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9267563 No.9267563 [Reply] [Original]

We need more women in the crypto curreny space

>> No.9267569
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We also need more niggers

>> No.9267584

What's stopping them? I've tried to show my sisters in law at $300 eth, but they just jumped in at 1300 and now are mad at the space.

>> No.9267602
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biology. women are risk averse, they dont invest in general. stocks are like poison for them, even casino slots seem safer for them than dow jones

>> No.9267603

There is a "womencoin" on CMC but I only ever saw it shilled once, never researched it too much but i doubt it'll take off, its too obvious. We have to make it "Hygienecoin" or some shit like that and have it mostly marketed towards female hygiene products.

>> No.9267608


My sister thinks she's some kind of criminal if she uses crypto

>> No.9267644

likely. I told one of them to buy more when eth crashed. She just looked at me like i was dumb.
Jokes on her I made a shitload.

>> No.9267672
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>> No.9267685
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>> No.9267699
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>> No.9267720

we need more women to buy the coins i already own massive amounts of, yes

>> No.9267898

It's gonna be glorious in 5 years to see the sheer amount of neckbeards that got filthy rich from crypto, parading their new hot as shit GFs.

Women know they don't need to to anything, just let the NEETs risk their savings on the shit, and pick the ones that make it.

>> No.9267987

Holy shit, this is it. Then there will be ones complaining about the patriarchy.
Bitch where were you when everyone said this was a ponzi? Where were you when I told my family I went all in and they tried to intervene because they couldn't understand it's not just gambling?
Oh right, you were complaining there were too many men in tech while finishing up your humanities degree.

>> No.9268073

>What's stopping them?

Nothing. Systemic "insert here" is not a factor by definition of decentralisation. This should be a watershed moment for those advocating for social equity... but it won't be.

>> No.9268167

t. based so᠌yboy

>> No.9268467

Feminists will come late, it's literally ingrained in the greater fool theory that they come late.

>> No.9268491
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daily reminder that pic related was in crypto before 97% of /new/biz

>> No.9268503


>> No.9268552

right here baby

>> No.9268560

lmao that's sad but a true sentiment for many

>> No.9268970

>i've been hurt enough tonight
> i better comfort myself by posting a nude photo of myself to thousands of strangers
women's logic

>> No.9269036

I've personally gotten 1 female into crypto. I'm doing my part!

>> No.9269063

congratulations you know 1 more female than 94.68% of /biz/

>> No.9269120

My fiance, sister and mother all own cryptocurrency. My mother forgot her password but she should actually still hold a couple of hundred bitcoin on there. She is tech illiterate so I didn't tell her how much it's worth to save her the stress. The ironic thing is that I wasted all of that buying drugs on .onion domains in 2011 or something. I now even hold fewer crypto than both my sister and fiance.

>> No.9269341
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We do, you literal brainlets.

We need Women to spend trayvon's allimoney buying high and panic selling low during hormonal shifts

>> No.9269426

is that pol's aryan waifu goddess lmao

>> No.9269468

>buying high and panic selling low during hormonal shifts
b-but so᠌ybiz does all that shit anyway.

>> No.9269502

She's looking for sexual attention because she didn't have a proper paternal figure to raise her right I guess.

>> No.9269605

>Didn't get onioned
Is the curse lifted?

>> No.9269751

I doubt it. testing:


>> No.9269790
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This black girl did better than 99% of /biz/.

>> No.9269828

this girl knows what she's doing

>> No.9269849


But anon there are women in crypto. theyre just not the ones with their titties and asses out to shill their shitcoins. theyre the quiet ones.

>> No.9269978
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>> No.9270031
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Many got it for free and cashed out on top.

>> No.9270054

>that second autism post

>> No.9270077
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>> No.9270137

Some of you NEETs are so fucked up money can't fix your issues. Just saying.

>> No.9270334

do you even so᠌ycery anon

>> No.9270810

It's a fake account looking to scam basement dwellers.