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9224025 No.9224025 [Reply] [Original]

Is it wrong for me to try and help my friends get into Crypto even though most of them are completely ignorant and refuse my advice.

How will all the Naysayers feel when we are proven right. Do you think they will envy us. Should all of us early Crypto investors stick together and form our own enclave. What should we do when we make it

>> No.9224031
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>implying they will ever learn

>> No.9224055


Sadly most people are to ignorant and will only learn once it's to late.

>> No.9224108

My friends are as usual looking at this and thinking it's a waste thanks to the media and other stuff. So they think hey he's a dumbass looking to lose his money. Now I just go yup I most likely will and if I do so be it. I have money in other investments they arent aware of. I wanted to help but they refuse to even put $10 into bitcoin so fuck it they can deal with it if proven wrong.

That's even what broke me wanting to bother convincing them to get in on it or put just a bit aside.

I have 2 friends I talk with about crypto alot. One as mentioned refuses to put even 10$ in so I wrote him off cuz he'll drop money on dumb ass shit but wont invest in his future.

The second wont invest because his wife wont let him since she thinks they have far more important things to put money into. Yeah I had convinced him get in on it and his wife nixed it cuz that's a waste of money. Even tho he knows i'm right or is fairly sure i'm right he let his wife nix the investments cuz she said so.

Wrote them both off and now just update them here and there but dont care what they think. Some people just dont want to take risks and while I don't blame them I have a mindset of no risk no reward.

>> No.9224172

If you were an "early crypto investor" you would have already made it.

>> No.9224369
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wtf did i just read i hope youre fucking joking lmaao
if not then kys, you had ONE job and it's not telling anyone about your crypto and now you write this article about telling everyone you're in crypto and keeping them updated and all in fucking reddit spacing my eyes are bleeding lmaao thanks for that anon you made my day

>> No.9224377

sure, investors in the past year aren't early across the history of crypto so far but are still early in the grand scheme of things.

crypto isn't used for anything yet, but when coins start showing real value or are tied to commodities like bandwidth then they will really explode. There's an estimated $32 trillion held offshore across the world, and we've seen governments recently start cracking down (for example panama papers). When they see some more mature cryptos it will be seen as another avenue to store this immeasurable wealth.

this asset class has a long way to go

>> No.9224424

Whats wrong with telling your friends about crypto investments?

>> No.9224434

normies are stupid Hurr Durr i spend money at da casino and $$$ on alcohol and shit ricer cars. Invest for my future fuck dat!

Then they see you accumlate wealth, pay off a house and accumlate more wealth. Oh hey bro can you give us a loan since your so rich or can u teach me the ways of invest ill give u my money and u make me money derp.

>> No.9224532

not just your friends, nobody. not your family, not strangers, and most importantly not your girl. it's all fun if you say "hah, i put 100$ into BTC" but as soon as they know you have hundrets of thousands in crypto currencies, everything changes.

>> No.9224619

normies are poor bitter fucking losers and deserve the miserable lives they lead. not even trying to be edgy, i tried for a long time to help people but they just resent you for it.

fuck em all, take care of yourself and if your lucky enough to meet some real friends let them join you on the way

>> No.9224752

it's called double spacing and has been called double spacing for decades longer than plebbit has been around. I would suggest the kys retort like you but nah you can learn from this.

And crypto is not exactly a secret anon so drop that stupid act right now.

Hey look i'm double spacing again while talking about crypto I do hope you're triggered by this like a weak lil plebbit boy would be.

Another pathetic uneducated underage talking about plebbit and thinking I care about his personal opinions for his life on how crypto is handled. Thanks for that anon you made my day

>> No.9225043


Anon, I only got back in a year ago. One more bull run (easily this year from Goldman etc pumping it before they dump on normie 401ks etc) and I'm able to retire. So fuck the "early adopter" meme - it's a load of shit. This is like 1996 in the Internet boom - yeah it's not the beginning but hakf the economy isn't running on it, most projects are beta stage at best and it's tiny compared to other markets.

And no, I don't tell anyone to buy anymore, I don't need the grief. I mentioned that I'd bought Ripple at 20c and sold at $3 to my Father in law. Dumb boomer fuck runs straight off and market buys at the top of the ATH. Never again.

>> No.9225077


Yeah, this is good advice. My wife knows (bit hard to hide it when your bank accounts are linked) and everyone else has been a pita.

>> No.9225157

>t. Shrill, conceited tone, dripping with fedora despite claiming to not be a plebbitor.

Go back. You're obvious as fuck basedboy.


Yeah, truth. Holy fuck the "I'll give you my money" one gets me. I'm not a fucking bank, I don't want that responsibility. I take huge gambles that pay off, but I know how to bet smart. But I can't try to explain how to do that (not to a normie anyway), or if I fuck up just go "Yeah, 10k down. All good, next pump we'll drop the bags and grab something else" and think they aren't going to shit themselves.

>> No.9225515

Don’t discuss your finances with other people

>> No.9225618

These are exactly what most people who hold lots of crypto would tell you too. Stop being a retard, and don’t assume other people’s holdings from what they tell you. I would say something very similar if you would ask me. Wife doesn’t want us to invest, what is btc, isn’t crypto a scam, stuff like that.
Don’t be that guy who has his cards in the open.

>> No.9225636

>politely told friends about crypto early 2017
>they brush it off
>bring it up one more time summer 2017
>they repeat mainstream FUD
>I retired this spring
>some friends jealous some tell me I’ll be homeless soon

It’s not even worth telling them I made it

>> No.9225659

I honestly cannot wait for that "I told you so" moment. I am going to be so fucking smug 10/10 smug

>> No.9225720

Don’t do that. Just go about your business and if someone asks, say your investments went well. Be secretly smug if you must