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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 380 KB, 750x1334, 7E608FA6-B11F-4732-9AB6-0ED622C34FF8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9269207 No.9269207 [Reply] [Original]

Actually have some walking around cash.

Stay poor teenagers. Have fun being my bags just like you will buy my overpriced real estate. Bitches

>> No.9269242

Oh nice you can just put whatever you want

>> No.9269267

Gonna need to see some proof you fuck

>> No.9269272

lets see your ETH wallet then champ.

>> No.9269291

sign a message with your eth address(es) or larp

>> No.9269309

Proof or larp

>> No.9269321

Nice larp. You'd be retarded to not sell that shit if it were real.

>> No.9269768
File: 1.82 MB, 4032x3024, CCD46C5C-10D7-4D98-A410-682905A8AABF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you stupid teenager cuck bitches. Soooo fucking jealous. You will never fucking make it faggots.

Boss Boomer Never Loses

>> No.9270341

he's legit guys


congrats anon

>> No.9270425


that's pretty smart to put each stack in their own individual wallets too.

are each of them on their own ledger?


>> No.9270450

Cool man, but why you wanna make me feel so bad... I have rent and a job, can't ever hope to make millions unless something impossibly and retarded happens like siacoin becomes 3000$ each, and if something dumb like that happened everyone would rich.

>> No.9270476

nice op. when did you start?
>t.30 year old grandpa with only 90k
can i just copy your portfolio lmao

>> No.9270508

congrats but money is not everything. you must be a lonely person to flash your wealth in 4chan cause you have no one to share the joy with. i hope you go bless your family and friends and not try to make internet strangers jealous of you

>> No.9270510


Hey, did you buy ETH ICO and hodled? I did too but i was a mega poorfag and didnt buy much.

>> No.9270522

You must be pretty depressed to shitpost on 4chan as a millionaire. I feel sad for you. :(

>> No.9270541


Lel here comes the 30 year old boomer that didnt make it cope

>> No.9270562

>inspect element

>> No.9270568

If he brags irl he might be robbed or killed! DESU I think this is his safest bet.

>> No.9270619
File: 836 KB, 1920x1080, 1218319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9270628

Anon help me out I have been wage cucking at a shitty job my entire life... How do you do it ?

>> No.9270641

>has never used mew
thats probably for his gas...

>> No.9270652

lmao poorfag

>> No.9270682

>600k in LINK


>> No.9270698

Yea it doesn't show the coin value there big bud

>> No.9270706
File: 9 KB, 258x206, nocoinersbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didnt buy into the eth ico

none of you are early adopters

>> No.9270718

Token *

>> No.9270724

fuck this i'm out, back to wageslaving

>> No.9270744

thats not his pic. its pasta

>> No.9270764

nice, just called my boss and quit. thanks

>> No.9270805

What happened to all the boomers who called it a scam?

>> No.9270829


>> No.9270840

>That baby boomer who wasted his youth years on Crypto and is know an old hag who Will only get thailandese boypussi at most

>> No.9270874

Hory shit

>> No.9270917
File: 206 KB, 750x1334, 10x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, you're so poor OP.
I have 60 million.
You can tell it's real and I actually do have this money because it's a blockfolio screenshot, so it proves it

>> No.9270923


Jelly as fuck T---T

>> No.9270931

Thanks for the subtle MAN shill , my bags appreciate it

>> No.9271006

Hello Sir. Let me tell you about good coin. It is call Bit coin Cash. It is very good Coin. Please invest much money. Thank you sir from my family and Country.

>> No.9271029

well shit

proves that there's no point in holding 20 ETH when people have thousands

>> No.9271063

congrats OP, you made a neet jealous. mission accomplish

>> No.9271852

Were you always this bitter or was it only after the rape?

>> No.9271868

Sure thing. Say whatever you need to.


>> No.9271885

Wow you’re a fucking idiot.

Do you even know how erc tokens work?

Keep investigating. Detective.

>> No.9271906

Hahahahah just showing the stupid teenager fags what’s up.

Stay bitter faggot

>> No.9271949

I love how this is the first thing people say when they can’t accept others are more successful. I moved to Tokyo here’s my daily routine:

7-10am Wakeup. Stretch. Meditate
11-12 Lift Heavy
12-2 Boxing Gym
2-3 Coconut Oil Bath at Onsen
3-4 Blowjob
4-6 Crypto Moves. Shitpost biz. Make fun of the teenagers.
6-8 Dinner with one of 5 japanese girls i’m dating
8-9 Sex
9-12 Nightclub, Lounge, etc.

Rate my day. Stay fucking bitter hater make up more shit.

Boss 29 yo Boomer Never losses

>> No.9271979

Is you’re so smart why aren’t you a millioanire?

You hate money fucking bitch teenager.

>> No.9272057

How did you get Japanese residence?

