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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 399x385, l04he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9253067 No.9253067 [Reply] [Original]


I can't believe suckers still fall for crap like this. It is like I am sitting at a bitconnect presentation. "You, yes YOU", "We are on the brink of something big!". People are so easily manipulated into FOMO. That is what I love about crypto--the manipulation aspect. This whole market exists to take money from the stupid and move it to the intelligent.

>> No.9253259

You can't have 500 B marketcap ( don't yell ) without believers.

>> No.9253289

Sell signal

>> No.9253297
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Lets tell them big banks are buying even though prop trading was made illegal years ago lol

>> No.9253300

>those comments

Reddit truly is cancer.

>> No.9253324

Blows me away how much dumb money is in this game. It is a beautiful thing.

>> No.9253331

This cringey shit is the reason I've been shadowbanned on 7 reddit accounts

would be more but you need karma to post on these echo chamber subs

>> No.9253355
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>> No.9253364

That style of writing sickens me. I just hate when things are so wordy and read like a fake motivational speech. As long as it keeps people buying or at least not selling I suppose.

>And your all a part of it my friends.

>> No.9253372

Honestly, the way crypto has evolved is incredible. It has basically become a cult where suckers have been tricked into "hodling" for eternity while others are actually making a profit. People have been tricked into believing this will go up indefinitely, and these subreddits play an important part. If anyone even so much as posts a neutral outlook, everyone starts frothing at the mouth.

>> No.9253396

and they claim biz is autistic

>> No.9253506

while they're retarded, remember it's better to be on the right side for the wrong reasons than to be a smug asshole caught with your pants down
never sell 100% of your stack, keep at least a little bit just in case your analysis is wrong

>> No.9253569

>those comments
Wew. Reddit truly is retarded pretending to be smart

>> No.9253679
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>> No.9253746
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>> No.9253757


>> No.9253789


>> No.9253898

>Knew about Ether when it was one dollar
>Thought the crypto ponzi was over since it has run out of libertarians/nerds to buy for a higher price

We could still be the early majority imo.

>> No.9254024
File: 259 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For fuck sake

>> No.9254395

Groupthink + survival bias

>> No.9254470

Don't we talk like this?

>> No.9254545

I don’t think so. Trend is dying on Google search. Awareness of pros AND cons of cryptocurrency have peaked. I think people who are still left are scammers, delusional idiots, and traders who see this as a game of high stakes musical chairs.

>> No.9254619

>an entire thread made just to FUD

>> No.9254781

Well said, anon

>> No.9255344
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>> No.9255916


>> No.9255943


>> No.9256776

I'm the real spiderman!

>> No.9256806
File: 135 KB, 1024x690, 1524843708460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning how Creepto "economy" works taught me there's no limit to people's stupidity. It's quite remarkable there's any difference between human and chimp society.

>> No.9256817

Stages of a bubble:

face it. Redditors are smarter than you and know what's coming.

>> No.9257365

google trend is good to determinate the top of a bull run, not to see when a bull run is starting... when we pass through 15k we should see google trend start picking up again for a new price ath

>> No.9257886

In the US, not rest of the world. I can tell you that Scandinavia's biggest bank is buying crypto.