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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 509 KB, 631x863, WEWUZCRYPTOFEMNISTS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9230013 No.9230013 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9230047


> more pigs for the slaughter

i don't see the problem, anon

>> No.9230076

nice strawman you got there, shill...

>> No.9230103

>money buys freedom

Woah, what a great insight

>> No.9230106

Cant wait to dump on minorities

>> No.9230126

The logical end of crypto is the end of the nation state. Women are going to wish this never existed.

>> No.9230129


>> No.9230212

Women are helpless and dependent on men, or big government. Given the choice, they’ll take the later because the government won’t make them feel bad about behaving like retarded niggers. Women can’t into independence, that’s a shit meme.

>> No.9230280

Which shitcoins would women buy

>> No.9230317

Whiskers coin

>> No.9230332

Welcome women, to help spread diversity we got a special offer just for women and PoC just send any amount of ETH to this wallet and receive double the amount

>> No.9230359

Bitches will FOMO into what the fuck ever, they will also panic sell. It’s not fucking happening in any meaningful way. Conferences like this let them say yeah, you go stronk womyn! When just about all of these women would rather be home with a couple of white babies and a man with his shit ~80% together.

>> No.9230410

True that anon :)

>> No.9230496

bitcoin cash because girls would cease thinking once they saw how angry and aggressive cashies are
cardano because they feel bad for africans

>> No.9230551

What if these foundations just GIVE women good crypto? Without them being able to sell it for a year? Damn, I don' t want roasties to make it on no effort

>> No.9231130

look it up
it's a thing

>> No.9231173

so a bunch of male neets buying and selling virtual women is going to go far in addressing women's rights?
That's some great logic.

>> No.9231221


>> No.9231288

Whatever the men they hate so much buy.

>> No.9231339

>investing in women
>loses value quickly
well, there's a shocker.

>> No.9231557

chainlink for abusive relationship

>> No.9231570
File: 310 KB, 1142x1061, C1041077-E7C9-4ECA-AABA-C801AC5B661D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes no difference to me. Whatever the women justify in their minds as a worthy coin, short the fucking balls out of it for maximum Lambo.

>> No.9232013

>women in crypto
>they fomo in for me to empty my bags on them
>they fud out for me to fill my bags thanks to them
Sounds good to me.

>> No.9232290

Women can't be independent in crypto. They still need men to actually work on projects so they can complain until they are given half

>> No.9232334

so work makes you free?

>> No.9232339

Corecuck packages

>> No.9232401

What does crypto have to do with vaginas exactly? Women are free to participate in whatever the fuck they want, I don't get the need for support groups like @crypto_chicks.

>> No.9232420

lmao @ all the delusional freaks in here

>> No.9232455

Women and crypto makes no sense. Though the ones on it are above the average roastie on inteligence terms.
By biology woman are risk adverse and crypto is the antithesis of a safe space.

>> No.9232491
File: 104 KB, 883x499, black woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do better than most of /biz/

>> No.9232492

You don't get how women operate yet.
Of course they could quietly work on projects if they wanted to.

They don't want to work. They only want the reward that comes from the work.

All they're going to do is complain

>> No.9232558

Sam Hyde should have never taught those African refugees JavaScript

>> No.9232598

... I see what you did there :)

>> No.9232631

This. This isn't the workforce with HR, this is a bloodthirsty market.

>> No.9232652

that's clearly a guy

>brought a breh

do you not speak nig?

>> No.9232669


>> No.9232758
File: 5 KB, 225x224, screaming_pink_feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will know the face of pink wojak

>> No.9233432

made up jew word. people who use these fake made up jew words are dumb. you are dumb. and a fag.

>> No.9233487
File: 19 KB, 258x245, f4ffd16571eadfeeb5198c76f8e8fc0c57170bc32ba7e10ba19cc9e8ef4dff20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are now an asset that can be bought and sold.

>> No.9234077

just bought 100k

>> No.9234481


>> No.9234812


>> No.9234838


Good. The markets boom when roastie money enters. Know when the REAL money hit the Internet? When computers and smartphones went from a hobby for nerds & a business tool to being a fashion accessory. And social media of course. Since women spend big, advertising dollars follow them in. So if they somehow decide that Ethereum is the new Gucci - we all get rich fucker.....

>> No.9235130

It's one step up from being a liability.