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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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919989 No.919989 [Reply] [Original]

So there's always talk about starting a 'biz' that's a bit more 'permanent' than the regular /biz/, and we always talk about 'team investing', and pooling money together, but there just isn't a place to do that right now for us

I'm putting forth the idea of making a website for us who want a more forum like /biz/ site where we can post our predictions on a daily basis and work together to benefit, because on 4chan /biz/ everyone doesn't give a shit and good information gets lost in archives that not a lot of people have time to look for.

on the forum i could set up a stock prediction discussion section where we predict things about the market, i can setup an 'all you need to know about investing' so newfags don't constantly post the same questions here

we can also setup a college information section and rank degrees from best to worst, as well each of us who are currently doing a degree or working in that field could write up something for it, and we could basically have all that information in one easy spot for newfags and us to look over.

Basically what I'm proposing is a /biz/ Wikipedia type thing, or /biz/ Encyclopedia, where we can all gather and share information, all the while actually having useful information that's up to date.

I'm not looking to make money off of you guys, I don't mind paying the $10 - $15 a year to host it or w/e on a site, the thing I'd like to know from you guys right now is, would you be interested in something like that?

I could password protect the site, and post the password once a week on /biz/ and I would actively ban users who shitpost, and delete irrelevant useless information and/or users from it, so we could have a 'clean' experience, focused JUST around /biz/ information.

>> No.919995

I'm down. Email the link to me when this post gets banned by mods. Uplade3@live.com

>> No.920002


haven't thought of the site name or anything yet, thought id wait for more input from everyone first

but its great to see some interest!

>> No.920005

you really wanna take advice from /biz/? lol

>> No.920006


a lot of the advice given here is useful, but its just not organized well, so that's why it seems useless, but if it was organized, people could actually make a lot of use out of it.

>> No.920012

There are several anons who post constructively and sometimes nail a good buy or sell. The $HEAR guy nailed it after all.

I'm interested OP, here's a bump

>> No.920013

I'll play along too.

>> No.920019

100% down

>> No.920027

Say what you want pleb, but HEAR has earned me quite a bit of money today.

Its not /biz/'s fault you dont listen.

>> No.920093

okay so time to make the site, any ideas for names?

>> No.920286

bump pls

>> No.920287

biznuts.com duh

>> No.920288


>> No.920289

ive got a good name (bizninja.com) how does that sound?

>> No.920430

Shit would be awesome. /fit/ has a very thorough sticky. /fa/gs have a neat one as well.

>> No.920436

i'll come to your site OP. 50% of the people on this board is only here to get some advice from me anyway

>> No.920450
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This morning i was chuckling hard! I was imagining collectively we are still poorfags owning maybe maybe 500 of any one stock. but we all agree to join conference earnings calls and grill them on the plans to improve their shortfalls.

> Hello, this is Anon - representing /biz/natches. First of all we congratulate you all on your quarter performance. What are your thoughts on improving X

.... all the JP Morgan, Merril Lynch, and Goldsman sachs deughbags are on the other line confused as all hell.

>... what the fuuuck?

>> No.920453

That would be hilarious



>> No.920457

I would check out the site and contribute somewhat, go for it OP.

>> No.920463

>mfw we actually turn out to be a good team and those wallstreet cucks are forced to learn dank memes and browse 4chan to find our secrets

>> No.920470

I'd be interested

>> No.920474

I kind of wish there were more tripfags on /biz/ because there's shit advice 95% of the time, and amazing advice 5% of the time and if certain people had track records that'd be pretty cool

>> No.920476


This has been tried before and even on other boards.

The result is always the same

99% of this site consists of teenagers, little kids, neets, and autists.

It's a good idea, but it just doesn't work, because you'll quickly find yourself up to your ears in pure retardation.

The biggest revelation is when you find out that the shit you think is "trolling" on 4chan is stuff that these idiots actually believe.

>> No.920477

Let's do this

People want in, and I suggest that the site has a strict no fucking around policy.

We all need a way of contacting for when the site gets up.

