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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9257590 No.9257590 [Reply] [Original]

Here is why, it is actually very simple. Block producers could double as decentralized oracles. The bandwidth model of EOS in particular seems to be a suitable match for this concept.

>> No.9257624

This is why projects like ChainLink won't even have a need to exist.

>> No.9257640

How do we decentralize API is a better question than how do we solve the oracle problem

>> No.9257691

it wouldn’t significantly impact block time for EOS to implement oracles right into the 21 rotating DPoS nodes to allow smart contracts to make external requests.

>> No.9257829

No need for EOS when you have LINK

>> No.9257840

Hot topic you got going here op

>> No.9257844

major financial institutions will not touch EOS with a ten foot pole. end of story.

> bitfinex criminal empire
> not censorship resistant

>> No.9257873

truth is tough to respond too idk? either way you can hold link if you want it will be used by inferior eth and most likely have a pump but EOS will is the answer.

>> No.9257900

>not censorship resistant
anon thats exactly what the big banks want. Ethereum is the resistance, EOS is the status quo. In this world evil always seems to win in the end, so I have hedged my bets by putting 10% of my ETH into EOS

>> No.9257918


>> No.9257938

yeah if any chain experience mainstream adoption it will be EOS cause people actually do not like irrevesrable transactions.

>> No.9257965

New FUD that won't even be posted after tomorrow. Sad.

>> No.9257982

not tomorrow, no it will however not disappear.

>> No.9258021

what will happen when a project is launched that decentralizes API's? that would truly be end to end decentralization. Chainlink has tried to work around this by adding reputation farming but this is a band aid to a bigger problem that EOS can scale and solve

>> No.9258089

>holding onto something that is already hyped and done 30x in less than a year
>holding onto a project that is nearing completion and is still relatively unknown that has yet to have had a major price increase
This is my last post in this thread.

>> No.9258492

Haven't you heard the news?
Most companies will never use public blockchains.
But they will need LINK.

>> No.9258593

Eoshits wouldn't know decentralization if it dick slapped them in the face

>> No.9258610
File: 93 KB, 700x700, eos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK is the EOS killer.

Chainlink has:

1. No transaction fees
2. Can scale to millions tx/s
3. Is Ethereum’s #1 competitor
4. Was created by Dan Larimer
5. Partnered with Google co-founder Eric Schmidt

How can EOS compete?