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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 44 KB, 579x800, SYNTHPRES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9249096 No.9249096 [Reply] [Original]

Listen up guys, I made this telegram channel for the HOLO moonboys because I don't want you to get dumped on. I have been in crypto since 2013 and I have seen it happen too many times where my /bizbros end up buying the top. I have been holding Skycoin from when it was just a penny and I genuinly believe Synth is the most capable of delivering the internet we need. Please /bizbros take a look in the channel and soak up Synth's autistic genius


>> No.9249288

The fact that holo yolo aready has bigger MC than sky baffles me.

Awesome channel mate always interested in hearing synth's rants, the guy might be crazy but he's a fucking genius.

>> No.9249380
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>> No.9249700

Skycoin is a fucking scam that pushes back every deadline. They don't have real product.

Their obelisk algorithm is not working.

Skywire is not working, and Synth started complaining about how it wasn't working a few days ago.

They are disorganized.

They spend more time on Kitty Cash than the actual project.

If you're reading this, please stay away from Skycoin.

>> No.9249740

I know some billionaire crypto, software people and one of them told me that they were not interested in long term, technology focused coins (with real hardware/software, or which are actually useful) because at this stage of the market, they could make a larger return investing in pre-ICO pump and dumps and scam coins

They do not want their money tied up ($1 million tied up for 4 years) when they can make 50x, by buying shit coins at a 90% off insiders discount and then dumping them on the market after the ICO

You should not think of this as a serious market. Its really driven by day traders and people looking to gamble. Its not driven by fundamentals, but by human emotion

People are doing ICOs and just stuffing the money into their pocket personally (like the Tezos founder stuffing 20 million into his pocket) from money that is supposed to goto the project. Then the founders just split up the ICO money and leave. Or hire a shell marketing firm (you can completely outsource your whole marketing operation now, like cloud marketing, or cloud companies, lmao, completely fake company for hire and just outsource white paper, outsource marketing, outsource bribing exchanges for listing, ousource social media shilling, etc)

I have seen single OTC and maker makers come in and revalue a coin and make price go up 50x. For no reason. That is just the way the market is

Right now, Skycoin is at a stage, where we want people who are doing something and contributing to Skycoin to get the skycoin. The passive speculators do not add anything to the coin. Everyone is shopping around asking "Which coin is going to moon?", "Is this coin going to moon next week?", "Am I going to make alot of of money tomorrow, without doing anything, if I buy this coin", lol

"Which coin is going to get me rich the fastest, without having to do any work?"

So far the Skycoin price has been too stable and even scaring off speculators and day traders, because its no an exciting market to gamble in

>> No.9249773

im gonna join just because i want a compilation of synth's based quotes

>> No.9249853

Top kek what kind of cult is this?

>> No.9249862

So. The big brain play is to speculate, profit, and dump profit cuts into a sleeper skycoin bag that you check every year or quarter at the most frequent?

>> No.9249885


Thanks just sold 100K.

>> No.9250064
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>> No.9250210

sounds like a plan, im in

>> No.9250445
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I read the quotes and there's quite a few stupid repeating typos.
Are these quotes written by Synth or someone else wrote it by listening his videos or something? It reduces credibility.

>> No.9250517

When the US empire collapses, starting with the $, the US gov will be unable to finance its global network of military bases. USD international trade flows are decreasing and it will cause a budget crisis. Then the US and private companies will start bringing out new industries and technologies (which are difficult to copy or very expensive), that were developed in the 1980s but held back, in order to maintain its export balance.

The technology is all held by private companies, but financed by the government. I am not even sure if there will be a "government" after this or what will happen. When empires collapse, it can be very violent and chaotic. Traditional government structures may collapse, become paralyzed, inept or simply irrelevent.

Governments who are printing money to pay their policy, military and bureaucracies are going in implode if there are soveign defaults or they cannot print money to buy their own bonds. The US, EU and Japan are already printing up money to buy its own bonds (which is why the bond interest rates are going negative).

