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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 126 KB, 1000x667, 3x2-feet-ISRAEL-National-FLAG-Jewish-Star-Magen-David-Israeli-Country-90-60cm-for-Festival-Banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9223208 No.9223208 [Reply] [Original]

A reminder that the jews are celebrating right now for creating a yet another Bitcoin crash by hindering adoption and splitting its supporters. Another 5 years of reign over the financial system is guaranteed. Don't be mistaken however, by the time cryptos do get mainstream adoption, they have already infiltrated the new space as well.


>> No.9223288

BTC is literally enabling those parasites to take control over it.
Switch to BCH already.

>> No.9223302

fuck off corecuck

>> No.9223537
File: 269 KB, 2048x1352, 1524499156404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9223770


>> No.9223788

get out of here /pol/ack

>> No.9223812

god damn it, can someone fix this image? one dove should be flipped towards the BCH logo and that BTC logo isn't inside the game - it's behind it.

>> No.9223836

you're really dense if you think that BTC or cryptos are going to "challenge" the NWO. Cryptos are part of their plan for a one world currency, you really don't believe this? You don't actually think that BTC caught ((them)) off guard do you? But then again you probably think that trump is legitimately against the NWO too (LOL)

go back to pol dude and take your anti-semitic crap with you

>> No.9223869

absolutely fucking delusional.

you don't get it. BTC won; it is the defacto liquidity tool for all alts. It's only use case happened only because it was first and maintained its branding. There's no replacing it. The only thing that will knock BTC off its ass is when the rest of the alts get their own fiat pairing, and the only thing that will do is make BTC redundant.

BTC was a proof of concept that took off due to first mover advantage; it has no use otherwise. Bcash is a copy of a proof of concept, making it a copy of something already useless. Why the fuck would anyone hold cashie bags?

>> No.9223936

BCH-s purpose is to claim the BTC "brand" while being an actually useable currency.
Since most people only know Bitcoin, that will be the first thing they buy and thus give it value.

>> No.9223970

yes fuck blockstream and their kike masters

>> No.9224019

no nigga they're celebrating by putting shit on fire
smoke everywhere
hate these fucking holidays

>> No.9224021

without blockstream, I think we would be much further along with adoption by now and we also would have avoided the spawnage of so many alts

>> No.9224046

Salty corecuck is afraid of BCH because he knows BCH is about to have its own token system which will require exchanges to offer pairings, this will lead to more adoption and utility and thus more pairings with existing shitcoins until bcore is sidelined because it is expensive, slow and useless.

>> No.9224071

/biz/ is a colony of /pol/. Always has been, and always will be.

>> No.9224079

Fuck you faggot, why are you even here? Ran out of foreskins to mutilate?

>> No.9224173

It's more likely that aliens control the earth than the jews.

that meme is not funny.
t. not shlomo goldenstein

>> No.9224499

It won't work. The BCH hardcore are heavily ancap leaning and also now heavily vaccinated to any kind of subversion from the original vision. The attack failed and any new one will be seen coming before it gets any momentum at all.

>> No.9225215


as it should be