>> No.9272125

sounds like larp, nobody would waste his precious time on norman activities like this when having retirement money

>> No.9272161

Fuck yea homie, roadwork X2 let’s go champ

>> No.9272201

Gen z btfo how will they ever recover

>> No.9272228

ok OP, I believe you.
I only have 100 ETH, what can I do to get more? I couldn't invest at $300 last month, otherwise I would've gotten 300 ETH more.

buy alts, and trade for ETH until January?

>> No.9272254

Yes if American and want live looking over your shoulder whole life then trade away.

Otherwise needs to be more calculated.

Go all in a small cap ICO. Or just buy Matrix. $10 by september

>> No.9272262

nice job. tfw knew about the ethereum presale but too lazy. maybe in a few years I’ll be in your league.

t. 30 yo elderly millenial with 400k in crypto and 250k LINK

p.s. do the girls know about each other? post a censored pic so we know what kind of tier gril will fuck with foreigners.

>> No.9272270

Roadwork 2x a day must be done.

Just got back box. Must do other roadwork later.

>> No.9272283

Visa. If they kick me out, which is u likely.

I’ll go to thailand/vietnam. Same day.

>> No.9272297

not american, I live in a country where anual salary is $10k, with the 100 ETH I have, if it goes to $15k, I have $1M+

>> No.9272313

Wtf else am i supposed to do play checkers?

I do what i want when i want everyday.

fuck off

>> No.9272329

Two found out. I just said “If you don’t like how I do things go back to dating lesser men.”

They never brought it up again

>> No.9272336

But how do you afford this if all your money is in crypto? Also, how did you get a PR if you are just doing crypto? I thought living in Japan for good is basically impossible unless u have a life contract with japanese firm + jap wife

>> No.9272348
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1519010956178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9272350

Not going 15k anytime soon if ever. Just like link isn’t going to $1000.

You have 100 eth. You need to get to 1000eth somehow.

You need to go all in an ICO that has a cap of under 15m. Get lucky a little. Only way.

Then dump for eth again.

>> No.9272360

Who said all my money is in crypto.

Quit being a retarded teenager fuck.

Think less. Do more.

>> No.9272389

I was just curious as to how you could stay in Japan like that. You made it seem as if you lived there. But seemingly you can only get 1 month visa?

I might be a retarded teenager, but at least I come from old money real estate family. I just wanted to know how to live in Japan without a jap wife and no working contract.

>> No.9272414

look at the gate.io order books. this nigga is holding bags, ain't never gonna be able to sell that.

>> No.9272440

this image is like 1-2 years old, and I'm pretty sure I saved it myself too. nice try though

>> No.9272443

MAN is the comfiest bag ever.

And grow a brain. If matrix goes to zero I still made it. Realistically it will get on binance in July and shoot to $10-15.

You don’t have matrix why?

>> No.9272454

Nah it’s more like 20 hours old I took it last night. Way to cope though. You must hate your life.

>> No.9272460

struck a nerve did I? I'd be worried too.

>> No.9272462

And why is matrix so good?

>> No.9272473

you know IDs are enabled on this board right?

>> No.9272484

Congrats man. Seriously. Im just a poorfag and hope for a fraction of that

>> No.9272485

Uh no not all at.

Fine stay poor. I’ve done plenty of small cap cryptos. I know where this is going.

If you’re so smart why aren’t you a millioanire. Dumbass teenager.

>> No.9272491

Matrix best coin

The best way to buy coins is honestly, find coins that WANT to be on binance. Look at STORM, LOOM, all the new listings, imagine holding those before they got listed. Requires FA and common sense and not being a fucking pajeet faggot and buying Bunny Token

>> No.9272494

omg is such a disapointment

>> No.9272507

Rekt. Kys op you larping matrix shilling faggot. :^)

>> No.9272510

I have faith and will be buying more. Always do opposite of sentiment and you will make it.

$1-3 rewards per coin per year next 1-2 years. Easy money. Just need over 50k omg to make it worth it.

>> No.9272519
File: 88 KB, 600x600, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats you boomer. Other than matrix, got any solid recommendations?

>> No.9272522

Did uncle boomer hurt your wenis?

>> No.9272532

Child porn chain. If you can hold till November. You will be rewarded.

>> No.9272547

OP hid his eth address, larp confirmed. pathetic larp at that.. you really impressed 4chan bro. wow.

>> No.9272580

Some autistic teenager already uncovered my addresses and verified.

Why do you hate your life? Jealous?

>> No.9272582

This doesnt seem to add up, did you take this screenshot hours before posting this thread? Does AT&T exist in japan?

>> No.9272654

LOL 6mil exactly?? How long did it take you to get this screenshot? You fucking LARPING cunt.

Here wait 10 mins and I’ll do the exact same thing you did but my wealth will be 12 million instead! I’ll be imaginarily wealthier than you, you fucking pleb! Hahahaha

>> No.9272656

why are you wasting time posting on this gay site if ur so cool bucko

>> No.9272766

When u don’t wagecuck. There’s surprisingly a lot of time in the day.

