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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9281651 No.9281651 [Reply] [Original]

The smart contract bubble is just starting, friends. Ripple announcing Codius. IOTA announcing Qubic. Smart contract and oracle hype is growing steadily. Reddit will soon catch on that muh currency coins are retarded and will see smart contracts are where it's at. As usual, biz is slightly ahead here.

All you have to do is pick the projects that will benefit from this smart contract and oracle hype the best....

I'm all-in on LINK but unless they actually announce something sometime this fucking year, I am doubtful it will moon. Everything is falling into place for LINK in terms of smart contract and oracle hype, and real use cases with real companies that want to use smart contracts are just getting started. If LINK can just release mainnet, do some marketing, and partners are unveiled I'm sure we will be financially set for life, friends.

I'm sure there are other coins that are poised to moon with all of this going on... But none as technically sound as LINK.

>> No.9281724
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>Realizing Reddit has never been wrong on a coin
>Realizing /biz/ is wrong 99% of the time

>> No.9281758

yep. as of now the platform wars have been fought over who wants to host trash-tier dApps and various pieces of middleware.

the real platform war will start once end-to-end trustless and censorship-resistant smart contracts become feasible, and be over who gets to host them.

(for my pick, the high-value smart contract market will be duked out by ETH/ADA/XTZ)

>> No.9282050

Stuff like Aeternity is a joke. Who the fuck is going to make dApps on that piece of shit? Same with all the other projects that provide their own blockchain or ability to make dApps. Get real! The war has been won. Only the top platforms like Ethereum are likely to survive. Eth will obviously survive, NEO maybe, the other vaporware platforms like ADA we can't be sure yet.

The same goes for trash-tier platforms with their own shitty oracles. Like Mobius. Come on, who the fuck is going to use these meme platforms to develop anything?

Middleware like Chainlink and Enigma etc should also do well in this new area of hype.
When LINK has millions of transactions on its network it will be glorious.

>> No.9282329
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Look into IOTAs quantum computing capabilities powered by JINN processors... we made it

>> No.9282330

Agree, have the same bets ETH/ADA/XTZ. The rest of it are just waves to ride pumps and then jump off the hype with a solid profit.

>> No.9282430

Smart contract bubble popped after companies got that if they want smart contracts they don't rely on muah decentralised third party bug chains.
On monday ETH dies btw and with it the whole ERC-20 economy

>> No.9282472
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Good thing IOTA isn’t an ERC20

>> No.9282532


>> No.9283043

>new chainlink-inspired oracle implementation
Always flattering for a linky. The bigger the caliber of the imitator, the better.