>> No.920511
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Something to remember is the SEC has publicly traded companies by the balls - companies are required to be transparent with their information.

4Chan is not good at lot of things, but one thing we can say 4Chan is good at quickly finding out news before it hits the general public. I think we just need start making an effort in citing sources, troll attempts without sources can be weeded out quickly if we can't verify claims

>> No.920514
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Yo homies. How about one big sticky to redirect people?

Kind of like how /fit/ always says READ THE STICKY. We could redirect them to the 4chan /biz/ affiliate site you are proposing (granted its worthy enough).

>> No.920517

We could even make a shitty free forum on some website, close it to members only, and have a moderation team weed out the trolls and help new members find the correct threads to look for.

>> No.920541

I think the problem with /biz/ is that there are so many different opinions on stocks and the economy that even the smart people can't agree let alone the trolls
That's why it's been hard to organize anything constructive like a sticky on basic reading materials and let alone advice on TA and whether it's bullshit or not

>> No.920552

okay I'm going to make the website now lol

>> No.920553

True. What if we, in the theoretical sticky, outline different styles of trading day trading,short, long -- degrees of risk/reward conservative ~2% Gainz per year "GzPY", moderate 4-5% GzPY, agressive 5-10%, Go balls deep ????%

This way you can tell who the OP's intended audience is. So we can skip boring conservative fags trading coffee commodities and shit

>> No.920556

If we had a sticky I think it should go something like this

[things in parenthesis is the reading material]

--Stock Market (and similar financial markets)
>macro economics (basic reading material)
>types of investment vehicles, and their basics (broker info and general explanations)
>>>fixed income

>stock selection basics (financial statement analysis, comparative analysis, macro trends)
>trading strategies (no opinion on TA except it should not be the first strategy you learn)

--Real estate (should possibly have its own section)
>basic information about renting
>whatever else you need to know about real estate investing


>> No.920560

What type of forum website would you guys like to see? Any favorite forum makers?

>> No.920561

>career opportunities


-Resume's and job searching

>patent guides
>other resources

--Online businesses
>e commerce
>>>ebay etc.


--Other types of business


>> No.920563

the problem is that everything is argued everyday so the sticky would only have the bare minimum of reading material

>> No.920566

I'm sure there are sites we could just link that give a concise explanation
also food futures are gamabling, margin minimums are like 4-10k

>> No.920568


proboards or forumotion? I'm about the buy the domain names right now!

>> No.920573
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>>Get rich quick --> kneepads

>> No.920576

Bruh! I just got an idea, i think i may end up reaching out to Robinhood,and ask them top help sponsor this or at least give us swagg.
We will be educating the masses and shillin their app.

>> No.920578

where does investing in cigarettes fit into this scheme?

>> No.920579


not a bad idea actually, interesting thought

>> No.920580

>implying Robinhood wants to be associated with 4chan.

>> No.920581

Buy a pack go down town sell at markup to bums?

>> No.920583

hmm it would be interesting if they can add enrollment code /biz/ and see how much we influence?

>> No.920584

anything not covered in the main INVESTMENT section should be covered in the very last section

>> No.920586

We are responsible for at least 1/4th of their customers I would guess

>> No.920592

Ok kinda down

>> No.920597

No doubt. Their model is a perfect fit for us poorfags who are willing learn dabble in investing. When the other brokers charge up the ass to buy and sell its a no brainer.
> " Robinhood calculates that in total it has saved its users $5 million in trade fees in just the last month."


>> No.920619
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I just started on the site. More ideas ?

>> No.920621

Is it published yet?
Are there forums

>> No.920625

.ninja is a valid website suffix now

>> No.920627
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Less professional, more pepes plz.

>> No.920628

Just published but it can still be edited, which is good because it needs lots of work on the actual text and other pages.

>> No.920629


nice, so you're the one we can't trust since you just totally steal my idea and fuck up the presentation...

>> No.920632

You should have been quicker bro. That guy at least has something started.

>> No.920633

Well I did ask for advice. I can add you as a co- worker on the site to allow you to make changes, so calm down friend.

