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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 225x225, holochai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9278305 No.9278305 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone who explain why you faggots are investing in this? There is no liquidity and you cant sell a decent sized stack in this shit without dumping the price a lot.

I understand if you have kiddie portfolios but honestly who the fuck buys $50,000+ worth of this shit unless you're the leader of the pump and dump?

>> No.9278336

just us delusional poorfolk in holo

>> No.9278341
File: 205 KB, 1600x1150, 1525483407278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesn't know that idex is shut down

>> No.9278345
File: 333 KB, 900x1355, A2E69466-3E1D-46E5-B616-B590FCE55266-1188-000001AA23AE2E7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working product with brilliant code. Comfy hold.

>> No.9278354

>just us delusional poorfolk in holo
But seriously whats the fucking reason? Its showing up everywhere even in FB. The volume absolutely reeks of pump and dump.

>> No.9278355

it's honestly amazing how fucking retard some people on /biz/ are
here lies the one 100x they've been dreaming of and they just refuse to buy

>> No.9278368

See this is sketchy as fuck. 3 replies at the exact same fucking minute

>> No.9278371

this is Tron all over again

>> No.9278387

Tron has more than a billion dollars in volume its pretty easy to sell at market price even $500,000 worth of TRX.

But damn, this HOT shit has significantly less volume than even ChainLink.

>> No.9278391

yep. we're bots bro. programmed to shill holo.

>> No.9278394

I figure it’s a fresh approach. Kind of like counting corners vs counting edges. A cube is still a cube, but maybe it’ll prove some benefit in areas I haven’t thought of yet. Right now it just does exactly as any other block chain can do

>> No.9278395

>he said trying to keep the desperation out of his voice

>> No.9278407

>you cant sell a decent sized stack in this shit without dumping the price a lot
you're not supposed to sell it anon

>> No.9278408

EOS, ETH, and ZIL rolled into one, but more scalable. It will be $.10. Buying crypto is better than not buying it. When the vaporware suddenly becomes reality, you'll remember why you invested in the first place. Holo + successful = good for all of crypto.

>> No.9278413

it was released from ICO literally 5 days ago you fucking mongoloid. you expect it to be on coinbase already?

>> No.9278416

>The volume absolutely reeks of pump and dump.
You're right, every pump and dump has such high volume that it breaks IDEX for a week.

Holy shit. You are retarded.

>> No.9278418
File: 556 KB, 1996x1520, Screenshot 2018-05-06 13.20.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look comfy and not a pump and dump to you? LOL

>> No.9278430

LOL ur right i just sold

thanks man

>> No.9278436

>You're right, every pump and dump has such high volume that it breaks IDEX for a week.
IDEX wow, the literal pleb tier exchange. I dont know anyone who isnt part of a pump and dump group that has $100,000 in crypto that trades in IDEX.

We're all in Binance, Bitfinex, GDAX, Kraken you name it.

>> No.9278437

zoom out

>> No.9278447

>zoom out
Ok i zoomed out, this thing reminds me of cryptopia shitcoins or coss shitcoins that you guys shill.

>> No.9278452

??? No. Idiot do you know basic support snr reistance? This is trading within a range lol. A pump and do would be straight up then straight back. That would mean we'd be sub 100 levels. Learn to look at a chart before u make yourself look stupid lol

>> No.9278454

So when 3 people reply in a minute and a coin has red 5 minute candles, that means it's a pump and dump?

>> No.9278459

Already going back up retard

>> No.9278460

i agree

>> No.9278474

wow. you really seem to know your stuff. thanks for your wisdom great sensei.

meanwhile, we've all made 5x gains in 5 days. you seem to have it really figured out.

>> No.9278480

>Already going back up retard
Of course its going back up easily. A few buy orders will pump this thing 10%. Similarly a few sell orders will dump this thing 10%.

>> No.9278482

It's bleeding out fast like based anon predicted the other thread. Just don't get rekt, lads.
Pajeets can get fucked tho

>> No.9278490

your own screen cap w/ the massive sell walls proves you wrong idiot

>> No.9278494

>meanwhile, we've all made 5x gains in 5 days. you seem to have it really figured out.
How much is your stack? If its a significant amount then you cant really sell it at market price.

Do you faggots understand anything about volume?

>> No.9278498

You seem really determined to FUD an unFUD-able coin. Did you sell early by chance, tardo? Or did you never buy yet and miss out on the easiest x1000 of your life?

>> No.9278503

>your own screen cap w/ the massive sell walls proves you wrong idiot
28 ETH IS MASSIVE? HOLY SHIT. You brainlets are poor and dumb as fuck.

>> No.9278509

The volume is what caused issues with IDEX. So yes we fully understand it.

