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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9266083 No.9266083 [Reply] [Original]

I've heard bizraelis give the best health advice because y'all are the only driven people on 4chan.

>> No.9266100

Fasting or ketosis. Everything else is a gimmick

>> No.9266108

Stop eating, AKA fasting

>> No.9266110

Combine those 2 for the closest thing to easy mode you can get

>> No.9266111


Also steroids

>> No.9266118

/biz/ is the best board on 4chan

for some strange reason we are also the /health/ board as well

>> No.9266123

Get Lypo suction

>> No.9266135

Eat less food

>> No.9266157

keto is a meme.
But fasting is correct. The reason people keep getting fatter is because they wont stop eating every time they confuse thirst for hunger.

>> No.9266168

>better meal prep (balance your fats, carbs, aim for 0.75-1.0g protein per lb of weight)
>intermittent fasting (skip a lunch one day and have a hearty, healthy dinner)
>weightlifting at the gym (cardio is fine to lose weight but you'll just be skinnyfat, might as well lose weight and get yoked at the same time)

just a few from a former fitizen

>> No.9266173

get rid of your bad gut bacteria. Sugar and fastfood builds bad gut bacteria which sends your brain signals to eat more junkfood. Its like a fucking druf.

Step 1:
Try to clean your gut. 1 Week of juice fasting or water fasting will do that.

Step 2: Avoid all shit foods. Try to just eat unprocesed foods like vegis meat nuts quinoa rice potatoes sweet potatoes berrys fruits and stuff like that. nothing what comes precooked or premixed.

Step 3: Do Step 2 for 90% of your diet and you will have a body in shape after 1 year.

>> No.9266194


>> No.9266218



love this board. we're all gonna make it.

>> No.9266219

fucking exercise. longer than 30 minutes a day AT LEAST. and stretch when you wake up and go to bed at the LEAST.

only drink water and milk.

Eating less is great and all and you def should but you can eat total garbage and be fit as long as you exercise.

>> No.9266220

take this shit to /fit/ for fucks sake. They actually have guides and resources that can help you.

Even fucking reddit is a better source of fitness information that /biz/

>> No.9266251

Do Keto on Steroids for a month and then get off and claim you got lean because of your diet.

>> No.9266259

Stop eating sugar. Seriously. You can eat anything you want as ling as it doesnt have suger in it. Alot of stuff have added suger to make it sweater or more usual to give it longer shelf life. Even bread comes with added suger nowdays. Just stop eating sugar and you will drop down in weight.

>> No.9266270 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9266279

I love you guys.

>> No.9266291

/fit/ and /biz/ are actually sister boards since both are about self improvement and making it.
unlike cringe /pol/faggots that occasionally invade this board. /pol/ is just an extension of reddit; thats why its called the containment board.

>> No.9266293

Step 1: Invest in Chainlink
Step 2: Acquire Linklet Dysmorphia
Step 3: No more money for food other than what you need just to survive paycheck to paycheck.

t. Lost almost 10kg since february

>> No.9266297

You are a meme. I lost 150lbs doing keto

>> No.9266309
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just literally stop eating so much you fat fuck. go for a run at least 3-4 times a week but you probably wont cuz its "too hard"

>> No.9266321


>> No.9266326

I can swear 90% of /pol/ is here as well.

Unironicly i went b > fit > pol > biz

>> No.9266328

If you add tabata sprint training in days you don’t lift, this is probably the best advice op can get.

>> No.9266393
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lift weights at least 3-4x a week. run, or hike when your'e not working out and try and eat right....it's tough but if you really want to lose the weight you'll do it..

>> No.9266405


This might be counterintiutive advice but do not stop eating. even start eating more if you like to. only change what you eat. start eating loads of veggies combined with meat, fish, eggs etc. Spend time finding good tasty recipes with alot of veggies in them and start cooking awesome stuff. This will lead to a lot more physical activity, because you will need to do a lot of grocery shopping and move around n the kitchen. Do this instead of getting food from deliveries and do not let other people cook for you. You do the cooking from now on! Do this for the next two weeks. after that start adding some exercises like swimming or going to the gym.(note: if you are really overweight do not start running it will fuck up your joints.) Do whatever you like the most, and do not push it. only go when you feel you can spare the energy. Try to find other people that also exercise and exercise with them that makes it way more fun. Remember if you really want to become lean and stay lean you need to make a life commitment, so you better make it fun els you will not make it.
tl;dr work for your food, eat veggies and exercise with other peeps.