>> No.920636

We probably cant trust autistic spergs who get upset when people beat them to the punch either. Just work with the guy.

>> No.920639


i already bought the domain man guys

i also bought the hosting service

and i already started making a site

and I'm in the process of getting the domain name to redirect to the forum site name

i wasn't doing nothing, but i wanted to get something working finished before showing it

I'm not hating on him doing the work, or beating me to the punch, but he could have done a bit more work first bruh

>> No.920644

That great, so can we work together......... or?

>> No.920647

Did you both pay for a site?
One page can be an archive of info, like a sticky, and the other can be the discussion page

>> No.920648
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but srsly more pepes and memes

>> No.920649

Nah I used the crappy free wix layout

>> No.920651


yeah we can work together, I'm just getting the barebones setup and once that's done ill post the link here for everyone to make accounts with

then this weekend ill link it to the real domain

right now its just the forum hosted on proboards, but tomorrow ill make the website for the "sticky" type of website, where we post all the archive info, and this proboards forum will just be for discussions and ill link to both

>> No.920652
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We need the right balance of pepe and memes.

>> No.920653

i was about to brush up on my geocities.com skills. Havent built a site since old SC clans day circa 2000

>> No.920655

We should use the free one for the sticky and yours for the discussion, I would think, right?

>> No.920658

I think we found our mediator. aka mod

>> No.920661

Sounds fine to me. Also, ads for revenue or no ads.

>> No.920662


I won't display any ads yet, and i don't plan on doing it either, but proboards displays their own ads, although they're 'minimal'

>> No.920663

I vote for this

But there must be a Canada section as we have great economy

>> No.920665

Well if I did display ads, they would be as you say "minimal" and website related

>> No.920667

Passive income ideas.. bitcoin mining? ? other shi?

>> No.920668

But anon, bitcoin mining is no longer profitable

>> No.920674


flood it, make accounts, ill authorize them all and choose moderators in a couple minutes / hours

>> No.920675

i considered buying 500$ shii required to make ~$10 month - plug it in my work comp and never shut down my work comp. Let my employer get the bill... take that ~10 and and grow it? meme shit like that?

>> No.920676

A new regulated exchange just opened, it's made by those Winklevoss fags
no joke

>> No.920680

Mod DankBuys pls
I'll try to put the sticky together in more depth

>> No.920684
File: 104 KB, 700x362, eco101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time for dank memes

>> No.920685



global mod

>> No.920687

Agora mod pls

>> No.920688

sigh. time to lose a bit of my anon'ness :( I dont know how to feel. Off to make a anon email account

>> No.920690

Had the same reaction. Got excited then realized I had to sign up.

Maybe I'll just lurk for a while

>> No.920691

Well I'm koilnzel obviously

>> No.920692


i don't give a crap if you use fake email or not, lol

I'm pretty sure that you can use 10 minute mail emails to make accounts, but id recommend a throwaway gmail or outlook or yahoo account

>> No.920695

Just registered, Ricky reporting in. I'll probably lurk more then post since I don't have too much information to contribute unless it's social media/dropshipping related and a few other niche things like AdSense.

>tfw the verification system on it is the same one 4chan uses to let you post

>> No.920700


>> No.920704

bookmark the site guys


when you make posts on /biz/ tell people more information can be found on the site (if you want)

>> No.920709

Mod Enter
Will janitor regularly, got free time to waste

>> No.920712

Angus checkin' in

>> No.920717

I got me a Juno account, feel free to hack if youd like

>> No.920718

could be a cool little forum. I'm in

>> No.920721

Angus is a bit buzzed to be productive, i'll write up some content tommorw

>> No.920723


yep, ill write some stuff up tomorrow as well

time to schleep

no rush, we got loads of time

>> No.920725

Fucking waste of time. 99% of /biz/ are retarded 20 somethings that want to make a buck no matter how unethical it is. It just means that you'll get fucked in the end because everyone here is just looking to do the fucking.

