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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9255891 No.9255891 [Reply] [Original]

>they are a cheaper investment than dating

false. If you have a good personality and you aren't completely autistic an actual girl is easy to get. Aside from anomalies in some dating markets females today are having MORE sex and giving it away for less commitment and "upfront" costs like marriage, etc

Lastly I'd say that at 500 dollars an hour prostitutes can become a real financial problem quite quickly.

>It's le cool, and it's edgy

This is factually not true. Society and most normal women look down on prostitution. Is not cool to have sex with some drug addicted girl or break the law and transgress against society. In most societies today prostitution is seen as something only loser men entertain. Most men of status, if you wanna go by that don't actually entertain prostitutes. In fact aside from the occasional sex addicted celebrity, most powerful men known to be womanizer tend to engage in flings, and hookups. You will rarely them mingling with prostitutes.

>Getting a girlfriend is too hard and/or I can't get girls

Unless you are a true eccentric, dating in 2018 is truly easy just looking at the statistics. Most women today are independent money wise, and they are not marrying before having sex. In fact, most women are so liberal today that they aren't even against the idea of casual sex/hookups. In other words the only thing you have to do in today's age in order to attract a girl is make her like you for who you are. What more can you ask from the female sex?

>> No.9255909

Who cares, sage

>> No.9255912

You're asking me why I flew to Japan to have a japanese femdom sit on my face?

>> No.9255927

>If you have a good personality and you aren't completely autistic an actual girl is easy to get
stopped reading

>> No.9255938


>fucking one girl's pussy indefinitely until she gets naggy and wants marriage a/o fat and ugly and paying her way for shit
>fucking scores of permanently young and attractive broads for a few jacksons a pop who leave and leave you to your work when you're done

gee, anon, i can't understand the appeal either. much better to hitch up to a girl for 3-5 years and fuck her pussy only and devolve into fighting and resentment. definitely. much cheaper in the long run.

>> No.9255939

it's actually true, though

if you want easy mode go to Asia to gain confidence

>> No.9255973

This was written by a woman. You are a woman OP. Show tids and vagine.

>> No.9255980


also it's only "looked down upon" in name only because it shows the true market value of pussy. hell, most girls already dress and act like whores and compete with each other to do so, so subconsciously, it's not looked down on at all, it's just that bitches don't like quantifying pussy value on the open market when push comes to shove because guess what - it's generally way overvalued by young <28 year old non-boomers who put it on a pedestal and haven't come into their prime yet.

>> No.9256086

I want white white women though.

>> No.9256089

>false. If you have a good personality and you aren't completely autistic an actual girl is easy to get. Aside from anomalies in some dating markets females today are having MORE sex and giving it away for less commitment and "upfront" costs like marriage, etc
Yes. To the top 10-20% of men. The rest is hung out to dry. Why do you think prostitution still exists today? If every dude could get laid ezpz for free literal whores would be run out of business. If you truly must have sex, prostitutes are indeed a much better way to get your fix than "real" women, from a purely economical perspective of allocating your resources namely time and money.

>> No.9256151

None whatsoever.

>> No.9256209

you can't get a non-fat white girl without being in the top 20% of men. america is 56% white, so about 28% white female, and about 25% of white women are obese, giving you a figure of about 20%. Coincidentally, 80% of men are fighting over this 20% of women.

>> No.9256213

In germany a prostitute costs 30 €, how doesthis bring you into a financial crisis. Also, it is a reminder that a pussy is worth only 30 €. This knowledge makes you less of a cuck and you get even more pussy become you become more alpha. Don't know whats wrong here.

>> No.9256478

I have a gf. Its nice to fuck a different pussy every once in a while. I have a chick i go to every few months. Sucks like a champ and has great tits.

So what?

>> No.9256493

paying for sex is what beta ass bitch low T males do.
its basedboy behavior.

>> No.9256525

In the US? Not worth it

In Europe & Asia? Very worth it

> go to Amsterdam red light district

> choose 9/10 cute girl

> bang her

> pay 60 euros

> leave

For 1 hour of your time and 60 euros, you just banged a 9/10 white girl with no baggage or initial investment involved

>> No.9256542

This. Just fucking jerk off in a sock

>> No.9256548

no strings attacked

bacisly. you go in, fuck, pay, game over
nobody to call you
nobody to think about
you are free.

