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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.85 MB, 906x534, from_holo_whitepaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9247996 No.9247996 [Reply] [Original]

If this really is the 2018 moonshot someone on biz is gonna have to convince us that a token that claims is has neither tokens or a coin is valuable.

Is the value of this tied to the amount of processing power on the network?
The more nodes their are the more valuable it becomes?

Someone sort this out quick before we all get fucked.

Screenshot attached.

>> No.9248065

It's not a token, it's HOLOFUEL, brainlet! It won't be able to be listed on marketplaces but when holo creates the new internet literally EVERYTHING will require holofuel. Did you even read the rest of the whitepaper?

>> No.9248091

So does it mean we in a way have our own blockchain when we have a holo wallet and when we make a transaction we create a mutual blochain which verifys each of the individuals past and present transactions and then its linked to a bigger network?

>> No.9248097


Devs have said multiple times that there's nothing preventing HoloFuel from being listed on exchanges, all the exchanges have to do is to run a Holo node (just like they're running BTC / ETH nodes).

>> No.9248105

the token thats being traded right now is redeemable for holofuel. which is neither a token or a coin in the traditional sense. how can holofuel be worth 20 billion without a network to consume it?

>> No.9248117

It’s already listed on Hotbit, which is an exchange barely smaller than IDEX by daily volume.

>> No.9248155

This is like trading shells for computing power. I dont know how a fiat valuation will come into it.
If i have a billion dollars worth of holofuel then this means I can get an equivalent billion dollars worth of processing power to AWS? And if it drops by 50% the next day can i only get half the processing power? Defeats the purpose if this currency doesn't turn into a stable coin.

>> No.9248158

This is probably the most deluded thing I've ever heard, worse than stinky linkies

>> No.9248195

If you don't want to be rich then don't buy it. They're literally recreating the Internet, they already have made new Slack, new Twitter, and soon everything is going to require holofuel. You'll have to buy in eventually anyway, might as well get it cheap.

>> No.9248223
File: 55 KB, 693x513, holojewed1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Centralized Shitcoin

>> No.9248227

Its a mutual credit system.
I dunno how buying it with FIAT makes sense.

>> No.9248237

>which is neither a token or a coin in the traditional sense.
yes this made sense, it's clearly a fuel not a coin or token. totally different, it's a new paradigm

>> No.9248273

lmfao here comes the dump
rip to everyone that bought over 150

>> No.9248305

Its like fuel in communist russia where the price (or computing power you receive) will be fixed.

Im not a complete FUDDER im holding some. But some one has to explain... if this goes to 20 billion dollars market cap and there is no store of value then that means that there will have to be enough computing power on the network to support this valuation.

>> No.9248352

Hey, they sold 1000 Holo-boxes with i5 processors
That's 20 billion in computing power, right?

>> No.9248432

The market cap should be about 10,000 dollars based off that

>> No.9248493

>creates a new internet
what about the teams credentials makes you believe they can achieve that?

>> No.9248672

right.. OP here im shitting on the token economics here not the tech.. The tech is fucking solid imo... wont need the team to propagate this..

>> No.9248705

One of their co-founders majored in Comparative Religion in college. The other co-founder is a Quaker (yeah, literally says he's a Quaker on his holo.host profile). Finally, one of the people who they consciously decided was fit to speak in their ICO video, Jean Russell, touts herself on LinkedIn as a "Cultivator of Flows".
Then you have their ICO video (initial ?community? offering). They talk a lot about about health, wellbeing, the "humanness" of the internet, and a whole bunch of other weird, cult-like, hippy shit. No discussion about the technology. Here is a direct quote from Jean Russell in the ICO video, as she explains how the ecosystem works:

"So we have the infrastructure, and now this flow comes in. And the flow, the currency for the ICO, relates to this infrastructure."

I mean, yeah, you get the point. Lots of fluff, essentially zero substance.

One of their founders stated that the money being fed into their ICO is a testament to people's interest in participating in their community. He is convinced that investors in the "placeholder" HoloToken (HOT) aren't just trying to make a profit. His naivety is striking, and concerning. The founders do not want people to buy in simply to make profit. So the typical investor's goal is fundamentally against the entire philosophy of Holo.

They also make it a point to emphasize that they aren't launching this platform to make money. Yet, as the video goes on, they start to talk more and more about the money being raised and how it will contribute to their community.
In conclusion, after seeing all of the shilling on here and 4chan.org/biz, I looked into the leaders of the project, and the community that the founders hold to such high esteem. I was unimpressed. Even though I'm currently looking to add a low market cap moonshot to my portfolio, I'm going to be hard passing on this project.

>> No.9248770

Nice pasta. The tech is fucking awesome.
But their philosophy is anti profit.

Im guessing that they probably gonna ditch that now that their token is pumping?
Everyone has a price.

Arthur Brock could rule the world with an Iron fist f he wanted.

>> No.9248811


>> No.9248908

You guys are confusing the fuck out of me. You tell me I go and buy an ERC20 token, which will transform into something called holofuel. Which they can issue as much as they want of. The holofuel is used to buy computing power. But the holonetwork doesn't need fuel. They basically copied SIA idea as a dapp on their network. (Impressive though). My boomer friends will nver get this!

>> No.9248919
File: 676 KB, 798x770, 1449229171632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys if you haven't realized it yet Holochain is going to be free to use, there is no need to have holofuel to use the network lol.

Listen from 0:40 to 1:05

"it is a way of running applications that requires only the devices of the users themselves. Me showing up as a user is also me showing up as a host so I am paying my own way."

>> No.9249240
File: 28 KB, 350x350, 1338409250079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you've said is incorrect. Even the quote from Matthew Schutte is taken out of context and it doesn't work like that. I could correct you, but I wont. Keep believing that, friendo and stay away from this project.

>> No.9249368

i'm fucking rich EOY