>> No.9266417

>puts stick of butter in coffee
>unironically drinks it
>heh, nothing personnel gallbladder

>> No.9266439

This, also don't listen to the faggots telling you to fast your body will only retain more fat since you're starving yourself. Eat more hearty proteins.

>> No.9266447

OMAD + full body workout every three days coupled with daily 60 min walks in the morning on an empty stomach

Even if you're not cutting, it's going to help a ton with not adding unnecessary fat while bulking, just trust me bro. Also, drink LOTS of water.

>> No.9266456

>steroids make you lose weight


>> No.9266509
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>the human body starves itself despite having fat stores

>> No.9266512
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if you really want a no shit meme diet that will make you flood off pounds eat nothing but kimchii and drink nothing but water for a month

combine this with any form of exercise, even just walking on the side walk a few miles a day, and you'll lose weight real fast

keep in mind this is not a healthy diet since it's not really sustainable for life and partially relies on your body cannibalizing itself, but that's the point, this is a crash diet for people desperate to lose weight, and fast, without necessarily making complex life adjustments

if you're paranoid about malnourishment you can add a multivitamin and maybe a fish oil pill daily, but that's it

it is impossible not to lose weight on this diet

kimchee is sold in gallon buckets at most ethnic farmers markets

if you think this is stupid keep in mind the average S korean consumes about 50 kilos of kimchee per year

>> No.9266531


The easiest way is the measure the calories you're consuming. Weight literally everything and go to google.com and type in "calories in 300g rump steak", "calories in 200g iceberg lettuce" etc.

Keep it under 2000 calories per day and you're golden, you'll start to remember approximates and won't have to bother with the scale pretty quickly.

All diets and plans are bullshit, just keep the fucking calories under 2000 and you'll drop weight. Best to look at what is a suitable maximum calorific intake for your size/sex/shape.

>> No.9266548

learn to be hungry. It's a good feeling when you know that you can survive for a while without food. Throw out your snacks and freeze your bread. Buy expensive whiskey to reward yourself with once in a while. Also read this article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2495396/

>> No.9266556

>if you don't eat 3-5 times a day you will literally DIE

lmao @ your life

>> No.9266607


>> No.9266627


>> No.9266634

If you are asking for help rather than just fucking doing it I can already tell you will fail.

>> No.9266646

Get a manual job and eat right. Start cooking your own meals. Healthy food can taste as good as unhealthy food.


>> No.9266684

>average S korean
>average korean
>tfw no a.v.e.r.a.g.e korean gf

>> No.9266714

This is good advice. Don't be too ambitious cos you will just fail. Take small, steady steps like this.

>> No.9266776

wake up, skip breakfast, hike 3-4 miles, then eat your first meal around 2pm. eat again later in the day but no later than 10pm. do this for 6 months. it's easy as fuck and you can still eat basically what you are eating now although i'd cut regular soda, fried food, and limit desert to 3 a week.

>> No.9266828
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Don't eat sugar.

Fast 16h a day.

Eat healthy carbs, lots of protein and moderate fats.

Work out.

Combine them all to make it.

>> No.9266836

I got fat on a highfat diet and got leaner on a diet high in fructose.

>> No.9266851

stop putting food in your mouth fatass. It's not hard

>> No.9266891

Start lifting weights 3X a week (Starting Strengtg), walk 4x a week for a total of 12 miles, and stop consuming processed sugar and bread. Eat meats, fruits, and vegetables.

Do that for half a year and then you can go into something a little more intense. It's most likely that you are too far gone to jump into anything intense now and you will need to work on fundamentals.

>> No.9266916

>t. dyel
hop on 150tren/250test every 4 days and see what happens you basement dwelling faggot

>> No.9266929

Nice bait but nobody puts a fucking stick of butter in their coffee. Maybe a tablespoon.

You can't do keto if you have pre existing gallbladder problems but it definitely doesn't cause it. You just shit out any undigeated fats.

>> No.9266944

Sorry just saw this. Didn't mean to repost >>9266891

Good advice.