>> No.9256837

You'll never get it. If you're fucking hookers you already don't give a fuck what society thinks about it. You're too busy having fun. Rich men of status fuck hookers even when they're married because they already know the rush you get from a pro who know's what she's doing. You can live out whatever fantasies you have. Once you realize that, the whole "only desperate autists pay for pussy. I'm a chad" mentality goes out the window and you can actually enjoy your one life to the fullest, having sex whenever you want, on your terms. Hobbies can cost money and this is no different, but don't fool yourself into thinking that relationships aren't expensive. You'll also never get your time back from a girl and that's more valuable than anything else. After I bust a few nuts I just want to be left alone, because I'm not horny anymore. Sometimes $50 for a bj at massage parlor might be all you need to unwind without the hassle of asking your girlfriend who just isn't in the mood. Small talk and bullshit with a girl for 4 hours to maybe fuck her, or cum 5 different times in that span while you indulge in a fetish.

I don't understand why this is so confusing to normies.

>> No.9257038

This. Besides the majority of girls are sluts an they aren't even that attractive compared to the high-tier escorts who look like models.
So either I find a good decent gf or I will keep banging escorts until I die

>> No.9257171

you cant reproduce with hookers, thats about it

>> No.9257217

How would you view someone telling you that you need to commit to permanently take care of someone and grant them exclusive rights to your meal preparation for the rest of your life, and if you buy food from a shop you're some kind of sad degenerate loser?
Would that strike you as peculiar? Perhaps a touch overly judgemental? Even economically inefficient considering the price of food?
Why is sex any different?

>> No.9257268

fucking this
once you get emotionally destroyed by one women you really cant be fucked being responsible for placating the never ending fuckery of womens emotions... being there done that

>> No.9257806

I don't want to reproduce anyway and sure as well won't reproduce with some used up slut.

>> No.9257822

Then go to Eastern Europe

>> No.9257952

I spend $400 a month for 2 hours with a woman who is far more attractive than anyone I've ever dated. She's a great conversationalist, gives amazing massages, and has a surprisingly tight vagina considering she's a grandmother. Given that I don't have much more than 2 good hours in me in any given month, it seems like a remarkably efficient use of my time and money. Also, $400 is way less than half of what I make and own, so it's way cheaper than a divorce.

>> No.9257997

fuck off leddit.

>> No.9258123

actually prostitutes is good for my body and my soul.

>> No.9258136

>If you have a good personality and you aren't completely autistic an actual girl is easy to get.


>> No.9258346

>don't just stare at it sabrina eat it.

>> No.9258411

>being too much of an autist to disregard actual sage advice.

stay a virgin anon.

>> No.9258490

Falling for the personality meme. I have garbage personality in traditional sense and what the OP means and get plenty. Lift. Pass shit tests. Give zero fucks. Personality? lol

>> No.9258518
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roflmaobbq, please let this be true

>> No.9258549

i've said this before, i'd rather wank into a sock than spend time with a xanax taking hip hop liking woman

>> No.9258571

I have this fantasy of being rich and paying straight men to let me fuck them but if they enjoy it or cum I won't pay them. And like really pound them hard

>> No.9258670

Well said.

>> No.9258713

Let’s be realistic if you’re paying for sex you’re not chad enough to go slay pussy at a bar like a true alpha you manlets betas need to die off already

>> No.9258718
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And for those of you complaining that you "only want a fit qt white girl that is trad" - look at yourself. If you're fat, non-white, slovenly, ugly, etc- then that's on you. Learn to settle for someone that is within your range of attractiveness. These faggots that expect a 10/10 qt to be given to them when they are a 2/10 manlet and have the personality of a toilet brush seriously need to off themselves.

>> No.9258765

Are you a fucking faggot?

>> No.9258817
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it's unironically true

>> No.9258839

came to this thread to commend your taste and devotion

>> No.9258944
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>In other words the only thing you have to do in today's age in order to attract a girl is make her like you for who you are
I can't change my body much, so you are effectively (and truthfully) saying I can't.

Looks determine everything else. The exact same behavior is interpreted positively if good looking and negatively if not, actual personality is close to irrelevant.

>> No.9259056

the only reason why Im not fucking hookers is because I NEED more chainlink

>> No.9259058

I agree, the whole "Yes! I'll finally be able to pay for sex!" mindset always baffled me

>> No.9259197

>they are cheaper than dating
why wouldnt you do both? are you a faggot? you can date women for "free" and also fuck tons of prostitutes on the side. this is the gayest thread on biz.

