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9279153 No.9279153 [Reply] [Original]

>no amount of money will ever make Her love you

>> No.9279159

fuck. off.

>> No.9279168
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>no amount of money will ever make her real

>> No.9279173

Money doesn’t fix ugly.

>> No.9279177

anonette have a smelly cunt, you miss nothing bruh

t. Chad

>> No.9279182

worse yet, she did love me. I took her virginity then pushed her away, not believing myself strong enough to do long distance when we circumstance tore us apart. I thought I needed money and things to give her when all she wanted was my heart.

Don't be like me, anon. Appreciate what you have and hold onto that which appreciates you.

>> No.9279185

please take this to >>>/r9k/

>> No.9279200


Tell that to bogdanoff

>> No.9279205



Id rather have it here

>> No.9279235

keep your love ill take the money

>> No.9279337

Self centered cunt.

>> No.9279460


Here's your (you)

>> No.9279487
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just give it up fag

>> No.9279492

>she already loves you with her heart and soul, but it isn't good for any money

>> No.9279506
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>I am the ugly fat chick of males

>> No.9279797

>No amount of money will give you the hormonal/motivational benefits of a relationship without having to deal with a disgusting stupid roastie.

>> No.9280483
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>Chad blew a load in her mouth last night before cuddling on cozy couch.

>> No.9280519

>she already loves you but she's as shy as you and she will never let you know

>> No.9280526


>> No.9280537
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>hormonal/motivational benefits of a relationship
If you can't find the perfect qt 3.14 you make one.

>> No.9280562
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why wont women like me

im not ugly, im not a manlet, im not smelly, im not not poor

i got a 150k networth and a decent job

what more do they want, they wont even acecpt my facebook invites even though i went to school with them years ago

desu this makes me want to fund underground rape gangs if i make it, fucking whores

>> No.9280576

because your personality is shit and your mental age is that of a 12yo
it's visible even from your post

>> No.9280584

You’re probably ugly or give off that creepy autist vibe and have zero knowledge of how to actually communicate with women.

>> No.9280593

let me guess, you only text the most attractive women with biggest tits.
I would happily settle for a man like you

>> No.9280605

We can end the thread here.

>> No.9280659
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>desu this makes me want to fund underground rape gangs if i make it

>> No.9280676
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you are all privileged normiefags who had everything handed to you

promptly kill yourselves

>> No.9280715
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>> No.9280732

Believe it or not, women can sense aggression.

>> No.9280739

it wouldn't be the case if i hadn't been rejected all life

ofc im bitter af

>> No.9280751

I mean, that doesn’t make sense completely.
Everyone starts out with a score card of zero. And then you became bitter about starting at zero, which leads to more anger towards women, which leads to a virtuous cycle of zero.

>> No.9280760

thats retarded

one born with the right genetics, tall, handome, good jaw line obviously starts a much higher score than some manlet skeleton

>> No.9280773

You only have yourself to blame for that buddy, seriously.

>> No.9280791

I’m saying like you don’t have to be bitter about it. Zero as in no women has gone on a date with you yet. Even chad doesn’t crawl out of the womb having already lost his virginity. I just think of it as you’re still at the beginning, the game hasn’t started for you yet instead of having “lost” you know what I’m saying?