>> No.9267022

Stop drinking alcohol, especially beer. Avoid estrogen containing foods. Cut out one or two meals a day. Walk 30 minutes every day.

These are easy things to do. When you've done the easy shit, move on to changing what you eat. Lean meat and vegetables or salad are excellent meals. Try to reduce your carb intake. Never eat high sugar foods. Focus on protein and healthy fats.

Good luck anon. Persistence will be rewarded.

>> No.9267042

STOP EATING. You have enough fat to last you at least 6 months. I do a 1 week fast at the start of every month and omad the rest of the time. At least just eat keto. Veggies, Avos, meats. And do some sort of walking, dancing, cardio. Unironically the thing that got me eating less was trying to save money for chainlink

>> No.9267051

Go to >>>/fit/

>> No.9267070
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OP I'll just say it straight, as an actual /fit/izen and /biz/nessman.
1. Intermittent Fasting (preferably OMAD (one meal a day))
2. Paleo or Mediterranean diet (REAL FOOD, no processed food.), cut out sugar where ever possible.
3. Strength training. Less important is cardio but it's still good for you. Exercise is for staying in shape, NOT losing fat.

Follow these steps and you will make it.

>> No.9267126

Eat less. Move more.

>> No.9267136


>> No.9267156

>Combine those 2 for the closest thing to easy mode you can get
this is my life

>> No.9267178

crystal meth

>> No.9267194

cardio to lose the fat, rock climbing for strength

>> No.9267206


Keto is NOT a meme. It's a real thing and I've lost over 60lb doing it.

However it's not a complete diet understanding, here's what I've taken to doing now: BE A CARNIVORE.

Literally eat MEAT pretty much exclusively. My diet basically consists of meat, eggs, butter, mayo, cheese, and other fatty toppings like Alfredo sauce or gravy.

That's it. Your weight is about HORMONES fundamentally. It's not about calories, it's not about exercise (That much). It's about altering YOUR HORMONES.

Meat will do that. Your body actually knows what to do with meat. It has very little efficiency with plants or carbs.

Also, for excess skin or stretch marks after losing the weight: use gotu kola religiously

>> No.9267220

5 days 50 pounds if you are disclipined

when you lose weight then go ahead and work out. and dont stop until your mind is good since meth did little damage you will be 100% good after

>> No.9267237

cut most sugars, do interval training, drink a lot of water

>> No.9267241

>1. Intermittent Fasting
This worked for me. Started it slowly by eliminating dinner every 3rd day, then every other day, then every day. Lost 25 lbs over a few months. Just don't eat anything after 3pm until breakfast.

>> No.9267244

intermittent fasting makes it so much easier

stop drinking too

>> No.9267245

or load of black tar heroin

when its black and sticky or elephant tranquilizer will be best for you

you can find on the onion network

>> No.9267255

coke is the last resort. some good meth or heroin will do it. easy fast just dont fuck up by getting hooked, stuff is for those who are serious

>> No.9267260

/biz/ and /fit/ are the only boards on 4chan where people are actually trying to improve their lives. /biz/ is why i'm learning to code. /biz/ fed me the blockchain kool aid. /biz/ showed me that coding will become the means of production in an automated economy.

>> No.9267265

dem tittays

>> No.9267273

Pol is the largest and most active board you retarded nigger. /biz/ is a pol colony like many other boards.

>> No.9267277
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I've been defecating slight amounts of blood, along with a mucus/gell like substance... obviously going to a doc, but what are the odds it's something very serious? I've read troubling articles on colitis and chron's that seem very similar to my symptoms

>> No.9267280

This but unironically. Keto will destroy your gallbladder, which just goes to show that gimmick diets are always objectively worse than just proper exercise and eating smart.

Lost 150lbs on keto? I'd definitely see a physician just to make sure everything is alright.

>> No.9267294

eat 3 to 4 meals a day

1. eggs and tomatoes
2. steak and carrots
3. steak and carrots
4. steak and carrots

each meal with water or if you are pussy (which you probably are since you are fat fuck) you can drink SUGARLESS coke.

come back in 6 months for the next step

>> No.9267325


Get your stomach tubes tied. Easy done.

>> No.9267338

Replace at least 1 meal a day with raw vegetables. I prefer smoothies to get it over with quick. Don't eat fruit or anything sweet except a small amount of dark chocolate.

