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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9236927 No.9236927 [Reply] [Original]

>ropsten is live
>price goes down

i thought this was supposed to be worth something

>> No.9236954

not in comparison to the king my friend. BTC price goes up = BTC purchasing power goes up. LINK price stays the same but BTC is more valuable. how do you not know this?

>> No.9236961

so the only way for link to be worth something is if btc goes up. I might as well hodl trx and make more money then

>> No.9236979


>> No.9236981


>> No.9237024
File: 422 KB, 1000x557, linkman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ropsten is live
>nothing happens because the only people that know about it are autists that have the pivitoltracker as their home page and already have a huge stack of link
What a mystery.

>> No.9237077

what happen all the normies that would fomo in? i dont see shit happening.

>> No.9237098

>what happen all the normies that would fomo in?
Everyone on /biz/ that would have bought link already has. This isn't a well known token outside of /biz/.

>> No.9237133

Why would any normies FOMO in when the team isn't making their testnet public? Nothing is going to happen until mainnet and they actually start marketing.

>> No.9237146
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a bunch of idiots decided IOTA doing a glorified flowchart diagram on oracles earlier today somehow invalidates the now proven to be working decentralized oracle that is chainlink, so they market sold of course

>> No.9237156

I love that picture

>> No.9237182

If you haven't realised that a news release means price dump by now then you are a failure.

Just keep an eye on the transactions going through and be on the look out for anything interesting going on. We may not find anything or we may get lucky and find further confirmations.

>> No.9237193

enjoy the slow bleed.

>> No.9237207

normies won't fomo in because chanlink is full of reddit fags. you are the normies. get over yourself

>> No.9237208

Hot off the press I just made it. Save it fren it's all yours.

>> No.9237630

what ever you have to say man. i hope you guys are going to be ok in the next couple of days stay safe

>> No.9237683


>> No.9237689
File: 118 KB, 394x404, chainlink new plaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol what are you talking about.
The Q announcement thread in /r/cc doesn't have a single mention of chainlink.
No one knows we're here, no one knows what we're doing. Chainlink is a weird and creepy biz cult.

>> No.9237748

> chainlink is a reddit token
There it is. That's the dumbest shit that I am going to read all day. Well done retarded anon, whoever you are.

>> No.9237978

1.Ropsten isn't even live, it goes live tomorrow.
2. When it goes live no one will know about it, except linklets.
3. Pumps are generated by hype. If there is no hype, there will be no pumps, even after the mainnet release, because no one will know or care about it.

>> No.9237993


>> No.9238010

You know I'm right. That's why EOS and TRON, that are 100% vapoware pump 4x and LINK is still down 40% from ATH and will stay there.

>> No.9238016


>> No.9238018

your not though lol.

>> No.9238412

Sell the news.

>> No.9238443

it is getting culty isn't it. have you heard about all of this Delphi shit?

>> No.9238472


>> No.9238597

you're on reddit you faggot. every link thread is reddit now. upboat my coin 1000 EOY lel
cringiest shit on all the chans. nothing compares. just kys you reddit scum

>> No.9238621

chain link is a cult

>> No.9238698

Strong FUD today...

>> No.9238704


>> No.9238830

Dude after seeing how they acted yesterday I do not want to be associated with that Delphi group. It’s full of a bunch of insecure brats.
I imagine the real Illuminati is conducted with class and professionalism.

>> No.9238839


>> No.9238989

what happened yesterday?

>> No.9239165

Delphi is now actively shilling and fudding their own group, same way they are with their favorite scamcoin

>> No.9239179

not sure if actual idiot or one of these faggot shills

they post cryptically about their faggy dischord group and spam fake drama everywhere

delphiposting deserves a ban imo

>> No.9239601
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>Nothing says class like organizing a global ring of pedophile sex trafficking and blood libel
lurk moar fagit

>> No.9239640

Can't tell if bait or somebody is actually this retarded

>> No.9240359

> if i keep saying that link is a reddit coin i am right, even though it scares reddit away because 4chan likes it and is never discussed
Just keep digging that hole you dumb nigger. I'll pay someone 0.000001 link to bury you once you sit in it.

>> No.9240480
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>> No.9240589


how about mainnet for starters

>> No.9240788

Its amazing how the reddit fags are now all over oracles.. on a coin that doesnt even fucking work

>> No.9240974

This guy fucks

>> No.9241059
File: 59 KB, 600x436, FD242B6C-9858-4F2C-B62D-D8DDF8C68A20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9241099

Hurrrr "sell the new" I are wulf of wallstreet.

>> No.9241118

well you're not wrong but i'd still say chainlink is a really niche token in the grand scheme of things even if a bunch of leddit-like autists meme it daily (hourly)

>> No.9241146

is this advanced fud

>> No.9241231

>solves the biggest technical hindrance for adoption

>> No.9241253
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>> No.9241314
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>> No.9241336


>> No.9241864
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>> No.9242130

what was in the pivotal tracker for 4th of may?

the earliest date is now the 6th

>> No.9242311

Lets spam those LINK niggers with spiderman im getting so fucking sick and tired of hearing about that shitcoin

>> No.9242323


>> No.9242333
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>> No.9243076

lolwtf that timeline

>> No.9243088

Do you seriously think that no one is paid to post about this? What do you want, TV ads?

>> No.9243189

no one is paid to post about link you absolute fucking brainlet. no one even knows about it outside of 4chan. all of smart contract's twitter accounts are deserted wastelands and their product is b2b not b2c. they do not need basement dwellers like yourself to know about their product, they need fortune 500 companies which have mass amounts of data that could flow through the network to know about their product. how fucking hard is this to understand for you poor unfortunate children?

>> No.9243316


>> No.9243742

There's no point trying to correct someone like this. He's one of those worthless shitstains who will end up holding heavy tron bags in 2025 because he falls for garbage tier hypecoins.

>> No.9243761

linkies are so dumb they think a good crypto actually needs marketing

>> No.9243884


Even some shit like Origami is testing their network. That means Sergey must have like 20 coins from top100 already doing that behind the scenes, and Ori is just name dropping Chainlink

>> No.9243949
File: 16 KB, 283x288, 1523609943088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Steve just pulled mad hours yesterday, last thing he was doing was at 2am EST, which can possibly mean the team is doing code run aaaaaaaaaaaaaand that means some niggas are waiting. They were running succesful ETH>LINK contracts yesterday >>9233860

Who's next to announce Chainlink ? Y'all fudders will eat dick big time

>> No.9243984

Chad Link holder here. Just dropped in to say im confy af. Eyes on the prize

>> No.9244160

There will never be any marketing you dumb shit. Who would they market it to? Twitter moon kids?
This is a B2B project, it won't be marketed in the way you think. Just shut the fuck up and stop coping.

>> No.9244224

Staff Sergeant reporting in, just hold the line linkbros and keep stacking them linx

>> No.9244284

I agree. Companies are interested in showing they they are innovative though, so we will likely see posts about how they are using trialing smart contracts and oracles. SIBOS wasn't a secret, and that was one of the most hyped shit ever even outside of /biz/ but most people here came around after that and don't remember. Also anything involving microsoft if that turns out to be true will be huge and likely accompanied with some sort of blog post.

>> No.9244294

Haha OP thinks memes are going to make him rich.

>> No.9244307

mfw sold at sibos like everyone else