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9223185 No.9223185 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I get an Anarcho-capitalist girlfriend?

>> No.9223212

You'd have to leave your parents house first.

>> No.9223223

I hear you can pick them up in sudan

>> No.9223226
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Right here bby ;p

>> No.9223236

probably in a 3rd world shithole

>> No.9223237

but sudan is one of the most government controlled economies on earth

>> No.9223251
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>probably in a 3rd world shithole
How the fuck does this make any sense you brainlet?
All of those third world shitholes are heavily controlled by states.
Even somalia.

>> No.9223342

What are you going to do? Brag to her about how ((intelligent)) and ((logical)) you are? Yeah, at first there’ll be the honeymoon period where you discuss your favorite topic and the arrogance of “its you and me against the world, babe.”
But, as soon as she one-ups you, you break her down. When she starts calling you abusive, you say you’re just being ((logical)).
Inevitably, a girl who is into this philosophy will be intelligent and lacks empathy. She may even become rebellious because “you can’t tell me what to do,” on top of being emotionally manipulative and wildly unstable - as are all non-normie gfs.
You soon realize you got more than you asked for. Your fantasy REALLY meant that you wanted to show off how intelligent you are, and discuss things with your girlfriend, maybe even advocate some changes together. You fail to be aware of how human nature really is, and in the end you’re more compatible with a girl who is less intelligent (so as not to frighten your ego), who is nurturing and agreeable.
I love these “where can I find a ____ gf” posts because the OP is so often unself-aware.

>> No.9223524
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I just want a girl I can relate to, is it that hard?

>> No.9223590
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I'm gay and a free market white nationalist.
Can I be your gf?

>> No.9223700

The reason you don’t have a gf is because there is something wrong with you. You are using the excuse, “she needs to relate to me,” but you are missing the big picture: you don’t want a gf who relates to you, because your hobby is exactly what repels all females.

>> No.9223744

Why do you need ideology to relate? Do you consider yourself incapable of being compatible with another human via any other means?

>> No.9223756

Women don't give half a fuck about hobbies. A anarcho-capitalist chad would be as successful as any other chad.

>> No.9223804

Sorry I meant anarchy-capitalist in place of hobby. Imagine this, a little boy is saying he wants to stab all roasties in the eyes. Then he asks for a gf who could relate. Then he feels lonesome.
This is what I mean about your philosophy, it’s not going to happen. Even the most handsome, sociable chad with a philosophy like that will never find a girlfriend who can “relate.”

>> No.9223813

women see men as nothing but objects
and the only question they ask themselves is..
>can this object provide me utility?
women do not consider men human beings, it's why they have no qualms mentally abusing them

>> No.9223870
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>tfw there isnt a single way you can relate to another human being

>> No.9223874
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>heavily controlled

>> No.9223900

Women are anarcho capitalist for sex and socialist for all the rest.

>> No.9223912
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There are few things else that could be relatable when you have basically no hobbies and have made your living off crypto-currencies.
Why do you equate voluntaryism with wanting to stab people? Go be a statist somewhere else please, you're the ones who actually want to stab, shoot and cage people for not doing what you like.

>> No.9223916

cantwell is that you?

also, no gays in the ethnostate

>> No.9223935

>government doesn't enforce the free market
>this is somehow the free markets problem

also it's a good thing that union cucks got rekt
If you support unions you shouldn't be on this board desu

>> No.9223949
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I wanted this for ages until I realized trying to find a girl who agrees with you politically is like falling for the gamer girl meme
like the other anon said, find an actual girl who's caring and compassionate rather than a clone of yourself with a vagina

Idk how you're supposed to talk to normies or relate to other people though

avoid girls with BPD bi-polar disorder or anything of that sort because you will want to cut your dick off

>> No.9223956

cantwell has heavy autism and is cringe as fuck

>ryan faulk isn't allowed in the ethnostate
come on now

>> No.9223959

>not getting an anarcho-syndicalist gf


>> No.9223969

>lets have our entire lives controlled by the mob
yeah no thanks
democracy is a scam
and workers democracy is even more retarded
have fun with your poverty

>> No.9223979


No need to cut your dick off. Because they'll do it for you.

>> No.9223980

>government doesnt enforce the free market
lol wut are u ancap or not

>> No.9224002

>lets have our entire lives controlled by the mob

How do you think anarcho-capitalism would work? What stops the (((mob))) from taking hold there? Where is your power to stop them?

>> No.9224009

I would settle for a libertarian gf.. Mine is not even against taxation

>> No.9224017

>lol wut are u ancap or not
no, minarchist

but I'll defend their position on this,
in those countries there is a monopoly on law and this monopoly on law does a piss poor job and allows companies to violate the NAP

if there was polycentric law this shit wouldn't happen

>How do you think anarcho-capitalism would work?
polycentric law, worked quite well before

>> No.9224036

you know ancaps dont believe in any state right?
why are you talking about state laws in defence of ancap?

>> No.9224065

>polycentric law

Ahh so you get to throw in pie in the sky justifications that somehow make your system work but nobody else can. Let me just a priori say your system wont work the way you do!

>> No.9224083
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girls are to fug m8 use ur friends to relate

>> No.9224127

>you know ancaps dont believe in any state right?
yes, but they believe in law.
You have no idea what anarcho-capitalism is.

>Ahh so you get to throw in pie in the sky justifications that somehow make your system work
Ancap was actually tried and quite successful before.
I'm just telling you what happened historically.

>> No.9224147


>> No.9224163

hobbies and means of procuring money are not the only things that allows people to feel kinship. Learn to banter.