>> No.9267353

Nigger chicken is better for you than steak.

>> No.9267375


>> No.9267437

what do you guys think americans have more to attribute their fatness to, poor diet or increasingly sedentary lifestyle?

>> No.9267484

You have to track your daily calories and macros with myfitness pal. Once you reach your daily target of protein/carbs/fat, you STOP EATING for the day. Avoid shit food made with wheat and sugar.

>> No.9267491
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>> No.9267515



>> No.9267938


I actually spent a year doing Nutritional science as an optional course in my degree (Molecular biology) and basically you can look this up. The only scientifically proven correlation across ALL diets is finer consumption.

People who *eat* (ignore supplements) lots of fibre lose weight, full stop. The reason meme diets work, whether its Atkins or Mediterranean, or whatever the fuck, is because it inadvertently results in higher fiber consumption which causes weight loss.

How to eat more fiber? Eat more fucking vegetables, the beauty of adding fiber is it will naturally displace high calorie items and cause you to lose weight without stressing the body (causing starvation mode) which also diminishes risk of relapse.

Say your fat ass is eating 3000 calories a day, and 2 kilos of ‘mass’, if you sub in a kilo of broccoli/peas/cabbage, then suddenly you’ve displace 1500 calories of food, but only put in 500 calories. Consistently eating a *lot* of vegetables (I mean 1-2 kilos a DAY) that are simply cooked (steamed/boiled, no sauce, no frying) you WILL lose weight consistently and painlessly. This is why fat people deserve no mercy, because it is one thing if they simply lack the will power to ignore hunger, they lack the will power to just eat boring food. Because that is all it takes.

The next logical step is to make an absolute rule of cooking all your own meals, by having a ‘barrier’ of effort to every meal you will find yourself less likely to impulse eat. Plus you’ll eliminate harmful preservatives like onions lecithin. There is a reason obesity correlates most with a decrease in people eating home cooked meals from raw ingredients. Delete deliver, don’t go to restaurants, do not buy ANY prepackaged food. I don’t care if its a fucking weight watches salad. If you didn’t make it yourself, you don’t eat it.

You will be your ideal weight within 300 days if you follow these two rules.

>> No.9268070

Get Diabetes. Worked extremely well for me. Now if I eat sugar or too much, makes me fall asleep. Now I watch what I eat and only do so when I'm legitimately hungry.

>> No.9268148

100 pushups a day to keep your muscle and fast

>> No.9268260

Fasted cardio 7 days a week combined with HITT lifting 5 days a week; target specific muscle groups each day. Then eat no more than 50-100 grams of carbs per day and make sure you’re eating complex carbs and eating veggies with every meal. Use a fitness calculator to see how much protein and fat you should eat. Easy. Also only drink water/tea/coffee.

>> No.9268281

totally wrong, stop giving advice if you have no clue you fucking child raping shit eating pajeet nigger
you can't outrun a bad diet you fucking idiot

>> No.9268298

God damn, just kys

>> No.9268309


>> No.9268369

this but with slimfast diet only. it provides nutrition while you are getting rid of fat

>> No.9268421

Don't listen to any of these people. At your weight and in your situation if you try to do anything too drastic you will fail miserably, and continue/worsen your bad habits. You need to take baby steps.

1) start watching what you drink. Cut out everything except water and black coffee or tea

2) No eating between meals

3) Stop eating out and especially greasy/fried food

4) Eat 1 salad per day

5) Go outside and get some fresh air. Start going for small walks because you'd probably have a heart attack if you tried to do any actual physical activity

These are small and doable steps. Do this for a couple weeks and you will start to notice some changes. In which case you should continue to refine what you eat and start increasing your physical activity into running and lifting

>> No.9268465
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I did see a physician through the keto whole weight loss process and my bloodwork is stellar. There is an initial bump in your cholesterol numbers but that evens out pretty quick.

Halfway through I had to start supplementing some random minerals I wasn't properly intaking, but that was it for health concerns.

The gallbladder concerns are a meme if you aren't old or infirm.