> Shitposting on /biz/ at 36 yrs old. I know a little bit.

>> No.920726


well don't use it if its a waste of time, we don't need you there faggot

>> No.920729
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I don't think anyone has nearly enough money to shill people to bid a stock up for them
Other than that I can't think of a way to rip people off

Speaking of which we should find extremely illiquid penny stocks and shill reddit, or anyone to bid the stock up for us (I'm pretty sure that's essentially what TBEV did to us and reddit)

>> No.920731

just a warning kid.

>> No.920733

nothing personal kid

>> No.920734

How is it a waste of time when the whole point is to make money?. If it is he most efficient way to do it then why wouldn't you? "Ethics" don't pay.

>> No.920735

>old fag jelly he didn't have access to tools for incremental net worth in his 20s..

>> No.920736

I think his point is that because everyone is going to try fucking each other over, the forum won't provide any positive benefit to its users.

>> No.920737

On a different note, does anyone remember the /biz/ thread about an "online only" bank that pays 1% interest? +1 internet to whoever knows the name of the bank/website

>> No.920738

Also you can mod me, but I might not be able to actually be of use all of the time.

>> No.920740


a lot of banks that operate online generally pay higher interest rates than store banks, i know PC financial and tangerine bank (Canada though) do offer higher than average interest rates

not sure about US stuff

>> No.920742


ill see how many mods we need first, already have 1 admin and 2 mods, so 4 people for only a forum with 20 members is enough for now, I'll add 1 mod, every 10 users from now on, and you'll be next.

>> No.920743


Damn sadly i'm in the U.S. The name is on the tip of my tongue, I just can't remember it I just remember something along the lines of them reimbursing you for ATM withdrawal fees too.

>> No.920744

There's no way to fuck people over unless
1. You GIVE someone your money
2. You have fuck loads of money and you get tricked into buying a stock (a penny stock most likely)

>> No.920747

>bragging rights is now the troll section, started it with the first thread lurkers beware

>> No.920748

Ally bank, I've also heard something about Charles Schwabb being good for that too

>> No.920749

capital one 360

>> No.920751


That's the one I was looking for, Ally! Thanks anons, anything better about Ally over Capital One 360 or vice versa?

>> No.920757

I've made it.
I shit post here to warn the foolish.

I don't think you guys realize that you aren't a band of brothers ... you'll literally fuck each other over at the first sign of a profit. You're acting like a bunch of bandits and should be treated as such.

>> No.920758

alphalle reporting in,

Still think we should've named the site "delirious biznasty"

Is okay though, gonna be lurking mostly, ready for the entrepreneur threads

>> No.920759

Thank you. End of fucking story.

>> No.920762

Can't help people without common sense.

>> No.920765

why are you even on biz then?

ally is changing rates soon. it's unknown whether low balance accounts will continue to receive the same rates

>> No.920766

Ok I think it will be easier to ask here, what topics do we want covered in their own boards

>> No.920769

I'm on /biz/ to provide actual business and investing advise. Not shilling a fucking penny stock.

>> No.920778

No one is shilling anything, it's the same exact discussion on the forum, we'll just have stickied info so there won't be a thousand get rich quick threads

>> No.920781

So what is the difference?
You are actually going to get a bunch of 20 somethings to put their money where their mouth is?

>> No.920789


>I'm over 30 so therefore I'm a grand wizard and everyone below 30 doesn't know what they're talking about, fuck the youth and all that nonsense

>> No.920791

That's exactly what I said.

> mfw I make over $500,000 a year
> mfw I own a company worth over 5 million doll hairs
> mfw my wife was a D1 college cheerleader
> mfw I'm literally only here to help you fuckers succeed in life.

>> No.920794
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> forgetting the pic

>> No.920797


>mfw I list my "achievements" with nothing to prove it
>mfw I expect others to automatically believe them
>mfw I think I'm teaching you guys something
>mfw my major is in women's studies
>mfw it's midnight eastern time and instead of boning my smoking hot "D1 cheerleader" I'm arguing on a foreign image board trying so hard to "help you fuckers succeed"
>mfw "I have no reason to lie"
>mfw I'm really on here because my children and wife hate me
>mfw I have no face

>> No.920798


> win.flv

>> No.920800

>dating a D1 cheerleader
>live in a beachfront in cali
>work on national level political campaigns
Yet you don't hear me being a pompous cunt about it do you?