>> No.9224183

There's a chance that if a Chad had a hobby consisting of gouging womens eyes out, he'd still have a devoted female following. Just as the jailed serial killers do.

>> No.9224203

>ancap was actually tried and quite successful before

And so were strings of anarcho-syndicalism/anarcho socialism. Do you think something working means its a good thing? Things can work in spite of the system as has been shown many times in history throughout. Try thinking a little deeper than
>This system worked in this case
>Therefore this system is good

>> No.9224211

>raw statements without reasoning

>> No.9224239

>And so were strings of anarcho-syndicalism/anarcho socialism
those weren't successful
lmao catalonia was a violent authoritarian shithole

>> No.9224252
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Buy one

>> No.9224350

>they believe in law
they dont believe in statist law

>> No.9224370

Good job evading the point. Also do you think Catalonia was the only example? Keep in mind how many attempts were stomped by invading forces.

Also lets go the other route, if something working is indicative of it being good in your mind, then something not working should be indicative of it being bad. How do you reconcile the failure of anarcho-capitalism in Somalia? I mean they even have many factors of your polycentric law there lol

>> No.9224456

Do you want a dog you can relate to? Other entities are not you. Stop buying the central lie of this era that we are all the same. We are absolutely not. We are very different. And that's alright because you can choose what you allow into your life.
Except for the state, which we are already in the process of destroying so no worries.

>> No.9224462

>Also do you think Catalonia was the only example?
paris commune and a few other shitholes that lasted a week lol

>How do you reconcile the failure of anarcho-capitalism in Somalia?
Wow and to think I thought you were actually trying to avoid strawman arguments.
somalia is basically a bunch of small states and warlords running specific areas
polycentric law means different law forces within the same area competing for the services of consumers

again, I'm NOT even an ancap anyway

>> No.9224467

yes, that's what women do all the time

>> No.9224502

Oh i'm so excited to finally be able to use this


You ancap kids are cute.

>> No.9224546

LMAO I keep telling you I'm not an ancap.
I just want a small government and a free market.

I KNOW what ancap is and you clearly don't.
It's so hilarious when you brainlets pretend a statist shithole is ancap because you don't like it when examples of ancap working EXTREMELY SUCCESSFULLY like the american midwest in 1700s/1800s, medieval iceland and medieval ireland prove you wrong.

>> No.9224639

as well as yourself

>> No.9224644


you have to buy one with your bitcoin on the deep web

>> No.9224653


>> No.9224667

Wow and anarcho-communism worked really well in 50000 BCE! I guess we should restructure our society in that way since it worked when things were totally different huh? Like jesus christ I can't believe people actually think that "Oh this worked at some point(lets not think about when it didnt work) so that means its good". Please think more than 2 seconds about your ideology.

>> No.9224712

I don't think either of you are right, but damn; moving the goalposts that hard

You mad

>> No.9224715

>having ideologies and admitting that any mental models of the world are in most likeliness inaccurate

>> No.9224766

come here, let me tell you why you will never get a gf:
>Why do you equate voluntaryism with wanting to stab people?
Missing the point I am saying your ideology is unfavorable to gf's; generalization and magnification; classic in abusive partners. You are also distorting the original message to make yourself look better.
>being confronted with a different idea
>sarcastically belittles immediately
>acts intelligent and superior, rather than an equal for bants and exploring ideas
>uses extremes
>cherry picks facts to appear superior
I'm not going to get into "ancap" but based on your personality alone, i'm telling you, it's not going to work out. Your outlook is flawed to begin with, and now your personality is shit too.

What I mean by maximization is, imagine your gf forgets to put away the dishes. You'll come home, and say:
>You are EXTREMELY messy.
>You are an IDIOT. I would NEVER be as stupid as you.
>You should just listen to what I say because I'm more intelligent than you.

>> No.9224894
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I also want this kind of GF.

>> No.9224911

good grief she sounds like a doormat slave.

>> No.9224984
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>> No.9225003

>Where can I find an Ancap girlfriend?
>You will never get a gf
You're moving the goalpost because you're pathetic and struggling to attack us. Fuck off commie, go and get a job instead of bootlicking.

I will unironically pay all my remaining buttcorns after paying bills to have this

>> No.9225033

The fuck does that even mean, moving the goal post?
Name calling, being extreme. Again, girl repellent. Every chad I know is easy-going. You will receive trailer trash if any low quality girl is willing to settle for a mentally unhinged brat like you. Which makes sense, the above image of a doormat slave girl is exactly the kind of mentally damaged girl who will settle for you. Enjoy your rocky relationship r-tard. Try not to get your dick cut off, sweetie.

>> No.9225132
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>a-ancaps d-don't have girlfriends
>y-youre n-name calling!
Ironic. That is your entire argument, you are just a statist cuck who wants more of your money stolen because thats what cucks like. Cuck.

>> No.9225151

i like doormats

>> No.9225398

Have you ever seen a movie made more than 50 years ago? That is how normal women are supposed to act, you brainwashed cuck.
The only people who assume real femininity, the kind you can only see now in enclaves, foreign countries and old movies, has anything to so with "subservience" or "power" are Marxist retards who could not possibly understand a happy male-female dynamic because they have been hopelessly indoctrinated by a dying system.

>> No.9225652

>ancaps distilled

>> No.9225819
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>> No.9226359

There are some traps on r/anarcho_capitalism
I don't believe an actual biological ancap girl exists

>> No.9226557

I'd be your ancap trap gf if you paid for my estrogen and cypro

>> No.9226783
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Dont invest resources in a woman who doesn't have the same values as you, considering you're an ancap it'll probably be a while.

>> No.9227094

OP soon:
>I'm going to BE the gf

>> No.9227172


Lol so true