher question, but just judging from the right to fight the government I would say that US citizens (IF awaken) have more chances in overthrowing their government. Mind you, it's a big IF.
My thinking here is that the economic freedom in both countries will decline significantly, but just based on the size of economy and demographic problems I would say that Russia will be fucked more than the US in the short and mid range.
Long range? I'm not smart enough to say.

The other points are spot on.
The problem with Europe now is that, on the face of it (regarding crypto ) they have more economic freedom and less push for interventionalism.
Which means that in a short range the population will have a chance to hedge against the incoming crisis, whole the US population, so far acting like a sheep's heard will have that chance taken away shortly. Just compare the citizen's response to stupid tax law in the US and Poland:
Polish people basically forced the government to back out, while US citizens rushed to pay tax.
No one in the US even thinks to challenge the barter tax (and the crypto tax that it's based on), even though it's technically illegal!
What this tells me is that people in the US do not gather the implications and are today used to the "authority" of govnmt. Which makes them very simmilar to Russians in that respect btw

>> No.9284573

I unironically believe the petrodollar warfare theory is a Zionist disinfo to deflect from the actual cause of most Middle Eastern wars, which is that Israel is afraid of the country that we end up attacking. We have no reason to be there anymore but I am afraid we will still be sending people to die there for Israel.

>> No.9284583

>There's a reason there's been a huge surge of cryptocurrency interest among the /pol/ crowd

/pol/ is the most bluepilled bunch of faggots in the world when it comes to crypto. Its depressing really. Literally the best weapon against the ZOG and they still think its a scam.

>> No.9284586

and honestly, how the fuck do they not see this? they have better access to information than we could hope for and they'd see that they have an opportunity to transition into a new age without (as much) bloodshed in the process. If anything, their hubris might just strengthen our position when all is said and done

>> No.9284595

/pol/ isn't one person, you generalizing twat

>> No.9284597

>US-enforced Marxism
kek, no one loves Marxism more than Euros. the French alone have been trying to implement Communism before they even had the word for it.

>> No.9284605

>what is general sentiment

Yeah no shit retard.

>> No.9284613

/pol/ is filled to the brim with shills, but the spirit keeps on living

>> No.9284638

> I unironically believe the petrodollar warfare theory is a Zionist disinfo to deflect from the actual cause of most Middle Eastern wars
Why? It simply fits, the timeline fits, the places that end up getting invaded fits, everything about it fits, what's to doubt? It's not even mutually exclusive with the theory that much middle eastern military intervention is to advance israeli interests, because of course that's true too.

>> No.9284649

>when it comes to crypto
Sorry, I missed this part of your post. Yeah, here and on cripplechan, a lot of /pol/acks definitely are cautious of it, but that seems to slowly change. I feel the same about /pol/ and /psy/chedelics

>> No.9284659

I'm not disagreeing with you, I'd just argue that all of humanity is a death cult. If you think christians are different you are misguided. Identify with your people but don't think that the violence seen from the middle east is unique to the middle east. I don't like Islam because Muslims seem like hyper autistic 8 years olds in adult bodies, which might be why they need a religion that is extremely controlling.

>> No.9284695

the zog hates it because they don't directly control it. almost every prominent Media Jew you see hates crypto.

because every invasion also correlates with Israeli insecurity over the country in question, the idea that a country's currency must be commodity-backed makes no sense (look at the Yen, Japan has even higher debt levels than us), and there's no obvious justification for 5% of daily volume to prop up the currency of the world's largest economy with the most powerful military (which is used to ensure that said global economy can function through policing shipping lanes).

I guess you could try to argue that the Yen, Euro, etc. are backed by the dollar but if so why didn't these countries take Arab upstarts more seriously?

>> No.9284706

I drop memo.cash in basically every thread I find on censorship. So if at the very least they don't see the implications of it destroying central banking, they should at least see now in real time its ability to defeat centralized technocrats who can censor anyone they want on a whim.