What most people do wrong with Keto is think that it's okay to ditch vegetables and do a carnivore diet. WRONG. I eat at least 75% vegetables by volume - it is the Net carbs that matter (Carbs - Carbs from dietary fiber). It is probable that eating this way in Keto minimizes strain on the gallbladder as compared to people gorging meat

Pic related

>> No.9268502

Co sign the NO BEER rule. That shit will make you blubbery. Also lazier and depressed.

>> No.9268519

no sugar, no alcohol, no carbohydrates (only some oatmeal in the morning) only 10g fat. a day
a hand full of fruits, a hand full of nuts, low fat meat and vegetables and salad all you can eat.

it is hard, but you get used to it and it results in -2,5 kg per week.

with a bit more fat its way easier and it is still 1,5-2 kg less per week.


>> No.9268521

Good job man!

>> No.9268536

go to fit and read the sticky you fat fuck

>> No.9268558

oh and to at least lower the jojo shit, you could start weight lifting when diet is over, but there will be jojo fuckup for sure.

>> No.9268563

Go to the gym. That's literally all you need to do. Even if your diet remains exactly the same, you'll lose weight as long as you are working out. There is no easy way of losing weight and doing meme diets and jumping through hoops just to avoid physical activity will always fail. 45 minutes a day 3 to 4 days a week will do it.

>> No.9268565

>That's it. Your weight is about HORMONES fundamentally. It's not about calories, it's not about exercise (That much). It's about altering YOUR HORMONES.

>> No.9268629

>being this retarded about nutrition in 2018
it makes sense, though, seeing as you'd rather pay someone to teach you rather than you learning on your own. lmao

>> No.9268658

you have to go back.

>> No.9268672

congrats anon. great job

>> No.9268706

this. men drink liquor or wine. faggots and women drink beer.


>> No.9268784

I would suggest lowering the bar by a lot if you're as fat as OP. Start with something like 5 minutes 3-4 times a week and slowly build up the habit over the course of months to 30 minutes. Like you can increase the time by 1-2 minutes every week and you will barely notice it, you gain more stamina and thus it becomes way less painful than trying to do 45 minutes from the get go. Usually if fat people try to start with 30-45minutes they hold on for like 1-2 weeks because it is so bloody painful mentally and physically to go from 0 activity to 45 minutes 3-4 times a week instantly, you start to resent it and before you know it you skip one and then it becomes even harder to go back. Sure you might not lose much or anything at all by doing 5 minutes 4 times a week in the beginning but you are building a habit of working on yourself and trust me once you get used to 5 minutes the step to 7 minutes is barely noticeable. I did this myself with slightly bigger incrementals and I started at 10 minutes and within 2 months I was cycling 45-60 minutes 3 times a week.

Consistency is key in losing weight and by starting slow you are way more likely to succeed.

>> No.9268834

That is probably the smarter way to do it, using elliptical machines was absolute key to my weight loss. Great cardio with no stress on your knees or joints. I was just so fed up with being fat that i jumped in doing 30-45 minutes of cardio everday for about 4 weeks. and then lowered it to 3-4 times a week. I still drink soda, eat chips, tendies, etc. So many peoples advice is to cut out everything enjoyable in your life because you have to lose 60lbs in a month to be successful. Slow and steady wins the race in my opinion. A couple of pounds a month is all I look for.

>> No.9268937

Understandable for a lot of people.

What if you need to lose 150lbs to even hit the upper range of a healthy body weight?

It would take years to lose that at the rate you suggest. Years that will take a toll on your body for continuing to be obese.

Just curious, as a formerly obese fatfuck

>> No.9269006
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Water fast, with occasional breaks for sanity with zero (or less than 20g) of carbs meals (to keep you in ketosis), the longer you do it... the easier it gets. Once you get under 10% bf, the rules change but most people never get that far.

>> No.9269099

People who are morbidly obese is a different story, I was probably only 40-50lbs overweight. I guess if your weight is an extreme problem, extreme measures have to be taken. But people that overweight are the ones most susceptible to failure, just keeping them going and not quitting is incredibly important.

>> No.9269197


I lost about 25kg in 6 weeks doing this thing called the Snake Diet.

Dude who runs the YouTube channel is insanely hypnotising and I could watch all his videos 100 times over and over.

Best thing ever was finding that channel by mistake after searching for intemittent fasting tips.

