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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9256057 No.9256057 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9256079

This board is absolute shit anymore. It's actually worse than reddit anymore which is sad

>> No.9256098

I don't know but it must be profitable or they wouldn't come.

>> No.9256114


>> No.9256120

buy hot or stay poor

>> No.9256136
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More like they have no where else to go to advertise shit

so many fucking pajeets

pajeets all over

>> No.9256147

unironically never not this but ironically

>> No.9256162


>> No.9256163
File: 40 KB, 561x346, 1524827536798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get out

>> No.9256166

No look at low cap coins like Holo. Organized shill effort and the people shilling dumped their bags on retards here buying. Happens all the time. DBC was an organized shill. It's discord groups.

>> No.9256175

They want to dump their bags in you

>> No.9256182

or HOT I mean, I don't follow pajeet shit.

Case in point:

>> No.9256191

He looks like he would be sticky to the touch.

>> No.9256205
File: 82 KB, 660x495, hide-the-pain-harold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bags on retards here buying

There is a good chance they are just stealing each others money.

Just pumping and dumping on themselves.

>> No.9256678


Stop coming into every shill thread saying PAJEET SHILL. Learn to recognise non pajeet discord shilling. Use filters.

We know we're shills. It passes the time until maybe our bag moons.

>> No.9256865

Tell me anon. Why is the coin still at 200? Why are we pushing upwards after 5 days? How many days will it take of this before you Apologize?

You think you're disgusted with all my shilling? I have been tremendously disgusted with the complete lack of research that these biztards do. They just see a flood of Holo threads and think, "Hurr Durr this must be coordinated". It would never occur to you that maybe, just maaaybe, a whole bunch of people actually did research on it. Maybe those people all found out this was an incredible project that would easily be top 10 in 6 months. Many of them like me, Fomo'ed in around day 2/3 around 100-150 gwei. I would guess there are hundreds of us at this point, since I can see 2500 new wallets holding Holo Tokens. Now, if there's at least a few hundred Holo holders here and they see their coin moon to 200 gwei... you think they might get excited? You think they might want to spread the word?

Here anon. Here's the glorious dip Everyone was waiting for.
When we fell from 22x ICO price back to 20x ICO Price. It's a blood bath. Oh wait, check out that support... That's odd.

>> No.9257103


>> No.9257116

no one forces you to buy Chain Link, Sir. stay poor.

>> No.9257168

You shouldn't take noholo too seriously, there is a good chance some of them are trolling. Some people on /biz/ are the type of people that would FUD the coins they're hodling

>> No.9257193
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>> No.9257274


>> No.9257317

it's all timed. there are rich people pumping garbage on this board.

>> No.9257340
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Seen the dirty Holo shills last time?
They just spam without checking the board for other shills.

Its a new level

>> No.9257464
File: 399 KB, 1256x616, HoloSpam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods should ban Holo shills.
Without joking, do this or nuke India