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9227854 No.9227854 [Reply] [Original]

You do realise these fags will try to short the market Into oblivion, right?

They are trading paper not btc they don’t give a fuck about the price

>> No.9228064

You have to explain the operation to the pajeets
The key to the process is the short sale, when a trader borrows crypto from a broker, sells them and hopes to repay the loan with crypto bought later for less. The short seller profits only if the crypto price falls — selling high and then buying low. If the price goes up, he has to buy replacement crypto for more than he made on the ones he sold.
But if he does not sell enough to make the price go down he has to call his friends and ask for help making the price go down!

>> No.9228108

many much thanks yous sirs

>> No.9228128

They would have to buy a bunch of btc in the first place to dump it and get their shorts

>> No.9228148


GS makes more in commissions by making BTC derivatives and selling these products to institutional investors. do you even know how investment banking works?

>> No.9228340


The real fear is how investment banks will enable more market makers. Do you know how easy it's going to be for people to manipulate a decentralized commodity? Market makers are already in incredible positions of power in terms of controlling news and sentiment for equities, bonds, currencies, and more. When you consider that there is no central organization to counter any good/bad news or sentiment on BTC, it's going to be like taking candy from a baby.

>> No.9228400
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be a good goyim now and trust us

>> No.9228471


Oh you work for Goldman? You sit in meetings with Blankfein?
Oh you don't?
Well then maybe you should shut the fuck about what you think they're going to do because you don't actually know shit do you.

>> No.9228858


>> No.9229617

>They would have to buy a bunch of btc in the first place
They already did... BTC devs are FUNDED by banks.

>> No.9229674


>> No.9229698
File: 102 KB, 634x671, 100keoydefinitely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do u have sauce on this?

>> No.9229899

Very nice explained.

>> No.9229930
File: 112 KB, 1000x1000, 1518635873360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Into oblivion

>> No.9229945

implying this past year wasn't employees of the investment banking industry front running the massive bull run that this and other similar things will cause.

>> No.9230276

> He thinks old wall st money wants to help a load of neets become billionaires

>> No.9230297

No they don’t these are paper trades u fucking moron they don’t have to even hold the assets.

More gold is traded in the futures market than even exists in value how do you think that a possible?

>> No.9230576

They're going to make themselves trillions. They don't give a shit about you. If you didn't shake and sell the them already then hold for the ride. Don't be an idiot.

>> No.9230597

Of course faggots. That's why you ride the altcoin run right now until BTC starts pumping. Move into BTC and when it hits a big ol round number, between 50-100k sell it off and wait for the season to start again.