>> No.9269238

Drink water. Lift weights or cycle for calorie burn. Do not eat sugary foods or have sugary drinks. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, even when you don’t feel thirsty. The main concern if you’re overweight is what happens to the excess skin when you lose it.

>> No.9269382

thanks for that anon i have never heard of it. i need to drop 40lbs and im going to give this a go

>> No.9269400

this is the WORST before and after i have ever seen

where did you lose weight? your toes?

>> No.9269462


it’s not a before an after you fucking retarded chimp it’s a right now and right now

>> No.9269466

Gotcha. I agree then. Did you see OP's pic? He would fall into the morbidly obese camp.

>> No.9269643

I read a computer scientist's study on weight loss and he found the largest correlation to weight loss in one day was increased sleep. This probably had to do with an increased fasting period between dinner and breakfast, but it goes without saying that increased sleep is useless if what you're really doing is laying in bed and eating food. Getting better sleep will help you metabolise foods, also.

>> No.9269644

Buy a Fitbit. Make sure you follow your targets every day. Soon as I was drinking 2 litres of water per day and getting close to my sleep target I started losing weight. We humans are very bad at knowing where we're going wrong.

>> No.9269655

God speed brother.

It changed my life. Check out the YouTube channel.

>> No.9269664

eat less, specifically sugar

>> No.9269982


Explain how I am wrong about nutrition?
Here are my sources:

>inb4 body building forums are more reliable than peer reviewed research because I hate anything mainstream, including higher education.

>> No.9270071

Chew gum. The chewing motion tricks the body into thinking its receiving food and you don't get hungry. You can skip your fatass snacking and the occasional meal this way.

>> No.9270113

If you never have to digest fat, you develop gallstones. This happens because if you never secrete bile, it gets hard over time.

When you switch to a keto diet, your gallbladder starts to try to expel the gallstones, which can be painful. Anyway, it eventually expels them after a few months and the pain goes away, and voila = now you can digest fat again!

>> No.9270141


Keto just tricks you in to not eating too much since you're restricted on types of foods. There's only so much protein/fat that you can eat at once before you start to feel like shit.

It's much more useful to learn not to eat so fucking much on normal food.

Best post so far.

>> No.9270182
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You should be working out, but I've seen studies where it's more important to establish a good diet over a good workout routine when losing weight, so:
1) You don't need to go keto - that's really unhealthy - but you do need to cut simple carbs and simple sugars and get (almost) all your complex carbs from vegetables (make sure if you eat grains, any grains you eat are whole grains).
2) Eat lean meats - stick to chicken and fish
3) Actually count your calories - I use an app called My Macros+, it's alright, it has a barcode scanner which is nice. But you need to count how much you're taking in. And calculate you TDEE (it's really easy, just look it up). You need to be lower than your TDEE to lose weight.

For working out:
1) If you are way fat, you need to focus on getting skinny before you can start gaining muscle.
2) Do cardio every day. I personally love the stair stepper, it destroys you and makes your butt nice.
3) Heads up, if you have muscle under all that flab, then you're probably gonna lose a lot of it losing weight.
4) Once skinny, switch over to a lifting routine that suits you. I would still do cardio, but only 30 mins per day and maybe have one cardio day per week. To gain muscle mass you need a calorie intake above your TDEE. You still need to eat healthy, you just need to eat more. DO NOT CONFUSE EATING MORE CALORIES WITH EATING UNHEALTHY FOOD. It will suck and you'll probably feel like constantly vomiting when you start out because of all the food intake.
5) Spend 2 HOURS a day for each workout. Don't be a bitch and do less, but don't hurt yourself and do more. 2 hours is perfect.
6) Focus on proper form when starting out. Even if you are lifting 5 lbs, it will help you immensely latter on and you'll increase a lot faster. Do not jerk yourself when lifting, take it slow.

I'm not a pro, but this stuff helped me. Go to bodybuilding.com for more info and questions, they're pretty cool guys.

>> No.9270223

1. cardio exercise. rope jump. walking. running boxing, etc.
2. eat less food. avoid snacks, fast food and sugars.
3. ???
4. profit

>> No.9270245

Eat less, move more. Simple as that

>> No.9270340

source: I lost 100 pounds. at first it was all about eating less, then started cardio exercise. when I lost some weight started lifting, and for the final pounds I did some fasting.