>> No.9278530

128 ETH

>> No.9278532

there is an 128 ether sell wall in your screenshot you illiterate

>> No.9278537


Not everything shilled on /biz/ is a shitcoin and the code and vision is solid. And because of how sideways the market is going people are willing to fomo into a project that although questionable, poses huge success if it succeeds.

>> No.9278540

So then why do you say the volume "reeks" of a pump and dump? If pump and dumps happen all the time on IDEX they clearly don't have anywhere near this volume. I get the impression from this thread that your IQ is around 90. Anything that you see instantly becomes proof that HOT is a P&D. Everything from 3 replies in the same minute to a red 5 minute candle. Then is was that the volume was lower than Chainlink. And originally it was that the volume was too high, which supposedly "reeks" of a pump and dump even though pump and dumps are usually on dead coins and the P&D has maybe 5% of the volume that HOT has.

>> No.9278546
File: 124 KB, 1200x943, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahaha he cant read

>> No.9278547

28 ETH is not massive is it, but in the perspective of a small exchange and a five day old coin it's interesting.

>> No.9278554

>Idex can't hold Holoshit volume
What kind of shit exchange is that? Pathetic

>> No.9278556
File: 245 KB, 478x1266, Screenshot 2018-05-06 13.54.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

128 ETH is large? how about the buy walls you dumb faggot?

Almost only 100 ETH is enough to drop this coin half the current price

>> No.9278569
File: 38 KB, 800x450, oogaboogaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grugg no LIKE HoloRock
>Grugg think it SHITROCK

>> No.9278579

and this is why the delay from idex pussyfooting about is unacceptable

>> No.9278587

I mean I agree. Their maintenance period has been even more pathetic

>> No.9278602

less than 200 ETH and your investment plummets to 1/5th the current value.

>> No.9278664

3million exchanged in volume yesterday on some shithole exchange no one ever heard of before this coin was released. you are a literal moron and we are all dumber talking to you.

>> No.9278667


Cause the holocaust meme behind it.

>> No.9278673

So then, why hasn't anyone dumped yet?

>> No.9278674


There's always going to be something to pick apart with every investment. To have no caution when making a financial decision is obviously unwise. But I feel like it's on your mind and you are just trying to abate your own fears about this coin before you make your purchase. You don't want to feel like a brainlet that got pajeeted.I am not telling you to buy HOT. I don't care either way. I got lucky with my purchase of HOT. If it doesn't work out I will easily move on with my life, but while I'm still currently up on this investment I am willing to continue to risk its failure.

>> No.9278708

>hurr durr there was higher volume yesterday

Approximately 148.26721 ETH will dump your investment to -80% and more RIGHT FUCKING NOW. Thats exactly why it was a pump and dump retards. They tricked you a few days ago.

>> No.9278710

While I agree with you, there's no problem as long as you sell before it dumps. I've already x2 and picked out my initial and I assume most others here have done the same.

>> No.9278749

an 148 ether investment would also pump it? whats your fucking point? holo is not special in this regard you street shitting pajeet. what are you trying to prove here? if you don't like the coin, move on.

>> No.9278778

>street shitting pajeet

I wonder who's the pajeet lmao that you have to rely on shitcoins like this just to make gains.

>> No.9278801

please tell us what coins you are invested in, wise sensei. or will you pussy out and not say? my money is on the latter.

>> No.9278820

Plot twist: He's a nocoiner

>> No.9278822

>please tell us what coins you are invested in, wise sensei. or will you pussy out and not say? my money is on the latter.

ETH, BTC, and EOS which i bought at $4 and sold at $19. I dont hold kiddie values in these coins. I could probably tank your coin to oblivion if i had the same amount in HOLO.

>> No.9278861

wow, you sound very rich and important. im glad you are spending your time arguing about Holo coin on an anime message board. i'm sure you're not completely full of shit.

>> No.9278865


Cool, can we buy the most important token in crypto after Ethereum right now on them? No? There's your answer. Holy fuck, you're such a newfag. We get those x100 trades you see by buying this shit before it hits normie exchanges.

>> No.9278874


Kek, nice leddit tier holds. Stay poor.

>> No.9278897

The way I see it, there is no harm throwing in some small profits (~2k) into this promising coin. If it takes off and hits .10 then I will of made a huge return.

I just need IDEX to fix their shit exchange so I can buy more...

>> No.9278976

Just trade on Hotbit. I'm sick and tired of Idex

>> No.9279042

Hotbit looks like a loss of funds waiting to happen...

>> No.9279444

How so?

>> No.9280076

>I will of made a huge return
>I will of
>will of
Have you ever read a book in your life?

>> No.9280410

ZRX broke the ethereum network similarly to cryptokitties. Broke etherdelta. Ran 10x then dumped back to 0.4x