>> No.9259218

kek. you are a SERIOUS faggot and I mean that in the homosexual way not the slang way

>> No.9259229
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because money is nothing to me, i'm rich as fuck. I lose nothing, waste no time, and get to own another human being.

>> No.9259337

tbqh, anyone that has sex before being in a committed relationship is a degenerate.

>> No.9259424

That's a good personality. You pass shit tests and don't give a fuck. Would friend/10

>> No.9259620

If women knew the meals they cook are shittier and would be cheaper than store bought food there would be pandemonium. As long as she doesn’t put a price tag on her food, she can pretend hers is better

>> No.9259808

shit fuckin thread, sage

>> No.9260384
File: 2.72 MB, 1920x1080, faith schroder.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking one girl's pussy indefinitely until she gets naggy and wants marriage a/o fat and ugly and paying her way for shit
You do realise you can get multiple girls, right? I'm an average looking 5'9 manlet and have nearly 1k tinder matches this year, slept with 6 cuties (that lay rate lmao). If you practice talking to women you won't have to spend a single penny, let alone waste THOUSANDS on prostitutes

>> No.9260858

>1 post by this id

>> No.9260890

You faggots don’t get it. You aren’t paying them to fuck you, you’re paying them to leave.

>> No.9260959

I had a buddy goto Thailand for six months. He was a wash with the women. When he came back he slayed. He got used to talking to women. When he came back he had no fear of talking to ANY women and he cleaned up.

>> No.9260973


The way I see it is like buying product or groceries. Instead of putting in the effort to grow your own tomatoes and make sure they're pesticide free and all that bullshit I'd rather just go to the grocery store and buy their tomatoes and move on with my life.

Also, this

>> No.9261107

>the paying them to leave maymay
yea im sure the sex has absolutely nothing to do with it

>> No.9261133

Since you’re a virgin I’ll break it down for you. You’re paying for the emotional detachment. You’re paying for them to not get attached. You think in your incel virgin brain that you are paying for pussy, but that’s not what you’re doing in reality. You probably think strippers like you, too, huh.

>> No.9261165

OP, one day you will realize that prostitutes and "real women" are one and the same.

>> No.9261172

I live in Amsterdam, also been once or twice on a drunk night.

The thing most incels here don't understand, is that paying for sex is =/= the same as a girl thats horny for you. its like paying to have a wank with another persons body.

Having sex with someone who appreciates and loves/cares for you, is one of the most holy things alive. Its almost akin to buying friendship, it wouldnt work.

>> No.9261184


goodness you're pathetic and projecting

>> No.9261202

I'm married. I've been single. I've had my share of girlfriends. But through all of that, the idea of buying sex has always been appealing I guess because there's kind of a novelty attached to it. It's an experience and experiences are for accumulating, right? If no one's getting hurt, I don't see a problem.

>> No.9261308

yea im sure you cant kick a woman out of you bed for free

>> No.9261538


Are you me?

>> No.9261562
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>> No.9261623

Just because you're paying for it doesn't mean she can't be into it herself.

>> No.9261714

This. Divorce rape, rape accusations and paying for child support when it isnt yours (or you think its yours) will wagecuck you forever. Pay them to fuck off

>> No.9261742

>he cant afford to get divorce raped
how poor r u

>> No.9261766

Nah. I want to buy things I want, not pay for her bullshit bro

>> No.9261774

Gay as fuck

>> No.9261803
File: 124 KB, 680x422, 1525154452919-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that projection
>Paying hookers for sex
>fucking with condom
>thinking that's actual sex and not masturbation
>paying to masturbate

>> No.9261834

>hes too poor to do both
yep u poor as fuck

>> No.9261848


> one of the most holy things alive

Maybe. But men are killing themselves and others because they can't obtain it. Maybe we've hyped up "real sex" too much?

>> No.9261860

You're right bro :)

>> No.9261908

If you use lube, then there's not that much difference

>> No.9261914

this guy thinks with the right head

>> No.9262117

Well they are shittier. There's no doubt about that. I don't actually see them as even caring that much, I think most of the women I fuck think that meal prep as a skill is something only women in the fifties cared about, and will actually proudly declare their inability in that realm.
They won't say the same about being subpar lays, but compared to professionals, that too is generally true.