>> No.920802


>boning my neighbor
>live in a shitfront house with a pool in FL, 90 minutes in any direction to get to the beach
>starting my new job next week selling timeshares to cucks

Yet you don't hear me lying about my life to seem impressive do you? (Not mocking you, mocking the 36 year old grand wizard)

yet you don't hear me trying to lie about it do you?

>> No.920804

Nice life. It actually doesn't sound too bad.

I haven't exaggerated a single point I've made on this thread.

>> No.920805

That last response was to you.

Sorry, I'm a bit drunk.

>> No.920807
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Yo, I know this is 4chan guys. But, I really would like to see the board be successful. I see a lot of fucking loose /b/tards and /pol/acks here like >>920797. Who gives a fuck if he's lying on the internet? It's up to you to listen to him or not.

I just want to see everyone on /biz/ make it ;_; I know only a small percentage of us will though because 4chan is cancer and we all just fight and compare dicks on the byzantine precious metal forum.

C-can't we all just get along and learn to make money and share information together?

>> No.920809


m8, if any of what you've written isn't a lie then why the scheckles are you lurking on this thread when you could bone your D1 cheerleader and then take a victory lap in a swimming pool of gold afterwards?

>I'll let you think that one through
>If your drinking some pussy drink I'm just gonna laugh even more, please don't tell me it's vodka

>> No.920810

I don't need people to suck my cock on this board. There's not a possible way for me to prove it without jeopardizing my privacy ... and you know it.

Take it or leave it man. I'm leaving this thread.

I love you guys ... we're all going to make it.

>> No.920812


I don't care whatsoever, I just have nothing better to do then shitpost back at him since no one else cares enough to reply to him but me.

>> No.920813

Barcardi and diet coke .. I'm on a cut.

4chan is the best man.

>> No.920814
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>> No.920816


I've actually heard diet coke + liquor gets you more buzzed then liquor + coke, don't know why. You lose points for the Bacardi, should've made it a dark liquor.

>Master race Hennesy reporting in
>"We're all going to make it" but I've already made it kek

>> No.920818

Lol. I didn't leave.

Barcardi has the lowest calories per shot ... so that's the deal with that.

Zyzz was a master. I'm just regurgitating lines.

>> No.920822


I know I'm not as old as you wise grand wizard but I can tell you didn't leave, no need to restate it.

Nothing wrong with Bacardi, I've drank it plenty of times I just feel like at the end of the day it's more of a feminine drink.

Feel free to start regurgitating your bank account information oh wise Wizard

>mfw I'm not even buzzed and I feel like the captcha verification keeps getting harder over the years, due to having to scroll down at just the right second to hit verify

>> No.920837

I love when you call me wizard. I'm a big mtg guy. My son and I play it.

My son models for target. Already 30k in his account. Hes only 6.

>> No.920857

>read a couple posts at the top about /biz/ stuff and general opinions about this /biz/ prediction site
>scroll to bot
>shitposting back and forth between two people about who is the best wizard and the merits of bacardi

never change /biz/

>> No.920866

Cause we actually got a legit site for stickied info and stuff

>> No.920914

We won't br 4chan for any longer

>> No.920915

Have ads bra just don't make them annoying pop ups

Have em up the top and bottom like 4chan

>> No.920916

Tingy here

>> No.920917

Make an ASX one plz
I'll be happy to ban all the shit posting aussie

>> No.921022

Won't be home today, (dinner +voting for election)

Anyways, I'll get back to your questions later

>> No.921074

I'm willing to mod. I was the original TBEV guy

>> No.921076

You're welcome for that ;)

>> No.921079


Hey, and alright, you're second in line, cuz we only have like 25 members and I'm waiting till 30 to get the next mod, then you'll be #40 mod, cool with you?

