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9222796 No.9222796 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you need a degree for a job when everything can be learned on the job?

>> No.9222849

>what is rent seeking

google it.

>> No.9222868
File: 1.56 MB, 268x310, 687474~1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because there is a thousand poorfrags out there who willing to get that position in your company, become your salve and a shit ton of money for you. So how do you know which one is the one gonna make profitable to choose.That why there's sth like degree to help you choose the best slave out of the poorfrags.

But all of that is nothing when Link hit 1000k in the next years and we all become billionaire and wont to worry about fucking degree or job s anyways

>> No.9222874

degrees are competency filters for jobs that everyone wants, lawyers, doctors, engineers

>> No.9222897

Only a small amount of people have the dexterity to become top class surgeons. Why prevent those people becoming surgeons if they are bad at chemistry? Which does happen.

>> No.9222908

well, degrees do show that you have staying power and can work on a project over several years. they also provide evidence that you may have some intelligence.
it is also kind of an initiation to the joyous world of work. employers want you to go through the same miserable process they went through, because they are scum.

>> No.9222909

wtf is a produce engineer?

jeez they really devalued that title didnt they

>> No.9222918

because even if you are 'bad' at chemistry, if you are competent you will succeed in it anyway. Maybe not at post grad level, but certainly undergrad.

>> No.9222951

Nice, what a great feeling to be operated by a brain surgeon who was previously a moderator on a western mongolian panty sniffing forum and now 'learning on the job'.

>> No.9222996

There's way more to being a surgeon than dexterity. Also, a degree arms the surgeon with the ability to crosscheck, to some degree, the work done by others on his team and catch basic errors others might miss. Btw, high paying jobs aren't jus high paying because they require time investment--they involve liability if shit hits the fan. A degree prevents candidates from pleading ignorance if something goes wrong...ie, a CPA accidentally makes an illegal filing, he can't say he shouldn't be held liable because he doesn't know how to do business taxes and has only ever done govt accpunting or something.

Without liability and responsibility, the CPA would be a bookkeeper or clerk, the doctor a med tech, etc.. to have liability, they must have proof of knowledge to earn responsibility, thus the degree requirement

>> No.9223040

You don't have to get a law degree and pass the bar to be a representative actually. Law degrees/law school is a giant racket, the king of all liberal arts degrees

>> No.9223057

no one is bad at chemistry if they have the iq necessary to be a top class surgeon.
but if they hate chemistry that much they can do something else

>> No.9223113

In America, yes, you don't need a law degree technically.

But no one will hire you. I have a law degree from one of the top Law schools in Australia, and I can tell you, it is fucking hard. You learn a shit-tonne of problem solving skills, and interpersonal skills (assuming you do the degree properly and do extra-curriculars like mooting).

I turned down a career in Com. Law to do IT consulting though.

>> No.9223175

A degree is the equivalent of quality control for employees.
Sure, you could learn everything on the job, but the degree is what makes me think you are able to learn it.

>> No.9223191

>literally using Yotsuba B as your resume font/colors


>> No.9223206

btw the answer to your question OP is government control of the educational system

>> No.9223209

Because no one wants to hear
>hello sir! I just got accepted today into this position as a cardiothoracic surgeon, I'll try to answer your question but I might have to consult a colleague if that's okay!

>> No.9223239
File: 35 KB, 399x386, 1426815422177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blue background
>printed on white paper
You lost so many job opportunities on this alone. That's the kind of pranks you'd see on youtube.

>> No.9223250

>physicians do not require a thorough understanding of chemistry
>understanding which pharmaceutical compounds you prescribe to patients and why, and which effects they have isn't important
Idk where you live m8 but in the dutch caiphate medicine has 3 super important courses. anatomy, physiology and pharmacology. The latter two do require knowledge about chemistry.

>> No.9223309

Selecting a good employee requires more than knowledge. College degree shows me that you're able to work with other people, obey rules and complete tasks before deadline.

>> No.9223660

you can represent yourself or anyone of your choosing can represent you
GTFO lawyers and judges are criminals