>> No.9262129
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Is it worth losing your virginity to an escort?

>> No.9262329

Try to see if there's any other way to avoid it. Shortly after high school, I returned to my old ex and found out our relationship was amazing. I cash out a bit here and there to pay for our bi-monthly trips so we can enjoy ourselves.

Fellas, I've been with her for 4 years and everyday is a goddamn blessing. I think I'm going to cash out completely the next bull run and tell her about my funds. I don't even drive a nice car, I look like a major poorfag and she still loves me. I think I'm going to marry her.

Dubs decide how I do it

>> No.9262452

Its fun to fuck a 8-10 once in a while and be able to do about whatever the hell you want to her for the right amount of money. I am absolutely incapable of holding a relationship but I still want / need to get my dick wet. Also once you become a regular (few times a month) you can actually have fun even if you are the most awkward motherfucker in the world. All these girls care about is money, and they'll pretend to care and be whatever you want to extract as much out of you as possible. If you have the money and find the right prostitute you can definitely find some quite entertaining balance (as long you are not one stupid motherfucker who develops feelings for a prostitute).

I pay about 1000$ a month to fuck such whores 2-3 times a month. Its 100% worth it.
Sometimes high on XTC or 2CB and literally spend 12 hours fucking eachothers brains out....good luck finding a girlfriend like that.

>> No.9262478

> is that paying for sex is =/= the same as a girl thats horny for you.

> Having sex with someone who appreciates and loves/cares for you,

These are two different things. Appreciates/cares is not horny for you.

Sorry to break it to you but.. you haven't reached it if your women are just "appreciating" you.

>> No.9262555

Nothing can come close to raw dogging a vag. Not even lube on condom.

>> No.9262624

Put the ring on your dick and fuck her.

>> No.9263540

I want them to be attached to me tbqh

definitely not

the whole point of losing your virginity is validation that someone liked you

if you pay a hooker to have sex, it's just expensive masturbation

>> No.9263881

looking at a girl and 3 minutes later she's sucking your dick is underrated.
you can't do that without being
a) rich as fuck
b) celebrity
c) very very good looking

>> No.9263910

>>If you have a good personality and you aren't completely autistic an actual girl is easy to get
>stopped reading
I think that "if" there is very important because 4chan falls in the "else" block

>> No.9264003


you just got shitty hookers. the asians work for it

>> No.9264015


this. just got back from chile where you can bang 19 year old venezuelans for $40

in my city (Miami) whores cost $400 an hour. its insane

>> No.9264069


I'm gonna do this when my Linkies moon. Facesitting is the most high test fetish there is.


Because I like capitalism, I like the simplicity of transacting money for sex, and I don't want to waste time chasing a woman. Also there are no exceptions of me when fucking a whore. She's there to entertain me, I don't have to worry about her feelings or interests. I can get her to just do whatever the fuck I want no problems, no doing anything for her. No problems when I cum and immediately lose all interest either, no finishing her off, she goes straight out the door.

>$500 for a whore

That is unbelievably expensive, for that money you better have gotten a high class escort.

>> No.9264093


I've literally had whores cum from me fucking them and they want to make out with me afterwards but I wont let them. Whores get horny too and if they like you it's no different to fucking a girlfriend. I've had whores do things I never even asked for, they go above and beyond to please you if you aren't an obese faggot.

I have to say, fucking a good whore is literally no different to fucking your gf.

>> No.9264176

Ahahah, this

>> No.9264197


Jesus, typical keyboard fucking warriors.

I've had 1 hot prostitute, sure she was cash, but still the element of "your hour is up" vs, Screwing her brains out all night long, taking coke off her ass, feeding it her and keep going is TOTALLY diff than fucking whores.

whoever says it aint, your lying or paying your whore so much cash you might aswell pull chicks.

And fuck yeah, ofcourse being horny isn't the same as appreciation and affection. You get what i'm trying to say.

I'm not saying whores don't have their place, they do. I agree with you pay for the emotional detachment. Normal girls get jealous, play games etc etc. but with that comes a certain type of devotion/willingness to serve in the bedroom that you just won't find with 90% of whores.

And if you do find it with 1, how nice is it knowing she probably blew 4-5 guys before you that day, and her pussy is fucking worse than an elastic stretched a 1000x

Say or think what you want, but these are my experiences.