>> No.9272788

So let me understand your logic.

You trade crypto for 6 months and one day you finally hit a even milestone $1m.

You don’t take a screenshot of this? Hahahahah ok cope away teenager. Makes sense.

>> No.9272935


I have 80k in shitcoins, do you think we will have a altcoin season soon so i could make it?

>> No.9272952

Yes you will make it unless it’s nano

>> No.9273037

which coins are you in?

>> No.9273078

Hey LARPer, someone already found your supposed address,>>9270341
How about you send even 0.01 eth from that address to literally any other address to prove you are not just talking shit like 99.99% of other faggots here

>> No.9273100


I have Nano T---T


Nano, waves , stratis and wings

>> No.9273113

Even if you are a larper I do agree with this however

>> No.9273175
File: 13 KB, 190x257, charles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

howdy charles!!

>> No.9273189

Sounds pretty boring desu desu

>> No.9273190
File: 199 KB, 1000x847, 1523205229783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf if you think anyone lives like that you're even more retarded than i thought after seeing the blockfolio larp

>> No.9273213

Nice daily schedule, it always interests me how people would spend their day if they made it and in larps.

>> No.9273226


How’s that you fucking jealous teenager peice of fucking shit. You will never fucking make it. I hope all you “larper” faggots kill yourselves you are toxic faggot jealous pieces of shit.

Fuck you

>> No.9273228

let's see if he actually makes a tx from his supposed address, it is so fucking easy to do. Would be nice if one of these faggots for once were not larping

>> No.9273241

Tristan Trouble is a fag

>> No.9273250

I dare you to go in their telegram and ask why their coin is used for child porn

>> No.9273258

Very impressive, thanks for proving it and congratulations. Why are you so fucking angry and acting like such a fucking asshole though? You should be happy man, you have it so much better than so many others. And no I'm not fucking jealous, I'm a millionare too. But I neither brag about it nor act like a fukcing asshole towards poor people

>> No.9273274

cpchain telegram

>> No.9273287

It’s not against poor people. It’s against the stupid fucking faggots that say 30 yo boomer.

This is a post in principle. They will never make it and I’m merely giving them a daily reminder.

29 yo boss boomer never loses

>> No.9273306

I did. Was banned months ago.

>> No.9273320

kek gtfo blue magic faggot

Why is exchange listing taking so long? I saw pictures of MAN with Huobi

>> No.9273329

Well you really don't seem like a nice person. Making money made me happier and nicer all around, but seems to have done the opposite to you.
Why did you move to Japan, why not pick a country with slightly lower taxes on crypto

>> No.9273356

US is taxed worldwide. I play by the laws no reason not to.

I like asians, and in Japan and I can easily disappear. Low key anonymous.

Avicii killed himself because of fame. I’m low key

>> No.9273401

Oh yeah you really hve fucked tax laws.
How much do you pay for that comfy lifestyle/month?
And yeah I get what you mean about staying anon.

>> No.9273448


>> No.9273489

u from torque? they were big investors in man & poa icx

>> No.9273500
File: 1.25 MB, 844x1000, 1525395722957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it

just do it

and prove us wrong

>> No.9273513

No torque is a fraud though the a bunch of fucking faggots tho.

Not legit at all.

>> No.9273545

Much cheaper than I thought if in yen, maybe I should move there too. Anyway enjoy your life and best of luck to you, but seriously change your attitude, your life is better than almost everyone elses on this planet.

There is no reason why you should ever get so fucking angry and triggered from some stupid boomer meme which is actually pretty funny. There is no reason why you should say this to someone else
>How’s that you fucking jealous teenager peice of fucking shit. You will never fucking make it. I hope all you “larper” faggots kill yourselves you are toxic faggot jealous pieces of shit.

>> No.9273621

You got this triggered by internet memes? Holy shit might as well kys now. Literally a 29 year old Omega boomer. No wonder you moved to Japan to fit in Omega culture.

>> No.9273653

Why do you think Nano is bad?

I mean, even if Nano is bad, i could make it with waves and stratis.

>> No.9273719

>calls himself a boss
>31 posts in the same thread
>had to move to japan to get laid

>> No.9273753

congrats OP.
what did you do to make it? just invest in promising ico's?

>> No.9273787

>that 29 year old boomer who still posts on /biz/, got triggered by boomer threads and moved to japan to get laid

>> No.9274139


>> No.9274250

>make it
>move to Japan
>live lavishly
>realize you're still a depressed beta
>try to make yourself feel better by bragging on 4chan
well this backfired
hope you're able to feel better about yourself someday op

>> No.9274426 [DELETED] 

Hey Man!

I want to buy your overpriced real estate one day. DO you mind making my day? Or I guess week? Or maybe making this day the best day of my entire life? Share some of that MAN.


>> No.9274747


Anon...... You don't get out much if you think that's what normies do.

