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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9248824 No.9248824 [Reply] [Original]

>thinking blockchains with 7 TX is the future
>thinking blockchains is like mainframes, the only rean decentralzed tech
>holding onto coins like BTC and LTC that sucks and are slow and no one below 40 use
>thinking BTC will 10x again
>not realizing stuff like HOLOCHAIN is the literal unironic future

>> No.9249067

Listen up faggot, the whole point of Bitcoin was to build a better, decentralized system than current reserved banking. If you have read the Holo currency paper then you would realize that they achieve scaling by having a central coin supply authority aka The Holo organization (reserve banking).

They also take a percentage of transaction fees to accumulate in their private account. Now the problem with this is that this central account can be compromised. The Holi organization can go corrupt internally and no one would know. This is the reason it is not a valid solution to blockchain scaling.

>> No.9249093


>> No.9249101
File: 66 KB, 541x332, AMB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Masternode details reveal
Partnership with Tesla, Deloitte, GSK, Nestle

>> No.9249116

I'm honestly laughing so hard at how many people are STILL buying this despite the dozens of red flags
>Team with zero relevant background who behave like drugged out hippies
>Team talks about creating new world and how their community isn't interested in making money but in creating the new world with them
>Team has stated that supply is not set and they'll continue adding whenever they see fit
>Team is going to change your tokens for something that literally can not be on any crypto marketplaces, meaning you will have zero liquidity once that happens
>Team's concept is to basically recreate all of planet Earth on their platform, with absolutely no roadmap or plans for how to do it
>Team does not stress security it all, and is building their own unproven DAG, despite the fact that the #1 important thing in the shift to crypto is security
Honestly, be happy with such a quick 10x and fucking sell if you're not retarded. Once this goes down it will never, ever recover. You're all playing with fire.

>> No.9249127
File: 15 KB, 269x269, linktism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not understanding everything is not autistic ancap hurr durr muh federal reserve project

>> No.9249134

This... Why are people being so retarded and thinking Holo is the new holy grail of crypto. Read before investing, it's isn't as hard as it looks

>> No.9249135

>Thinking transaction speed is a bottleneck for blockchains currently
>Thinking security isn't the main reason blockchain will be adopted
>Thinking a centralized DAG with zero emphasis on security is going to offer companies more security than decentralized blockchains
>Thinking a 10x in a week is not an obvious PnD and anyone still holding on at this point isn't playing with fire seeing how far they can go before they get burnt

The ultimate state of holo "investors"

>> No.9249159

>Muh investing
>muh "solid meme teams"
>not caring about only gains

Delusion is real

>> No.9249169

I guess I'm just going to have to accept the fact that you fuckos are not going to fix my typo and I have to be reminded of it over and over until holochain disappears.

>> No.9249204

Buddy, it's not about that. If you got the 10x and you cashed out, you're golden. You're smart. You did great. Took a gamble and won in a major way, I salute that.

But if you are sitting on a 10x thinking it's going to 100x and make you a millionaire, when the thing that 10x'd is a steaming pile of shit, you are fucking retarded. You are very likely to lose most of your gains, if not actually lose money as you cling to your pathetic delusions.

Those are the people I am here to laugh at. Everyone who cashed out, I'm happy for.

>> No.9249210

I would say that long-term gains are supported by the longevity of the project... which holochain doesn't have.

>> No.9249232


You're shilling in the wrong area, but yeah I'm excited for AMB too.

>> No.9249234

go back to plebbit

>> No.9249246

sorry that you'll be reminded of not only your typo but also missing out on holo at these cheap af prices

double whammy

>> No.9249258
File: 11 KB, 300x291, 1523568886940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not understanding software does different things
>thinks facebook run on apache servers because you run it on your boomer 400 Mhz Pentium II server

>> No.9249372

Less than 1c, lose money kek

>> No.9249407
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>> No.9249410

That's an argument? Circulating supply? being a cent or not is irrelevant, people are getting dumber by the day