>> No.9264282
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To add: The typical experience in Amsterdam is this: Pay 50 euro, enter, undress, while she undresses, puts on condom, 5 min BJ with condom (WTF), then 10-15 mins of sex, till you cum, get dressed and your outside.

How is that better than having something like pic-related, who you can smoke spliffs with and command to suck you multiple times.

Go cry your neonazi polshit you self-hating gameless nub.

Saged by tyrone.

>> No.9264297


What a dumb post.

Go read this thread and see how many people said they wanted some traditional white girl. You aren't on /pol/ your on /biz/. I would hate to have a traditional white girl.

Also stop using the word "trad" it's cringey.

>> No.9264317

They are not men. They are basedboys.

Get gud, and separate yourself. Or cry like a faggot and commit suicide. Nature is a bitch, she don't give a shit.

Survival of the fittest, literally.

>> No.9264343



>> No.9264349


Kek, I did the same thing. Went over to Thailand a few years ago as a betafag. Came back a Chad, I got myself a white gf almost immediately after returning home.

Whores are great practice for real women. But after having white gf's I realize I prefer whores anyways.

>> No.9264441

The appeal is that here on Venezuela they cost like $10 including hotel and I'm paying using imaginary internet money.

>> No.9264542

Isnt venezuela a bit of a dangerous place to go now, literally 0 food there atm?

>> No.9264758

your not paying for the sex, your paying for them to leave after your done

>> No.9265196

>What's appeal of paying for sex?
Prostitutes won't tell your wife.

>> No.9265345

>And fuck yeah, ofcourse being horny isn't the same as appreciation and affection. You get what i'm trying to say.

No I literally don't. Affection and appreciation sounds like shit that nice guys get from their wives who are off banging chad.

If you mean that your chick gets wet for you and wants to bone you then sure, but that isn't exactly normal and it doesn't happen with JUST personality.

>> No.9265408

For the record I don't have huge problem with hookers, more with the idea that "muh personality" is all that is required.

Unless you go into what you mean we have to assume it is the nice guy garbage trope :)

>> No.9265466


>> No.9265506
File: 142 KB, 800x535, chad vs incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just have a good personality, bro.

>> No.9265532
File: 2.94 MB, 360x640, just lower your standards bro.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> If you have a good personality and you aren't completely autistic an actual girl is easy to get

>> No.9265539

Paying for girls like the one on your webm is better than having to run numbers game to get Chad's leftovers.

>> No.9265546

>Is not cool to have sex with some drug addicted girl or break the law and transgress against society.
It's been "cool" to break the law and transgress against society for a very long time, my roastie friend.

>> No.9265555

Amsterdam is shit for whoring due to the regulated culture (a positive to be sure). Go to Thailand or Cuba where theres more grey and you'll find the differences btw a gf and whore diminished.

>> No.9265600

Because women don't go for guys who "break the law" right ?

Because women nowadays are exactly the same as whores, but more likely to throw tantrums and fuck you over.

Come back when women are decent people again, until then let us enjoy our contractual sex with prostitutes.

>> No.9265674

she is fat!

also she looks like she already hit the wall

>> No.9265791

Just got hard from reading this, thanks.

>> No.9265883
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Im assburger and cant talk to real girls. Paying a couple of hundreds a month to fuck pretty things and get a bit of human warmth aint much

>> No.9265915


>> No.9265939

It’s edgy af boy. You just straight up fuck a 9/10 hoe and its clean. Many of my friends have wives and fuck prostitudes because wife gets boring real quick.

You can get some freebies from tinder and bumble but meh it’s not clean at all. They fucking nag you if you fuck em too good. Plus you get to do some real kinky shit with whores that you can’t do with regular girls. Prositution is very demeaning and empowers men.

>> No.9265940

>most women are so liberal today that they aren't even against the idea of casual sex/hookups
This is the problem. Loveless sex hardens you and produces loveless cynical people. Women don't even try to approach the feminine ideal anymore so they become gender neutral sperm receptacles that paint their faces to pretend they are still capable of human emotion like blushing. If all women provide is sex they are worth about $50 but that's not your fucking job you dumb whores. You're job is raising children, embodying the ultimate ideal feminine mother, not being whores or competing in areas where men dominate you easily like the workplace.