Mathematically, there is no way to solve the problems (demographic problems), so the only choice is to let the structure collapse on itself. Then hoard and privatize anything that may be useful in the upcoming conflict in the decline of the empire, then the finantial, corporate interests will try to establish some kind of new order on ashes of the old.

blockchain will be used to create a transnational or supra-national finantial or economic order above the nation state. It is essentially impossible for governments to regulate or control and will increasingly be essential for invest and international trade. Blockchain makes the nation state unnecisary for enforcing legal and finantial contracts or mediating ownership rights between people.

coins all fake. They are just like a penny stock pump and dump. None of the existing platforms or coins meet the requirements as the base infrastructure for what is required

>> No.9250638

The movie, "Wall-e" is actually the plan for the future. Robots will do all the work and the masses will be obese, 600 pound "people of wallmart" who have to ride around in "personal mobility vehicles".

There are already parking lots for the personal mobility vehicles in Vegas.

>> No.9250686



>> No.9250764

That's Synth himself.
He writes stuff wrong consistently, probably rushing his thoughts onto his screen like a madman.

>> No.9250792

Weak sauce fud, you need to step up your game big-time if you want to shake out the Skycoin holders.

>> No.9250813

Synth is a deranged psychopath.

>> No.9251026

He is /our deranged psychopath

>> No.9251168

Synth's goal are the same as hilter's goals, world domination.

How you really going to back a sick twister person like him?

>> No.9251651


>> No.9251702

Lord Synth is our Savior

>> No.9251758

dubs of truth. im surprised the shills are so adamant about it, i mean jesus fuckin christ its so blatantly scammy

>> No.9251793

Look at this inorganic coordinated shilling. go back to your telegram you fucks, no one falls for it

>> No.9251814
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>Synth's goal are the same as hilter's goals, world domination
Hitler never wanted world domination, Synth is more dangerous than Hitler and Stalin combined

>> No.9251861

Only bad part is they have no marketing and communication. Thenteam is silence for a month and then suddenly they release something.

>> No.9252031

what's scammy about SKY?
do you have any idea how many billionaires and institutions are backing up skycoin?
Sky is not one of your scammy erc20 projects which consist only in a generic idea without an actual use case

>> No.9252365

>shitting on top 20
Can someone redpill me on why he thinks platform coins like EOS ETH NEO QTUM VEN and others are scams?
In case of crypto success I can see world assets existing as tokens on regional blockchains allowing for regulations compliant, trustless, global value exchange.

>> No.9252731

Most coins/tokens just started recently without any real development or product and are already in the billions of valuation. Most are just ERC20 tokens and spend more energy on marketing their token instead of solving real issues. The whole market is just a pump and dump but on different scales. TRX, XRP and even BTC is just a huge pump on dump. A good example is DOGE, I recommend reading Wolong - god.pdf


>> No.9252897

how is it fud?

>> No.9252922

>less than 200 million market cap

>> No.9252978

he's said that eth and qtum are good projects before, in the context of his post he's talking about the value of the tokens themselves not being worht near as much as the market cap, and how the market will move to things with actual value over time

>> No.9253008

I understand pnd part,Skycoin itself was a target of pnd right?
There are blatant scams in top20 like XVG and TRX as well as some legacy shitcoins like LTC and DOGE. ADA, IOTA and XLM are probably also shitcoins, but ETH and QTUM are legit, maybe NEO VEN, these are not exit scams. Whales obviously control market movements, but that's the nature of unregulated market.
Does Synth just assert dominance?

>> No.9253073

KEK you have to be a fucking retard to not understand whales first accumulate, pump, distribute, dump and repeat. This is why you will stay poor

No Synth is just an autist

>> No.9253437

jsut fomod into another 600 SKY on craptopia. plz dont lose my sky you fucks.
sky is life.

>> No.9253862
File: 71 KB, 800x718, SKYDRAKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SKY feels like Ethereum back in the day. Exactly because it is developed by early BTC and ETH developers

>> No.9254537


>> No.9255094

cryptopia works well right now.
new exchanges coming.
non-sky bizlets gonna get a severe diaper rash soon.

>> No.9255506
File: 1.63 MB, 3148x2348, Skycoin-Mad-King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Hail Synth

>> No.9255670

there are just too much red flags
they are constantly claiming to be better than anything and have exactly nothing so far
also the ico
oh wait, they constantly claim there was no ico

lets have a look at old btctalk threads:
>There are 100 million coins. We have sold about 600,000 of them 0.6%. We plan to sell between 1% ICO/IPO, before price floats. To ensure good return for early investors, will try to keep coins scarce.

now they claim there will only be 25 mio sky
where are the other 75 mio?
where are they synth?

you would'nt dump on me after your cult does all the marketing for you, would you?