>> No.9270373

Interesting. I never truly fell for the NO FAT propaganda that the sugar industry paid for, but it truly was sugar that dug me that deep.

I've read a few offhanded stories about gallstone issues in keto forums/circles. It truly doesn't seem to be an issue for anyone except an extreme minority (<2%), and every case I've heard of is from someone who already has existing serious health issues

>> No.9270418

burn more calories than you consume. Also, cut out empty calories like soda, sweet tea etc. Drink more water and you won't feel as hungry all the time.

>> No.9270585

Eating a no-fat diet is precisely what causes gallstones (contrarily to what most doctors say, fat isn't the real cause). When you never eat fat, your gallbladder won't ever expel bile, so the bile gets hard over time. That's why some people complain about gallbladder pain after they start a keto diet. It's the bile trying to expel gallstones.

Doctors will tell you that the only treatment to gallstones is to remove your gallbladder. They say there are no side effects to removing it, which is completely insane. But there is a reason why mammals have gallbladders - they need it to extract energy from healthy fats. So, DO NOT EVER REMOVE YOUR GALLBLADDER.

Source: it happened to me. I endured 2 months of gallbladder pain after I started keto. The pain eventually went away and I lost a lot of weight and feel much better.

>> No.9270668

I had a nasty kidney stone after doing keto. I passed it but there was quite a bit of blood. Kinda freaked me out.

>> No.9270704
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Well I'll be god damned. That makes complete sense though-Nonuse of the gallbladder through a 0 fat diet (this was a craze in the 90s and early 00s) leading to the formation of gallstones.

>> No.9270737

Intermittent fasting keto diet. You will melt.

>> No.9270781

sedentary lifestyle definitely plays a large part. When I was in Tokyo, everyone was spending 5-20 mins to walk to the subway, down/up stairs, 5-20 minutes walking to wherever they were going afterwards. Being on vacation I think I was easily racking up 10 miles a day just casually exploring. Back in the US its like, get in the car, drive to work, walk inside, walk to your car, drive to restaurant, drive home, etc. for a lot of people (not me tho as im a NEET).

>> No.9271172

Intermittent fasting.

Eat 1 or 2 small meals in a 6-7 hour window. Don't eat outside of this window. Drink lots of water, zero calorie drinks if you have a craving (Coke zero, etc), and coffee.

>> No.9271255

>I had a nasty kidney stone after doing keto
Never heard about kidney stones with keto, but I'm not surprised.
You spend years of your life avoiding fat because you've been told it's bad for you. All of a sudden, you start consuming high amounts of it. Your gallbladder hasn't worked in a while, so you can't even digest well the fat you're eating, which can case a host of problems.

>> No.9271290

this will fuck up your guts real bad, DON'T DO THIS!

>> No.9271487

Keto. Lost 55lbs. Wasn't even hard, and I didn't increase my exercise levels.

Everything tastes super sweet now too.

DESU just try different things until you like it. A diet you don't like ain't gonna work.

>> No.9271517
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1. One week fasting or liquids fasting. Nothing fancy, just switch to juices or soups for roughly a week. No alcohol or soda.

2. Reintroduce healthy food options only. Avoid eating at restaurants (doubly so for fast food) as there is a shit ton of unnecessary fats and sugars (which are added to make them addictive). Lean meat and vegetables should be the majority of your intake (which is great, because you can do A LOT of delicious dishes with them).

3. Moderate regular exercise will help speed this up. Light cardio (walking for 30 minutes a day) would be a good starting point for someone of your size. Personally I'm more of a lifter than a runner, which helps with toning, but anything helps as long as it's consistent.

4. Focus on sustainability! None of this work means anything if you can't make it stick day in and day out forever. Taking massive steps too early can lead to backsliding, depression, and giving up. Be cognizant of your mental state, it's a huge factor in your success.

Good luck buddy, it's worth it (and honestly, once it becomes part of your routine, not really that much work).
>t. guy who went from 250 to 150 and kept it off

>> No.9271544

Lose all your money investing in crypto, then you can't afford to buy food.

>> No.9271546

>exercising and eating at a calorie deficit is a gimmick

>> No.9271555

Walking for 1 hour only burns 190 calories.

>> No.9271635

Start day trading
You'll lose all your money but also all your fat