>> No.9284723

I'm not trying to say they're innocent, merely that the US is not, either, not by a long shot. Truth is, no country in the world today is tolerable for a principle abiding ancap.

>> No.9284762

Government is a ponzi and merely a puppet to those who had amassed sound money before creating the fiat filth

A new age is coming, the great move towards more or less ancapesque, voluntarist economy both locally and globally

>> No.9284766

Anarcho-capitalism is stupid in the first place. Libertarians should advocate a return to monarchy and oppose democracy. Most of the problems of the US are due to the democratic divded power system which encourages trying to game it.

For instance, one big reason the South was so insistent on slavery was that they could gain more electoral votes and House votes by counting slaves... which they could then use to prevent future laws abolishing slavery. Similarly California counts illegal immigrants in the Census, which gives them extra votes in the House... which they use the prevent enforcement of immigration. Ancaps should reject the US Constitution if anything.

>> No.9284805

I'm not particularly fond of *any* religion, but to compare the crimes of christendom with the crimes of islam woudl be like comparing some shitty gangster with stalin. In islam it is the entire point of the cult, it is designed to spread by the sword, it is designed to be parasitic, it is the express intent of the entire thing. For christianity, most of the time they're either fighting defensive wars, or if it is actual unprovoked aggression, the scale relative to their islamic counterparts is minor and it's practically under the table by comparison.
So yes, I find all religions annoying, but islam just makes me think the world would be better off if they were destroyed entirely.

>> No.9284825

Petrodollar isn't a statement that the currency *must* be commodity backed, it is a statement that the US gains a very strong position in the valuation of their currency if all trade for one of the most critical commodities in the world is denominated in it.
And the fact that israeli insecurity frequently coincides with nations that are eager to shrug off the global USD central banking cartel shackles is... well, pretty much exactly what you'd expect.

>> No.9284838

I would say we gain a slight benefit at best. The USD for Oil scheme is like Tether : BTC.

>> No.9284853

> Ancaps should reject the US Constitution if anything.
Well, yes? I don't have a problem with that, as I said, no extant form of government in the world today is tolerable from the ancap perspective, they're all a gang of thieves writ large, it only varies by degree. Except perhaps, iroincally...
> Libertarians should advocate a return to monarchy and oppose democracy.
The prince of Liechtenstein, who wanted to give the right to secede all the way down to the individual for every one of his subjects. It's strange and counterintuitive, I think, this link between the two when at face value you'd think they couldn't be more different based on their perspectives on power (absolute and centralised vs extremely limited and decentralised)

>> No.9284886

I have read his book, I think the idea of allowing citizens to secede down to the level of subjects is a bit nutty, though.

>It's strange and counterintuitive, I think, this link between the two when at face value you'd think they couldn't be more different based on their perspectives on power (absolute and centralised vs extremely limited and decentralised)
leftism is centralized absolute power, the right is that which resists this decentralization. crypto is unironically the most right-wing thing there is because it is a form of resistance to the modern State. most actual monarchs had less power than modern democratic states and were more decentralized.

>> No.9284889

Islam is no different than any other abrahamic religion. Its all the same shit just tailored for different people. you're also underestimating the violence present in europe, think pre christianity. The history we have about these times is slim, and some of the torture methods used by the vikings are absolutely brutal. Its just human nature mate by thinking its just islam you are seeing the world incorrectly. I don't fucking like muslims either I'm just pointing out that europeans are equally as violent.

>> No.9284911
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>following an ideology
>not thinking for yourself

>> No.9284935

Right, if the vikings were around today, and behaving exactly like they were then, I would probably view them similarly to the way I view muslims. Instead, that's my ancestry, and I don't spend my time thinking up inventive ways to torture people or campaigns to slaughter millions for my ambitions, and I find practically everyone with the same ancestry to be of a similar approach, some even unfortunately pathologically so.
In the meantime, they're still stuck in the exact same mode of operations, establishing open air slave markets and burning people to death. They are scum and I despise them.