>> No.9266234

this, totally.

most women I come across are incredibly broken.
they may wear tons of make up and constantly smile like retards to hide it but their eyes are dead. DEAD. DEAD. DEAD !

they can't be capable of love in this state; they can fake interest (sex being their main hook, as usual, so much for not wanting to be objectified) to try to catch some chad who they will later claim was the love of their life when he is done fucking them.

if I am to date some girl I go for the "emo", the "weirdos", read: the ones that don't hide behind a facade, the ones who don't hide their true feelings, the ones that don't use cake-up constantly; because at the end of the day you can't date someone long term based on lies!
whilst they come with their own issues at least they are honest about it and you can clearly see they still have a soul when looking into their eyes.

and this is why to me 95% of women are now essentially soulless try-hards craving for attention they hope will fix all their problems.

if all you are looking for is dumping a load in a soulless living doll then a prostitute is now the best way to go about it. (note: some prostitutes are actually less dead inside than the average woman, because again, honesty)

if you are looking for something more serious with a true companion, well good luck with that. (hint: you won't find that kind of girl in a bar, club, tinder etc; it is most likely going to be some random life event)

>> No.9266287

Gothic chicks are the shit my man

>> No.9266397

>Having sex with someone who appreciates and loves/cares for you, is one of the most holy things alive. Its almost akin to buying friendship, it wouldnt work.

Yeah, asshole, and if that were obtainable for all of us then we would be doing it.

A sizeable proportion of the people I know in relationships are at each others throats all the time or breaking up. As for the rest, I can't think of one example that is not in a downward tendency. Not fucking one.

>> No.9266421
File: 14 KB, 201x240, C5F8A50E-B0FA-4EFB-95FB-4F41EC46F519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be touchless virgin
>don‘t belong to the 70% of humans that have to deal with herpes in their face
>no clingy cunt annoying me all day wanting to do things and waste my money
>don‘t have to listen to retarded woman drivel
>without cunts annoying me it was super fucking easy to become rich
Feels good man

>> No.9266441

kek y'all are the broken ones

>> No.9266526

kek which reminds me of a recent situation

>drunk group congregates outside outside a wedding party
>we're trading stories about the married couple
>mood is good
>suddenly conversation turns to marriage
>guy who has been married 6 years starts talking about how he loves his wife but it's "strange" how they got married so young
>guy carries on about wondering about what he missed out on
>awkward looks are exchanged

>> No.9266549

Honestly, who isn't?

>> No.9266578

I do whatever I want, ass face.

>> No.9266671

Holy shit it's that cheap? In Italy it's at least 100€ unless you wanna fuck a fob monkey

>> No.9267013

How does one approach a prostitute out in the street? I've never had to and am not really sure how to do it. Not back page or anything, actually seeing them. When I was maybe 14 I was in Poland on vacation walking the main city Square at night and I saw 2 scantilly clad 10/10 whores who made my 14 y/o peepee stand on end. My cousin referred to them as some sort of euphamysm for girlfriend so I knew they were whores. How could I have gone and approached them? Just walk up and start a conversation then find a local hotel after we both know what's up?

>> No.9267236

Get the fuck off. this is crypto thread

>> No.9267403

The problem isn't dating a girl, its keeping one. They all have had 20 partners and compare you to all of them. Within 2 years she wants new D again.

>> No.9267641

Actually this. I've fucked a bunch of girls but getting a quality one (fit/pretty) to stick around for the long haul is the real challenge.

>> No.9267705

German here, I have a brothel around the corner. It's 50€ for tight 20 yo Eastern Europe pussy. Cheaper than taking out a for dinner

>> No.9267873

Close enough, I'll do it

>> No.9268052

100% right. And the fact that everybody gets mad at this post is hilarious. Some heavy cognitive dissonance effort there.

>> No.9268082


>> No.9268370


good points until you tried to gatekeep a word, which is pretty dumb

>> No.9268407

Ok getting a woman is a challenge to me, not so much because of looks but because of my level sof anxiety that translates in awkward body language usually.

I did however get a few girlfriends and indeed sex with them was superior to sex with a prostitute.

But, there is an abondance of available prostitutes who won't fuss about my shy disposition and shortage of women who will overlook the shyness to get to know me better.

>> No.9268483


larp on son, larp on

>> No.9268891

Dating, if your goal is a healthy longterm partnership (I would say lifelong, but that is so rare it's laughable), is a fucking minefield. I am not surprised some guys turn to whores.