>> No.921081

Fair enough, I hope this board takes right the hell off man.

>> No.921087


Me too, we need something better than an anon board lol, at least now we can build some reputations

>> No.921091

We also need Harp to Stay Sharp

>> No.921179

Hear guy here! I'm excited to just have a few like minded individuals, I don't mind if it doesn't explode with a bunch of trolls. But once our success gets out there you can bet it will grow

>> No.921220


It'll grow but we'll have the mods active to kick off trolls

>> No.921237
File: 11 KB, 222x227, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stoked! I'm working on adding content now.

>> No.921267

Stoked! I'm working on building a trolling personality now.

Looking forward to working with you fellas, good luck!

>> No.921461

There are too many boards on the site right now for such a small community

Would it perhaps be a good idea to combine some boards until the community warrants separate boards?

For example:
>All 4 boards under "Real estate" could become one board
>All 3 boards under "Career discussions" could become one "Career discussions" board
>All boards under "Entrepreneurship" become one board
>"Passive income" board goes under the "Entrepreneurship" category instead of its own group

What do you think?
IMO, it's better to have fewer boards with more activity than a bunch of slow boards. Helps keep the community consolidated.

>> No.921579

Honestly this.

I like the idea of Canada section ( I even suggested it) but it might be more efficient to just create an international subforum by country [Canada, Australia, Japan, Zimbabwe] OR just have people put the country name in the thread to allow for easy searching under one international forum.

Also I plan on doing some writing on credit cards, most of my info heavily plagiarized like the DRIP stuff. I'd like for us to be able to compare banks by country and credit cards to help everyone get a better deal.

As I'm Canada I'll be shilling the fuck out of TD Canada Trust for people who have $5000+

>> No.921580


>You must wait 24 seconds before posting a reply

>> No.921591

agree completely, way too many boards on the website.

>> No.921619


>> No.921717

made an account and thread, I'm trying here m8

>> No.921723

found this website www.sunn.io if you guys are looking for funding sources. you can post your ideas or startup on teher

>> No.921727

Someone hurry up and join, I'm modded at 40

>> No.921728

I really think it should be able to be viewed by Guests w/o having to sign up

>> No.921741

I agree 100%

>> No.921744

I also agree

>> No.921746

Yeah, we're still consolidating and formatting.
It's not finished yet

>> No.921762

Don't try to make this a secret club it will only fail if you do

>> No.921768

We just want a complimentary forum for /biz/ that will act as both a sticky and a place for more permanent, substantive information and resources

>> No.921781

Check out /fa/ /fit/ stickies .... that is what we are aiming for but due to the nature of /biz/ immediate news we need the external 'site' as forum

>> No.921811

I don't see why a wiki wouldn't work. /fa/ and /g/ both have wikis, the /fit/ sticky is basically a wiki but since fitness isn't as broad of a subject, it just needs one page. Forums tend to deteriorate into shitposts, hiveminding, and dick sucking even with proper moderation.

Setup a wiki with introductions to different industries/concepts (Trading, Affiliate Marketing, Entrepreneurship, All types of investments, Choosing a Major, etc - Basically an FAQ of /biz/) and let people ask questions/discuss on /biz/ itself.

>> No.921843

I wouldn't be opposed to this, bouncing between sites may end up getting to me after a while.One thing we do need is some sort of centralized info repository

>> No.921858


>> No.921909

wiki is best idea

>> No.921942

Do you need any graphical/logo work done?

just tell me what you want and what size it has to be and ill make it

>> No.921951
File: 66 KB, 500x500, 10-Pcs-White-Non-Latex-Teeth-Whitening-Lip-and-Cheek-Retractors-Dental-Orthodontic-Rubber-Dam-Mouth[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe something this?

>> No.921953

I'm down....Bump

>> No.921979

Did this happen?

>> No.921982

You're a good soul OP, but most of this need could be fulfilled with a good comprehensive sticky with a FAQ and recommended reading list.