>> No.9284962


>> No.9285002

the islamic world is probably actually worse today because of inbreeding. you can actually see the inverse correlation between length of islamic occupation and literacy in the balkans. once you get islamized you are permanently justed as a civilzation

>> No.9285064

Right, no redeeming features whatsoever. I only hope the time when the economy of the world makes crude of the same value as old whale blubber, and then they can figure out their own goddamned problems, and suffer the consequences of their own idiotic policies without roping in the rest of the world because of their oil wealth. This is the real promise in green energy, not the end of global warming, but the end of needing to care about muslim interests.

>> No.9285077

the only parts successfully islamized there were a chunk of bosnians and subhuman albozergs
balkans have always been a powder keg at the mercy of great powers, little asian sandnigger manlet invasion was unfortunate but left no lasting mark aside from deeply-rooted hatred towards mohamedan death cultists ingrained in folklore

>> No.9285096

the funny thing is we could've just colonized it after WW2 but >anti-imperialists in the US prevented it from happening. this is unironically worse than just occupying the area to ensure oil is pumped and shipped at a reasonable price.

right and those two are shittier than the other balkaniggers.

>> No.9285110

>banks died
We aren't living the dream yet m8

>> No.9285139

it's just varying levels of shittiness, the only success story there is Slovenia which was a part of habsburg empire and relatively early in the industrial age because of it

>> No.9285618

It's funny how you posted some of the most interesting comments in this thread and then derail yourself with an irrational fear of Islam.
>muh evil Prophet Muhammad raping and pillaging muh white Christians

You clearly haven't spent time in the Middle and I'd suspect your feelings about Islam stem from your fears about how Muslim migration to Europe will change European demographics culture and incubate terrorism--valid fears but don't let it get in the way of reason.
Islam is not "inherently evil," neither is Christianity or other monotheistic religions. It's a mental framework for people to fall back on when threatened, whether from an inability to integrate with European culture in the case of Euro jihadis or the utter incompetence and economic disasters of their home regimes.

>> No.9285707

You truly are an autist.
And I don’t mean this in a 4chan you’re an autist I mean this as get yourself checked dude, ur whole mental scenario became far fetched just 10 lines into it and absolutely ridiculous by the end of the first post.
>companies transferring all their assets into cryptocurrency while banks and financial institutions still use fiat
Jesus Christ kid...

>banks losing money because people pay them in crypto
....... yes banks won’t just stop taking crypto or not accept crypto from the start lmao my dude.

I don’t even need to continue

>> No.9285835

I don't fear it, it's too weak to fear. It's a pack of halfwit savages with delusions of adequacy following a primitive death cult thinking they're going to change the world with their crazy magical thinking. I just hate it, because, well, I just explained why.
And you're quite right I haven't spent time in middle east, a few hours in a dubai airport on the way through are quite enough for me thanks very much. Why anyone would willingly subject themselves to the torture of people with those retarded fucking ideas simply escapes me. As for muslim migration to anywhere outside the ME, I imagine they will either figure out just how much nonsense they've been fed their entire lives and dump it if they have any kind of wit at all, or simply fail utterly miserably in their new home when statements about "because mo said so" are no longer effective excuses for failure. Either outcome is fine with me.

>> No.9286011
File: 74 KB, 300x256, confusednigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your employer is pretty hip and they start paying you in this new cryptocurrency because they see the currency rising so they have transferred all the company's cash assets including payroll into a cryptocurrency. They hope the transfer will lead to increased bottom line earnings for the company, since the cryptocurrency keeps rising and that means the company may enjoy a currency arbitrage profit as their former currency not in crypto keeps rising and providing profits.

No? It would be more profitable for the company to pay you in cash and keep their crypto, just like it's more profitable for you to pay your mortgage in cash.

>> No.9286536

>The best thing about economic depressions is that the greatest transfers of wealth - usually from the haves to the have nots - occur in these times.
False. In the great depression, that's where the rich got even richer.