>> No.9255685

fyi, the ico price (for the ico who never was)
was 2500 sky = 1 btc

>> No.9255729

If you want a redpill on this coin?

Never mind, the mental gymnaatics from shills are too entertaining.

Why yes anon, buy the $600 box with 6 $2 chink pis and no means of actually providing internet.

>> No.9255732

miner 1489
and 3 more in the 5300s

once I heard that autistic fuck laugh and start rocking back and forth I went all in no stops.

>> No.9255806
File: 71 KB, 500x700, SYNTHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>once I heard that autistic fuck laugh and start rocking back and forth I went all in no stops.

The only reason I hold so much Sky is because of Synth

>> No.9255807

hes a divergent thinker. You can tell hes thinking and connecting topics faster than hes speaking by way of body language and how he flys through and is able to connect wildly different subject matter.

>> No.9255854

so they will basically do an endless ico

and calling eos a scam

>> No.9256030

100 million is still the max it could go up to, there's just 25 million - circulating supply available now for the devs to unlock, and they've said after that is distributed the quickest the rest will be distributed is 5 million/year (but can be lower). They're still figuring out the best way to distribute to make sure the project actually goes somewhere and achieves something valuable, and using the undistributed coins as market incentives to push skywire makes sense

>> No.9256049

How many people actually realize skycoins obelisk consensus does not work? Not a FUD but fact. Both of them Obelisk research papers have been withdrawn by the original author more than a year ago due to "crutial theoretical defects". Its a multi million dollar hoax. Can't these shilling noobs simply spend 10 sec to fact check on arxiv.org? Apparently they won't.
https://arxiv.org/abs/1501.06238 https://arxiv.org/abs/1507.03927

>> No.9256269

Both are revised as of 2017. Where does it say anything about it being pulled?

>> No.9256297

Sky will go nowhere
Sell it now

>> No.9257086

sky will be top 20 eoy.
fuck off with your erc20 garbage.

>> No.9257174


Here's his LinkedIn. He works for a company trying to calculate crypto sentiment. Skycoin is his "passion project," nothing more. But okay, I'm sure he'll make good on all of these lofty promises while still having an actual job :)

>> No.9257236
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Ok, random onlooker here. This thread has so many lies that I felt I needed to make an account to address this post. I'm sitting here, wondering, who is this poster? Paid shill? A stinky linky that's angry HOLO solves the oracle problem? I am SICK AND TIRED of all of these moon kids mad the price isn't moving up fast enough. You think this is easy, kid? Do you have any idea the amount of concentration, strength, and integrity it takes to build a 3rd generation blockchain? You think proof-of-trust consensus builds itself? HOLO developers have been working DAY AND NIGHT to make this happen. I'M SORRY, you don't have the mental capacity to see what is going on here. HONEST review, huh? I'll tell you what HONESTY is: HONESTY is what is driving HOLO and its community to make all of this HAPPEN. You're the same person who called Bitcoin a scam, you should be ashamed of yourself for possibly scaring future investors.

>> No.9257237

He was one of the developers of bitcoin and now he's a billionaire, he doesn't work for a company lmao

>> No.9257248

>billionaires go all in on anything

jesus dude, you get to be a billionaire by turning 1-100 million into 10-1,000 million over and over again, not by buying into corporations (or cryptos) already valued over a billion dollars.

>> No.9257267

Holo is an erc20 token, Synth developed bitcoin

>> No.9257384

Synth didn't develop Bitcoin, he made 1 commit. I'm with this guy >>9257236

>> No.9257387

Did you even check the linkedin page, retard? He's a systems engineer at MarketPsyche. I had a meeting with his boss earlier this month. But go ahead and keep dickriding.

>> No.9257460

Fucking kill yourself faggot

>> No.9257869

>make an account to address this post.

>> No.9258022

Missed that.

Good troll anon. You almost got me>>9257236

>> No.9258081
File: 175 KB, 1242x865, 268F3755-5B6E-48C2-BD85-BDED3F06010C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HOLO moonboy

g0od tRolL aNon. y0u aLm0St GoT mE