>> No.921987

Flobberchops in the house

>> No.921999


>> No.922043

Look at this guy's new post. And you fuckers just tell me I'm an old wizard.

>> No.922050

I run my own hosting company on the side, and I would be more than happy to accomodate this site on my servers.

>> No.922391


we cant host it on another site i think, proboards doesn't allow it lol (read this, AFTER i made it) :(

most we can do is link a domain to our site, which proboards charges $14/year for

>> No.922392

The site has been completely re-designed, check it out now, it's really good, and its blue


>> No.922404

The only thing I want to fix is the two economic calendars on the stock speculation board
I have no idea how to make them on 1 level

Great setup though

>> No.922407


hmm ill look into that right now, maybe you could create a new custom page and put that on there?

actually it seems like something important to have access too, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

idk, lets leave that for now and see what else we can tune

>> No.922452

>have to sign up to view posts
>pretentious rules (and administration, presumably)
>most active discussion is on the meta board
This is hilariously awful. Not gonna make it. Wiki is a better option.

>> No.922453
File: 914 KB, 1280x720, suicide is no joke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the /biz/ness
i like it already

>> No.922463

Join kik group 4chanbiz

>> No.922466


2-3 days in, and we're basically done with site functionality, just gotta add loads of content from content sources and our own sources now

I'd say we're doing pretty well so far, mr YMMUJveo.

>> No.922472
File: 315 KB, 900x1200, rakkauskettune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad idea

1. /biz/ is one of the lowest traffic board. there is a reason for that. most people are poor as fuck, especially young people. they dont have money to invest so they lack interest in money and investing in general

2. there are thousands of better "biz" forums out there with some real professionals putting up daily updates, forecasts etc.

>> No.922474
File: 243 KB, 1200x800, file31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people at biz represent the few percent of 20-35 year olds who actually have some money

if you want a forum, even a fuckin pokemon forum will generate more traffic and possibly add income than a finance forum

>> No.922479

>> mfw my wife was a D1 college cheerleader
does that mean she's dtf or something?

>> No.922485

kek what

>> No.922498

>Only works if you know how to spell though and you don't come off as a scrub.

you have a point, but I'm not giving up the combination of dank anon memes and actual information about finance/money/business/markets

>> No.922513

Fun fact, I am currently developing an app for the exact same thing. It won't be released for a while but it should be /biz/ fully reloaded in a unique way.

>> No.922524
File: 128 KB, 579x523, 6593430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Historically I would say you would be right, but with the introduction of the Robinhood app and the momentum they are experiencing I can totally see the younger crowed growing. Especially once /biz/ninjas begin sharing their wins.

/biz/ninja essentially is the first wave of the younger crowd looking to learn and dabble at investing. Younger ppl and "real profesionals" wouldnt work well together because "real profesionals" expect real compensation.

We offer free critisim, free knowledge, you invest what you can when you want. Besides they dont have sweet meems and pepe

> http://fortune.com/2015/03/12/robinhood-investing-app/

>> No.922817



>sweet meems and pepe

pepe rules

pepe for president

el pepe trumpina 2016

>> No.922822

We need a wiki. Every other site has a sticky with a wiki in it. Why not /biz/?

>> No.922828

cause this board isn't really about anything, it was just made to contain the buttcoin and dogecoin threads on /g/

>> No.922830


Check www.bizninja.boards.net

It's the unofficial biz wiki

You have to sign up though

>> No.922977

And it has evolved to a board about investing, financial advice and dank pepes

>> No.922987

I'll sign up later today
Only terrifying part is the sign up part

>> No.923389


haha how is it terrifying?


>> No.923611

I'll dream with a Latin american section. Latin american section, pl0x.

>> No.923615

Just start a thread

>> No.923799

> one thing we can say 4Chan is good at quickly finding out news before it hits the general public. I think we just need start making an effort in citing sources, troll attempts without sources can be weeded out quickly if we can't verify claims

Checked for truth. Even if it's just a URL to some dumbfuck on stocktwits, it could still be timely. Sauce is important to post.